What you really need!


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
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A man once, back in the day, wrote a drama...I think it was Moliere, that wrote the comedy "Every Man in his Humour".

Let that sink in. Every man has his humour.

So many guys try to be somebody else to get women. "I have to be funny, I have to be smart, I have to be muscular."

And then guys go and become those things, but deep inside are still just a little biatch dressed up in nice clothes with a big wallet and six pack. Even in the end, guys that do this don't have real success with women or anything else in life: they still have made NO REAL PROGRESS. I know plenty of muscular guys consistently get ugly girls.

When we go through all of these things like persuasion classes, NLP, weightlifting, whatever...it is all because somebody told us that we needed it!

The truth is, it is nice if you are going to be on stage, or going to be a public speaker, or an actor...but it is a fact that many of the bella donnas that we so badly idolize have sex with complete bums and horrible people. An example, my brother, who is a loser/ player with several kids, had sex with the elusive "girl of my dreams" in high school. He is ten years older than me, is fatter, drinks beer alot, everything. He is almost bald.

Rather than delve into that story, I'll just say that all she was looking for was somebody to bone her. And perhaps, bone her well.

The main reason why many emphasize the wrong points of DJism...is because in their most inner heart, THEY KNOW THAT WHEN THEY GO UP AND TALK TO A GIRL, THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO. We have to get by this. Often, it is just as well to take in THE MOMENT that both of you find yourselves in. Forget about KNOWING what to say. Because if she is attracted to YOU, not a flow chart of canned lines, THE OPPORTUNITY WILL PRESENT ITSELF.

The problem is, reading what to do on a website won't help at all. It might point you in the right direction maybe. But even then, it is because something that website suggest correlates with WHAT IS ALREADY IN YOU.

Why tell an exaggerrated "neg hit" to a girl straight off the bat, when you are most comfortable going up to a girl and saying "Hello"?

Here are some ways, which Fingers and Pook both touch on, in ways of finding yourself and in so doing, find your way to live life and be successful with women.
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Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Excercise 1- Where are you

Wake up, work, school, sleep, wake up, work, school, sleep.

Wash, rinse, repeat.

Shaking up a routine is great, but sometimes, even that isn't a luxury. BUT, whereever you are, BE THERE. Look up, look around, pay attention to sights, sounds, smells.

Really take in what is happening in front of you. When you really get good at this, you can start to be aware of many things. There are PUA names and terms for all of this, but it is just a human characteristic.

For example: I am sitting in my college library. It is moderately warm in the library, probably because of the computers generating heat. I can hear the sounds of other people typing. I can see peripherally a nerdy couple at the computer who are being discreet, but are positively into each other. I can hear librarians messing around in the back, and just now, someone is printing off a page on the printer. our computers are running Windows XP, and I need to use the bathroom, but am putting it off, because I want to finish this.

Do you see the awareness going on here, all of that entering in my being in the span of about 1 minute?

Try writing down what is going on around you taking in everything you notice, for a short while. Then you will have perspective of the big untamed world around you.

I can write this excercise out, but still know everything that is going on. In essence, WAKE UP!


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Excercise 2- Find, Learn, and forget

I could go through all of the principles of Don Juan ship, but in the end it is useless, because, it is way more worthfull for you to find it yourself.

The way to truly utilize Sosuave.com is to Find, Learn, and Forget. There is nothing wrong with browsing sosuave.com for things. Regardless of what anybody says, EVERYBODY does it. Keyboard jockey or not. Because to say one is a keyboard jockey, you have to read and reply to a keyboard jockey's comments. So don't be afraid of looking around. Find what interests you.

I can't tell you what to learn, because that is dumb. However, common sense should tell you that ****ing your head 15 degrees to the right, walking briskly, and smiling similar to the mona lisa painting, is most effective when you are playing a serial killer in a stage play. Other than that, read whatever sparks your interests; because if you look and say "oh I like", that means you inner self has already seen YOURSELF in the "TIP".

Then when you get in front of people FORGET EVERYTHING. And let it flow.

Eventually, you will come to the point where TIPS DON'T MEAN ANYTHING. Because there is no "WAY" to attract women. Tips only point you in the direction of yourself, and that vital self-realisation.

"Tips" are just a small reflection, a small piece of reality.

For example:

Some people love ****y and Funny so much that they over do it, become *******s, and walk around putting people down, dragging them down into the a$$hole's own state of hopelessness and depression.

However, the AFC goes to sosuave.com, reads a ****y and funny line, and remembers automatically a time when he used it, and had girls cracking up. He wasn't crushing a girl's self esteem, he was just joking with them! He already knew ****y and Funny before there was a name for it!
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Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Excerise 3- Self improvement?...or mental masterbation?

Here's how to get women. Buy a nice car. Get muscles. Get money. Wear the latest. Get this, get that.

What you are basically doing is enslaving yourself to women, and the men who say "this worked for me.", and to the clothing companies and music companies that dictate, "THIS IS COOL."

Forget all of it.

When you are self improving, don't become a modern day sculpture of David, to be honoured and worshipped wherever you go. Because when you lose your muscles, money, and clothes, you have become nothing.

State this to yourself right now:

"Whatever happens to me, I will always be me and that makes me happy. No woman, parent, rapper, or school can ever take that away."

See, now you don't have all that pressure of "I've got to impress you, girl." Because, deep down, you know the above.

So when you lift weights, it is because you want to be the best you can be, and be healthy. And in reality, in physical reality, that is attractive. Energy and liveliness, regardless of race or looks is attractive.


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Excercise 4- An Actor's Appeal

Everybody wants to be an actor. However, nobody wants to go through the turmoil and everyday struggle of making a living as one. Hell nobody, wants to even come in at the top.

So contrary to popular opinion, watching comedy shows religiously, reading acting books, is not only stupid, IT IS WRONG.

As an actor, let me save you the trouble right now: forget trying to be Tom Cruise, or Jude Law, or anybody else but yourself.

At the end of the day, if you use NLP or whatever to trick people, you know what you have done when you lay your head down and go to sleep. And if you are able to make peace with that, with conning people into liking you, you have already begun dying inside.

So here's an excercise for you, and an acting lesson from your man Styles. I won't divulge any more secrets to you.


Spend a whole day, to the best of your ability, doing exactly what YOU DO. If somebody gets pissed at you, and you usually just apologize DO IT. Apologize.

If a girl turns you down, and you want to cry. Go to the bathroom and cry.

Then when you finally get fed up with that person pissing you off, it will be much more powerful and heartfelt when you tell them to shut the hell up.

Now, of course you have to improve yourself, and become a better person. But that isn't the job of an acting book, or an NLP book, or even a psychologist. THAT IS YOUR JOB.

So another part, or mini excercise is to come to terms with yourself. I don't know what this means, but there is usually a reason, why most guys are here at this website. And many times it doesn't have to do with women we can't get. Once you come to terms with all of yourself, the good the bad and the ugly, then you can let go of this childish need to find satisfaction outside of yourself.
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Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Excercise 4- Tsk. Tsk. Tsk.

This is a main problem that needs some attention.

Little Johnny..."BE NICE"...is what you always heard growing up.

If you don't eventually do away with this, you will be the 30 year old living in his mother's basement.

Of course, I'm not saying go and cuss someone out. Just don't be afraid to stand up for yourself. Chances are, in adult life, you aren't going to get in many fistfights. And even then, it is okay to get your ass whooped if you are standing up for yourself. Because then you will be a martyr, and get martyr pvssy. And if you win the fight, you get hero pvssy.

Anything anybody tells you deserves to be scrutinized by you. Really listen to them, and take in what the meaning of what they are saying. But it is YOUR LIFE, filter through YOUR values. When you die, it won't matter who is right or wrong.

So be right. Be wrong!

But filter it through YOU, and then just do what you do with abandon!!! Don't take anything anybody says on face value unless Jesus himself descends from the heavens says it!
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Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Final Excercise- "Groove", "It", "In the Zone", "Flow", "Zen"

Think about Kobe Bryant, and his miraculous night where he scored 81 points in a single basketball game.

Or when Tiger Woods decides to come back from 10 shots over par and win a tournament.

Or when Wayne Gretzsky is shooting the final slapshot of a shootout.

Or when Eddie Murphy was onstage in front of thousands of people and just couldn't miss with a joke.

Or when John Keats sits down and writes the legendary poem Don Juan.

Or when Michaelangelo, in a most spectacular athletic and artistic effort, paints the ceiling of a Chapel that was so high that falling from his harness woluld ensure him an early trip to the grave.

Or the karate guy that can withstand direct kicks to his groin without even flenching.

What allows these people to defy the mental, emotional, and physical limits that other people place on what can happen and can't happen?

What do all of these people have in common?

The answer, as the title of this excercise suggests, "Groove."

Whatever that means.

The main problem with guys in relationship to women, and all of life, mainly consists of three problems.

1. Laziness

Society has screwed everyone's mind up to the point that anything that doesn't come at the first instant isn't worth having.

"Oh she didn't give me any IOI's. Eject!"

"I didn't get the job I wanted. I give up."

"I'll put off paying my bills so I can have this new Xbox, or that new shirt"

2. Thinking too much

Does a gorilla think wether or not having sex with a female gorilla might be a bad idea?

Do you think that when your parents were getting it on, your father thought, "Hey I don't know if this is going to work. I've had a bad day."


There is nothing wrong with being smart and intellectual. But the point is, most of us guys come here with way too many things going around in our head. We mistake being smart with being hesitant.

The Excercise

Most of the excercises before this had been pointing toward this pivotal moment. Hopefully you have been going through this and discovering all your fears, triumphs, strengths, weaknesses, and habits; perhaps, you have been working on them.

It is great to read all of this to get the idea, but I highly suggest really spending some time on the back tips. Really step into yourself and work on yourself. Don't try to force it, going through all of this in a day and thinking "problem solved."

Take your time, which is a lesson in itself, where today nobody has time for anything anymore.

Okay, on to the excercise, which in itself is a couple excercises.

A. Relax

Get somewhere alone and relax. Somewhere where you are naturally you: you bedroom, the library, the bathroom. Relaxing has to do with taking deep breaths, relaxing your muscles.

B. Focus

Remember the WHERE ARE YOU post. Revisit this, and Really take in where you are. Feel the moisture in the air. Everything you can possibly take in, sounds, sights, smells, everything.

** Repeat A & B until you are in a state of relaxation and focus, where you are not thinking, or at least thinking very little.
**When I do it, sometimes I reach a point where music is playing in my mind, since I am a musician. It is useless to fight things in your mind, but the useless nonsense I can let go.

C(a). Spontaneous Response

Now the fun part.

Go to a place where this is a steady inflow of stimulus. I put on music sometimes in my living room. but this could work outside where the birds are chirping, or where water is flowing in a stream. If you are in the city, traffic going down the street works as well.

Don't let go of your relaxed/focused state!

Now get a piece of paper, and respond with your pen to whatever your percieve in the music, or the cars, or whatever.

Don't think about what you are doing, because when you put a piece of chicken in your mouth, you don't think "I don't know if I can put this piece of chicken in my mouth."

Just write, draw, scribble, whatever comes to you.

Just follow your BODY, which should be well taken care of. When your body stops, stop. Don't think, I should be scribbling, JUST SCRIBBLE.

After all of this, stop and look at the paper. Lol.

Now translate this to life. Sometimes you are the pen and sometimes your are the paper. Really send things out from YOU, and allow things to be sent back to you.

C(b). Physical Exertion

Clear out any room in your house that is non carpet floored. Tile, cement, wood, whatever.

Get a bucket full of soapy water and dip a rag in it.

Don't stop reading now that work is involved! lol

Put the rag on the floor, which should be cleared of all furniture, and arrange yourself with the rag where both hands are on the rag and you are in a position of an UPSIDE DOWN letter V.

Now extend ******d and inward and CLEAN THE ENTIRE FLOOR. Rinse off the rag, whatever.

Rest as needed, BUT MAINTAIN YOUR RELAX AND FOCUS. Take your time.

Now as you are going, imagine the girl that you most wish was yours was there watching you. Take your time and really get an idea that she is there.

Now you are cleaning the floor in a position that will fatigue you, and you are being watched by the woman of your dreams.

Plus you will be proud, because that floor will be the cleanest floor, if done correctly, in your home, and anybody elses home too!

The Benefits

  • You get used to responding as YOURSELF, not some actor, or how some "guru" says to.
  • If you can look ridiculous cleaning the floor while your dreamgirl is watching, you can do anything while other people watch.
  • You become more resourceful and determined by going through the long, hard process.
  • You continue to hone your ability to listen to yourself and other people, and the environment.
  • You get used to being able to relax when you are physically and mentally drained.
  • Finally, you get a workout which is always good.
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Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
From this you should get

1. You are the authority of your life. There is no point in reading Pook's "Be A Man" over and over because one little thing went wrong. (Confidence)

2. Really take in everything around you. This means you suspend your own agenda and really acknowledge that person in front of you, or that ray of sunlight, or unique eye color of the gorgeous girl on the billboard. (Humility)

3. You easily do whatever you have to do no matter who watches you, and you do it relaxed. (Confidence)

4. You also learn to stick in there with women, or whatever in life. when other people lay down and quit, you keep going.(Endurance)

Thanks for reading.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 26, 2006
Reaction score
this seems so much easier than it is


Don Juan
Jan 3, 2004
Reaction score
Full Throttle-



Actually TRY the excercises and you will physically know what I am talking about.

You see, these aren't tips, these are excercises, TO BE DONE. Not to be thought about.

See, what you did is read the entire post, tried none of it, and dismissed it all.

Until you embrace DOING, you will always be a slave to this website and to all of the gurus who get rich and self effacing off of your TIME AND MONEY.


It is what you DO, that makes the difference. And until you start doing with your life,you will always be stuck behind that wall of wether doing is a good or bad idea, or what to do.

Forget all of these tips. Free yourself from the endless circle of this Tips forum!

The rules don't mean anything! For example:

I've been on a cruise to the Bahamas, and on a most romantic night in the middle of the ocean, where anything could happen

I was in the most horrible moods. I couldn't smile, couldn't laugh. I felt completely horrible. People would make jokes, and I would just look at them.

Well, in some way, I was sitting at a table in the onboard restaraunt with a group of girls. I was still in this horrible mood.

I sat down, and didn't say anything. I just ate. People would make jokes, and I'd just sit there. They'd ask me some stupid ****, and I'd just give short uninspired answers as hopeless as my mood was.

Well, the girl sitting across from me, who I eventually dated, repeatedly told me "You are so cute right now...you are so cute...you are so cute right now."

She was an 8 at least.

I gave no reaction. No smile. No neg hit. Nothing. I felt like the entire trip was a waste of my time, all of the romanticism and possibility was just a big let down; what was the point? Well....

More chatter. More jokes. I just sat there. "You are so cute...you are so cute right now." She admitted she liked me in front of everybody!

I was very relaxed, but very melancholy. I just didn't care to even be there any more. And all of the tricks that I had been trying brought no amount of outright interest compared to that night's anomoly!

Suprisingly there was only one other bigger sign of interest on that trip, a girl laying on top of me.:rockon:...

Do you need a roadmap for that?

So ......of course it is hard! Anything is hard at first. But try it out! Hell, I am about to do the "Clean the floor" part here in a little while!

It's what you do that matters...! Clout on this website doesn't~!


Master Don Juan
Oct 1, 2007
Reaction score
This is actually pretty good.


Don Juan
Jun 14, 2007
Reaction score
Awesome post. There ought to be more posts like these and more posters like you styles. Posts like these and like pook's and fingers' are, in my opinion, the best kind of posts. Instead of encouraging SS tips, actions, or formulas, they encourage people to be the best they can for themselves, not women. And that i believe is the secret to getting all the ladies.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
SomethingClever said:
And that i believe is the secret to getting all the ladies.
Damn straight. Its worked for thousands of years before the 'PUA movement'.