Weird problem occurring


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Hi guys.

I've got the weirdest issue with my game. When it comes to in and out stealth bomber mode with women (getting them to sleep with me ASAP) I'm brilliant at it. I get them in the right mood, play psychologically with their mind, and 99% get them in bed and end up doing the deed. That's the easy bit for me. My problem is trying to control my own feelings if I end up liking a chick. Then it all goes semi pear shaped. I start over thinking things, think they are cheating or dating someone else, if I don't get a reply or my call doesn't get answered I think they've lost interest etc. I'm guessing you guys get the drift.

Any tips or advice on me dealing with this pathetic side of my game would be greatly appreciated haha.


Master Don Juan
Apr 18, 2014
Reaction score
A player can sleep with lots of women no problem, but a DJ maintains a nonaffected and detached mindset in ALL areas of life including women. Your ego and selfishness, which are kept in check at the outset of the date or however you meet the girl, easily overcome your cool and smooth attitude as the time goes on and the possibility of losing a girl or not being good enough are too much to bear. No one is THE man who gets all the girls all the time, you have to let go and accept that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. Life is a journey, just enjoy the ride and dont try to hold on to anything.


Master Don Juan
Apr 13, 2010
Reaction score
Donno man.. I'm beginning to realize that some guys get really attached. Could be a brain chemical thing that you'll never "cure."

Do you by any chance have any addictions or have family members who are prone to addiction? All the dudes I ever met who tend to fall in love with chicks they bang also tend to get easily addicted to substances like alcohol, drugs, food, etc.

Personally I have a completely non-addictive personality. I couldn't get addicted to something if I tried. Different brain wiring, I think. And I don't tend to get overly attached to broads, either.


Don Juan
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Jeffrey12 said:
Hi guys.

I've got the weirdest issue with my game. When it comes to in and out stealth bomber mode with women (getting them to sleep with me ASAP) I'm brilliant at it. I get them in the right mood, play psychologically with their mind, and 99% get them in bed and end up doing the deed. That's the easy bit for me. My problem is trying to control my own feelings if I end up liking a chick. Then it all goes semi pear shaped. I start over thinking things, think they are cheating or dating someone else, if I don't get a reply or my call doesn't get answered I think they've lost interest etc. I'm guessing you guys get the drift.

Any tips or advice on me dealing with this pathetic side of my game would be greatly appreciated haha.
Nope ---. Your nuts.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Haha. To the previous poster. And no me and my family have never had any form of addictions

I think I was a bit vague initially. I don't fall in love or start having feelings for 99% of the chicks I've banged. I mean, out of the 15 chicks I've banged this year to now I've kinda fallen for this one now.

I mean in should logically do what I do initially which is what attracted the women but as things progress I get more attached mentally. This is my roadblock!!


Don Juan
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
Jeffrey12 said:
Haha. To the previous poster. And no me and my family have never had any form of addictions

I think I was a bit vague initially. I don't fall in love or start having feelings for 99% of the chicks I've banged. I mean, out of the 15 chicks I've banged this year to now I've kinda fallen for this one now.

I mean in should logically do what I do initially which is what attracted the women but as things progress I get more attached mentally. This is my roadblock!!
Better - ...Its call Oxytocin,,it is a powerful hormone released by men and women during orgasm. Its f'n your brain up. Leave by 2:00 am or tell her to get the f out...It will help a lot.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
OP, you are on the right track. You are getting the girls you like, but you then make the mistake of not pursuing other women, and Oneitis sets in. It's like staring at the sun too long. You want to look at a night sky full of stars instead.

A successful seducer is always prospecting (Louis and Copeland, 2000). Be ruthless about it, and they will only love you more. I like to say "You can join my harem, but I require both a bikini photo and handwriting analysis".

The solution to fall-in-love-too-easily is simple: overwhelm your life with tons of beautiful women. You'll lose track just like they do. Then, you can love them just in the moments you are together.


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
Reaction score
jurry said:
A player can sleep with lots of women no problem, but a DJ maintains a nonaffected and detached mindset in ALL areas of life including women. Your ego and selfishness, which are kept in check at the outset of the date or however you meet the girl, easily overcome your cool and smooth attitude as the time goes on and the possibility of losing a girl or not being good enough are too much to bear. No one is THE man who gets all the girls all the time, you have to let go and accept that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. Life is a journey, just enjoy the ride and dont try to hold on to anything.
I really like this post. Most of the time here guys seem to want to inflate their egos to the point of bursting, with all that alpha stuff and swagger. The idea of actually divesting yourself of ego represents a very practical and alternative approach.

Instead of being invested in the outcome, it teaches you that you have to rely on taking the right actions to get the results you want. Success or failure is not a result of how great you are, but how hard you work, and what you do. This way, when you fail, you don't get down on yourself for not being a pimp, you adjust your strategy. RSD promotes this advice, when it suits them.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Good advice guys.

I am pursuing other women. It's a constant hunt for me haha. But, for some odd reason with this chick when the tables turn and the girl has a bit of game I end up being the pursuer. And your completely correct about an ego having a lot to do with my reactions to the situations.

Here's a conversation that occurred yesterday and today through messaging.

06/06/2014 16:38:19: chick: biggest smile on my face with few the girls and there jealous hehe
06/06/2014 16:53:02: Me: Haha. Well, have a good night. Message me later if your not too busy x
06/06/2014 16:53:17: chick: okay woooo thanks x
07/06/2014 13:55:23: Me: Hi
07/06/2014 13:55:34: chick: you okay
07/06/2014 14:19:56: Me: <media omitted>
07/06/2014 14:20:03: Me: Nice?
07/06/2014 14:21:40: chick: omg there lush
07/06/2014 14:21:41: chick: im jel
07/06/2014 14:22:10: Me: Haha. Your are better. I'd look like a fag if I wore gold ones though lol
07/06/2014 14:22:15: Me: Going to buy another pair now
07/06/2014 14:22:14: chick: blue eyes
07/06/2014 14:22:17: chick: <sent picture of herself posing>
07/06/2014 14:22:38: chick: I want your ones haha
07/06/2014 14:22:47: chick: no but mine are hot
07/06/2014 14:23:05: Me: Nice wallpaper (I didn't compliment her I complimented the wallpaper lol)
07/06/2014 14:23:21: Me: I'm debating. To go Liverpool or not hmmm?
07/06/2014 14:23:41: chick: go
07/06/2014 14:23:45: chick: party head
07/06/2014 14:24:09: Me: Me.. Your 7 days a week party head. I'm a part timer in comparison to your pretty ass
07/06/2014 14:24:21: Me: Miss you btw
07/06/2014 14:25:36: chick: shh
07/06/2014 14:26:49: Me: ?
07/06/2014 14:26:54: Me: What's that about
07/06/2014 14:27:51: chick: miss u to x
07/06/2014 14:36:38: Me: Off to grab a dirty burger. Don't be too jealous haha x
07/06/2014 14:37:14: chick: I hate u
07/06/2014 14:37:52: Me: . Have a nice day. Speak later x
07/06/2014 14:38:02: chick: xx
07/06/2014 17:04:45: Me: <media omitted>
07/06/2014 17:04:52: Me: Do you like these?
07/06/2014 17:09:27: chick: mm well chavy x
07/06/2014 17:11:54: Me: Your right. They do look a little bit council estate lol x
07/06/2014 17:12:02: Me: What time you heading out tonight?x
07/06/2014 17:12:17: chick: not sure
07/06/2014 17:14:52: Me: You busy Monday during the day?
07/06/2014 17:18:14: chick: no x
07/06/2014 17:24:53: Me: Got a meetings till 4pm. I'll pick you up straight after that.
07/06/2014 17:24:56: Me: Theatre?x
07/06/2014 17:25:45. Chick: yeah x


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
So last night went out, picked up a hot chick and sealed the deal. Overall good night haha. Oneitis is not in play ..

Any opinion guy on the previous post I posted?


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
Jeffrey12 said:
Good advice guys.

I am pursuing other women. It's a constant hunt for me haha. But, for some odd reason with this chick when the tables turn and the girl has a bit of game I end up being the pursuer. And your completely correct about an ego having a lot to do with my reactions to the situations.

Here's a conversation that occurred yesterday and today through messaging.

06/06/2014 16:38:19: chick: biggest smile on my face with few the girls and there jealous hehe
06/06/2014 16:53:02: Me: Haha. Well, have a good night. Message me later if your not too busy x
06/06/2014 16:53:17: chick: okay woooo thanks x
07/06/2014 13:55:23: Me: Hi
07/06/2014 13:55:34: chick: you okay
07/06/2014 14:19:56: Me: <media omitted>
07/06/2014 14:20:03: Me: Nice?
07/06/2014 14:21:40: chick: omg there lush
07/06/2014 14:21:41: chick: im jel
07/06/2014 14:22:10: Me: Haha. Your are better. I'd look like a fag if I wore gold ones though lol
07/06/2014 14:22:15: Me: Going to buy another pair now
07/06/2014 14:22:14: chick: blue eyes
07/06/2014 14:22:17: chick: <sent picture of herself posing>
07/06/2014 14:22:38: chick: I want your ones haha
07/06/2014 14:22:47: chick: no but mine are hot
07/06/2014 14:23:05: Me: Nice wallpaper (I didn't compliment her I complimented the wallpaper lol)
07/06/2014 14:23:21: Me: I'm debating. To go Liverpool or not hmmm?
07/06/2014 14:23:41: chick: go
07/06/2014 14:23:45: chick: party head
07/06/2014 14:24:09: Me: Me.. Your 7 days a week party head. I'm a part timer in comparison to your pretty ass
07/06/2014 14:24:21: Me: Miss you btw
07/06/2014 14:25:36: chick: shh
07/06/2014 14:26:49: Me: ?
07/06/2014 14:26:54: Me: What's that about
07/06/2014 14:27:51: chick: miss u to x
07/06/2014 14:36:38: Me: Off to grab a dirty burger. Don't be too jealous haha x
07/06/2014 14:37:14: chick: I hate u
07/06/2014 14:37:52: Me: . Have a nice day. Speak later x
07/06/2014 14:38:02: chick: xx
07/06/2014 17:04:45: Me: <media omitted>
07/06/2014 17:04:52: Me: Do you like these?
07/06/2014 17:09:27: chick: mm well chavy x
07/06/2014 17:11:54: Me: Your right. They do look a little bit council estate lol x
07/06/2014 17:12:02: Me: What time you heading out tonight?x
07/06/2014 17:12:17: chick: not sure
07/06/2014 17:14:52: Me: You busy Monday during the day?
07/06/2014 17:18:14: chick: no x
07/06/2014 17:24:53: Me: Got a meetings till 4pm. I'll pick you up straight after that.
07/06/2014 17:24:56: Me: Theatre?x
07/06/2014 17:25:45. Chick: yeah x
Too much bro. You're clearly more invested than she is. I get the feeling she wouldn't even be texting you if you didn't text first. Give her the opportunity to initiate. As a matter of fact let her initiate more than you do. Also....

07/06/2014 14:24:21: Me: Miss you btw
Never say this sh!t again. Ever


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Completely agree with your statement of me being more invested in this than her. And comments like Miss you from me, are stupid and a no no lol !!

For example, we spoke on the phone today (I rang) and she was telling me about her night last night and midway she mentioned 'I miss you too' so there's some slight intimate comments said on her side too.

We pre arranged last week to meet up tomorrow. How would you guys recommend I acted on the date (we've been on 8 or so dates and had sex already about 4 times). Shall I act distant and cold but polite? Talk to me haha


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Sorry to bump. Just need some sound advice before tomorrow shenanigans


Senior Don Juan
May 4, 2014
Reaction score
Houston, Texas
jurry said:
A player can sleep with lots of women no problem, but a DJ maintains a nonaffected and detached mindset in ALL areas of life including women. Your ego and selfishness, which are kept in check at the outset of the date or however you meet the girl, easily overcome your cool and smooth attitude as the time goes on and the possibility of losing a girl or not being good enough are too much to bear. No one is THE man who gets all the girls all the time, you have to let go and accept that failure and success are two sides of the same coin. Life is a journey, just enjoy the ride and dont try to hold on to anything.

/thread. Please.


Master Don Juan
Nov 25, 2012
Reaction score
If you had 8 dates and sex already clearly you're doing something right. Keep doing what you're doing just remember to let her invest more than you.


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
JoeMarron said:
If you had 8 dates and sex already clearly you're doing something right. Keep doing what you're doing just remember to let her invest more than you.
Joe, thanks for getting back to me. Where I messed up was I ended up mentally suffering from oneitis. One day, she went out and it mentioned in the past to her for her to text me when she gets back in so I know she gets in safe. Well, one night she didn't so mind ended up working overtime thinking she was messing around (which I've got no right to tell her otherwise) so when she called the following morning I kinda flipped out at her over the phone. My mistake was many things.

1) we're dating only so she's entitled to do what the fcuk she wants
2) expressing emotion by being annoyed at her
3) and even though I was messing about with women sleeping around, mentally I semi put her on a peddlestool

That was all done because I just didn't want to get mugged off. Probably nothing to do with her, but more about me not getting feeling messed around which probably wasn't the case. Even if it was, that's life.

Just don't want to make the same mistakes. Because the issue isn't them, it's me. Just getting to the route of it and not falling for their sly tactics lol is what needs to be controlled


Don Juan
Jun 5, 2014
Reaction score
Yes, might not feel like that in the short run but in the long term yes. If you lose a Bentley and replace it with a Bentley would you miss your initial Bentley? Nope


Master Don Juan
Mar 6, 2013
Reaction score
You're sending these girls mixed messages and they're getting freaked out.

Now, don't get me wrong, i'm all for escalating super quickly and getting physical fast. HOWEVER, you have to keep in mind what your intentions are.

There are 3 branches in the road (normally), when you're figuring out what you want to do with her:

1) Friends w/ Benefits/ F-Buddies - This is pretty self-explanatory. From what I can gather, this is normally what you go for. Escalating super fast, meeting the girl at a bar/club and then taking her home that night, etc. THESE ARENT THE GIRLS YOU WANT TO GET IN LTR's WITH. In general. Think about it. If you banged some chick in the club within hours of meeting her, do you really trust her enough to become exclusive? Not to mention, is she usually high enough quality?

2) Dating/LTR - Yes, you should still be having sex quickly with these girls. However, with the quality ones, you're more interested in dating, i typically prefer it if the girl makes me wait at LEAST until the 2nd/3rd time I hang with her before she gives it up.

3) Friends - You may say "why would i purposely get in the friendzone??". For a couple reasons: A) to expand your social circle and hook up with her hot girl friends. B) You enjoy hanging with her but arent sexually attracted to her.

I think you're mixing up 1 and 2 (at least in the case of the few girls you fall for). You're escalating SUPER quick and banging these girls and sleeping with them, basically telling her girl brain that you're more or less only interested in a physical relationship....and then you go and get all mushy and needy on her. She's thinking 'WTF? This isnt what i signed up for!'. You being good at escalating and getting that lay is not congruent with your personality once you start "falling" for her, and she picks up on it like BOOM.

Essentially, what i think you're doing is skipping the Comfort phase if we're talking about a Attraction/Comfort/Seduction model. I think you're going right for the gold without trying to form any type of connection with the girl, and then when you start to "assume" this connection after hanging out with her a bunch of times, she picks up on the fact that you're not congruent.

Once you get the lay, it hasn't even started if your goal is to keep seeing her. Do NOT put yourself all out on the table right away. Just because you scored a touchdown DOES NOT mean the game is over...far from it. You need to continue to be a mystery to her. Continue to NOT text her back right away and constantly ask what she's doing.

Speaking of text game, i would say to work on that a lot (you said messanger, so i wasnt sure if it's text or Fbook or whatever, but the same general rules apply). Not only are you conveying neediness, but your texts aren't terribly playful and entertaining.
While i'm not a hhuuuge fan of stupid little rules...i think they CAN be helpful as crutches until you get the proper mindset to just carry them out without thinking. Heres a couple points for texting:

a) Take AT LEAST as long to text her back as she took to answer you. Personally, i lean more towards TWICE as long as it took her to get back to you last time.
b) Try to always make her send the last message at the end of the conversation. Dont be the guy who keeps saying "bye" after the convo already ended. just stop responding.
c) Never send 2 messages in a row unless she has been doing that already
d) Its OKAY to text her quickly if you guys have momentum and shes replying to you REALLY quickly. Match her rhythm and mirror it back. HOWEVER, throw in random moments where you just dont respond to her for like a half hour or a few hours and make her wonder. You know that feeling when you like a girl and you get a bit worried when it's been like 2 hours since they got back to you? GIRLS FEEL THE SAME THING. Make her feel that. It WILL keep her attraction up if she can sense you;re not hanging on eveery word.
e) CUT IT OUT with the emoticons and smiley faces and X's and O's. That's girly sh!t. As far as i'm concerned, the ONLY ones you should be using on a regular basis are the winky face (when you're being sexual or playful) or the tongue one (for when you're being playful, but less sexual, or when you make a tongue in cheek or sarcastic ****y/funny remark). I would avoid the "haha's" and the "lol's. Dude. Dont use X's and O's. Ever. Be a man, use regular words and proper grammar.
f) Dont always be the one to initiate contact. I mean a man texts her when he wants, dont get me wrong...but its good to simply wait. If her interest is high enough, she WILL start texting you. Usually.

Fake it till you make it. Ideally you should be keeping yourself busy enough and have enough plates spinning to where these rules NATURALLY happen...but until then, try to change your behavior by implementing them

I've run into this problem a ton in the DJ/Pickup/PUA community. We see getting laid as the end-goal. People have no idea how to maintain attraction for more than a few months with this mindset. They've been striving for the pvssy so much and dont stop to focus on actually IMPROVING their skillset with women. Any moron who approaches dozens of girls a week is going to "get lucky" eventually. It takes a true, skilled, confident, quality man to be able to approach girls, and CONSISTENTLY both get them attracted and KEEP them attracted. Most of these "PUA's" are cringe-inducing in terms of their abilities to maintain a LTR or even MLTR's.

I have the opposite problem. While I can approach well if i'm having a good day/night , I am pretty introverted so i'm very inconsistent in my initial approaches and setting up dates. However, i have my long term game worked out to where once I escalate with a girl and start hanging out consistently, I bring A LOT to the table. Not only this, but i dont put it all out on the table so i leave her constantly guessing. My last girlfriend actually told me that she was super interested in me because she thought i was mysterious and she felt like she was peeling away layers of the onion to find out what i was all about.

I know it's hard once you start having feelings for the girl. I can recommend 2 things: 1) Spinning Plates and 2) Experience.

1) Spinning plates. Self explanatory. if you have more than one girl interested, you wont completely bank on a single girl and she will be able to smell it on you that you have options.
2) Experience. While many guys on here get laid a lot, i question how many of them have actually been in a good LTR and have the skillls to go along with maintaining that LTR and keeping it fun.
LTR?! I know, it's blasphemy! Settling down with JUST ONE GIRL?! It has its benefits. Perhaps the greatest benefit of all is developing the skillset necessary to deal with girls in the long term, keep them interested, keep them attracted, etc. Maintaining a relationship as a Don Juan takes a COMPLETELY DIFFERENT skill set from attracting and banging women initially. The same general principals apply, but the execution and mindset is very different.

You mention that you get worried about them "cheating or dating others". This should not cross your mind. This should not even cross your mind in a committed, long-term relationship, let alone if you two are JUST sleeping together. Because that's what you're doing. Even if you're "dating" and hanging out...YOU'RE BOTH SINGLE. If she wants to suck every guy's **** on the block, that's her prerogative, just as it's yours to bang as many girls as you want when you're single. Do not waste your time worrying about who else she's talking to. You should be concerned about the other 3 girls you're talking to. Even in a LTR, don't be the guy who worries about her cheating. She will sense this. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

The guy that is worried about getting cheated on is the EXACT GUY that will USUALLY GET CHEATED ON. The DJ knows that he is of such high quality that it is HER LOSS if she fvcks everything up by cheating on you. GOOD FOR YOU. It's GOOD if she cheats, because not only are you single again, you also weeded out a low quality cheating girl that you are no longer wasting your time with.

Sorry if i just rambled on. It's late and i'm bored, but i hope this helped. Go Get em tiger.