What is game to you? Does it exist or is it lingo for having common sense?


Sep 25, 2014
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Wondering what your thoughts are on having or learning "game". Does it exist or is it merely a term for having common sense in dealing with people in general?

IMO it's mearly a misused term for common sense in that "Game" implies that you have to learn some magic "cure all" in an effort to get women.

Anyone who isn't deluded knows the FIRST thing that opens the door for you is you looks, and style in regards to the type of women who'll be open to letting you approach them or them approaching you to even start interacting with them beyond that towards getting together. One size does not fit all.

"Game" seems to carry some misguided cure all belief in that ANY man who learns every bit of it (which game is just basically just common sense in acting and reacting to others) should be able to get any woman and retain/dismiss them at his choosing. That's a fallacy.

You could take ten men with the SAME exact knowledge of "game" (common sense) and to believe that every one who taught, absorbed and used "game" should be able to get any woman they want. This is completely false as it disregards many, many other aspects proponents of "game" will dismiss.

Some chicks may like rocker dudes, some may like emos, gamers, nerdy looking dudes, some tall, some with blue eyes, some like black men only, some like jacked dudes, some like bald dudes, dudes with tattoos, dudes who look like their favorite celebrity and on and on.

Also some chicks may dig other aspects of a dude that also have nothing to do with game. His everyday tone of voice. His likes and dislikes, his family, his friends or social circle, his activites.

If a chick digs you or not you cannot completely control if at all using common sense let alone a throw away term like "game".

"Game" gets thrown out by chicks who dig a dude who has a particular style she likes or gets to know them as a person beyond using tricks, lines etc. even using common sense in dealing with people.

You could say one dude has "game" when most women are FIRST attracted to his look, his style, and his use of common sense in not taking nonsense, being socially free, open, non-judgmental (in their eyes), confident, not being a pushover, not being needy or clingy etc.

That dude may have everything going for him even if there are better looking dudes who lack any basic common sense and are doormats, or simply a-holes.

Some chicks may prefer those types as well.

Put chicks in a room with an extremely attractive celebrity and none of them will give a sh1t about your common sense / "game" no matter how good it is. They'll automatically convince themselves the celebrity has "game" and the other dudes are "lames".

Take five dudes who aren't attractive. Give them all the "game" in the world ignoring whatever other issues they are masking with it. (even IF they have none). Put them in a room with 8's and above and two extremely good looking men with the same common sense or ("game") and you'll see how the women will convince themselves off of the looks and reactions of the rest of the women as well as to who really has "game".

I prefer to call being able to ineract with different people and react to them while constantly improving myself COMMON SENSE not "game". Because there is no way every dude could be equal in "game" and get any woman he chooses let alone any woman he chooses to go along with what he wants and disregard everything else involved.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
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Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Precisely. +1

Game is the ability to move forward with women who already find you attractive and not F up such opportunities.

Is it common sense? Well, to a newbie it might not be, but to an experienced guy, yes, it's fairly straightforward and common sense.

But anyway, great post.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
No, game is not common sense.

Common sense is closing your sunroof so your car doesnt get rained on. Skill with women has very little to do with sense or common logic, and much more to do with emotion and feeling.

I would define game as the propensity to make vaginas tingle. Looks are important yes but not nearly as much as you make them out to be. It is a certain air of confidence or intangible attribute that a man possesses. He knows how to be totally independent of outcomes and confident yet also be aloof and teasing.

Some men (not a large percentage) naturally possess this ability. Most are average and the girls they get reflect other factors such as attractiveness or wealth. And some men (also not a large percentage) will learn and develop this ability throughout their lives.

Also, werent you the guy shîtting on me for having no career yet you spend everyday writing page long posts about nonsense?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
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Mike32ct said:
Precisely. +1

Game is the ability to move forward with women who already find you attractive and not F up such opportunities.

Is it common sense? Well, to a newbie it might not be, but to an experienced guy, yes, it's fairly straightforward and common sense.

But anyway, great post.
Moving forward with women who are already interested in you is not game, thats being a normal functioning human being.

But why is she attracted to you in the first place independent of variables like looks or wealth? Because of the feeling and interaction you have and the attraction that is built through that. That is where game comes in, and no amount of money or looks is going to keep a girl sexually interested in you if you're a total beta pvssy.


Senior Don Juan
Mar 18, 2014
Reaction score
I think of game as "advanced" social skills. It doesn't apply only to women -- many of us will have learned how to "open sets" which include men and get those men on our side, or destroy their chances with the women in the set using "AMOG tactics" -- but it is generally geared towards women. CH calls it "distilled charisma" or something like that, and I agree with him.

I don't think game includes all the other things, like redpill awareness, style, looks and self-improvement, though those things can boost game or act alongside it. For me, game just refers to the way you talk to and act around women and, to a lesser extent, men. It's like the difference between tactics and strategy; game is one tactic you use "in the field", style is another, etc. and self-improvement and red-pill awareness are another, core, part of your "grand strategy".

I mostly agree with you, but
The411 said:
You could take ten men with the SAME exact knowledge of "game"
No you couldn't.

First, no two people on this forum have exactly the same knowledge of game. We haven't all read all of the same books, articles and posts, and while there is probably a core of material that all or most of us have read, retention and interpretation differ between people, and even the same person at different times.

Second, even if you found two with almost identical knowledge, understanding and interpretation of game, the way they act upon their knowledge will differ according to their temperament, personality, preferences, and mental state at the time. For proof of this, look at any question-thread where more than one poster has answered, and you will see that when looking at the same question, different posters will attack the problem from different angles and therefore suggest different -- sometimes even contradictory -- interpretations and tactics.

Finally, even when you find two who choose the same tactics in a given situation, the way they express those tactics will differ in their choice of words, tone of voice, etc., and all of these tiny factors have a collective effect on how the girl perceives and responds to the approach, which depends on her personality and circumstances.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
jurry said:
Moving forward with women who are already interested in you is not game, thats being a normal functioning human being.

But why is she attracted to you in the first place independent of variables like looks or wealth? Because of the feeling and interaction you have and the attraction that is built through that. That is where game comes in, and no amount of money or looks is going to keep a girl sexually interested in you if you're a total beta pvssy.
I don't want to sound arrogant by saying this, because I'm probably one of the most humble guys out there.... But honestly, in virtually all couples or hookups that I've been aware of, the attraction to the guy has been explainable without resorting to game or personality. There is almost always some wildcard the guy has like height, nice face, good hair or good shaved head, nice build, bad boy look, broad shoulders, skin tone, sexy accent, exotic look, money, or high status, etc.

Yes, it is speculation on my part. We will never know exactly what goes on in women's heads. But I've never met a guy that pulls or dates attractive women where I couldn't figure out what I think is his likely niche or wildcard and had to attribute it to "game."

I'm not saying attraction can't grow over time with connection. But there is almost always an initial looks/money/status trigger that gets the ball rolling.

I agree that being a beta puss can kill the initial attraction that any wildcard may have given you.


Don Juan
Oct 15, 2013
Reaction score
Like most things in life.. it's common sense once you know it, and not common sense when you don't. There are a lot of non common sense elements to game though, like less complimenting/not acting needy. And yes, a big part of game is being able to get the girls who think you are attractive (or at least those who are not unattracted to you). This is the level that just about anyone can aspire to reach. Exceeding that level is a true challenge, and usually requires you have a lot more going for you in life than just "game".


Don Juan
May 18, 2014
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its basically just teaching men to express their real self. its not adding anything to them, its taking away all the contrived bs from their thinking. it is a sense that is already there. its nothing to do with what a woman did to you, its what you did to yourself.
look at it this way...all men are born alpha. a beta is one who has convinced himself otherwise.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
chicks know what game is

men don't have a fvcking clue

thats why we all ended up here


Master Don Juan
Apr 2, 2014
Reaction score
Game is basically charisma. It's not only understanding what makes women want to f*ck you, it's also the ability to pull it off. Game is behaviour.

You say that game would be meaningless if you put a celebrity in the same room as five nobodies because the girls would convince themselves that the celebrity is the one with game and so on. But I would instead say that the fact that the celebrity can ruin or make even better his chances with those girls by his behaviour proves the validity of game according to the definition I just gave.


Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
jurry said:
No, game is not common sense.

Common sense is closing your sunroof so your car doesnt get rained on. Skill with women has very little to do with sense or common logic, and much more to do with emotion and feeling.

I would define game as the propensity to make vaginas tingle. Looks are important yes but not nearly as much as you make them out to be. It is a certain air of confidence or intangible attribute that a man possesses. He knows how to be totally independent of outcomes and confident yet also be aloof and teasing.

Some men (not a large percentage) naturally possess this ability. Most are average and the girls they get reflect other factors such as attractiveness or wealth. And some men (also not a large percentage) will learn and develop this ability throughout their lives.

Also, werent you the guy shîtting on me for having no career yet you spend everyday writing page long posts about nonsense?
You’re using common sense that can and should be applied to any person you deal with. Not as if women are some prize you must earn, and attempt to manipulate and control while putting on an untiring act and expecting the same act to work successfully with every chick you encounter.

To believe you can use “game” to get any woman you want and keep her and that any man can teach every man to all be experts in “game” will equal them getting anyone they choose while disregarding everything else that comes into play is delusional at best.

Interacting with chicks and knowing how to isn’t “game”. It’s common sense and being socially COMPETANT. This still doesn’t and will never mean that it disregards every other factor and every chick will like you or will like every other dude who uses common sense and is socially competent just like every dude will not like every chick no matter how hot she is, socially competent, and uses common sense. There’s faaaar more factors that come into play.

You could not work, not go to school, get hooked on drugs, not workout, dress like a slob, be socially clueless etc. or a combination of all and not get any women. Is that because of your “lack of game”? No. It’s because you are lacking in basic common sense. And if you corrected all those things for yourself and started getting women is that “game”? No. It’s common sense on what you should be doing for yourself. And even if you did all those things common sense would tell you, you still cannot control everyone to “like” you or that you are automatically going to like everyone.

Are you discrediting yourselves THAT much that you disregard everything in your life, achievements etc. and only consider “game” (basic common sense and social competence) to be your sole reason for attracting the women you do? It’s just you showing how truly non-confident you are in yourself in that you consider “game” to be your sole source for existence and the only reason a woman would like you therefore using the placebo of “Game” in an effort to “validate” yourself. And when that fails to work on every woman you choose you decide you need to learn more, keep up the act better etc.

Sure women and sex are great. But if they consume your life and your belief that constantly learning an act and maintaining “game” to try to keep getting more and more women while ignoring that you are just using common sense (should be using common sense) while being socially competent, though refusing to realize that not everyone will like everyone no matter what they do then I feel sorry for you.

Do chicks “game” you? No. You ALLOW yourselves to be “gamed” by them based off their looks, ethnicity, the fantasy of them, type of chick you’re attracted to, need for validation from her, your peers, how you value yourself etc. If you believe chicks “game” you then you are nothing more than a puppet and a self-imposed victim who willingly went along with it. Would any of you get “gamed” by a chick you didn’t find attractive at all even if she had “expert game”? No. Unless you were desperate to wet your piss whistle.

Tictac said:
Basically, 'Game' (named almost as an accident) is turning around what women have been doing to men forever.

That's why it fries their circuits.
Yet dudes try to learn “game” frying their own circuits in an attempt to find an answer to use on any woman they choose to choose them. One size does not fit all. And “game” implies if you master it you should be able to get ANY woman while disregarding everything else in play. Also everyone can learn it to get any woman in which how would any one woman then choose between two men with the EXACT same “game”? Off nothing else BUT “game”?

I could sit there and mentally masturbate on every detail of game till I got to expert level of Tic Tac and then expect based on “game” alone I should be able to get the SAME exact chicks Tic Tac gets as well a Tic Tac’s girl disregarding that the chick may also like Tic Tacs look, personality, tone of voice, quirks, movements, likes and dislikes, political views, religion, ethics, social circle, lack of or having Tattoo’s, height, work ethic, color eyes, hair, dress style, family, friends, body type and on and on.

You could say it’s basic common sense to not be a doormat and let others walk all over you while being socially competent and being the best person you can be. Still doesn’t mean just based on that one size fits all. But if you have nothing better to do then play t1t for tat in an effort to “get back” at women in an effort to get over well..pretty much shows they affect you more than most would like to admit and doesn't lie soley on having better "game".

Take any one of us.

Put us in a room by ourselves with one hot chick and several top looking dudes. You could "Game" your ass off and if she decides the rest look better she isn't going to give a damn about your "game" but the "game" the others have off of the LOOK she likes, style, height etc and you simply bothering her. ONLY if she likes your look, style and social competance etc better.

Then take each one of us alone with the same chick alone on a deserted island for a few weeks. Most all of us would wind up fvcking the chick and her not caring at that point as you were her only option at the time. No "game" needed.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
Theres so many absurd assumptions and absolutes shoved into your argument im not going to even bother responding to it all.

The same guy you mentioned with no job drug addict doesnt work out could just as easily be the guy who does kill it with girls, ive known several who fit the description. The only difference in your argument is that you think by working out and getting a good job you're somehow going to get better with women. No, you will probably have a better chance with a woman because of those factors. That is not at all the same thing as getting better with women. All youve done is improved your circumstances, and a good way to attract a gold digger.

To get better with women you must interact and approach and experience women, and your skill with them will improve as a result as you become more comfortable and confident with it. This is called game. It is not common sense, most guys do not have much skill with it; they bang a handful of girls in their life and settle down with one and thats it. Nothing wrong with that of course but it doesnt make you skilled with women.


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
Reaction score
The411 said:
You’re using common sense that can and should be applied to any person you deal with. Not as if women are some prize you must earn, and attempt to manipulate and control while putting on an untiring act and expecting the same act to work successfully with every chick you encounter.

To believe you can use “game” to get any woman you want and keep her and that any man can teach every man to all be experts in “game” will equal them getting anyone they choose while disregarding everything else that comes into play is delusional at best.

Interacting with chicks and knowing how to isn’t “game”. It’s common sense and being socially COMPETANT. This still doesn’t and will never mean that it disregards every other factor and every chick will like you or will like every other dude who uses common sense and is socially competent just like every dude will not like every chick no matter how hot she is, socially competent, and uses common sense. There’s faaaar more factors that come into play.

You could not work, not go to school, get hooked on drugs, not workout, dress like a slob, be socially clueless etc. or a combination of all and not get any women. Is that because of your “lack of game”? No. It’s because you are lacking in basic common sense. And if you corrected all those things for yourself and started getting women is that “game”? No. It’s common sense on what you should be doing for yourself. And even if you did all those things common sense would tell you, you still cannot control everyone to “like” you or that you are automatically going to like everyone.

Are you discrediting yourselves THAT much that you disregard everything in your life, achievements etc. and only consider “game” (basic common sense and social competence) to be your sole reason for attracting the women you do? It’s just you showing how truly non-confident you are in yourself in that you consider “game” to be your sole source for existence and the only reason a woman would like you therefore using the placebo of “Game” in an effort to “validate” yourself. And when that fails to work on every woman you choose you decide you need to learn more, keep up the act better etc.

Sure women and sex are great. But if they consume your life and your belief that constantly learning an act and maintaining “game” to try to keep getting more and more women while ignoring that you are just using common sense (should be using common sense) while being socially competent, though refusing to realize that not everyone will like everyone no matter what they do then I feel sorry for you.

Do chicks “game” you? No. You ALLOW yourselves to be “gamed” by them based off their looks, ethnicity, the fantasy of them, type of chick you’re attracted to, need for validation from her, your peers, how you value yourself etc. If you believe chicks “game” you then you are nothing more than a puppet and a self-imposed victim who willingly went along with it. Would any of you get “gamed” by a chick you didn’t find attractive at all even if she had “expert game”? No. Unless you were desperate to wet your piss whistle.

Yet dudes try to learn “game” frying their own circuits in an attempt to find an answer to use on any woman they choose to choose them. One size does not fit all. And “game” implies if you master it you should be able to get ANY woman while disregarding everything else in play. Also everyone can learn it to get any woman in which how would any one woman then choose between two men with the EXACT same “game”? Off nothing else BUT “game”?

I could sit there and mentally masturbate on every detail of game till I got to expert level of Tic Tac and then expect based on “game” alone I should be able to get the SAME exact chicks Tic Tac gets as well a Tic Tac’s girl disregarding that the chick may also like Tic Tacs look, personality, tone of voice, quirks, movements, likes and dislikes, political views, religion, ethics, social circle, lack of or having Tattoo’s, height, work ethic, color eyes, hair, dress style, family, friends, body type and on and on.

You could say it’s basic common sense to not be a doormat and let others walk all over you while being socially competent and being the best person you can be. Still doesn’t mean just based on that one size fits all. But if you have nothing better to do then play t1t for tat in an effort to “get back” at women in an effort to get over well..pretty much shows they affect you more than most would like to admit and doesn't lie soley on having better "game".

Take any one of us.

Put us in a room by ourselves with one hot chick and several top looking dudes. You could "Game" your ass off and if she decides the rest look better she isn't going to give a damn about your "game" but the "game" the others have off of the LOOK she likes, style, height etc and you simply bothering her. ONLY if she likes your look, style and social competance etc better.

Then take each one of us alone with the same chick alone on a deserted island for a few weeks. Most all of us would wind up fvcking the chick and her not caring at that point as you were her only option at the time. No "game" needed.
Your whole argument is straw man.

You are delusional.

You are a keyboard jockey of epic proportions.

If anything, "game" is the exact opposite of common sense.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
You don't understand what game is or why it's needed.

Game isn't "common sense" to most men who have grown up in a feminized society/culture/household. It's a reaction to an environment that is quite hostile to those who succumb to the social conditioning that gives both men and women the wrong idea about gender dynamics. Not to mention the enforcement of laws that are extremely biased toward one gender. It just so happens that men get screwed 10x worse in the process, on purpose.

You really should do some research as it's quite a broad topic with a deep history. However, something tells me you aren't interested in finding out the true underlying reasons.


Don Juan
May 18, 2014
Reaction score
G_Govan said:
You don't understand what game is or why it's needed.

Game isn't "common sense" to most men who have grown up in a feminized society/culture/household. It's a reaction to an environment that is quite hostile to those who succumb to the social conditioning that gives both men and women the wrong idea about gender dynamics. Not to mention the enforcement of laws that are extremely biased toward one gender. It just so happens that men get screwed 10x worse in the process, on purpose.

You really should do some research as it's quite a broad topic with a deep history. However, something tells me you aren't interested in finding out the true underlying reasons.
somebody's playing the blame game...


Master Don Juan
Apr 11, 2013
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Sep 25, 2014
Reaction score
Peaks&Valleys said:
Your whole argument is straw man.

You are delusional.

You are a keyboard jockey of epic proportions.

If anything, "game" is the exact opposite of common sense.
Amazing how I never seem to have a problem getting chicks nor have problems with them that I can't handle.

Hilariously enough the "gamers" have continuous issues which are posted daily throught the history of So Suave. Either threads complaining about women, lack of them, rejection, trying to "pass sh1t tests" like a sychopant poodle jumping through hoops and then laugahbly claiming they aren't pedestalizing the golden ***** while thinking they've found some mind-blowing discovery on how to have slvts open their legs for them...slvts..and then get validation from said slvts..LMAO

You are a delusional pvssy pandering puppet of epic proportions because if you consider "game" the opposite of common sense in dealing with women it shows you get your validation OFF women by following their lead.

And if that doesn't work try to take them out and try to ply them with drinks to even the playing field. :rolleyes:.

Who knows how I succeed. Maybe it's my looks and not putting up with nonsense, having social competence etc. I must be a fluke. Like the rest of the dudes I know.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
The411 said:
Amazing how I never seem to have a problem getting chicks nor have problems with them that I can't handle.

Hilariously enough the "gamers" have continuous issues which are posted daily throught the history of So Suave. Either threads complaining about women, lack of them, rejection, trying to "pass sh1t tests" like a sychopant poodle jumping through hoops and then laugahbly claiming they aren't pedestalizing the golden ***** while thinking they've found some mind-blowing discovery on how to have slvts open their legs for them...slvts..and then get validation from said slvts..LMAO

You are a delusional pvssy pandering puppet of epic proportions because if you consider "game" the opposite of common sense in dealing with women it shows you get your validation OFF women by following their lead.

And if that doesn't work try to take them out and try to ply them with drinks to even the playing field. :rolleyes:.

Who knows how I succeed. Maybe it's my looks and not putting up with nonsense, having social competence etc. I must be a fluke. Like the rest of the dudes I know.
This has to be one of the most sneakily crafted brag posts ive ever come across.

Your whole purpose in posting this was to shît on some random internet strangers by inviting pointless discussion over the usage of a term that everyone understands, then to turn the whole thing around on why using the term is actually for pvssy pandering losers.

We get it dude, youre so good with women its common sense for you. Youre the man.

Many guys are not that good with women though, so it is NOT common sense. Hence why they have signed up to a dating forum and ask questions.

So we can call it game, the "DJ" mindset, being smooth/charming, whatever. It boils down to your skill at interacting with women, we all know what the fvck it means.

Stop being a cvnt and be constructive.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
As I have said before, game is for average to ugly guys. Dudes who look like Matt Damon would laugh at this site because it comes so easy to them.

The alphas who have pulled women since high school operate on a different wavelength than betas. Thats just the way it is.

We all know what women find attractive. That's obvious. What many of us don't have is those attractive qualities. I won't say all of them are God given many of them are.

Tyler Durden may be able pull HB 6's by spitting game but at the end of the day a good looking muscular tall alpha will pull much hotter women with a lot less effort. Not to mention those women will be chasing him and not the other way around.