What does your daily care routine look like?

Designer Man

Don Juan
Apr 7, 2018
Reaction score
So as part of being a DJ is looking after yourself and taking care of your appearance. Here's mine:

Food: healthy wholegrain breakfast with some fruit and protein followed by approximately 6 meals throughout the day of a variety of meat, carbs and veg.

Drink water throughout the day.

Hit the gym 4-5 times per week

For skin care I moisturise every morning and every night. Before bed I follow a routine of cleansing my face and moisturizing afterwards.

I look after my teeth and very rarely eat chocolate etc.

I keep my hair nice and my nails short.

What does your care routine look like?

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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I take krill oil, vitamin d, a multivitamin, possibly chaga tea, water, an energy drink, cinnamon bread, in the morning.

Mid-day I drink 104+ ounces of water, maybe a quesadilla or beef jerky, or a hot dog (convenience store, I know bad but it's quick and $2 for 2).

Evening I'll eat a salad pretty decent sized, and tilapia fish or an indian spinach dish tofu. Then dessert, carrot cake or peanut butter cookies or apple pie or peach pie or waffles.

Floss/brush every night. Mouthwash morning and night. Amish soap, high-end shampoo. Shave every other day. Phermones oil in morning.

Energy drink in morning just makes me alive unlike coffee. I know it's bad but gotta have it to start off and remain happy in my interactions with people daily.

Massage chair. Temperpedic bed (have a $3000 air bed but prefer temperdedic knockoff from 2004 I still sleep in).

I use a maid to clean my home. Lord knows, no girlfriend or wife would do it.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
I take krill oil, vitamin d, a multivitamin, possibly chaga tea, water, an energy drink, cinnamon bread, in the morning.

Mid-day I drink 104+ ounces of water, maybe a quesadilla or beef jerky, or a hot dog (convenience store, I know bad but it's quick and $2 for 2).

Evening I'll eat a salad pretty decent sized, and tilapia fish or an indian spinach dish tofu. Then dessert, carrot cake or peanut butter cookies or apple pie or peach pie or waffles.

Floss/brush every night. Mouthwash morning and night. Amish soap, high-end shampoo. Shave every other day. Phermones oil in morning.

Energy drink in morning just makes me alive unlike coffee. I know it's bad but gotta have it to start off and remain happy in my interactions with people daily.

Massage chair. Temperpedic bed (have a $3000 air bed but prefer temperdedic knockoff from 2004 I still sleep in).

I use a maid to clean my home. Lord knows, no girlfriend or wife would do it.
If you could fvck your maid what would you need a GF or wife for?


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2005
Reaction score
Miami, FL
I work out Monday through Friday. I eat oatmeal and on the days that I lift I will have this energy shake type thing as well before I go and some coconut oil.

I make sure to drink water. After working out I have protein shake. When I get some time I then have lunch usually like a chicken salad or something. Then i will eat like a small meal or two before dinner usually stuff like fruit and nuts.

I don't really moisturize or any crap like that.

I also at the end of day review what I could've done better and think about how to accomplish whatever I feel like accomplishing.
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Master Don Juan
Feb 15, 2018
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I take a men's multi-vitamin, Vit. D/k2, probiotic, Omega 3-6-9, Magnesium, and Zinc sup in the morning. I use minoxidil for my hair, twice a day. Exfoliate my face with a charcoal scrub twice a week, as well as wash my face twice a day and apply a moisturizer after each. Since adding this, my skin is crystal clear with no red marks or break outs. Hair is nice and thick as well for someone in their early 40s; no gray hair either.

Breakfast, I switch it up. Either 3 eggs and uncured bacon, almond flour pancakes, plain whole milk greek yogurt w/ raw honey and/or fresh fruit, plain whole milk cottage cheese with raw honey and/or fresh fruit.

Lunch, usually fruit, veggies or almonds.

Snacks: I usually make my own, but when I want ice-cream on the go, I go for Enlightened ice cream.

Dinner, I usually cook from scratch either a meat, chicken or salmon meal. I usually cook every other day. I try to limit my alcohol intake. More importantly, I really try to limit my grain and sugar intake to as close as zero as possible. My processed food intake is now zero. I do like soda from time to time and found a way to continue to drink soda with zero neg. effects. It's called Zevia. Look it up. No artificial sweeteners or chems. I like it, but others are not crazy about it because it is not sweet enough.

These changes have lead to clearer skin, no more acid reflux, 25+ lbs weight loss and a cleaner way to live.


Don Juan
May 10, 2018
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For the body i take different things but the core vitam are someone called OPC u should google that. It 3 different antioxident. Then fish oil and k2..the k2 is the key. As for working out i have a power rack at home so it 6 days 1 day off. 1.5 to 2 hour of weights a day. Compound like deadlift squates and bench press and shoulder press. Plus other ****....but the key is the face....rosehip oil in the morning and tamanu oil at night...my face has never need better. After the rosehip oil in the morning because does not leave a shine i used jack black double duty face moisturizer with spf 20. At night i used kiehls age defender eye contour for me. I do this everyday. Oh ay and 250 ml of test e a week...i will never age.


May 23, 2013
Reaction score
In the morning when I get up, look in the morror after I chit, chower, and chave to make sure I’m still atractive, decide if I need a haircut, then have leisure time physical activities in my life to stay in shape…
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Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2015
Reaction score
In the morning when I get up, look in the morror after I chit, chower, and chave to make sure I’m still atractive and then have physical activities in my life to stay in shape…
Positive affirmations as part of your ritual?


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2018
Reaction score
So Cal
Read book everyday. New book every week; 7 days divided by total number of pages in that particular book. Current - 341p divided by 7 = 48 pages everyday.

Skin care routine (morning): cleanse, tone, hylaronic acid, eye cream, vitamin c, resveretrol, moisturizer, spf.
(Evening): cleanse (Clarisonic), tone,hylaronic acid with matrixoyl, eye, retoonoid, rosehip oil.
(Weekly) AHA and BHA facemask on sundays

Sleep 8 hours every night

Stretch for 1 hour every night

Spoken word mediation; giving gratitude and speaking to what I desire to manifest.

Learn 1 new word everyday, write 10 uses for it, then integrate that word in to my day at least three times.

Calisthenics on days which I workout

Intermittent fast everyday only eat from 11am-5pm

Hike once a week; usually Saturday morning.

Listen to self development podcast while doing stretching routine

Laundry every Friday morning

Very healthy diet. Which are all planned at the start of every week. Smoothies frozen and prepared (17 ingredients). Quinoa/rice and veggies cooked and chopped. Minimizes time spent in kitchen which allots more time to do above interests.

First you create your habits, then your habits create you. We’re nothing but compounded choices. Choose what you fill your mind and days with wisely.