Was it too early?


Master Don Juan
Jan 6, 2007
Reaction score
DJjusplain said:
My cousin introduced me to his girlfriends sister a few weeks ago. Before then i was happy with being single but always wondering what it would be like on the side. I had quite one night stand reportiore (some thanks goes out to my fellow DJ's) but still contemplated something more meaningful. So when i met (anne*) and really hit it off with her i considered making this a LTR of sorts...

She's great, super sweet with a bubbly personality. Absolutely nothing like my previous ladies. With all that being said... i miss my single life (its only been a month) i miss being able to walk up to almost any lady anywhere and get her number. When im with anne, im only with anne! My eyes and emotions never wonder which im proud of but im not proud of moments when im not with her... cause thats when i think of being single or being with Tracy from the bar!

My question is was it to early for me to get involved with Anne? Irrespective of being a DJ or not, every man should care about his girlfriend. I dont want to hurt her! she's a good girl and doesnt deserve it!

This is new territory for me... should i end it or fight through it?
This is a classic example of new members posting about a specific situation and hoping for a cheap way around.

Go fvcking figure yourself, honestly, how would we know? We don't know exactly how you feel, exactly how the situation is, you do. I get so sick and tired of these guys posting about their problems and expect the rest of us to give them the magic answer.

Post count 1? As in, this is your first post? As in, you FIRST POST EVER and you post about a specific problem of yours?

Hmmph, figures.

Sorry if i sound aggressive, but it's time you lazy tards get off your asses and do your own dirty work.


May 10, 2003
Reaction score
Northern Ontario
This is a classic case. Joining the board cuz your totally falling for a chick. He has to get his heart broken by this broad for him to realize that playing the nice guy will get you no where.

Its pointless to offer any advice until he becomes scorned. Look at him, he's already doing the tuck & run, the funny part is this place is anonymous.

He'll learn in due course. If your still lurking DJjustplain, go out and read the bible.