We've lost our balls


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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I often wonder why our world has turned out the way it has. I'm still pretty young, but often hear my parents and grandparents talk about how things used to be. Sure, there was always crime, but certainly not to the extent there is today. And people were much different too. Women were loyal and tried to stick things out even when times were rough. Guys worked hard to take care of their families and generally treated their wives like the ladies they were

Now, I see these hors on "Girls Gone Wild" and I see how high the divorce rate is. I see women openly flaunting their homosexual behavior with other women. I see women, who on one hand want the priveledges that come with being a lady, yet blantanly act like fvcking total hors most of the time.

Why is this? What made our world change the way it has? We, as men, have lost our COJONES. We're not men anymore. We're a bunch of whiney bytches who run out at the first sign of trouble. We're total pvssies who let our women run the relationship, then wonder why we got dumped. We've been so Pvssified, that women are starting to drop us for other women, because even women have bigger balls than most men these days. It's the product of single moms raising boys to be pvssies. Without a solid male influence in their lives, most young men have grown up being fed this women's bull****. Now days, you either have guys who are total pvssies, or total psycho serial killers. There's hardly any guys who are normal, and can handle their own shyt. I doubt it will ever get any better. For every guy who will stand up to a woman and regain his masculinity, there are 10 pvssies looking to kiss their ass. But, I guess that means more women for the real men.


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
You make a good point, but what about when you were raised with both parents, but have trouble being, or feeling like a "real man". I may have at one point, bought into that "feminist/matrix crap", and am trying to see my way out of it. I know I can put my foot down and say no, but also believe in being kind and generous when I want too, although was not always my nature. I have been unbelieveabl cruel at times as well, esp to my own family. I am wondering if some of my own sexual attitudes were influenced by pornography, and exposure at a young age.


Don Juan
May 11, 2008
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ItsOnNow said:
You make a good point, but what about when you were raised with both parents, but have trouble being, or feeling like a "real man". I may have at one point, bought into that "feminist/matrix crap", and am trying to see my way out of it. I know I can put my foot down and say no, but also believe in being kind and generous when I want too, although was not always my nature. I have been unbelieveabl cruel at times as well, esp to my own family. I am wondering if some of my own sexual attitudes were influenced by pornography, and exposure at a young age.
Most women today are devoid of any honor, characther or integrity. That's why I always grit my teeth when I hear some guy apologizing to a woman. Yeah, you apologize, and she laughs about how the guy she's seeing behind your back taught her to fvck herself in the ass with a carrot. I'm not advocating any violence against females or anyone else for that matter. All I'm saying is that modern females probably aren't worthy of your respect. Apologizing to a hor just makes you look weak in her eyes. Women are so fvcked up, that they actually prefer to be treated like shyt despite what you might hear.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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maybe you lost yours. But I found mine the day I stopped taking **** off my lying cheating ass ex and moved out. I've had em ever since and life has only gone from strength to strength.

Sounds like you (OP) are falling into the trap of woman hating. Watch yourself or you will find yourself trapped in a new matrix. You can blame women, or blame this modern society or blame yourself even. It doesn't matter. It doesn't change the facts does it? The real question is how do you live with yourself and enjoy life in these times? How do you establish decent relationships? How do you get what you need out of life? Not blame and hatred. Don't loose focus.

Remember...every woman isn't the same. Some women are different and your experiences are only limited to what you know. for every quote of a 50% divorce rate...remember the other 50% who we assume are happy being married. We have to remember the positive and not become lost in our own bitterness. I know because I struggle with this myself.

There are good women out there. There are good relationships to be had. It's just time for us as men to get our own houses in order to be prepared for when that day comes. You can't want a good woman and not be a good man. You dig?

So now is the time to focus on making yourself into the good man you want to be. To make a positive change in your life, and to use the knowledge here to avoid the traps of unworthy women. This is the goal.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments

That about which you lament so angrily is a side effect of the social degradation that goes hand in hand with excessive capitalism...

See the capitalist mentality says that maximum productivity must be attained and hence required that women enter the work force along side men to increase productivity..

This movement of females into an earning position disturbed the delicate equilibrium that allowed for the socio-eonomical family structure of old with men as the earners and women as the care takers... After all, capitalist profit making requirements have made sure that prices are now inflated to the point that 2 full incomes are now needed to afford the average middle class home and life style...

OK so now we have females competing with men at work an no longer needing to respect masculinity after all money is god now and since a women can make her own why should she care about men?

ALso believe it or not there is a shortage of women in the dating game which increases their value to men and gives them power..
So the equation now looks like this:

WOMEN x 1 = (PU$$Y + JOB) > MEN x 10 = (JOB)


Don Juan
Aug 2, 2007
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DonGorgon said:

That about which you lament so angrily is a side effect of the social degradation that goes hand in hand with excessive capitalism...

See the capitalist mentality says that maximum productivity must be attained and hence required that women enter the work force along side men to increase productivity..

This movement of females into an earning position disturbed the delicate equilibrium that allowed for the socio-eonomical family structure of old with men as the earners and women as the care takers... After all, capitalist profit making requirements have made sure that prices are now inflated to the point that 2 full incomes are now needed to afford the average middle class home and life style...

OK so now we have females competing with men at work an no longer needing to respect masculinity after all money is god now and since a women can make her own why should she care about men?

ALso believe it or not there is a shortage of women in the dating game which increases their value to men and gives them power..
So the equation now looks like this:

WOMEN x 1 = (PU$$Y + JOB) > MEN x 10 = (JOB)
So you would rather have some pansy ass liberals running a socialist society? Capitalism isn't the problem, it's liberalism and the pvssified men who bow down to any group who claims to have been wronged by them in the past.

The real issue is not capitalism, it's men acting like wimps.

Once we tell all of the feminist and race baiters to go F themselves, we will be right back in control of the game.

(Some of us already are)


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
traffic said:
So you would rather have some pansy ass liberals running a socialist society? Capitalism isn't the problem, it's liberalism and the pvssified men who bow down to any group who claims to have been wronged by them in the past.

The real issue is not capitalism, it's men acting like wimps.

Once we tell all of the feminist and race baiters to go F themselves, we will be right back in control of the game.

(Some of us already are)

I just explained the reason for the problem...
"CAPITALISM is your lover who confuses you then kills you"


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2007
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This sh!t has been going on for years. But, now days it is happening alot more. Guys today are just out of touch of being the man they were programed to be. Women, think they can do as a man can. Society is fvcked up now and it has corrupted our minds.

We can't save everybody from all this corruption. The best thing for us to do is improve ourselves and say no to ho's!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2007
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You dont like capitalism?
What, you think I like working for the evil walmart for 12 bucks an hour? hell no.

Go ahead gordon, move to a village in Africa or India, where you won't be able to take a sh!t like a human being! Go ahead.

You like good food, clean water, soft toilet paper, and knowing that your health and possessions are guarded by the federal laws 24/7? You like having plumming and electricity? If you do, then stop b!tching about capitalism.

It's evil but it makes me sleep well at night - that's all that matters.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
I can disprove everyone trying to sit there and b!tch about how good things used to be.

Hitchhiking is supposedly a very dangerous idea. You never know, someone could murder you if you do it. This or that. The truth is that it is very safe and I have hitchhiked dozens of rides across PA and I can honestly tell you. It has not got any more dangerous then it was years ago.

The only thing that has changed is our perceptions of the world. People's perceptions has changed, but not the actual act. Most people have given into FEAR!!!

As we grow older, we begin to see the world as it really is compared to the idealized idea that we have, but the idealized past never changes. Therefore, we must realize that the world has always been the same and nothing has changed at all.



Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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comic_relief said:
The only thing that has changed is our perceptions of the world. People's perceptions has changed, but not the actual act. Most people have given into FEAR!!!

TV and pedofiles have parents afraid to let their children go out to play. When I was a kid we'd go play all day and our parents never worried about us. we knew everyone in our neighborhood and knew not to go with strangers. now parents won't even let kids outside unsupervised. The Fear is strong in modern america.


Master Don Juan
Aug 16, 2007
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comic_relief said:
The only thing that has changed is our perceptions of the world. People's perceptions has changed, but not the actual act. Most people have given into FEAR!!!
"The only thing we have to fear is, fear itself" - Franklin D. Roosevelt

"If you don't believe what we tell you to believe in, we'll kill you" - George W. Bush


Jun 7, 2007
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DonGorgon said:

That about which you lament so angrily is a side effect of the social degradation that goes hand in hand with excessive capitalism...

See the capitalist mentality says that maximum productivity must be attained and hence required that women enter the work force along side men to increase productivity..

This movement of females into an earning position disturbed the delicate equilibrium that allowed for the socio-eonomical family structure of old with men as the earners and women as the care takers... After all, capitalist profit making requirements have made sure that prices are now inflated to the point that 2 full incomes are now needed to afford the average middle class home and life style...

OK so now we have females competing with men at work an no longer needing to respect masculinity after all money is god now and since a women can make her own why should she care about men?

ALso believe it or not there is a shortage of women in the dating game which increases their value to men and gives them power..
So the equation now looks like this:

WOMEN x 1 = (PU$$Y + JOB) > MEN x 10 = (JOB)


We all know that NO women and ONLY MEN hold jobs in all the Socialist/Communist countries!!!!! :crackup:

Freaking MORONIC post.


Master Don Juan
Mar 29, 2007
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But you've got to dig deeper man. Why have we lost our balls? Why have we lost our masculinity? Two reasons, because of society and how we were raised. Most of us group up watching TV and thus thought what TV said about girls and dating, was right. The fact that you should try to impress a girl, the fact that if we don't have a certain social status a girl won't like us, that fact that if we do this or that, we'll magicly get laid. We saw on these shows how we "should" treat girls and what to say and not to say to girls. And the music we listened to did not help, all mostly songs about dudes crying about the way a women treats them. Our parents also taught us to treat girls a certain way too. All this brainwashing and such has lead most males today to think a certain way about women. And what's that certain way? They taught us to see women as goddesses, heck, even superior to us guys. And overall we were taught to be "Feminine" as opposed to masculine, which is how we lost our balls.


Master Don Juan
Feb 29, 2004
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Baltimore, MD
Warrior74 said:
TV and pedofiles have parents afraid to let their children go out to play. When I was a kid we'd go play all day and our parents never worried about us. we knew everyone in our neighborhood and knew not to go with strangers. now parents won't even let kids outside unsupervised. The Fear is strong in modern america.
but again our perceptions of life have changed. Were there pedophiles before the advent of tv? Yes there were. What changed? The only change is the fact that we get more information at a higher speed. We are able to be bombarded by these simple facts day in and day out.

When we only once heard about a certain subject, once or twice. Now we hear about it dozens of times.



Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
its the overt media-ization of everything, the age of intstant gratification, we all suffer from it in one way or another. Me, its internet usage, other people, its texting, having the right clothes, having a media center for a cell phone, finding this "perfect" life. It's all b.s. This is the stuff fight club was talking about, god, I want to watch that again.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
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comic_relief said:
but again our perceptions of life have changed. Were there pedophiles before the advent of tv? Yes there were. What changed? The only change is the fact that we get more information at a higher speed. We are able to be bombarded by these simple facts day in and day out.

When we only once heard about a certain subject, once or twice. Now we hear about it dozens of times.


bingo. I work in TV. Don't watch the news...especially local news. like they say...if it bleeds it leads. its all rape, murder, fire, arrests shootings etc. you would think you live in the wild west if you look at your local news. but if you look at teh number of criminals vs. the law abiding population you see that it really cant be that bad. its just the amount of attention given to it. because they know the fear will make people watch.

Still I can't help but notice that no one in this thread replied to my first response. Especially the original poster.


Master Don Juan
Sep 12, 2006
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It all began with the introduction of the push up bra.

The Gamer

Don Juan
Mar 3, 2008
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Capitalism? HAH! You really are reaching. Don't self delude yourself just so you can come to some answer that will solidify your exerience.