

Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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I do not lie. Most of the advice on this site is actually bullsh!t. There guys on this site say when they do certain things they make girls attracted when in actuality the girls are NOT actually attracted.. They are just having a conversation. Why would you belive them?

Just a warning to you. You can not actually trick girls into thinking they are attracted when they are actually not. Not to say some of this advice is good because some of it is. But anybody who says they can get a girl attracted HAVE NO IDEA what they are talking about. Some girls even tell the guy they are attracted to them when in actuality they are not. They may tell the guy for instance they get wet when he speaks when it's total bullsh!t because if she really did like him so much she would not be able to tell him sh!t. If a girl really likes you so much she would be totally freaked out by it just like you would. She would fall into a "AFC" like state JUST LIKE YOU WOULD. They are not a STRONGER GENDER they are simply a DIFFERENT GENDER. THEY ARE STILL HUMAN.

The guys who know what they are actually talking about tell us about simply understanding yourself and totally forgetting about this technique sh!t. There is a guy on this site called squirrles who has thought about this indepth and gets slightly closer to the TRUTH. As do a lot of the intellegent posters shortly before NEVER RETURNING.

This post is just a warning. Just because there is a variety of "advice" on the internet DOES NOT MEAN IT IS VALID. Do not fall for it. If anything by TRYING OUT THIS STUFF you learn how to be more confident and actually become a stronger person.. but methods and even becoming a man have little do with it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Bvbidd said:
MOST OF THE ADVICE ON THIS SITE INCLUDING A LOT OF THE DJ BIBLE IS ABSOLUTE BULLSH!TThe guys who know what they are actually talking about tell us about simply understanding yourself and totally forgetting about this technique sh!t.
I agree that anything that involves a 'technique' is useless for those who want to live relatively normal lives (ie: non pickup artists). There is a lot of good advice though too with well-founded reasoning. You just have to use your brain to sort through it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Yes. I do agree that the advice concidering confidence and living your life for yourself actually will help with a little bit of thinking. You do have to sort it out and fit it to your own life. I am just saying though when somebody says it works or gives you an example of it working you can easily tell them what actually happend.

I do have to say though that those who call themselves PUAs are leading quite a sad life though. As most of what they do is useless. Including half of what they dedicate their ENTIRE LIVES to.

What I am basicly saying is when you actually see it from a chicks perspective you realize that who the girls actually want are not exactly who a lot of this site would lead you to belive. A lot of the posters who say they know what they are talking about simply DO NOT. They are human and know little just like you.

You learn on this site that being an insecure loser will not get you women. On the other hand though you learn that the complete opposite WILL get you women. When that in actuality it is not the entire truth. Especially if you TRY to be the opposite. Such as attempting to become a PUA.

I know this sounds like a stupid thing to say but I actually do understand why BE YOURSELF is actually the best advice.

They are human just like you. They have the same hopes and fears just like you. There is no secrect but understanding that they are not actually as different as you think you are besides being female and having the traits that go along with that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
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What I am saying is.. mabye not ANYBODY but anybody of whose posts I have read telling us they know what to do. A lot of guys say the girls like them when the girls DO NOT actually like them. They say anything the girl does is some sort of sign that they are attracted to them when the girl really IS NOT.

I am not saying there is no such thing as a girl being able to like a guy. I am saying that just because a guy says he can attract women does not mean he actually can. It is all in his head. I am WARNING you not to belive when some guy says that what he did actually made her attracted.

When no sex probally actually occured. If this sex did occur though I can promise you also that alchohol was involved and that the attraction was purley physical and had nothing to do with what the guy actually did.

You can still ATTRACT her. Of course you can. By having a life and value. Then if you want her just be honest it about it. Not by reading up on how to be C&F.

Be yourself! Be a person a normal human being would want to be around. Do what you would do before you think about what other people would think about it. Just a hint.. but doing what you think would please others is not actually being yourself. DO NOT WORRY ABOUT ANYTHING. Then be honest about fvcking. This advice WILL actually get you laid.

What I am saying is if you want to have sex with some chick. THEN HAVE SEX WITH HER. If she refuses then that means you do not have enough value for her to feel good enough having sex with you. This does not mean try out some mind games. It means your a loser. Fix it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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It's true... the ultimate message is to do what makes you the happiest, and if your chick doesn't like it, find another chick. It seems maybe most of the problems people have are wanting girls that are not for them. So they think they have to work for them using smoke and mirrors. Sadly, it's become a little addicting reading of others' problems here.


Jan 14, 2006
Reaction score


yes, MOST of the advice and tips on this site suck, but the golden ones like gunwitch, push pull, and being a confident ****er who doesnt care bout anyting is all good advice. Hell, i post all the advice about those things lately!!!!

its so simple - BE as good looking as possible, BE as rich as possible, BE as famous as possible, BE as skilled as possible, and BE as interesting as possible, the more of those u have, the more success ull have with chicks....PERIOD


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
skip2mylou781 said:


yes, MOST of the advice and tips on this site suck, but the golden ones like gunwitch, push pull, and being a confident ****er who doesnt care bout anyting is all good advice. Hell, i post all the advice about those things lately!!!!

its so simple - BE as good looking as possible, BE as rich as possible, BE as famous as possible, BE as skilled as possible, and BE as interesting as possible, the more of those u have, the more success ull have with chicks....PERIOD
Well basically.. yeah. It's really actually that simple. Any other advice is just something some guy thought worked when it actually did not.

The rest are just ways of making you stronger in times of failure.. and then there are the pages of tips that just do nothing at all.

When you are good looking and popular as well as rich. Girls will like you.. imagine that. No skills required.

People look all over this site for the hidden secret when it is right there infront of you. The truth is something everybody knew in the first place. Yes all girls are shallow. Get over it. So are you. Do something about it. Don't memorize "skills".


Senior Don Juan
Dec 3, 2005
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KillaPetehog said:
Eh…Bvbidd, you are about to gain a lot of new enemies here…

But I’ll dissect what you’ve written here…

Yes…most of it IS bullshyt.
It's precisely why a lot of fellaz are bouncing out of this website....

But it wasn’t always like that.

But you are stating the obvious. Lots of fellaz know that the advice has been slopin’ as of late. When it really comes down to it, most of the articles are just rehashed versions of the DJ Bible. But I have to say..I hella disagree with how much you clown on the DJ Bible…because it is GOLD.

The DJ Bible is PROVEN…so why talk shyt about it?
It’s changed my life.
It’s changed your life.
It’s changed all of us for the better.
There are so many fuking things in the DJ Bible that makes me one step ahead of other fellas in the game.
Hey, man. Whatever works for you…but just don’t let YOUR failures, and YOUR misunderstandings and YOUR perceptions affect YOUR game.

(shakes head)

(shakes head)

Either THIS shyt was worded wrong, or you’re out of your god-damn mind. Are you saying that a man CAN’T attract a woman?

:D :D

Let me tell you something..


Are you here to fuking complain that you can’t get a girl attracted to you? Look, dawg, just because you can’t “attract” a woman, doesn’t mean nobody else can. TRUST ME. I’ve SEEN guys that ATTRACT WOMEN. You see it from day ONE. In fact, that is the only fukin way you will get girl...


How do you explain women who discuss about a guy that they are in love with….


how do you explain it when a woman is crazy about a guy


What's the whole fuking point of this website?


How in the fuk were YOU born? What made your mother and father love each other?


It’s about fulfilling NEEDS.

What DOES a woman WANT?
What DOES a customer WANT?

It doesn’t fuking matter how well you sell something….although it helps IMMENSELY!!


:D :D

You Can Be the shyttiest salesman in the world..but if you have something the customer NEEDS, you have Him.

Don't get me started on gas prices....

Being able to "sell" well makes you have have a huge advantage...but what matters the most is NEED.

Think about it. If you walk in and some car salesman tries to sell to you, will you buy his shyt? You'll only buy it if you NEED it. Sometimes, it don't even fuking matter if the salesman is good at sales...because you'll still get something when you NEED it.

Most of this website teaches you how to "sell" yourself to a woman. Trying to mack and talk fancy and all this other bullshyt...

Selling is like macking on women.

This website teaches different "selling" tactics.

But you know what...it doesn't fuking matter..really.

What matters is if YOU have something she WANTS.
What matters is if YOU have something she NEEDS.

But we all know...that there are hella heads don't do this fuking shyt...and they still get puzzy.


Because he was able to fulfill a NEED of hers.

Everything is all about attraction.

It’s NOT about tactics.
It’s NOT about METHODS.
It’s not about PICKUP LINES.
It’s NOT about TRICKS
It’s NOT about picking rabbits out of a hat.

You may not be the biggest playa or mack in town, but if you have somethings SHE NEEDS, you have her.

And what are these needs?


Some women want love.
Some women want power.
Some women want money.
Some women want a father figure.
Some women want protection and to feel secure.
Some women want fun and a guy who can give them fun.
Some women want adventure…
Some women want a guy who's built as a brick.

These are ALL needs.

If you fuking FULFILL a NEED….you have the bytch in your hands.

And THAT is what attraction is.

It’s when the bytch is attracted to a NEED that you emanate.

I read a poem a while back..

There are bees. They go LONG azz distances to find a beautiful flower. They SEDUCE. They do NOT attract.

Then there are spiders. The Spider doesn’t fuking move to get what he wants. He makes a web. Then he chills. And he gets what he wants.

That’s the difference between attraction and seduction.

Attraction is when you fulfill a NEED.

:D :D :D :D :D :D

You don’t always need game….you just have to fulfil her NEED.
Bvbidd, if you understate the value of attraction, you might want to change the way you play the game....

I'm not trying to clown or talk shyt...
all I'm sayin is that ATTRACTION is a big part of the game...and you should NEVER downplay it. Even Squirrels knew the importance of ATTRACTION.

I agree with you about the ineffectiveness of tactics, methods, tricks and tips...

but I disagree with you on this quote you made here.

Really think about it. Do you honestly believe that statement?

Then you're missing the whole point of the game.

To attract her is to have her.

This post is perhaps the longest, most redundant diatribe I've seen on this board to date. Instead of actually garnering something constructive from it, I found myself counting how many times he said NEEDS.


Master Don Juan
Jan 30, 2003
Reaction score
At home
Funny because I was reading this thread the other day, full of bs. Something about a warning.. oh...

oops. :whistle:


Master Don Juan
Apr 15, 2003
Reaction score
A universe...where heartbreak and sadness have bee
What there is a LOT of on this site right now is people posting tips that 1) they think helped them with a girl that they have not successfully hooked up with yet or 2) they heard from someone else and just regurgitated it. I'll agree with you that far.

Tips and techniques are useful for those who manage to learn with the "fake it till you make it" strategy. But really, if that's what you're doing...running "DJ tactics"...and not really being natural, then eventually women WILL see through it. If all you're trying to do is keep up the illusion until you get your d!ck wet, then this works for you. But ask yourself WHY you're trying so hard to get laid...is it because you enjoy sex? Or is it because you're trying to prove something? One is a passion. The other is an anxiety. And women will know which is which.

Bvbidd, I wouldn't be so quick to judge those living the "PUA life". Many of them ARE just passionate about women...they like going out and getting laid, it's a game to them, a recreational thing. They like to bust up the social system and enjoy the engagement with females.

Then, there is the other side, the one you're thinking of. Guys who become PUAs because they're trying to escape some stigma that they're not good enough for women...that are trying to prove themselves through sex.

There's a lot of social anxiety generated in this world today..."Get laid or you're a loser. Have a girlfriend or you're worthless. Get married or you're a waste." Both men and women are exposed to this kind of stuff..and women get it even WORSE! They get both sides of it! "If you fvck too much you're a slut! If you fvck not enough you're a prude!" And truth be told, it's BULLSH!T.

Sex is dumb. It's a friggin game to be played, not something to obsess over. Obsessing over it is good because it causes the population to continue to grow and sells a lot of Axe body spray. But the end result of this sexual lifestyle obsession is not only that everyone's too worried and anxious to get laid NATURALLY, like people SHOULD be doing and HAVE been doing for years, but they're too anxious to even BELIEVE that they have what it TAKES to get laid...not to mention what it takes to be a man and rise up to meet the challenges in life.

So they buy David Deangelo's system or Ross Jeffries' system or whatever, thinking it'll make them "good enough" to hook up with t3h ladies.

If you don't BELIEVE that you're good enough, that you DESERVE better and that you HAVE what it TAKES to get better, and you're not WILLING to rise up and stand in the face of that anxiety and potential pain, then no one...not SoSuave, not some dating guru, not PUAs...no one can help you.

The "secret" to getting the women you WANT is to be the MAN you want to be. Everything else, nature works out.


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
Your talking about why people like each other. That really has nothing to do with sex at all. This site is about getting laid though and you can have everything else SHE NEEDS as entertainment but that does not suddenly make her become horny for you.

People have friends because they like them. They fufill eachothers needs. Do you want to **** all your friends because they fufill your needs? No.

This is where looks and your social status come in. And that's it! Nothing else.

You look good enough to make her wet and she preceives that people will envy her for getting you. So go up and have a normal conversation but the thing is if you got the other things she will WANT you regardless of what you actually say.

Now what PUAs do are bull**** and pretend and somehow mention that they are wanted to make themselves look better socially but most of the time it will just be seen through as a joke. They then NEXT her after they fail while thinking they are some kind of skilled womanizer. Then eventually get a girl who falls for it who is probally too drunk to care in the first place. This is what they do.

Some DJ Bible is good sh!t and WILL improve how you do with women by making you confident and actually going out there and doing sh!t. So if say your the above and both share some sort of memorable experience together then the girl will obviously crush. (Or basically remember and think about you.) This only works if you got the above. She wants to feel special.

You can not do anything else. There are no skills involved. You have to accept that attraction itself is all subconcious. A lot of it you CAN NOT control besides getting a life. Mystery probally thought he could control a lot more then he actually could.


Apr 29, 2006
Reaction score
Mr_knowit_all said:
This post is perhaps the longest, most redundant diatribe I've seen on this board to date.
Why do you quote entire articles that people write, especially if they are long?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
I am saying it is BS because when people get together it very rarely has to do with the kind of attraction that this site talks about. Almost never.

It's usually just a looks and social thing. If any tactics did work to get laid it would be the more depressing ones such as "How to get her drunk enough" or "How to lie about being rich." or "How to ask as many chicks as possible for a BJ while looking like a creep doing it" and NOT "How to increase her interest through this line"

I'm warning people not to fall for the bullsh!t. Of course people can like people but you can not just walk around creating these feelings in people with your "skills".

This is why people who have no idea about this sh!t get laid just as often as guys on this site if not more. They don't "get it" as the site may say but are confident and fvcking all the time.


Master Don Juan
Apr 23, 2006
Reaction score
what do you tyhnk about pook and weapons of mass seduction and fingers other psots, then?


Master Don Juan
Apr 16, 2006
Reaction score
It gives you the confidence to go out and get some. It does not make girls like you.


Master Don Juan
Oct 14, 2005
Reaction score
Auckland, New Zealand
Its bs because while your sitting here reading about how and why she's attracted etc or whatever else your reading from these websites, I and other fvcktards who actually have no idea whats happening are out there nailing them birds.

Like in all honesty most of the time I dont know what happens when I'm with a girl, we talk some crap talk some more about her and sh!t we end up making out, I cant explain it it just happens, stop the analysing it and just go do it pook and others posted becuase back in the day this place was cool and people were out to help each other out.

Squirrals has his sh!t sorted bvbidd has his sh!t sorted so do alot of others, do these guys really know why not really it just does the animal need takes over is all I can come up with.