What are some DEFINITE signs that she is NOT interested in you?


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
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So I'm just curious, what are some definite signs that she's a no go? And how soon can you tell these signs? I know there are all those "Indicators of Disinterest" that PUAs talk about, but I've been given indicators of disinterest from a girl before and ended up hooking up with her later on, so these IODs aren't always accurate.


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
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Your life will tell it all to be honest.Like if you have no job she is not interested,if you have no car she is not interested,if your broke she is not interested.See women these day are after succesful men and more then likely if your succesful she will always be interested.


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
tebow1120 said:
Your life will tell it all to be honest.Like if you have no job she is not interested,if you have no car she is not interested,if your broke she is not interested.See women these day are after succesful men and more then likely if your succesful she will always be interested.

Thats maybe true if you're an AFC or shes a golddigger.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
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wall street
she does not comply with any or most of the things you say. simple.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2006
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New York City
Just because a chick is not interested in you doesn't mean she will not hookup with you.. for god sakes there are chicks out there who have boyfriends who they are with who they are not interested in. The reasons for this is political correctness (girls who have BFs = not sluts/are worth more in our society.. at a young age, at least). Other reasons they may be with them might be out of sheer loneliness.

So sometimes there is really no way of 'really' telling. Girls are wonderful at putting on long-term performances (months or years even) in which they convince themselves they are happy, while they know they are really not as happy as they should be. Hence why women breakup with their so called 'lovers' so quickly and move onto something better within weeks.

Because I'm feeling merry, I'll give my list of signs in which a girl is not interested in you.. just the major ones at least.

-She doesn't return your calls or messages
-Her favorite word is 'later'.. as in we will talk 'later' or we can meet up 'later'. If a chick refuses 'now' all the time, it's a pretty good bet she isn't interested.
-Short replies (although some chicks are just like this)
-She contacts you when she is bored (e.g. class/work), but never contacts you otherwise
-She won't agree to meet up one on one
-She doesn't tell you about her life; Coincidentally, all chicks who have been interested in me have BURIED me in details of their life and what's going on in it, up to the minute.

And that's all for now.. obviously there are thousands. I never believed in sure-fire ways a girl isn't interested in you when you first meet her. Why? Because I believe if you believe that, then you also believe that not all women are attainable. This is untrue. All women are attainable, no matter what signs they may give out at first. The way a man acts thereafter, may cause a woman to act uninterested, which is usually the nail in the coffin.


Master Don Juan
Sep 4, 2007
Reaction score
WC2 said:
-She doesn't return your calls or messages
-Her favorite word is 'later'.. as in we will talk 'later' or we can meet up 'later'. If a chick refuses 'now' all the time, it's a pretty good bet she isn't interested.
-Short replies (although some chicks are just like this)
-She contacts you when she is bored (e.g. class/work), but never contacts you otherwise
-She won't agree to meet up one on one
-She doesn't tell you about her life; Coincidentally, all chicks who have been interested in me have BURIED me in details of their life and what's going on in it, up to the minute.
All these are true, particularly the bolded. Most importantly the bolded and underlined.

Her availability to you (or lack thereof) is the cardinal IOI/IODI to go by.

Girls choose their company wisely and will ONLY invest time/ effort if they are interested in you romantically.

If it's merely platonic, she'll be friendly/ social when she sees you and that will be that. She WON'T actually meet up with you on her time and won't make counter-offers when you suggest something.

If she sees you as a dating/ relationship/ hook-up prospect (or even just a wildcard), she WILL agree to see you. If not, forget about it.

Also; for what its worth, the more flexible/ willing she is to see you (i.e. you pick a time and a place and she's there), the more interested she is.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
If the girl NEVER calls or txt


Don Juan
Nov 27, 2007
Reaction score
Ok, I think I understand what the OP is specifically asking for.

But I'm sorry to say but there are no easy solutions, you just have to understand all the IOIs and IODs and make estimates guesses. You can only ever be 90 or 95% sure that someone is interested or disinterested in you so you just have to play the odds.

When dealing with people there are no such things as certainties.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 12, 2008
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Just because a chick is not interested in you doesn't mean she will not hookup with you.. for god sakes there are chicks out there who have boyfriends who they are with who they are not interested in.
I know what you mean. I've had girls make fun of me in a completely mean non-flirtatious way that I ended up hooking up with later. On the other end of the things, I've had a girl say she'd definitely have sex with me who of course, never would even make out with me.

I guess a more to the point question I should ask is how long before you give up on a specific girl who won't have sex with you?

I mean I guess if she won't have sex with you then you should obviously give up, but sometimes the girl doesn't give any clear signs and it's hard to know whether you should stick around or not.


Master Don Juan
Aug 23, 2008
Reaction score
Don't even worry about IOIs or IODs. Just go after what you want and make the ho say no. Yeah some girls will make it very obvious if they like you, but many shy girls are far more subtle about it. In fact many who are interested may even appear disinterested. Just keep on escalating until she tells you to **** off.


Don Juan
May 23, 2009
Reaction score
If the girl makes up an excuse everyday of the week why she cant have sex, she just not might be into you.

If the girl denies three different suggestions to hang out at, she just not might be into you.

If the girl has a 'friend' that she likes or has 'feeelings for', she just not might be into you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 22, 2007
Reaction score
Eastern Time Zone where it's always really late
Demystify said:
So I'm just curious, what are some definite signs that she's a no go? And how soon can you tell these signs? I know there are all those "Indicators of Disinterest" that PUAs talk about, but I've been given indicators of disinterest from a girl before and ended up hooking up with her later on, so these IODs aren't always accurate.

Obviously, when grinding in a club, her back is against you much of the time. However, if she KEEPS HER BACK TO YOU THE WHOLE TIME, you are sooo friendzoned. While no rule in the game is 100 percent, I've NEVER hooked up with a chick that did that. This is the most reliable IOD I have found. (I hate these acronymns. It sounds like some kind of birth control device lol.)

I don't care how hard she grinds your c*ck. She may even let you kiss her neck, feel her body, etc. She might put your hands on her boobs or p*ss. She might "dance" with you for a few hours. But if she won't let you turn her to face her and grind face to face (for more than a few seconds), forgetttaboutit.

I believe it could mean any of the following:

1. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but she is also scanning the room for other (possibly hotter, taller) sausage.

2. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but from the feel of it, your c*ck is too small for her.

3. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but desperately avoids face to face because she does NOT want to make out with you.

4. Finally, she just may be an AW or c*cktease not looking to hook up with anyone that night. Or she is a girl who is taken and has set strict boundaries.

My only club hookups involving the dance floor included girls that didn't mind me turning them around to face me and grind face to face. Contrary to popular belief, a makeout is not strictly necessary in order to pull, but you must have face to face time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 22, 2008
Reaction score
teacha said:
she does not comply with any or most of the things you say. simple.

^ This is the best test of interest. An interested woman will let you lead her.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 16, 2009
Reaction score
wall street
Mike32ct said:
Obviously, when grinding in a club, her back is against you much of the time. However, if she KEEPS HER BACK TO YOU THE WHOLE TIME, you are sooo friendzoned. While no rule in the game is 100 percent, I've NEVER hooked up with a chick that did that. This is the most reliable IOD I have found. (I hate these acronymns. It sounds like some kind of birth control device lol.)

I don't care how hard she grinds your c*ck. She may even let you kiss her neck, feel her body, etc. She might put your hands on her boobs or p*ss. She might "dance" with you for a few hours. But if she won't let you turn her to face her and grind face to face (for more than a few seconds), forgetttaboutit.

I believe it could mean any of the following:

1. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but she is also scanning the room for other (possibly hotter, taller) sausage.

2. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but from the feel of it, your c*ck is too small for her.

3. She might actually enjoy the grinding, but desperately avoids face to face because she does NOT want to make out with you.

4. Finally, she just may be an AW or c*cktease not looking to hook up with anyone that night. Or she is a girl who is taken and has set strict boundaries.

My only club hookups involving the dance floor included girls that didn't mind me turning them around to face me and grind face to face. Contrary to popular belief, a makeout is not strictly necessary in order to pull, but you must have face to face time.
:down: :down: :down: :down: :down:

......this is like someone saying girls don't fvck on a first date just because he's NEVER hooked up with one before on a first date.:crackup:


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
WC2 said:
Just because a chick is not interested in you doesn't mean she will not hookup with you.. for god sakes there are chicks out there who have boyfriends who they are with who they are not interested in.
I'd like to stress this...

Totally true...

A close girl friend of mine, she's going out with my best mate, but she said she could never have sex with her boyfriends, that'd just be weird (wtf?! lolll), and another female friend is a virgin and is totally coming onto me sexually yet she has a boyfriend! WTF! Not complaining, it's excellent for me, just not right lmao xD


Don Juan
Dec 3, 2010
Reaction score
Mike32ct said:
Obviously, when grinding in a club, her back is against you much of the time. However, if she KEEPS HER BACK TO YOU THE WHOLE TIME, you are sooo friendzoned. While no rule in the game is 100 percent, I've NEVER hooked up with a chick that did that. This is the most reliable IOD I have found. (I hate these acronymns. It sounds like some kind of birth control device lol.)
Some girl in my school with a ****ING HOT BODY did the grinding motion thingy to me at our end of school prom thing, but back then I didn't know wtf "grinding" was, so I stood there just waving my arms and stuff behind her...

Holy ****... :L