What do you guys think I should do with this girl?


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
Ok, We met like a month ago and we've been kinda going out every now and then. During that time I was seeing a few other girls too. However I liked her more so I gave her a little bit more attention then the others. We went to a few parties together were starting to get closer. Then she did a 180 on me saying we should just be friends.

Then at that time I got pissed off and left. I didn't really show anything I just said "Alright I'm going to leave then" but I was kinda pissed off inside. So I didn't talk to her for a week and now she's back to flirting with me. Always putting her head on my shoulders, always hugging me, always doing the initiating.

I've been trying to avoid her as much as possible because I don't want to fall back into that same spot again but it's hard because we have a class together. I'm still going out with other girls here and there but I still at a lost. I'm not asking if I should leave her or not. My question is that, what would be some reason she did a 180 and then another 180 only a few days later? I know girls are complex and stuff but after talking to a few girls about things, understand them a bit more. Just wondering if you guys have any insight on this one.


Master Don Juan
Oct 4, 2004
Reaction score
I wouldn't do anything, treat her as a friend, give her another chance if she wants to be more than friends but only once.


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
Originally posted by DJStudent
Ok, We met like a month ago and we've been kinda going out every now and then. During that time I was seeing a few other girls too. However I liked her more so I gave her a little bit more attention then the others. We went to a few parties together were starting to get closer. Then she did a 180 on me saying we should just be friends.

Then at that time I got pissed off and left. I didn't really show anything I just said "Alright I'm going to leave then" but I was kinda pissed off inside. So I didn't talk to her for a week and now she's back to flirting with me. Always putting her head on my shoulders, always hugging me, always doing the initiating.

I've been trying to avoid her as much as possible because I don't want to fall back into that same spot again but it's hard because we have a class together. I'm still going out with other girls here and there but I still at a lost. I'm not asking if I should leave her or not. My question is that, what would be some reason she did a 180 and then another 180 only a few days later? I know girls are complex and stuff but after talking to a few girls about things, understand them a bit more. Just wondering if you guys have any insight on this one.
That "second 180" might be an illusion.

Putting her head on your shoulder and "hugging" is stuff that girls do with their "girlfriends", so you could still be in the friendzone and she's being affectionate because she senses you're p!ssed off and she's giving you that "please don't be mad at me" routine.

First of all, don't get ticked when a girl rejects you romantically. It's her loss, not yours. Don't take it as a personal attempt by her to WRONG you in some way. There was some dude on here yesterday talking abuot being so offended by girls rejecting him that he wanted to throw acid in their faces. Dont' be that guy. :p

If she wants to just be friends, then just be friends with her. Unless you don't WANT her as a friend, then just break contact. Don't get p!ssed, just break contact.

Next time she puts her head on your shoulder, go for a kiss. If she rejects you, then just smile and walk away.

In the meantime, get her to hook you up with her friends. :D


Senior Don Juan
Jan 12, 2002
Reaction score
I don't think I was necessarly piss off because of what she did, but that it was a waste of my time since she didn't make it clear earlier. I hate wasting my time on something that yield no results.

It's been a few days since I wrote this and things has turn another corner. She's been inviting me to a few parties and everytime we walk anywhere she wants me to hold her hand. She even said so when we're walking outside which is weird. I think she's using me to look good at parties. Like we don't kiss or anything anymore but she's with me like the whole party. I honestly wanted her to go dance with her guy friends so I can be free to dance with the girls I want, but she wouldn't leave me. Anyway I talk to her bestfriend a lot since we're closer in personality but I'm not attracted to her, and she told me that quite a few girls at the party thinks I'm cute. But the problem is that the girl I was seeing is like all over me and I can't really flirt with other girls cause she just pull me away. And a kicker with this was that I heard some of her friends talking to her about this other guy she was seeing. I kinda thought so and so it was verified but it didn't bother me. So he arrived at the party and so they started talking, and I left seeing that it was my chance to leave and like 5 mins later she's pulling me away from some girl I was dancing with. So what's up with this? She was right in the first place, we don't click when we're alone. I'm just flat bored when we're alone, and I think it's her cause i can talk to any girl. The reason why I'm partying with her and hanging out is because I can be physical with her. So now my question is why would a girl do this? Is she trying to get back? Using me for some other reason?