What to do if a girl has to go on a trip or something before she can meet up?


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2016
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I've always had trouble when trying to set up dates with girls in situations where the timing is just unfortunately not quite right. We hit it off in our initial interaction quite well (whether it be in person or by text) and she seems very enthusiastic to meet up. Only problem is, she has, say, an upcoming business trip or some kind of family obligation or has to study/cram for final exams or something that prevents her from being able to meet up for almost two weeks or so. And I'm fairly positive that none of these reasons are BS excuses to begin with, judging by the way they were acting beforehand and the fact that in many cases, they gave me their number and told me to contact them, on their own volition. And a lot of times the reasons they give are specific and verifiable and not just generic.

My question is, how do you handle this and maintain their interest throughout that time period? Should you set up a date before she leaves for the week she gets back? Should you defer that till later? And the big question: how much should you text and/or talk to her on the phone in the meantime? In some cases, I may have overtexted because I wanted to ensure that she remembered who I was and to maintain attraction, and that may have actually instead turned her off, especially as she is busy doing something else. In other cases, following the advice on many relationship/dating advice sites like Corey Wayne, I tried keeping contact with her to a bare minimum, so I don't come across as needy. But instead, the initial spark probably just naturally sizzled out due to a relatively long period of no interaction (combined with a relatively short period of initial interaction and the fact that she was doing her thing in another country and distracted by all kinds of new stimuli and such). In this case, it makes sense that she just kinda lost interest and didn't feel the need to try to re-connect after she came back and just stopped responding.

I don't know if the "absence makes the heart grow fonder" thing applies when you only just met them, without a very deep connection. I guess you just have to hope that you made a good and memorable enough impression on them in the first place and that's it.

So in these situations, should you pretty much just accept that it's probably not meant to be and that there's not much you can do about it, and just keep on looking elsewhere? I do try to have multiple prospects at once, but some of these girls I know for a fact would otherwise do very well with me, so I don't want to just give up that easily. These aren't just plates for hook-ups but I want them to be something potentially more.

Recently, something similar happened to me where a girl who was super cool and almost like a female version of myself, with very similar unique interests, had to go on a business trip overseas in Europe for a conference (and I knew it was real since I used to be in her field and checked the web for it), but I think it may be something that I said or did before that screwed it up. We connected quite well at first and she was very eager to do something with me, pretty much begging me to hit her up. But then when texting a bit later, after I initially tried setting something up for two nights later, she said she would be super busy preparing for the conference the next three nights and then it would last a week, so she told me that we can set something up the week she gets back.

Here's where I may have gone wrong: I made some joke, via text, where I said something like, "aw, but you're gonna forget who I am by then" with one of those worried or sighing emojis, just for fun. I thought she would have interpreted it as obvious sarcasm/joking, as in I'm just playing the role of a wimpy needy guy for a sec but am actually the opposite. Thought she would've been like "aw don't worry how could I forget you" or something cheesy like that, or "wait who are you again :p" as a joke of her own. I also followed up immediately by giving her a firm time and place to meet up, for the day after she got back, along with a silly exaggerated hypothetical plan of what we could do on the date (which usually works very well with girls). But since then I never heard back from her. Three days later when she would be leaving for her flight, I sent her a quick good luck and safe travels, along with another little inside joke based on the convo we had, but I got no response. Finally, a day after she got back a week later, I called her but she didn't pick up.

I should mention that she is foreign and from a rather traditional culture, so maybe she misunderstood my joking or misinterpreted it as being serious for some reason. Thinking back on it, her country is full of men who are very macho and alpha, so maybe that wasn't well-received on her part, and I remember her mentioning she likes men who take the lead. Also, could it have been that me trying to set up the date before she left for the day after she got back was a mistake? Sigh, these situations can be tricky; it's most convenient when you can set something up ASAP.


Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2016
Reaction score
Lots of text there, so I am going to go off the title. You may text a little bit more on the initial interaction or two, then just say something like... "reach out when you get back"... If you established enough interest, she will reach out, if not, you did not invest too much time in something that wasn't going to work.

Showing that you don't really care if she contacts you when she returns will make that wheel spin... IF she was interested.


Master Don Juan
Nov 10, 2013
Reaction score
New York, NY
Based off of her not replying I can tell that she's not interested.

Also way too much writing for this post. Narrow it down, and more people can help you.

Also never text a girl "Aww but you'll forget who i am." Thats the sh1ttiest text ever.

Also never double text a girl.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Sometimes girls take trips.

Sometimes trips take them.


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2015
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Hoe County, California
In the meantime, go meet new girls.


Don Juan
Dec 6, 2016
Reaction score
I know what OP is talking about. Right now I have 3 girls from tinder whose numbers I got last week but they are all going to their home cities for Christmas (they are at university in my city). They're not back until January so the chance of meeting them is slim. I guess you gotta find other girls.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
I know what OP is talking about. Right now I have 3 girls from tinder whose numbers I got last week but they are all going to their home cities for Christmas (they are at university in my city). They're not back until January so the chance of meeting them is slim. I guess you gotta find other girls.
When girls travel, especially to their home town, it's almost guaranteed they will sleep with other men. Luckily as we know, this won't phase them enough to make them have feelings for those men, but what it often does is erase or mask the feelings they had for us. It also makes you feel like an a-hole if you are sending them mushy letters, etc only to find out she was with another guy. So my policy is always to never contact them during or after their trip until they reach out. I've been the guy calling her the moment she got home before (circa 2003). Don't be that guy.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
Reaction score
No more keyboard jockeying . Action is the place.
Based off of her not replying I can tell that she's not interested.

Also way too much writing for this post. Narrow it down, and more people can help you.

Also never text a girl "Aww but you'll forget who i am." Thats the sh1ttiest text ever.

Also never double text a girl.
I agree. If a girl said "I can meetup after *insert trip*" she is not interested. You said this happens frequently? Face the facts that those girls clearly were not into you.

Also, please stop texting like a girl, why would anyone think sending girly texts and using emojis, like a girl, attract a STRAIGHT, girl. She wants a man, not a pussified man-girl.

The timing is never the wrong time if she is interested.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
Based off of her not replying I can tell that she's not interested.

Also way too much writing for this post. Narrow it down, and more people can help you.

Also never text a girl "Aww but you'll forget who i am." Thats the sh1ttiest text ever.

Also never double text a girl.

Argh, yeah sorry for the length of some of these posts; I gotta cut em down a bit. I guess try to provide as much detailed info as possible to describe my situation so I can get informed advice. I've seen people waste half a thread trying to clarify some of the ambiguity in a short initial post... I want to at least come across like I thought about it.

I'll admit that text was dumb, but I just wanted to seem sort of pseudo-sentimental in a stupid kind of way; but I guess the last time that worked was when I was much younger, or with an equally immature or needy girl. Believe it or not, I've heard of guys succeeding by acting purposely shy or insecure, even though that's not their natural behavior.

I try to avoid double texting but sometimes you have to separate two separate ideas. Otherwise it just looks awkward shifting to something else within the same text, making it look longer and paragraph-like too. Or, for example, I say something related to the exchange we're having and expect her to get back to me so I can move on to another topic or get to asking her out, but she doesn't reply in time, so I just move past it and send the "action text" I've really been meaning to. That's actually worked before, and I don't think I lost points just cause I sent two in a row out. Plus many girls send as many as 5 in a row to you.

I know what OP is talking about. Right now I have 3 girls from tinder whose numbers I got last week but they are all going to their home cities for Christmas (they are at university in my city). They're not back until January so the chance of meeting them is slim. I guess you gotta find other girls.
Anyway, yeah the Tindering around holiday season is another good example. I have to remind myself to just stay away from apps like that around this time of the year. If you meet them in person initially you may have a significantly higher chance to see them again, but online dating and apps are very non-committal, casual, and flake-prone (by both sides) in general... add to this a potential time delay element and you're basically just wasting your time. Or else you have to just be really good and know what you're doing. I can be relatively successful on apps like that (doing it the more "traditional" way) but I'm not the kind of alpha guy who just goes on there and then just instantly sets up a meeting for later that night or the next, which leads straight to steamy bedroom interactions. I take it slower, and what I do doesn't necessarily have them begging to meet up right then and there.

Another thing I realized is maybe I have too goofy and silly of a texting style. I may use innuendos masked in innocent language, but keep it pretty PG overall. It makes girls kind of like me in a cutesy, immature way but I'm starting to think it loses me man points in their image. They may start to see me more in a friend kind of way than a serious or sexy romantic prospect. I know I act like at least 5 years younger than my age or more. When it comes to chatty 18-19 year olds I fall into these huge text convos since they like doing that a lot at that age. I gotta stop with that ****. Also, I've heard mixed opinions on using emojis. Some say men shouldn't really be using them at all since it's not masculine or mature (my dad even told me that... and I have a friend who absolutely never uses them). Others say it actually makes you seem like more of a real person as opposed to some robot or emotionless creep, and that it resonates with girls, and that it's okay to use them occasionally if the girl uses them. One of my buddies literally never uses them with guys but uses them a lot with girls, which is kind of what I do. I do also say 'haha' or 'lol' a lot... yeah I guess that is a bit beta.

I agree. If a girl said "I can meetup after *insert trip*" she is not interested. You said this happens frequently? Face the facts that those girls clearly were not into you.

Also, please stop texting like a girl, why would anyone think sending girly texts and using emojis, like a girl, attract a STRAIGHT, girl. She wants a man, not a pussified man-girl.

The timing is never the wrong time if she is interested.
Well, when I say frequently, I mean like it's happened on probably 5-6 occasions total, out of probably several dozen overall by now, but it's enough to make me realize it as a somewhat recurring issue and something I wanted to address. You may be right about some of the situations I mentioned; I can't generalize across all of them. But there were others that she seemed genuinely interested before, like the last one I mentioned. Why else would she just give me her info before I even asked for it and tell me to set up a date? And that part of the interaction was in person, so I could read her body language to tell she was actually pretty excited about it. It made sense since we discovered we shared a bunch of random, unconnected, and rare interests, to the point where she remarked that it was kind of freaky. I just handled it poorly afterward. After talking to other friends about it, they told me Middle Eastern type girls tend to prefer manly, straightforward men as opposed to the kind of immature games I play via text.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
"Thinking back on it, her country is full of men who are very macho and alpha
Good points except this may be an anomaly - some would say there can only be one alpha for a given group.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
When they go away, it's tricky.

When this happened to me 3 weeks ago, I tried the approach of taking her out a week before the trip, planning our next date the next week, then not contacting her during her trip and letting her booked me with initiating goodbye and hello texts. This worked well, except then she got sick from the trip (extremely common) and pretty much vanished for the past week. This happens a lot after they go on trips for some reason. It used to happen to me when I went on trips. Sometimes trips take people.

I once went away and scored and my date back home was literally waiting at the airport to see me, but I lost all interest in her and broke her heart.

But after time people usually go back to their old selves. It can take a month to recover sometimes. When I finished my Houston to New York trips, I had to sleep for a month straight and cancelled all my dates. The girls did not understand. They assumed I just didn't like them.


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
Women who disappear for any reason is an indicator of low interested. A woman that is interested in you will try and see you before she leaves. The real phrase that defines women in general is "Out of site, out of mind." Absence does not make the heart grow fonder is only true with unless a women is already completely in love with you... that will not happen with a chick you just met.

What do do about it? Just tell her to reach out to you when she gets back, chances are you will not. But if she does try not to act surprised and just make a date... then go from there. In the meantime, go date other girls.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
Women who disappear for any reason is an indicator of low interested. A woman that is interested in you will try and see you before she leaves. The real phrase that defines women in general is "Out of site, out of mind." Absence does not make the heart grow fonder is only true with unless a women is already completely in love with you... that will not happen with a chick you just met.

What do do about it? Just tell her to reach out to you when she gets back, chances are you will not. But if she does try not to act surprised and just make a date... then go from there. In the meantime, go date other girls.
Most of this is true, but note it's women who you just met who disappear is an indicator of low interest. Women you have been dating for a while might be following The Rules, playing hard to get, trying not to be too available, sending mixed signals, applying absence, showing the power to walk away, or studying seduction.

When we make hard and fast rules like this, we play right into their hands. 99% of you would never dare suggest a woman might be using seduction tactics, for whatever reason. Never in my life have I dated a girl for 3+ months and not had one time when I swore it was over forever, only to realize it wasn't. But members here pretend that never happens.

In "How to Succeed with Women" they say "A successful seducer doesn't get upset at her saying no, doesn't take it seriously if she doesn't return calls or texts, knows women reach out "when they feel like it" and pursues more than one woman".


Aug 19, 2015
Reaction score

Going by your text you sound very NEEDY, very OUTCOME DEPENDENT anda a little girlish

There's a certain poster here who likes to think he's alpha but his overuse of smiley face emotives, for one, gives him away...

Stop doing it. Stop trying to nail these bytches down. It reveals a deep desperation and it scares 'em off.

Use the phone set up your next hook up. Have fun and tap that azz. Then get back to your goals, work and hobbies.

Stop this texting back and forth like a delirious schoolgirl.

You're too desperate for a relationship. Loosen up and enjoy the moment. Value your time more...

Why would you feel the need to text or call a bytch when she's away? To check In? Stop that nonsense.

Hit them up when they get back. Be busy with your life and your other options and you won't have time to dwell on the one whose not there...


Master Don Juan
Jun 28, 2015
Reaction score
I don't think a girl choosing to postpone meeting you till after she gets back from a trip is significant enough to draw a conclusion.

Nor do I think there's any problem in initiating texts after she gets back. Men pursue. Until you've fvcked get used to being the initiator. Especially if she's hot. Get used to it.

In my experience women who chase and initiate on a regular basis, prior to them actually developing feelings for me have either been insecure or atleast one or two points below me on the attractiveness scale.

You should have just messaged her saying something like "have a nice trip and maybe we'll catch up when you get back" and then just focused on other chicks until a few days after she got back.


Don Juan
Oct 9, 2016
Reaction score
See that's the thing: I've always been taught that it's men who are supposed to do the pursuing and initiating and all that. How are they going to know you're interested if you just barely contact them at all for prolonged periods of time? I get that you shouldn't overdo it and cross the border into being needy, but I don't go that far usually.

I do admit I kind of hung on to to a high-school/college type of approach with girls, which involves a lot of texting and stuff. Because at that age, kids seem to be able to get away with it and it's normal.

Most women (girl friends, and even my mom) told me that I should actually try hitting them up again and pursuing them more if things like this happen. They say maybe if you demonstrate your resolve and confident attraction in them, they may give you a second chance, thinking, "hey there's more to this guy than I thought; he doesn't give up easily.. he might me worthwhile actually". I'm starting to think this advice is actually not that good. Women don't seem to know what they want! Especially in the modern era, with the dynamic of easy, instant communication and the fact that women have more choices than ever, things have changed. Back in the day it may have been seen as more manly to keep chasing after women and not giving up, but I don't think that applies as much.

I'm slowly starting to learn some good advice from here. But it will take a while until I fully integrate it into my approach and behavior as a natural thing. Can't just flip a switch on and bingo you're now a pro ladies man. Old habits die hard.

Anyway, I have a new scenario sort of related to this topic. I went on a good date last week with a very cute girl before Christmas. 90% of the interaction went very well and very smoothly. I paid attention to my body language, mannerisms, tone, voice, the way I said things, thought about what I said, and came across like I generally knew what I was doing. We had a rather worldly, cosmopolitan, intellectual kind of conversation, and she seemed impressed by how much I knew about various things around the world. I also made sure to occasionally flirt a bit and tease her and stuff, though she seemed a little serious and high-strung at times. Only a few things went sort of wrong:

- I may have taken her to too fancy of a restaurant for a first date. My friend kept recommending this French place, and I thought it was some low-key, hipstery, chill kind of cafe, but it turned out to be a rather expensive and intimate French restaurant, with the bill costing me over $80. I wonder if this made her think I was trying to be too serious too soon or that I was trying to show off, neither of which was the case.

- There was a point where I made a little feminist joke after a comment of hers, which she seemed to take somewhat seriously. To show her I was just joking, I ramped up the ridiculousness and went even further with it, giving her a wink. But she was like.. uh okay anyway to change the subject entirely... and started talking about something else. But overall she didn't seem too offended or affected, because we quickly went back to a normal convo and I seemed to have recovered from that. Throughout the night she seemed happy and like she was enjoying herself.

- I guess I could've offered to drive her back to her place, but the subway stop was right down the street from us anyway. Didn't actually do a lip kiss but we did the hug and cheek kiss thing. She was leaving the next day to see her family in NY and said she would be back in the area on January 5.

Half an hour later I texted her briefly to make sure she got back in one piece, along with a little joke. Her responses, however, were somewhat short and lukewarm now. Like for my final text I said have a great break and don't go too crazy over New Years or something, and she just said "you too" without anything more. Following the advice from places like this, I didn't say anything since then. I thought about sending a Merry Christmas message a couple of days later, but did not. So what should I do now? Just wait? I have a feeling I won't be hearing from her again, for some reason...
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Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2016
Reaction score
"Most women (girl friends, and even my mom)" oh lord...brace yourself my friend........

Im thinking you should text her and ask her for a second date on day X at Y time, see the response