What the hell does sorta mean?


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Easy? I've mentioned before she's not like that. And where did this assumption that uni girls are easy come from?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
It comes from the fact that you haven't realised how much sexuality a girl has and haven't been able to extract it from this particular girl at all.

Let me break down how uni works in general, its just like high school but with alot more freedom, the jocks still rule and the nerds still get put down, learn to distinguish between what is real and what is fake, girls at uni are there to find out who they are in life, thats why they do weird as degrees and papers.

Now the real reason why you don't ever say its a date its because you already asked her out to the movie she already knows shes going to go with you to a movie she doesn't need to be told that its a date, she knows its a date but would rather play along and get swept off her feet.

They must have a paper that teaches you about how humans socialise and how the human mind works, my advice take it it'll teach you alot.

They aren't easy as in go grab a girl and take her to your place and shag all night long, theres an art to the process which has been programmed into you from birth, you just need to learn a few things about it to get it working for you.

Now my advice this so called girl would be to ditch the movies idea and take her for lunch to a nearby park get in close talk about any crap you want just not boring things about studies ........ actually don't even mentions anything to do with studies isolate her get close and go in for a kiss. Try it if it works good job if not look around plenty more.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
I am assuming you are american judging from your use of the word jock. Nerds are not put down at uni in Australia, High School is pretty much the same however ,it is so much more civilised in that regard. I am not putting your country down, you do raise valid points but one thing I have learnt over the years is try to avoid cultural bias. Also I am looking for a long term relationship not a quick shag. Also if she already assumed a date why would she get so put off by me saying so?


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
rippa32 said:
I am assuming you are american judging from your use of the word jock. Nerds are not put down at uni in Australia, High School is pretty much the same however ,it is so much more civilised in that regard. I am not putting your country down, you do raise valid points but one thing I have learnt over the years is try to avoid cultural bias. Also I am looking for a long term relationship not a quick shag. Also if she already assumed a date why would she get so put off by me saying so?
Nope not American just across the ditch from kiwi land, spent a year in the states so thats where I picked up some of the lingo.

I said that whole jocks and nerds thing as a large exaggeration, your only 18 so saying you want a LTR right now isn't a very good idea, go see the world make something out of yourself then see if some girl is worth your time of settling down. I'm being serious man ask the girl to hang out again and if she Doesn't try to get somewhere with her (at least a kiss, and I mean with some tongue action LOL).

And girls like to be led they really do like not knowing what to expect yea they whine about it and bit(h about some guy jumping her etc etc but in a few months time you normally hear them saying how shes dating the guy that jumped her and kissed her. Girls are just like that, next time a girl says shes willing to hang out with you just assume its a date and go from there. They live in a bubble of candy and flowers and don't like to deal with alot of things ....... don't argue with me they all seriously do even the feminists do too.

And if your looking for a LTR (and really who isn't), then go out and date as many girls as you can and then decide what sort of girl you want to settle down with, what you think you know about a person is just the tip of the iceberg it takes over 6 months to start to even find out who the real person is that your dating. Don't be a fool and rush in.


Don Juan
Aug 1, 2007
Reaction score
Next time I meet a girl I'm interested in I'll consider your advice. When I say LTR I guess I just mean I don't want to end up in those really shallow relationships, what a girl says and what sort of person she is is so much more important to me. Also in the case of the girl that started this thread, she probably actually has a boyfriend so I'll leave her alone for now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2005
Reaction score
You don't know she's not easy. Don't judge a book by the cover. The 'shy' ones are often animals in bed, and the slutty looking ones frigid cock-teasers.