Whats your batting percentage for ONS?


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
Curious as to what is your average for getting the lay when you head home with a girl from a pub / club. This includes when you go back to a house afterwards as a group for an after party and you isolate a girl at that party.

Myself, I'm a disappointing .300
Is this a normal percentage (30%)?
I have noticed a common theme with nights where it didn't happen. I have never managed a ONS when I've ended up on a couch with the girl. This happened to me again last weekend. Girls (for me) never want to take off any clothes when sleeping on a couch. Anyone else encounter this problem?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
Any girl that comes to my place from the club is a "game on". I have so far had three ONS which i can recall. Two at my place and the other at her place. I don't ever remember bringing a woman home and never escalating. Assume attraction when you bring her to your place.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 18, 2005
Reaction score
well, I do try to do that :) Its not by choice. In every case Amoka, I do try for the close. Was more just curious about whether other people are doing a lot better at this than me. For instance, if you see say two girls and two guys head off to a house after a club, you would assume that they're both getting the lay. In my experience, thats often not being the case.


New Member
Aug 13, 2009
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with my experiance every girl that you take back to yours or she invites around to hers is game. you have already set the president by allowing the interaction to escalate to a state where they want to be on there own with you.

2 scenarios

1. at yours.

move the topic towards sex quickley, and start power flirting and use a lot of touch as they become more comfortable. you can folow up witha massage or whatever you think off to highten there senses and want to engage with you physicaly.

2. at hers

a good way i have found is to ask them to takeyou on a tour of there place, 8-9 out of 10 the last place they will takeyou is the bedroom.
once there you just start power flirting. i try to ground myself in this situation by sitting on the bed etc and then yu can move from there.

i have not been at this at all long but this is the experiance that i have had when i was not aware of my game.

i now know why i got laid on those times and why i failed at others.
the problem is the nice guy mentality we all have, not wanting to offend etc.. breaking through that i can see why i sucseeded and why i failed. more times than not a fail.

now its diferent.