

Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Over the hills and Far away UK
Hey guys I had an interesting thought

Every war that has ever been - has been fought by men , yes woman helped and did nursey things and other stuff , but still wars are fought, started and ended - by men.

This does not make us better than them or them better than us , but I do believe war is a natural part of life , no matter how big or small.

But basically I feel like the world has been P**syfied - in the past someone messed with your stuff , you went to war with the bugger , now you have to sit back and take alot of BS and "suck it up"

I know this argument probably makes little sense it made more sense in my head - but the question I will pose :

Have we lost a piece of ourselves , as men , because we have not seen a war in our lives - and humankind as a whole as well where war gives a sense of being grounded with how small the little problem could be of lil miss HB8/9 not getting her mister perfect ?

Thoughts - I don't think im right or wrong but im trying to see if there is any validity to this

sylvester the cat

Master Don Juan
Sep 30, 2012
Reaction score
you haven't seen a war in your life?

where have you been hiding?


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Over the hills and Far away UK
sylvester the cat said:
you haven't seen a war in your life?

where have you been hiding?
My country (South Africa) didn't participate in the Iraq war

Its a bit different seeing something on TV and being a part of it

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
He probably means a more defined war a la WWI and WWII, where the country's very existence could be at stake and where we had to coalesce as a whole.

OP, there's probably some validity to your point in terms of perspective, but I've often thought of how horrible it must be to be away at war and wondering what your wife or girlfriend is doing to occupy her time in your absence. That must be massively difficult to deal with. It's hard enough to keep them on track when they live in the same town in 2014.


Don Juan
Sep 9, 2013
Reaction score
Over the hills and Far away UK
Atom Smasher said:
He probably means a more defined war a la WWI and WWII, where the country's very existence could be at stake and where we had to coalesce as a whole.

OP, there's probably some validity to your point in terms of perspective, but I've often thought of how horrible it must be to be away at war and wondering what your wife or girlfriend is doing to occupy her time in your absence. That must be massively difficult to deal with. It's hard enough to keep them on track when they live in the same town in 2014.
Apologies I should have made this more clear - yeah that's generally what I meant :)

These days yeah I would hope that if someone went off to fight for something like that - the wife would at least be loyal but yeah when you find rocking horse sh1t....


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
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countwoofoolah said:
I do agree with you Vice , my point I am trying to make is NOT that woman have fought less and such , I actually have a massive amount of respect for anyone who is armed forces or fights for what they believe

I think if I correctly made a better structured argument it would come off more in reference to the second part - ie little miss HB8/9 throwing a tantrum because she cant get her version of mister perfect - but I need to think how im going to make a better idea of what im trying to say

I will check that out thanks Vice
Attractive women are out of touch with reality. That's why they become trainwrecks when they hit the wall and don't have men to take care of them.

Remember that attractive women don't need to learn how to survive because everyone takes care of them because they're attractive. Throwing tantrums is normal. Get over it. You won't be able to change it. She will seek out people who will put up with he crap. The more attractive she is, the more people willing to cater to her.

Atom Smasher

Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2008
Reaction score
The 7th Dimension
Chamber36 said:
America has bases all over the damn world for example as well. They don't NEED bases in germany, do they? Why are there american bases there? I don't know.

I wish everyone would live in peace so there would be no need for war.
Your views seem to be a little simplistic, but I can understand the frustration behind them.

The bases we have all over the world are strategically necessary. Germany and Japan woke up a sleeping giant with vast resources and an unwillingness to get directly involved till provoked. The bases in Germany, aside from the necessary strategic importance, also serve as an important reminder to the world on many different levels.

The one with the biggest guns and the most resources will always be hated and envied by everybody else. Because of the envy and hatred, we need to be ready to answer any threat at a moment's notice.

However my country's glory days are long over. We used to be a shining beacon for the great ideals of mankind... liberty, opportunity, virtue, and wealth just to name a few. We have allowed ourselves to decay morally so deeply that we have become a disease that has spread to other countries.

I look at countries that have become "Americanized" and shake my head. Especially Japan, which seems to be a bizarre mix of Japanese culture and American depravity. What a shame. We have fallen so far. Our forefathers knew this would likely happen if we were not morally vigilant. And now we reap.


Master Don Juan
Oct 23, 2007
Reaction score
Chamber36 said:
America has bases all over the damn world for example as well. They don't NEED bases in germany, do they? Why are there american bases there? I don't know.
Spoils of war. American occupation of conquered countries during WWII. Justified continued occupation due to their strategic position against the Russians. USAF used to have nuclear weapons in Germany for tactical strikes deep into Russia. These pilots each had specific missions and flight plans, knowing that some of the plans would not allow enough fuel to return home.

It's the bleached skeleton of a time of deep rooted fear and mistrust.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I don't think Germany is allowed to have much of a military, through the terms of their WWII surrender. The US was worried they'd get all Reichy again. Not having to pay for its own military defense was part of what allowed post-War Germany to prosper. The US was happy to defend much of the world after the war in exchange for control, as were the Russians. And then over the next several decades, both countries spent themselves into the financial sh!tter.


Master Don Juan
Jul 5, 2011
Reaction score
My grandfather, who knocked up my grandmother and married her at like seventeen was stationed in England during WW2.
He asked me once if I used "French safes"...you know those things you put on your **** when you're gonna be with a woman...
Turns out I'm not the first pua in the family. War does that I guess..


Master Don Juan
Dec 6, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
FYI, War is a Bad Thing!

You are whining about this stagnant life and need something to let off your steam. We are living in an era where even a single grandma can survive. She can buy food online, have it delivered to her, and her house can be connected online that if in at any time she collapsed, the ambulance will come and rescue her.

War is a terrible thing. Unless you are born at a time of war, and your country is always at war till you die, you don't really want any war to breakout. Your body is not ready for it, and your mind is not ready for it. No matter how much you tell yourself that you are an alpha-tough-son-of-a-*****, you are not, you are not ready for war.


Master Don Juan
May 5, 2003
Reaction score
Does going to war give you a better sense of perspective for what's really important? It probably does, but I hope I never find out.

From what I've read about it though, war often seems to have this unfortunate side effect of killing young, fit men who are the ones capable of being involved - not much opportunity to act on their new sense of perspective hey?


Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
MidnightCity said:
i dont think the op or anyone here is promoting war for the sake of it.

i would say he is lamenting the lack of masculine traits and rights of passage that young men are traditionally exposed to by positive masculine father figures.
That's presuming the father figures are still alive. My grandfather fought in WW2 but was killed whilst a POW. My mother married a major beta provider with no backbone and this was how i was until I woke up.