What goes up must come down.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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I apologize for my **** english, I'm trying to do my best. I guess I always wanted to keep track of my actions and results with girls, but also with other things like school, sports and friendship in life. I figured you might want to give your opinions about the girl part. You might want to have a look in my life, enjoy!

I discovered the community after a friend of mine from Spain told me to get the book 'The game' by Neil Strauss.(Who didn't?) I thought it was really interesting that there were such tactiques to pick up girls. I'm quite okay with girls I think, I'm getting all of my girls outside school(parties, friends from friends) because I skipped a grade(bad excuse). I would like to get more dating opportunities, because I feel like I'm getting too little. That's where you could hop in.

I am a 16 year old boy from Amsterdam, The Netherlands. I love to play sports, I'm playing tabletennis(?) and tennis at quite a high level, especially table tennis, where i'm top 20 of the Netherlands. I'm in grade eleven, and I'm quite busy with school, although I'm fairly lazy. I also love doing fun things with friends, clubbing, and going on vacation hehe. I want to do a year USA after I'll finish my high school!

What I want to achieve:
First of all, my parents taught me that for them, the things I should do are in this order:
-Other fun things, like hanging out with friends, picking up girls.

*With school I would like to get good grades, and focus a bit more on making homework and stuff.
*The competitive season with my both sports is relatively over so I'm just going to train a lot, I also wanted to sign up for a gym.
*With girls, as I said, I want to improve as much as I can, I'll keep you updated and share my stories.

Life is never easy for those who dream.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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Okay, almost going to sleep, it's getting late.
Tomorrow I'll be having school and tennis training after.
You could say that I really like one of the girls that is in my training. Lets call her HB Tennis. I know her for quite a while but I used to see her like once every four months. But since this spring, I'm having training together with her once a week. Since she's really hot, she's extremely hard to get, which sucks.
However since we bike together from the training. (she lives like 5 min away from my house) I brought up the idea of biking together to training. So here was the short conversation:
Me: Hey, do you want to bike together to the training next week?
Her: Yeah, sounds like a good plan!
Me: Oh, well I guess, it would be good to give your number then.
Her: Do you want my number?!
Me: Erm, Yeah.
So she gave her number, and I did not decide to text her, because she gets this all the time.
The next week, I was a tad late, like 2/3 minutes and she was already gone. So I decided to call her, but she didn't answer her phone. When I saw her at training she told me I was like 5 minutes too late and otherwise she wouldnt had been there in time. So I just went on, and teased and negged her and she found me really funny. So tomorrow we're biking together again, and I decided to text her tonight. I decided to keep it short, her reactions weren't really good though:

Me: Tomorrow I'll be on time ;(
Her: Haha, okay lets meet 5 minutes earlier then?
Me: I was actually planning to come 20 minutes too early and say you're too late
Her: Hahah that isn't needed then.
Her: But lets go at that time then?
Me: Yeah sure.

I don't like how she completely focuses on the biking part, anyway I planned on asking her out for a drink tomorrow, she finds me really funny and kind, but I'm not sure whether she's playing a game or if she's just not interested in me.



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2010
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mind said:
I don't like how she completely focuses on the biking part, anyway I planned on asking her out for a drink tomorrow, she finds me really funny and kind, but I'm not sure whether she's playing a game or if she's just not interested in me.

What else would she focus on? You've only talked about biking, so that's what she's going to focus on. You can't expect her to talk about anything else that you don't bring up because you have to lead the convo.

Yeah your chances seem good, go for it.

Also, is this a journal?

Also, fun fact spurred from your above post. In my IB psychology test I talked about why men have approach anxiety and referenced the made up study Strauss (2010), so yeah i'm ****ed

Go for this girl


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Yup, this is going to be.a journal. And I will ask her out today and tell you the results, thank you for your advice!


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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Wow, so today was a rollercoaster.
At school I got very bad notes and after that I biked home very fast, so I was on time for HB Tennis.
When I arrived there, she said hi. She isn't really kino'ish although she has touched me several times, but I realised since we always used to bike that I would give her a hug.
Here's what happened:
She: Hey, you're on time!
Me: Yeah I am haha, *tries to give her a hug*
She: Just stands there quietly or refuses or something.
At this moment I was really disgusted, because even if you find someone friendly, you give someone a hug.
Me: Wow, that was quite awkward/rude.
She: Yeah it was, sorry.
She: So how are you?
Me: Yeah apart from what happened haha
I was so flabberguested haha.
She: Yeah so how are you?
Me: Yeah fine,

So we had to bike for another 5 minutes to training, and when we came there, she immediately told her friend about what occurred. I decided just to be relaxed with it. We didn't bike home together anymore, that sucked, since I felt I should have done that, but she chose to bike with her friend instead.
So when I got home, I thought about it again and I really don't know what to think of it, she probably just was a huge *****, but she also could have not expected this and reacted really spastic on it.
Anyway, I need to get more 'flirts' at this moment, any suggestions?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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Nick1886 said:
that is a bit strange. maybe talk to her about it?
It is, but if I would talk to her about it, that would only make things more complicated, because she's never gonna admit she did that because she just is a huge ***** so yeah. I thought about that too but meh


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
My first thought was, "Whatever".
It's all in your mental proccesses. Do and say things 100% as they are.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
NorwegianDJ said:
My first thought was, "Whatever".
It's all in your mental proccesses. Do and say things 100% as they are.
You mean I should just skip her, and immediately say what's on my mind in certain situations?
edit: sorry for any misunderstanding


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
Reaction score
mind said:
You mean I should just skip her, and immediately say what's on my mind in certain situations?
edit: sorry for any misunderstanding
Nah, just dont worry about it. When you get several options, or whenever you start feeling more entitled, you'll naturally feel what I mean.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Nothing much happened, except school, training and stuff. I found out simple pickup, it's not really that much of a deal but it's really funny. You guys should check it out on youtube.

Wow, I was so done with this HB Tennis girl, and then a friend of her starts tallking to me on msn under the name of HB Tennis. I figured that out pretty fast, because the conversation went like this:
Her: Hey
Me: Hi
Her: How are you? xxzxxz
Me: ?
Her: Didn't the message arrive?
Me: Ok... (here I already knew it was a friend, and I was wondering why I kept replying even though they were short answers)
Her: I know you would love to talk to HB Tennis, but I'm not HB tennis, however I know you wanted that though.
Me: Wow k

So I still can't believe girls are so immature, however we're not on a PUA forum if we didn't try to pick-up.

So I will introduce you to HB Foreign, she's a girl that lives quite a while away from me and since she's seen me once, and I made out with her.
Since that she has been texting me a lot, but she doesn't want to come over alone, so I was quite abrupt against her. But since she decided to make the step and come over to Amsterdam to visit me tomorrow, I'm going to do fun stuff with her. Lets see how it works out!


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
I made homework and revised all day. I went out for dinner with my dad, and it was much fun.
So HB foreign and her friend actually came to Amsterdam to see me. I only could see them for a short time, because I found school more important, since I wasn't really attracted to her. She was hot though. So I found out that both her and her friend liked me. She kissed me in the end, I didn't even have to do anything. I don't think I will continue with her though. As you can see guys, you don't always have to do anything as long as you play game.
Anyway I'm getting more tired and tired and I can't concentrate, I was thinking about going to the doctor, I will keep you updated.
Oh and btw, I have to see HB girl tennis tomorrow, hahaha that's gonna be fun, I will just try to act as relaxed as possible.

Take care guys.

Edit: Longer posts will come soon, but I'm really busy lately. Oh well.


Master Don Juan
Nov 8, 2010
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Wilmington, DE
I never read this thread before because the title annoyed me...What goes up must COME down...regardless I decided to look at this and holy crap a Dutch guy.

You've got the life man, you can legally drink at 16 right? I visited Amsterdam for a time last year and had a fun little day involving a live sex show that I played a small part in.

Anyway I might visit Amsterdam this summer because my cousins live up in Leiden and now that I'm 18 I can do whatever. In case the name Arthur Niggebrugge means anything to you...distant counsin...apparently he did surgery on the queen's foot or something?

USA sucks though. Our economy is in the pooper and everything is expensive. Plus our women are very socialized and not sexually liberated for the most part.

Anyway...cool...I'm also Dutch with my family having moved to the USA back during my grandfather's youth. He was taken to the concentration camps and survived...

But yeah so I'll read some of your issues and give you advice when necessary. Peace.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
Hey BPH,

Thanks for your reply! I have to say I'm sorry for the wrong title of the thread. It's good you said what it should have been, I asked a admin to change the title so it won't bother you anymore haha.
Anyway, it sounds so cool you're actually Dutch! I'm quart canadian myself, so I sort of know how that feels. I would love loved to move to USA, meeeh.
And yeah age here for alcohol is 16, I'm loving it, but unfortunately, driving is 18.
I'm sorry to hear about your grandfather, although it's so great he survived. Dutch girls are pretty sexually liberated, but it depends, the social circle I'm in, is not that sexually liberated haha.
When you're going to Amsterdam, please tell me! I will actually show you the good places, outside the touristic ****, and we will go clubbing, since that's quite easy here.
I'd love to get more feedback, I'll also check your thread out.
Take care bro.


Don Juan
May 6, 2012
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Don't mean to butt in but I was thinking of hitting the Dam this summer or next spring as well. What's the situation on the Weed laws though?


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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Nick1886 said:
Don't mean to butt in but I was thinking of hitting the Dam this summer or next spring as well. What's the situation on the Weed laws though?
You would have to go after that, because they might gonna use a weedpass or somethinf, but for now its fine.


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
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Didn't go to training because season is over. I also recieved bad notes for chemistry. I did have a fun chat with the best friend of HB Foreign,so that was the highlight of my day.
Went to the libary with a good girl friend of mine. I'm thinking she might like me, because she clearly shows interest.
I've also found out about a site that makes everything ok, haha.
And one last problem, whenever I see a nice girl when I'm on my bike, I always realise too late that I should have stopped. I should change that.


Don Juan
May 13, 2012
Reaction score
Try jogging or running instead of biking, i've met girls before while running. But if you're a huge biking fan or it's too far keep biking and just try going slower


Don Juan
Jan 5, 2012
Reaction score
JohnWall said:
Try jogging or running instead of biking, i've met girls before while running. But if you're a huge biking fan or it's too far keep biking and just try going slower
Hmmm, yeah that's right. But Amsterdam is the city of biking. We use our bike for everything.