What about the "Booty Call" Damages


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
oh here comes another chick "with problems". :moon: This is about to turn to a symp convention.

Well then I guess I will just have to give those chicks what they want to hear:

"Yes Yes it was all his fault, you GO GIRL!! Fvcking men are all selfish and all they care about are themselves!! Using trickery to get you to bed how dare they!!!?? They don't understand women like a few men do such as myself, now come and cry in my arms and tell me that I am not like the other guys and I am such a great guy and then go back to him and let him fvck you silly, OK?!"


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
oh here comes another chick "with problems". :moon: This is about to turn to a symp convention.

Well then I guess I will just have to give those chicks what they want to hear:

"Yes Yes it was all his fault, you GO GIRL!! Fvcking men are all selfish and all they care about are themselves!! Using trickery to get you to bed how dare they!!!?? They don't understand women like a few men do such as myself, now come and cry in my arms and tell me that I am not like the other guys and I am such a great guy and then go back to him and let him fvck you silly, OK?!"
DJ, fvck off. I came here to tell her that he is no longer my problem after it took me so long to realize that it was infact my problem for staying with that so long, and that she should not be the girl that I was. Can you read????? Knock it off with your fvckin arrogance.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
DJ, fvck off. I came here to tell her that he is no longer my problem after it took me so long to realize that it was infact my problem for staying with that so long, and that she should not be the girl that I was. Can you read????? Knock it off with your fvckin arrogance.
You gals must realize that you are preaching to the wrong choir here. You are in a man's forums talking about your woman issues. What is your purpose for asking these questions? To convert us off of doing what works to get women? or just to vent your stress and anxiety. If its just to vent i do suggest you find another forum that is more sympathetic to your plight.


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
DJ, fvck off. I came here to tell her that he is no longer my problem after it took me so long to realize that it was infact my problem for staying with that so long, and that she should not be the girl that I was. Can you read????? Knock it off with your fvckin arrogance.
So much fire and passion SunnyD!! I love that in a woman!!:flowers:

nah see this is a Don Juan Discussion Forum and not "lets hold our hands together in misery around the bond fire and sing Combaya"

I detest to be in any situations where girls meet together to discuss with other men about their own boyfriends situations. Nothing good comes out of it especially since the women just want attention and to vent and the situation is not going to resolve itself until she makes a stand by herself. I believe you already had like 5 pages of symp saying "there, there its going to be alright", at least let the other girl take the spotlight for once ok?!


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
DJDamage said:
So much fire and passion SunnyD!! I love that in a woman!!:flowers:

nah see this is a Don Juan Discussion Forum and not "lets hold our hands together in misery around the bond fire and sing Combaya"

I detest to be in any situations where girls meet together to discuss with other men about their own boyfriends situations. Nothing good comes out of it especially since the women just want attention and to vent and the situation is not going to resolve itself until she makes a stand by herself. I believe you already had like 5 pages of symp saying "there, there its going to be alright", at least let the other girl take the spotlight for once ok?!
haha yeah that's it..I am looking for attention from a forum of once-upon-a-time losers trying to turn into a$$holes because they think that's what all women want.

Anyway, good luck blue...nothing anyone tells you here will get through to you until you see it for yourself.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
SunnyD then may i ask what was your purpose?

(Woot my 100th post =D, but whose counting right)


Master Don Juan
Sep 6, 2004
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
haha yeah that's it..I am looking for attention from a forum of once-upon-a-time losers trying to turn into a$$holes because they think that's what all women want.
So you come into this forum of "once-upon-a time losers" who according to you "trying to become a$$holes" because "they think that is what all women want"?

So its either you think highly of the men's opinons in this forum because they speak the hard cold truth and therefore you are denying it, or you do just want attention. Which one is it, I am confused because you are still here posting. What do you get out of this forum then?!

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
haha yeah that's it..I am looking for attention from a forum of once-upon-a-time losers trying to turn into a$$holes because they think that's what all women want.
Losers that you wouldn't look at as opposed to the *******s you like to fvck, and you'd be a stupid b1tch to deny that.

I've been a "once-upon-a-time-loser", yeah it was great fun, I used to be heavy into the PC games and all that bull****, was a happy camper if a girl even looked at me but usually it was just silly *****es like you that made comments like "ew its him... eww." whilst going off to fvck their boyfriends who were doing about 10 different ho's at once. You want me to buy into that perception of reality here again? I've had the **** physically beaten out of me by dudes but I've never been so far mentally mindfvcked as by a woman, its experiences I've been given by people like you that have "completely destroyed my mind."

So I find it perpetually amusing when the table gets turned and you stupid b1tches get mindfvcked by some "a$$holes".


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm Charming said:
Losers that you wouldn't look at as opposed to the *******s you like to fvck, and you'd be a stupid b1tch to deny that.
Well then blue was right...you are all here aspiring to be that a$$hole that we love to fvck. Just like all men love b!tches I suppose...they've even written a book about it.

DJ, I am no longer posting here. I originally came here the same reason she did, to find out why guys like you do the things you do. I learned a lot about "the game" here..so mission accomplished. If you guys don't want women to be on to you and your sh!t...then make this a private forum.

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
Well then blue was right...you are all here aspiring to be that a$$hole that we love to fvck. Just like all men love b!tches I suppose...they've even written a book about it.

DJ, I am no longer posting here. I originally came here the same reason she did, to find out why guys like you do the things you do. I learned a lot about "the game" here..so mission accomplished. If you guys don't want women to be on to you and your sh!t...then make this a private forum.
You think by knowing "the game" you can change it?

You're even more delusional than I thought, you'll still buy into the same old asshöles until age eventually wears you thin.

Guys come here usually because they've been mindfvcked by women like you.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 2, 2004
Reaction score
I'm Charming said:
You think by knowing "the game" you can change it?

You're even more delusional than I thought, you'll still buy into the same old asshöles until age eventually wears you thin.

Guys come here usually because they've been mindfvcked by women like you.
Did I SAY I was trying to change it??? No. I said I KNOW it, so now I can choose to avoid it.

BTW, is the whole coined-phrase here not "Attraction is not a choice?" We do not choose to be atrracted to a$$holes...and in the end it is all about the decisions you make. You can't change anyone...we may think for a minute that we can...much to be compared to all of your "captain save-a-ho" theories I've read over and over again on here. Good women (believe it or not) like blue and I..find ourselves falling for a man who can't (or doesn't want to) committ..and we feel compelled to try and change that.

It's through reading here, that I have realized you simply cannot. But men and women are a lot more alike in this thinking than you realize....we are looking for that challenge too, sure..and when it becomes impossible to achieve (you guys here after women you can't have, and women like me who are after a man who doesn't want it..) you try harder for it then eventually give up. How are we any different from you???

I'm Charming

Don Juan
Apr 24, 2008
Reaction score
SunnyD said:
Did I SAY I was trying to change it??? No. I said I KNOW it, so now I can choose to avoid it.

BTW, is the whole coined-phrase here not "Attraction is not a choice?" We do not choose to be atrracted to a$$holes...and in the end it is all about the decisions you make. You can't change anyone...we may think for a minute that we can...much to be compared to all of your "captain save-a-ho" theories I've read over and over again on here. Good women (believe it or not) like blue and I..find ourselves falling for a man who can't (or doesn't want to) committ..and we feel compelled to try and change that.

It's through reading here, that I have realized you simply cannot. But men and women are a lot more alike in this thinking than you realize....we are looking for that challenge too, sure..and when it becomes impossible to achieve (you guys here after women you can't have, and women like me who are after a man who doesn't want it..) you try harder for it then eventually give up. How are we any different from you???
Changing your own mentality in relation to your perception of reality and people is a hard undertaking, I think the vast majority of men at this site WILL FAIL to achieve what they set out to, just like I think you too will fail to achieve not having an interest in as5holes. You're past the point of no return as are most of the AFC's on this site who will die with the knowledge that they did everything wrong even when they knew the rules of the game.

You think you're over us? Why are you still talking, why are you still engaging us here? I bet you're still head over heels for that guy that is playing you, you're obviously still interested in us here.

In fact I bet you will reply to this post because you can't let go, you are who you are, and unless you have a strong mind you will have one hell of a time changing that.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Oh my god....

This thread started very interesting, a female perspective.

Now it's pure hate and I'm right and you're wrong, because it's like that.

Most guys who postet here were extremely narrow minded ideologists. As I stated in an earlier post in this thread concerning DJDamage, you can have (or appear to have) a strong frame by making use of an ideology. Look at all the religious fanatics.

But ultimately you're to WEAK to allow one second of doubt of your own narrow-minded opinion.

Because admitting that people are individuals (and as some good post here reminded: humans), besides all the mechanisms involved, would also imply that YOU YOURSELF are an individual, and make mistakes.

As long as you don't have the balls to accept this and have to cling to an ideology like a puppy dog you can call yourself a player if you want to, and I KNOW that you can have a lot of *****, but you are certainly not a man.


Jul 13, 2008
Reaction score
The United State of Texas
SunnyD said:
Did I SAY I was trying to change it??? No. I said I KNOW it, so now I can choose to avoid it.

BTW, is the whole coined-phrase here not "Attraction is not a choice?" We do not choose to be atrracted to a$$holes...and in the end it is all about the decisions you make. You can't change anyone...we may think for a minute that we can...much to be compared to all of your "captain save-a-ho" theories I've read over and over again on here. Good women (believe it or not) like blue and I..find ourselves falling for a man who can't (or doesn't want to) committ..and we feel compelled to try and change that.

It's through reading here, that I have realized you simply cannot. But men and women are a lot more alike in this thinking than you realize....we are looking for that challenge too, sure..and when it becomes impossible to achieve (you guys here after women you can't have, and women like me who are after a man who doesn't want it..) you try harder for it then eventually give up. How are we any different from you???
What you women don't seem to realize is that we're only doing what works. Period. And you can't argue with results. Despite everything Blue08 has been through,all the misery,all the pain,all the getting cheated on,all the constant complaining about the things this guys does and says to hurt her and degrade her,despite ALL that,she stillchooses to be with him.
This could have been over with 2 years ago when she first found out that the two of them wanted different things. I read some of your past posts SunnyD,and even though the things you described seemed like nothing but perpetual heartache and pain,you still stayed with that guy. It was only up until you very life/existance was threatened (the health scare) that you decided to end things,and even then,I'd bet you struggled with leaving him.

I once saw an episode of Dr. Phil where there was a woman on there whose ex-boyfriend has shot her in her eye. He shot her in her eye,and guess why she was on the show. She was on the show because she was considering going back to him. He tried to kill her,and even that didn't make her want to leave him. Not only that,but when the police arrived on the scene,she LIED to them,and said that it was an accident.

I would say that I feel sorry for what Blue08 is going through,but how can you feel sorry for someone who intentionally,on purpose,chooses to be hurt?

I 100% wholeheartedly agree with Kontroller X,DJDamage,I'm charming,and the other posters. I don't like it. I wish there could be a way that both the man and woman could BOTH be happy and have what they want,but this is just how it is.

Based on results,the things that Blue08 is conplaining about works.
Based on reults,the things that SunnyD complains about works.

But the crazy part about all this is that if this guy Blue08 is complaining about were to suddenly start doing and being what she says she wants,she'd drop him in a heartbeat,and I myself,and every guy here knows that.
Last edited:


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Igetit! said:
I would say that I feel sorry for what Blue08 is going through,but how can you feel sorry for someone who intentionally,on purpose,chooses to be hurt?
Actual a cruial point here:
If you see the mechanisms, how can you say she intentionally, on purpose, choose it. What you and the others say is "it's like this, she can't act differently, she is a woman" and then you still give her the responsibility for her actions.

Igetit! said:
I don't like it. I wish there could be a way that both the man and woman could BOTH be happy and have what they want,but this is just how it is.
Find a quality-woman who doesn't accept beeing treated like that (outside of the bedroom).

Igetit! said:
Based on results,the things that Blue08 is conplaining about works.
Based on reults,the things that SunnyD complains about works.
True, but one day you might realize that it also works without beeing an a$$hole. Just because this is the first thing that really worked for you, you believe there is nothing more to the subject ?

You aquire a huge power of manipulation on this site. Do you use it for your own big ego or do you use it for the good?

Are you man enough to take responsibility for the effects of your actions (on others) ?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
That's interesting Sunny, you see most guys (myself included) had no clue about how horrible, deceitful and untrustworthy some (maybe most) women can be and come here after having their eyes opened once they catch a whiff of the games that women play naturally that we had no clue of and kept losing at. For some of us, we are just trying to learn how to counteract that game so we are no longer used as your emotional or financial tampons. It's about evening out the playing field of this game that already exists. Women are ALL players of the game naturally but you hate the men that learn how to play it as well. I have noticed now that my eyes are more open that women hate the thought of not being able to manipulate men who understand what they are REALLY like. I think that this and other sites and books are about improving what it means to be a man in this society today, and not relying at all on women for happiness. That is a powerful thing and I applaud it. The issue that women seem to have with this idea is that they don't get the whole enchilada anymore, and that their perceived ideas of romance (which were invented in the 1400's or something by some schmuck that sucked with women and wanted to justify his not getting laid) aren't being fulfilled. It makes sense too, because basically when men figure out that women are just basically spoiled children these days and will jump at the chance to f*ck a "better guy" - more this, that or the other then the current boyfriend or husband they will do it without a second thought, then they will justify their actions as ok because the guy they were with wasn't making them feel X, Y or Z at that current time. I can't tell you how many stories I have read or times I have seen girls with husbands or committed boyfriends will give out their phone numbers and **** random guys. I hear it on this site and others all the time, and to be honest it makes complete sense that these guys would be very afraid of a committed relationship with just one person knowing that women in general are like this. Why commit?


Master Don Juan
Sep 21, 2008
Reaction score
I guess another way you could say it is that if you hold your moral standards for women extremely low and act according to those standards (don't make too much of them at all, just enjoy your life and have fun with girls when you want to) then you are ahead of the game :)


Senior Don Juan
Jun 7, 2007
Reaction score


Don Juan
Oct 24, 2008
Reaction score
Why would I dump him if we had alittle more substance to our relationship? You are stereo-typing me - which is not Fair. I am not a typical female who's out to f*ck over men - I never have. I am not one to give up and walk away because YES that would be the easiest thing to do - I always try to work things out - people are too quick to just give up that's why our divorce rate is so high! This Man is emotionally damaged goods - he's gotten better in a lot of ways. By me just walking away I think all I'd do is "hurt" him and build up his wall a little higher. I didn't mean to create such havoc to your website - I was looking to get a better understanding - that's it. So I could stop complaining - and I've accepted this man "as is" - besides his lack of emotions lets throw in his alcoholism to make it more interesting. I don't complain about that - or expect him to change - I do love his bad as well as good parts - he wouldnt be Him without them.

EVERYONE - Men & Woman need to drop all this stereo-typing of people. We are INDIVIDUALS - woman aren't all *****es and out "take every $$ out of a guy and men aren't all liars and cheaters. I left a marriage leaving behind 2 houses & a very profitable business with NOTHING! I could be sitting pretty financially -The judge didn't want to grant me my divorce because it wasn't fair too me - So that just shows U that not all woman want to take a guy of all their money and believe me everyone was telling me to take him for everything he got!!

And the cheating thing - I don't believe he cheats or has - we are much too open for that and he'd enjoy telling me if he were (in a sick way)


Senior Don Juan
Sep 11, 2004
Reaction score
Welcome LovelyLady,

I was thinking about inviting you to this thread. I' d also recommend the thread about intimacy you created. I liked it very much, specially in the start of it. Later I was a bit undecided if it was becoming a bit toooo much, though. Reply pending, but I have a lot of work ahead and am already spending too much time here, oh well.

Three more things on the subject:

1) If you go pimping mode, you will get tons more of chicks than an AFC, but you'll get the ones that go for this. While most might be attracted in the beginning by your boldness (and I hope, a healthy dose of charm), the emotionally mature quality ones will not go for this in the long run. My experience, of course.

2) yuppaz wrote: "I guess another way you could say it is that if you hold your moral standards for women extremely low and act according to those standards (don't make too much of them at all, just enjoy your life and have fun with girls when you want to) then you are ahead of the game :)"

True, so true. But there won't be much intimacy. That's why I thought about LovelyLady.

3) This whole story might be age dependend, although I'm not that sure about that. Maybe maturity-dependend is a better term, since I believe intimacy is a need as well as a pleasure in younger years also. Of course it's all too easy to confuse it with infatuation. It's a struggle, but only who dares wins.