What's the best gaming method which works for you?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
I want you all to just lay down your gaming methods in this thread so that all the newbies can actually follow any style they want. All the Don Juans on this forum who have swallowed the Red Pill post your GAME here. Even I would get to learn some new things.

How would you approach a girl? Talk to her? Bang her etc!


Master Don Juan
Jun 14, 2014
Reaction score
Right behind you
My time is more valuable than yours so don't play games with me. No bullsh!t. I would rarely ever initiate. In fact, I'm basically always ghost hahaha. Focused on increasing my knowledge, strength, athleticism, etc. Except if it is like a party scene. Then I'm usually so fvcking energetic and fun to be around. But then again, club game is a piece of cake to me.

I usually don't think about gaming women either. I just NATURALLY do stuff that would cause them to like me. Actively trying to game her though, I would just ignore her and talk to everyone else till she gets insecure. Then when no one is around, I play my ace and become ever so charming and fun.

Damm, I can't tell you how many different ways I play the game. I don't consciously think about it anymore........ The thing is, there is no ONE CERTAIN WAY to get a girl. There are many different ways, so I guess this is a good thing.

The best way I can explain myself is to be natural. Don't think, just do. No filter on what you say, the do's and don't's of social dynamics are just common sense because you make the rules, just be. Don't think. I can't explain it too well so sorry about that, but just be who you want to be without trying. That's it.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
A$$hole game/amused mastery with heavy banter that usually involves double blind c+f questions so she qualifies herself and has a good laugh. Once frame is established then it's kino, a bit of vulnerability game/rapport followed by a break in rapport. Get her to comply with a request and invest in me and from there it's fvckin on.

Cliffs: be the prize, tease her, show a sweet side, disqualify her, and then tell her what to do.

Pay attention to the range of emotions she will feel from the above. That's what it's about.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2013
Reaction score
Playpen, Chicago.
Last of the Alphas said:
Specifics only on this forum. None of that generic PUA bvllsh!t.
Get fuxked rookie.

Your advice was basically look her in the eye, touch her, and kiss her with no conversation plan for newbs on on how to get there.

Fvckin dork.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Work on yourself first. Dress well wear clothes that fit you... if you can't wear slim fit clothes then you are too fat. You have a belly... lose it. Plenty of workout and diet programs that will give you a six pack in a couple of months... use it. If you are drinking more than a couple of alcoholic drinks a day... stop it. That sh!t totally **** up your game... makes you fat lazy and out of control. Take care of personal hygiene. .. Trim your nose hairs... details are important.

Now that you're the best you can be the rest is cake.

See a girl and approach. Remember the introduction starts when she sees you so how you look and your body language is important. Don't let the PUA people tell you anything different. If you don't pass the physical attraction test you go nowhere.

Introduce yourself complement her on something she is wearing and keep telling yourself in the back of your mind that you want to fvck her. Keep eye contact put out the vibe that you are a fun guy smile keep eye contact try and make her laugh and imagine you are ****ing her this will help you put out a sexual vibe.

Talk to her try to build emotional commonality... an emotional connection. This is usually when the tests start. Don't let it get to you...laugh it off. Don't allow her to take you off center. If you're getting tested then it means she is interested in you.

Listen for any indication she is bragging about herself... this is a VERY good sign and most guys totally fvck this up. This is the first indication that she is starting to chase you... you MUST reward her by acknowledging at some level that what she said is impressive... if you can build a conversation around what she said than do so.

Keep reading her body language. If she is giving you indicators of interest. Ask for her phone number... DO NOT TELL HER WHY YOU WANT IT. She knows why you want it and you don't want to put out the vibe that you have to explain yourself. Confident in control guys don't go around justifying their actions. If she won't give it to you she is either unavailable or not interested.. best just move on.

Call her a few days later and make a date. If she won't go out with you go to the next number. The first time you go out give her a range of days... say "When are you free next week for dinner"... let her tell you when she is free and pick a date. Dinner and drinks are best anything in the evening. Work your magic. Always be thinking in the back of you mind when you are talking to her "You know I'm going to **** you... I'll play your games but you and I both know what is going to happen." Trust me some how, and I really can't explain it, they will pick up on this and eventually act on it.

I never try to make anything happen on the spot when I first meet a woman. It is better to break report and see her later than to try and get anything going when you first meet them. This will increase her interest in you. If she throws herself at you well okay... you have to fvck her. This does happen on occasion but it is an exception. If you fail to bang her you will NEVER get another shot.


Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Show her my d!ck and it's game on.