Whats this girl playin at?

The North Dragon

Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
Was at a house party last night with loads of people and this girl that i used to text was there.

We used to text a while back but that was it. I was a virigin when we met n struggled to have sex due to anxiety so we never progressed far. She found another guy n been with him for 3 years. We stayed  mutual for a while but was mainly on/off.

Last night was th first time we spoke in a while and she was really flirty with me despite still being with th same boy. She said things like' i find it hard we dont talk anymore etc. mainly because my ex deleted her from facebook becoz of jealousy.

So at th party she pulled me aside and was talking for hours about how much she respects me, thinks highly of me, misses we dont talk, asked how i'am doing, thinks we still have something there, still have some chemistry between us. I dont know if this was drink talking ? However she was cuddlin into me, holding my hand, kissed me on th cheek then asked to kiss her on the lips and i did. She pulled away after that and sighed deeply as if she wanted to keep it progressing.

Throughout th night friends disturbed us and she kept taken me to private places to talk. I didnt tell her how i felt becoz i didnt want her to have me by the balls so to speak. I just played it cool th whole night and she stayed by my side majority of th night until her bf came to pick her up. I also asked how they were gettin on n she never really answered so i left it at that?

I stil have feelings for this girl n wud love to be able to get a proper chance now that i have more exp and they way she came off last night has really got my hopes up. I know i shouldnt because shes still taken.


Master Don Juan
Dec 19, 2010
Reaction score
Call her up and ask her to come to the crib.

If she declines then keep it moving. If she does then make a move on her then and there. Plain and simple stuff.


Man instead of talking, you should have been getting it on. This girl was giving you the biggest green light going and you're still at the traffic lights thinking it's red.

It's dodgy ground getting involved with a taken women, there are some nut cases fella's knocking about who would try and kick your backside into touch for getting it on with 'their woman', so be careful.

I wouldn't bother if I was you as you're heading down a slipperly slope and if this girl is able to do this to her current boyfriend then she has the ability to do it to all boyfriends and that includes you (if you were to make that fatal mistake).


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
You should be proud of yourself for sticking with your morals. It sounds like she wants out of the rela - if you're into her enough to want an instant girlfriend you can pursue it... Otherwise it might not be a good idea.

The North Dragon

Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
I know it doesnt sound like good to pursue this but i feel like we did have something but the sex wasnt there but that was down to me.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
she obviously still has feelings for you and wants to fvck your brain out. She took you to private places even when her friends were around! WHY DIDNT YOU ACT ?! She was making the move, you didnt have to do **** but initiate the next move . Anyway do what AJ said, call her up and if she doesnt want to hook up then forget her.


Master Don Juan
Apr 19, 2002
Reaction score
Manhattan, NY
The North Dragon said:
I know it doesnt sound like good to pursue this but i feel like we did have something but the sex wasnt there but that was down to me.
If you want to f**k her, then go for it.

Don't try to convince yourself that some girl who's drunkenly hooking up with you at a house party behind the back of her bf of 3 years is going to be girlfriend material.

I can already tell, you're thinking relationship. Too much "feelings" talk and not enough "f**king" talk.

The North Dragon

Don Juan
May 4, 2012
Reaction score
When we first met yeah i wanted a relationship. Now tho i aint so sure, she does seem bad news. I thought she was for real but still i wasnt gonna be th guy she cheated with. To much hassle. Looks like i have ways to go with women.


The North Dragon said:
When we first met yeah i wanted a relationship. Now tho i aint so sure, she does seem bad news. I thought she was for real but still i wasnt gonna be th guy she cheated with. To much hassle. Looks like i have ways to go with women.
We all have ways to go with women, if we didn't then we wouldn't be posting here. Look I'm against pranging another man's woman because of all the hassle it can bring, but if you want to, then go for it. However, don't ever think this woman is relationship material. Any woman ready to cheat on her boyfriend is not a quality woman, no matter how beautiful she is or how nice she comes across. A wh*re is a Wh*re, regardless of how she presents herself!


The North Dragon said:
Excellent point. Would never have looked at it that way.
That's what this forum is all about my friend. You'll get all kinds of differing perspectives and opinions on here, some are eye-openers, for sure. :)