We need more instructional posts !!


Master Don Juan
Jan 7, 2002
Reaction score
I had my intro to NLP, and today I used embedded commands in a conversation with a friend of mine !

Dude, it works !!
Of course I was nervous, and didn't really run a pattern, but I surely got pictures in her mind, and the main intention (to get her to associate her own values to my vague words) really worked. She started to give me examples and trance words, which I used to my advantage

It's actually simple, I thought it would be tougher, and I'm going to try mastering it and then improving the submodalities, using better the trance words and other amplifiers, because I just don't feel natural throwing a memorized pattern.

I'd like to see more post especially from Vronski, instructional posts, about Speed Seduction, because I know there's a lot to be covered.
This forum is new but even so it's about time to fill it with good posts !

And SS is actually really fun !!
The girl gave me a really different look (maybe the doggy dinner bowl look?) and started to feel a very strong connection with me.
After we stopped talking, I realized that's it's more effective than anything else I had ever tried, and you feel really powerful.

When you see yourself saying those words to women, you can really feel a sense of growing power, overwhelming all your resistances to it, and as you start to wonder about the possibilities of it, your self confidence rises to the point of just thinking about those words already make you feel like the man!

Okay, that's all I had to say

An honest thank you in advance from your friend


Microphone Fiend

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2003
Reaction score
Where I be at
it's a year later, and we've had some good posts, lets not stop learning...

There are some newbies who really could use some good SS material. Share any input/experience/advice in the oft unchartered waters of NLP because it is fascinating and mind boggling (I'm so punny :))