What's so attractive about fvcking tanned skin


Jun 28, 2013
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zinc4 said:
I am sure there are plenty of AFC white knights welcoming you with open arms....

This has nothing to do with ego...

It's just the fact of the matter is a women's perspective muddies the waters here for newbies and others who can't see the difference between what women say and their actions...i have nothing against women in general and love them...but here isn't your place IMO...it would be like me wanting to go to a woman's pajama party....

Also, like i said before, a woman clamoring for male attention is very unattractive...sorry to burst your bubble...it's like that one or two or should i say handful of desperate but good looking chicks you see at clubs dancing on stage or on a pole for attention...yeah banging them is fun every once in a while..but no one seeks out a relationship with those types accept chumps of course.

And you even blatantly posted a pic of yourself pretending it to be someone else to get our ratings from it...

You should do yourself a favor and learn from this. No one cares if you lurk here...but blatant attention seeking from the opposite sex is sad.
Who are you to decide whetever this is place is for me or no. I like it and so I will stay here. Now what does attention ***** means? it means someone who enjoys attention, and so I like to get attention, I enjoy it.

Also, as far as attraction is concerned, I have a boyfriend and do you want to know something? This is very attractive for him, and it makes him jealous that I am here interacting with many guys. Well my boyfriend also knows game and we share a mutual attraction so there is no need for me to consciously create jealousy and attraction. So as far as attraction is concerned, you don't need to tell me about it - I already know what I am doing. Getting myself rated by guys, if rated highly will simply give the relationship a new excitement, a new jealousy.

If I ever will have a pyjama party, you are welcome. And I will tell those girls to treat you like the best guy. Now you might wonder why would I do that. It is simply out of my compassion to treat you like that. I know you are very much obessed with women, your whole effort here is to learn to game women. Now it seems like you are very much in favour of women, even if it is gaming them. It is just hiding behind the cells. Your whole mind is conditioned towards woman, but you simply hiding behind the word gaming, to make it seems like they are not the priority of your life. So out of compassion, I will tell the women to treat you very well. And why be a miser? If I ever see a chance to make someone happy, I will do that. I will not be saying to them "go away, you are just an attention vhore, seeking attention. Go away, you don't belong here, this is not your place. This is not a strip club." Why would I do that? That would simply mean that I am someone who likes to make people sad. That would simply shows my very subtle violenceness.

And you say, "No one cares if you lurk here" No you are wrong. I have made plenty of friends here who accept me here and enjoy my time.
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Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
No thanks to the pajama party invitation...i'm not trying to make you sad...just calling a spade a spade....

All that i got out of all of that was that your BF supposedly somehow gets jealous by you being on here and your relationship needs more excitement, which this will provide.....wow....at least you could try to make this difficult for me...

Either your BF is bored ****less of you and pretending to be jealous to make you feel better or you are really bored of him and trolling for d&ck...if it's the first scenario you should be strong and dump him immediately...if it's the 2nd scenario, you should also dump him...or he should dump you...either way would work...

Either way that doesn't sound like much of a relationship to have to go on sosuave to stir excitement up and I truly do feel sorry for you if you are in fact really doing this to make your bf jealous while at the same time trying to validate yourself as a desirable woman, because i have been in his shoes several times and it means he has lost 80-90 percent of his physical attraction toward you already if you have to resort to something like this...he will either most likely cheat on you or dump you soon if he isn't already doing the first option...

And if he has already lost interest in you physically then going on sosuave isn't going to do squat to fix it no matter what he says....in fact, it is most likely doing the opposite...the only thing that would get him would be to find another guy and become obsessed with the new guy and put your heart with the new guy....but even then your BF would only want you because he would realize he could in fact actually lose you and may have really lost you...but even if you got back together with him at that point he would simply grow bored of you once again once he securely had you again...either way, it's over if scenario one is indeed the case.

Now i am the one feeling compassion for you...

Too bad it's not enough to change my original viewpoint....
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Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
No thanks to the pajama party invitation...i'm not trying to make you sad...just calling a spade a spade....

All that i got out of all of that was that your BF supposedly somehow gets jealous by you being on here and your relationship needs more excitement, which this will provide.....wow....at least you could try to make this difficult for me...

Either your BF is bored ****less of you and pretending to be jealous to make you feel better or you are really bored of him and trolling for d&ck...if it's the first scenario you should be strong and dump him immediately...if it's the 2nd scenario, you should also dump him...or he should dump you...either way would work...

Either way that doesn't sound like much of a relationship to have to go on sosuave to stir excitement up and I truly do feel sorry for you if you are in fact really doing this to make your bf jealous while at the same time trying to validate yourself as a desirable woman, because i have been in his shoes several times and it means he has lost 80-90 percent of his physical attraction toward you already if you have to resort to something like this...he will either most likely cheat on you or dump you soon if he isn't already doing the first option...

And if he has already lost interest in you physically then going on sosuave isn't going to do squat to fix it no matter what he says....in fact, it is most likely doing the opposite...the only thing that would get him would be to find another guy and become obsessed with the new guy and put your heart with the new guy....but even then your BF would only want you because he would realize he could in fact actually lose you and may have really lost you...but even if you got back together with him at that point he would simply grow bored of you once again once he securely had you again...either way, it's over if scenario one is indeed the case.

Now i am the one feeling compassion for you...

Too bad it's not enough to change my original viewpoint....
It is good. No need to change anything. And it is also good for you to feel compassion, it is a beautiful feeling, trait, quality. As far as my boyfriend, attraction, another woman, sex, physical attracion is concerned, he can go. He can go date as many guys as he wants to. I am not trying to create attraction consciously, there is no need, that is simply manipulative. You were saying that I don't create attracion; I am not attractive. Well just to create something to talk about, I went and told you that you might not find me attractive, but there is not a single person who the whole word finds attractive. My boyfriend is attracted to me and I see it from his eyes, his face, gesture. It is easy to see the difference between attraction and boredom; You can see it very easily!

If my boyfriend doesn't find me attractive and he finds another girl more attractive, he is free to go. There is no problem. Now lets go back to your problem. You were saying that I am a attraction vhore, and you think that this place is not for me. Do you still find it disturbing that I am here? I would love to help you. We can work on you if you find it disturbing; but I am not going to leave this forum. There is no need for that, I enjoy it here, and if you are not enjoying it, we can help you enjoy it or you are free to go.. You seems to really need that pyjama party to relieve your stress. And if you mind, stop swearing, because that is not very nice. Or is that also a manly trait that you are trying to learn?

There is no need to bring my boyfriend here. He is as he is. Let me make it clear: I never owned him. He is not a thing for me; for me he is a person. A thing you can own, but a person you cannot own. If you try to own him, he will become a posession to you. He will live a life of a slave. So he will never cheat if he leaves me; I will never feel cheated, betrayed if he goes with another woman. It is just natural to be attracted to someone hotter. Got the point? Now go back to your problem.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
And since I got time.. I will speak to you whatever comes in my mind. You say, "at least you could try to make this difficult for me." Why would I do that, you seem to be very much disturbed already. And by no means, there is no need to make anything difficult to anybody. You are asking for something nonsense, stupid.

And you say, "Either your BF is bored ****less of you and pretending to be jealous to make you feel better or you are really bored of him and trolling for d&ck...if it's the first scenario you should be strong and dump him immediately...if it's the 2nd scenario, you should also dump him...or he should dump you...either way would work..." You seem to be a judgment god! My god, you know alot! Even a god would not bother about such nonsense; you are something way above god! Both those are fasle. And if those are true, I would still enjoy them. Now why would I not enjoy someone who is hard to get? It always happens that we are attracted to someone who is not very easy. You should know that very well - You hear it here all the time. So I have no problem if he is not attracted to me and still hangs around, there must be at least a little bit of attraction. I will work it on here! It will be a adventure. I will enjoy it. And as far as my boredom is concerned, I am never bored. Can´t you see it? Here out of nowhere, full of guys, not so many things that woman would like to discuss; I don't think any women out there likes to discuss or gossip things about making themselves jealous of their boyfriend. So out of nowhere, a place like this.. and you can see it, I enjoy it so much that even after being called an attention vhore, I'm still not leaving, not giving up.

"And if he has already lost interest in you physically then going on sosuave isn't going to do squat to fix it no matter what he says....in fact, it is most likely doing the opposite...the only thing that would get him would be to find another guy and become obsessed with the new guy and put your heart with the new guy....but even then your BF would only want you because he would realize he could in fact actually lose you and may have really lost you...but even if you got back together with him at that point he would simply grow bored of you once again once he securely had you again...either way, it's over if scenario one is indeed the case." God! Now you are a predictor also!

And then you say that your original viepoint wasn't convinced enough to be changed. Now your original viepoint seems to be very fragile, a little bit of shaking, shocking and it falls. I thought a real man would not have his original viewpoint changed no matter what. Now what kind of man are you? A weak man cannot be god! You seem to really need more training, you are in the right place, sosuave, and being taught by guys themselves! And you also need that pajama party.. you cannot disagree on that. I will work on it for you. Rest assuured..

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
From what I've read, tanned skin being desirable on women is a relatively new phenomenon, probably born out of the 1950s or so. Before that, lily white skin was in. A tan conveyed to the world that a woman was of lower class and had to work out in the fields, while white skin showed that a woman lived a life of leisure and wealth, protected from the elements.

I find tan lines very sexy, by the way.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
zinc4 said:
I am sure there are plenty of AFC white knights welcoming you with open arms....

This has nothing to do with ego...

It's just the fact of the matter is a women's perspective muddies the waters here for newbies and others who can't see the difference between what women say and their actions...i have nothing against women in general and love them...but here isn't your place IMO...it would be like me wanting to go to a woman's pajama party....

Also, like i said before, a woman clamoring for male attention is very unattractive...sorry to burst your bubble...it's like that one or two or should i say handful of desperate but good looking chicks you see at clubs dancing on stage or on a pole for attention...yeah banging them is fun every once in a while..but no one seeks out a relationship with those types accept chumps of course.

And you even blatantly posted a pic of yourself pretending it to be someone else to get our ratings from it...

You should do yourself a favor and learn from this. No one cares if you lurk here...but blatant attention seeking from the opposite sex is sad.
I enthusiastically cosign.


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
Rather than the older mindset Atom mentioned of "tanned skin is a sign of lower class", tanned skin is now likely a sign that that person can afford to take frequent vacations in sunny places, or I guess fork out to money to tan like that, which may be another reason as to why it's attractive.

I'm more attracted to pale skin, personally - in both genders.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
Olivia said:
And since I got time.. I will speak to you whatever comes in my mind. You say, "at least you could try to make this difficult for me." Why would I do that, you seem to be very much disturbed already. And by no means, there is no need to make anything difficult to anybody. You are asking for something nonsense, stupid.

And you say, "Either your BF is bored ****less of you and pretending to be jealous to make you feel better or you are really bored of him and trolling for d&ck...if it's the first scenario you should be strong and dump him immediately...if it's the 2nd scenario, you should also dump him...or he should dump you...either way would work..." You seem to be a judgment god! My god, you know alot! Even a god would not bother about such nonsense; you are something way above god! Both those are fasle. And if those are true, I would still enjoy them. Now why would I not enjoy someone who is hard to get? It always happens that we are attracted to someone who is not very easy. You should know that very well - You hear it here all the time. So I have no problem if he is not attracted to me and still hangs around, there must be at least a little bit of attraction. I will work it on here! It will be a adventure. I will enjoy it. And as far as my boredom is concerned, I am never bored. Can´t you see it? Here out of nowhere, full of guys, not so many things that woman would like to discuss; I don't think any women out there likes to discuss or gossip things about making themselves jealous of their boyfriend. So out of nowhere, a place like this.. and you can see it, I enjoy it so much that even after being called an attention vhore, I'm still not leaving, not giving up.

"And if he has already lost interest in you physically then going on sosuave isn't going to do squat to fix it no matter what he says....in fact, it is most likely doing the opposite...the only thing that would get him would be to find another guy and become obsessed with the new guy and put your heart with the new guy....but even then your BF would only want you because he would realize he could in fact actually lose you and may have really lost you...but even if you got back together with him at that point he would simply grow bored of you once again once he securely had you again...either way, it's over if scenario one is indeed the case." God! Now you are a predictor also!

And then you say that your original viepoint wasn't convinced enough to be changed. Now your original viepoint seems to be very fragile, a little bit of shaking, shocking and it falls. I thought a real man would not have his original viewpoint changed no matter what. Now what kind of man are you? A weak man cannot be god! You seem to really need more training, you are in the right place, sosuave, and being taught by guys themselves! And you also need that pajama party.. you cannot disagree on that. I will work on it for you. Rest assuured..

You could at least try to speak with logic instead of raging emotion.....

Once a guy's physical interest is lost in a woman, no amount of learning new tricks or psychological gaming is going to change that....you may be attracted to it, but you will be burned by him sooner than later...

There are some guys who are not ready to be committed to one person and may never will be...your futile attempts will never change that fact....

And i seriously doubt anyone would ever be jealous of their partner logging into sosuave...hahahaha...thanks for the morning laugh, though.

Grow up silly woman.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2010
Reaction score
New Jersey
If she looks like I could skin her and make a belt and some shoes out of her, she's gone too far.


Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
Reaction score
Everyone has their own preference. Being from the east, we only enjoy 3 months to "get our tan on," so we enjoy it. It plays off with bright colors nicely so pull out those summer clothes.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Kailex said:
If she looks like I could skin her and make a belt and some shoes out of her, she's gone too far.


Jun 28, 2013
Reaction score
zinc4 said:
You could at least try to speak with logic instead of raging emotion.....

Once a guy's physical interest is lost in a woman, no amount of learning new tricks or psychological gaming is going to change that....you may be attracted to it, but you will be burned by him sooner than later...

There are some guys who are not ready to be committed to one person and may never will be...your futile attempts will never change that fact....

And i seriously doubt anyone would ever be jealous of their partner logging into sosuave...hahahaha...thanks for the morning laugh, though.

Grow up silly woman.
You are welcome.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
OP, are you a red head or something? Who would be bitter over a tan in July?

We are solar creatures. We are supposed to get one hour of sun with no protection every day. Sunburns do not look good, nor do wrinkles, but a tan makes your eyes brighter. As we observe in winter, pale, Vitamin D deficient people are both less attractive and less healthy. Not getting enough sun increases cancer rates by 70% and increases body fat. Chubby people on Chemo aren't hot either. And sunscreen is poison. A good diet works better.


Master Don Juan
May 17, 2007
Reaction score
exactly, pale women are ugly with a few exceptions of course here and there


Don Juan
Dec 14, 2011
Reaction score
bigneil said:
Not getting enough sun increases cancer rates by 70% and increases body fat. ... And sunscreen is poison.
Could you post your sources to back these claims up, please?


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
It's economics. It used to be that being pale meant you didn't have to work in the fields all day. Now, it means you're stuck in an office all day and can't go out to the beach.

In the East they still go for the pale thing...they have whitening cream like we have tanning cream.

I'm an albino, so i don't really care for the whole tanning business...but in Asia I killed.

For my own personal taste, i happen to really like brown skin (especially South Asia) BUT I've dated a few very attractive redheads in my time.