What to do, what to do...?

Wont Stop Mackin

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Chesapeake, VA
So i've been dating this girl for quite sometime now (1 year and 5 months ) and things have been great and they have been not so great at times. But we made it this far, and i honestly think mainting an LTR requires a lot more DJing and other **** too than just approaching girls and getting numbers, maybe not as hard as getting laid, but still, yea its hard.

But the matter at hand is i asked for a break from us because i needed some time a lone, maybe to see other people, and i didnt really see other girls, maybe 1 or 2 but nothing serious, and now the break has come to an end after about 3-4 weeks... and now we've gotten back together but i cant tell if its too soon, cause i just dont feel right, before i knew i wanted to be with her now it just seems like maybe i havent fully experienced everything i need to before entering a LTR. I just dont want her to think i dont want her in any way, because honestly she is the type of girl you would want to meet once in your life and keep her for as long as you can, as gay and non DJ as that sounds, but i fear that i just found her too soon, i mean im a rising senior in high school!

So please help, i know this isnt a topic to say much on, but i just want to know if maybe theres another way besides breaking up for good, and another break wouldnt work right now, she wouldnt take that too well, cause honestly i dont want to lose her, but i just dont think i had enough time a lone, i need more. So please tips on how to deal with this dilema, what to do what to do?
Sep 1, 2004
Reaction score
southern California
Stay in contact with her for the rest of your life!!! Even if u break up eventually, just always have her # and be her friend. My dad had a similar situation in high school, he broke up with this chick and after two marriges he realized that he should have at least kept in touch with her because she was probably the best LTR chick he has ever met. Other than that, I dont know what to tell u, I dont want to scare u! Dont take this to seriously, it is HIGHLY UNLIKELY that a LTR that starts in high school will last. Becuz as u grow and mature, the two of u will probably grow n mature in differnt directions and later find out that u were just never right for each other. Also how long did u know this chick before u asked her out?

Wont Stop Mackin

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2003
Reaction score
Chesapeake, VA
Yea i know, you dont scare me, and sometimes i hope something like that happens, but shes more mature than any girl i've ever met in highschool and some out of highschool at that. She has everything planned out, her goals, career, what she wants to do with her life, and i've known her for awhile now, i mean yea people change but if things go the way they are and she stays the way she is, i dont see why not to have a future with her, but i know most highschool LTR's dont last, I just dont think this is like that, shes on my level with everything, she understands so much, its unbelievable.

But then again nobody is right for each other until they try. So you never know.