What is your definition of a good woman?

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
hmmm...my definition of a good woman is...
A woman who loves and respects me for who I am, just like I would to her.
One who is not out to change me. I'm not out to change them...
One who will help with cleaning, dishes, laundry, cooking. Not just lay around and watch tv and not do anything (and then complain because I don't fix the car. (in my spare time- sarcasm...)

One who lets me love her- touch her, be romantic, French kiss, have good sex, hopefully more often than once in a blue moon.
One who encourages her friends and family to treat me well, not act like a bunch of femnazis who have to put and keep me in my place (low man on the totem pole, with no hope for respect or redemption).
One who can control her kids, or at least let them not control us.
One who respects my family, not pushing them away because my mom doesn't drink, smoke, and throw the F bomb around with reckless abandon...my folks are in their 70's, my mom hates that crap.
Really, you would think that's not a tall order.
But just try and find someone like that today. Seriously...
Can you see how many character flaws I just mentioned, there are women all over the place that violate many or all of these rules.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2011
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South Africa
She should be a Mormon :)


Don Juan
Dec 12, 2013
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She should never let me leave the house either hungry or horny.


Mar 10, 2010
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The Wacky Races
Been suffering from extremely violent bouts of food poisioning the last couple of days. My wife hasn't slept in nearly 48 hours, she's watched me like a hawk and made sure even though I spent most of my time in the fetal position covered in my own vomit and diahrea that I was warm, taken care of and had the right medicines. She cleaned off my face, helped me shower, go to the bathroom, sang me to sleep, changed my fever wraps, fed me and frequently changed my barf bucket. Wouldn't be here today writing this post if it wasn't for her.

THAT is a good woman and that's why she's my wife. I don't think you guys know what quality is.

Just as a side note: If you ever start blacking out after a major bout of diahrea, take a potassium pill or you'll go into cardiac arrest.

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Been suffering from extremely violent bouts of food poisioning the last couple of days. My wife hasn't slept in nearly 48 hours, she's watched me like a hawk and made sure even though I spent most of my time in the fetal position covered in my own vomit and diahrea that I was warm, taken care of and had the right medicines. She cleaned off my face, helped me shower, go to the bathroom, sang me to sleep, changed my fever wraps, fed me and frequently changed my barf bucket. Wouldn't be here today writing this post if it wasn't for her.

THAT is a good woman and that's why she's my wife. I don't think you guys know what quality is.

Just as a side note: If you ever start blacking out after a major bout of diahrea, take a potassium pill or you'll go into cardiac arrest.
I may not know what good quality is, but I certainly know what it isn't lol!
Good that she's taking good care of you.
And thanks for the diahrrea tip.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 23, 2013
Reaction score
If you leave the sex part out....my dog Chuck fits those definitions!! Abe


Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
I met a woman who ticked all 10 on Collosus' list.

Who then cheated on her fiance with me (I had no idea) while she was on a working holiday in my country.

And now is going back to hers to marry said fiance.


The search for this one good woman who can do it all for us is too hard and costly. I prefer the wisdom of this long dead bloke:

"We have prostitutes for our pleasure, concubines for our health, and wives to bear us lawful offspring."--Demosthenes (384–322 BC)

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Been suffering from extremely violent bouts of food poisioning the last couple of days. My wife hasn't slept in nearly 48 hours, she's watched me like a hawk and made sure even though I spent most of my time in the fetal position covered in my own vomit and diahrea that I was warm, taken care of and had the right medicines. She cleaned off my face, helped me shower, go to the bathroom, sang me to sleep, changed my fever wraps, fed me and frequently changed my barf bucket. Wouldn't be here today writing this post if it wasn't for her.

THAT is a good woman and that's why she's my wife. I don't think you guys know what quality is.

Just as a side note: If you ever start blacking out after a major bout of diahrea, take a potassium pill or you'll go into cardiac arrest.
Mine is cooking dinner right now after she made sangria, she cooks every night. She would do the same as what your wife did. Foreign women are the best! Once you go foreign you don't go back. Why'd you get sick? Maybe you ate some of that gutter oil. Hope your wife is cooking for you it should be mandatory.


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
Unfortunately because of the lack of control and rampant corruption here the store bought food is frequently tainted with all sorts of bad stuff. I got off pretty easy actually... we read an article that about 34 school children were hospitalized because of the yogurt... found RAT POISON in it. I was just out for a couple days. There are things much worse than gutter oil here...wish I still had the articles, would post them for you guys to read, you wouldn't believe the stuff they do.

Yeah man foreign women for the win. I honestly, don't even remember what American women were like, been around these girls so long.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
LiveFreeX said:
Unfortunately because of the lack of control and rampant corruption here the store bought food is frequently tainted with all sorts of bad stuff. I got off pretty easy actually... we read an article that about 34 school children were hospitalized because of the yogurt... found RAT POISON in it. I was just out for a couple days. There are things much worse than gutter oil here...wish I still had the articles, would post them for you guys to read, you wouldn't believe the stuff they do.

Yeah man foreign women for the win. I honestly, don't even remember what American women were like, been around these girls so long.

I googled it.




Why don't you grocery shop online like the 2nd article says?

glass half full

Master Don Juan
Nov 2, 2012
Reaction score
I've seen some of the articles of what is being sold as food there. We have some food issues in U.S. too that aren't so widely known yet, but it's out there. What I've heard from China though...is disgusting.

I admire that the women over there are so good, they could teach the self-entitled brats here a thing or two.

Married Buried

Master Don Juan
Mar 1, 2012
Reaction score
glass half full said:
I've seen some of the articles of what is being sold as food there. We have some food issues in U.S. too that aren't so widely known yet, but it's out there. What I've heard from China though...is disgusting.

I admire that the women over there are so good, they could teach the self-entitled brats here a thing or two.

Livefree needs to get the hell out of that craphole. Bring her back to the USA livefree. You are a smart guy you can make dough and buy a place to live.


Jun 6, 2009
Reaction score
A good woman, and a woman that you are willing to have a relationship with are not always the same thing.


Don Juan
Feb 7, 2014
Reaction score
I just like(It's a criteria not even a definition) two kind of women :

1] Those who like to fvck and have uninhibited desires
2] Those who see the reality of the world to a great extent and know when a similar man is standing in her midst, with her me and she can both go on a long ride of adventures.

1 will do , 2 is ideal. My attention is limited, got other things to do.


New Member
Feb 20, 2014
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Gentle and virtuous. Filial piety, the guardian of her husband, caring for children, also to care for herself. Maybe they sometimes shopping online, like amzon, ebay, tmart. As long as they can use every reasonable sum of money, which is considered a good woman.


New Member
Mar 13, 2014
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According to me, a woman who lives her life in a way that she finds fulfilling. She seeks self actualization and nurtures herself. She shows compassion for others, but will do what is best for her. She is kind and caring, but does meets her own needs first. She does not make herself uncomfortable so that others are pleased with her or are comfortable around her. She is non-reactive and lets others think badly of her, if they so choose. She lives her life for what she sees to be her destiny and apologizes and defends and explains herself to no-one.