War needs to be declared on mgtow

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Apr 19, 2015
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Tenacity said:
You can't LEAVE society, unless you are dead, in prison or dying in a nursing home. "Going your own way" does not mean you leave society, it means you opt out of the pre-established/programmed "roles" that society, women and male feminists have setup that do not work in a man's best interests at all. You opt out of those pre-estabalished/programmed "roles" and create a new unique path that works in your best interest, whatever that might be.
Yet MGTOW talk about going "ghost" and leaving society, going off the grid or whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Walking around in society invisible not contributing anything? Yet they can't leave what they're supposedly leaving and that's supposed to be some promise or rather a threat that they can't restrain themselves from typing about on the net.

Tenacity said:
The more educated you become on a topic, the more you realize how much of it you STILL don't know. Plus, as I stated, just because you are going your own way that doesn't mean you totally escape the situation. You still have to deal with it on some level, but if you are smart you can opt out of the major things that destroy you like marriage.
If they aren't cut out for marriage then they shouldn't ever get married. It just seems they need constant self reassurance in their head nodding echo chamber that they're decision is "correct". Almost as if they aren't even sure of their own thoughts and don't trust their own judgments.

Tenacity said:
I don't know who does this, but if someone is doing that then yes it's childish. There's four levels to MGTOW and all four levels are in relation to how the MGTOW Man deals with women.
I thought they weren't dealing with women? They were going their own way in reaction to women? Why complain about women if they want nothing to do with them or if they do want women why keep complaining about what they want? If they complain about what they want and they want MGTOW too then they aren't happy with MGTOW either. Or do they complain about what they don't want and what they want? Why even have four levels if it should be a go your own way free for all where any and every man can go his own way and do what he wants?

There's nothing unique about MGTOW. Everyone in life goes their own way regardless if they get married divorced or don't get married or date at all. MGTOW just wants to claim they're going their own way because of a society we all have to live in and because of women, marriage the west etc is all conspiring against them. So they're not only forced to go their own way they're more like True Forced Loneliness.

Tenacity said:
I don't know about a recruitment camp, who is doing that? I see MGTOW folks on Youtube making videos and on Blogs, I don't see MGTOW Ads in the local newspaper and I don't believe any one has MGTOW Ads posted in the Student Halls at Colleges.
They spam their nonsense all over online. They're leaving yet letting as many people as they can know and then bashing anyone who doesn't agree with it while trying to promote it on any and every video regarding marriage, dating or even interacting with women.

Tenacity said:
Because when you get ripped off it takes the rose colored glasses off. This is why a lot of home owners don't trust Mortgage Brokers anymore since the 2008 crash. They were ripped off, as a result they became angry and bitter...and they have a right to be angry and bitter. Getting back to the context, if a man got ripped off through Divorce and Child Support, why wouldn't he be angry? Wouldn't YOU be angry?
So every MGTOW now signs nothing in life because his superior logic says every contract is a rip off. Yet projects accountability on everyone else and claims the victim card like a feminist. But these are men with "logic". It's like these MGTOW were already "ghost" from common sense, society, life and reality to begin with and they were men with the brains and emotions of a 4 year old who expected entitled paradise and need for complete control yet never used critical thinking and judgment. Because of that it's everyone and everything else fault but themselves. Someone else has to tell them how to think. :rolleyes:

Tenacity said:
Happiness is subjective and individually based. I'm happy right now as a WHOLE, but that doesn't mean everyday I'm in a good mood lol. But again, I haven't been married and I'm not getting married, nor making kids. I have avoided the MAJOR pitfalls of Man today and as a result, my financial profile has continually gotten stronger each year on my road to my Self-Made Millionaire Status. I wouldn't be on this road with a wife and kid(s).
Just because you're single with no kids doesn't mean no one else will try to take your money from you in law suits etc. There's plenty of men out their who are married and reach millionaire status regardless and or combine wealth with their spouse and believe it or not even grow their wealth as they picked the right partner in marriage.

MGTOW seem like men who make consistent bad choices in life and all have dated or married the wrong people if they even date women. It takes two people to get married. Not one and the other one blames everything on them as if they were a helpless mindless person to begin with.

If you marry women who are strictly out for your money or only with you because they see you have more money and you marry them you can't complain as you were picking the wrong women to begin with.

Money isn't going anywhere. You can't take something that's needed and then fault everyone else because of it. Yes there are sh1t women out there just as their are sh1t people out there. They key is recognizing them and picking the right person.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
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Cobra Kai dojo
Yukondon said:
Yet MGTOW talk about going "ghost" and leaving society, going off the grid or whatever the hell that's supposed to mean. Walking around in society invisible not contributing anything? Yet they can't leave what they're supposedly leaving and that's supposed to be some promise or rather a threat that they can't restrain themselves from typing about on the net.

If they aren't cut out for marriage then they shouldn't ever get married. It just seems they need constant self reassurance in their head nodding echo chamber that they're decision is "correct". Almost as if they aren't even sure of their own thoughts and don't trust their own judgments.

I thought they weren't dealing with women? They were going their own way in reaction to women? Why complain about women if they want nothing to do with them or if they do want women why keep complaining about what they want? If they complain about what they want and they want MGTOW too then they aren't happy with MGTOW either. Or do they complain about what they don't want and what they want? Why even have four levels if it should be a go your own way free for all where any and every man can go his own way and do what he wants?

There's nothing unique about MGTOW. Everyone in life goes their own way regardless if they get married divorced or don't get married or date at all. MGTOW just wants to claim they're going their own way because of a society we all have to live in and because of women, marriage the west etc is all conspiring against them. So they're not only forced to go their own way they're more like True Forced Loneliness.

They spam their nonsense all over online. They're leaving yet letting as many people as they can know and then bashing anyone who doesn't agree with it while trying to promote it on any and every video regarding marriage, dating or even interacting with women.

So every MGTOW now signs nothing in life because his superior logic says every contract is a rip off. Yet projects accountability on everyone else and claims the victim card like a feminist. But these are men with "logic". It's like these MGTOW were already "ghost" from common sense, society, life and reality to begin with and they were men with the brains and emotions of a 4 year old who expected entitled paradise and need for complete control yet never used critical thinking and judgment. Because of that it's everyone and everything else fault but themselves. Someone else has to tell them how to think. :rolleyes:

Just because you're single with no kids doesn't mean no one else will try to take your money from you in law suits etc. There's plenty of men out their who are married and reach millionaire status regardless and or combine wealth with their spouse and believe it or not even grow their wealth as they picked the right partner in marriage.

MGTOW seem like men who make consistent bad choices in life and all have dated or married the wrong people if they even date women. It takes two people to get married. Not one and the other one blames everything on them as if they were a helpless mindless person to begin with.

If you marry women who are strictly out for your money or only with you because they see you have more money and you marry them you can't complain as you were picking the wrong women to begin with.

Money isn't going anywhere. You can't take something that's needed and then fault everyone else because of it. Yes there are sh1t women out there just as their are sh1t people out there. They key is recognizing them and picking the right person.

Why would any man going his own way even care anymore about gynocentrisim? There's nothing to argue about as they're going their own way.

I answered this above.
:eek: These MGTOW's really mess with your head and get you all emotional eh? Like I told your other 50 accounts, why don't you just sign up at an actual confirmed MGTOW forum and tell them why you think they're wrong. Take the crusade or war or whatever to the actual source. What's the worst that could happen , you get banned? You get banned from here everyday anyway so what's the difference?


Apr 19, 2015
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Tenacity said:
You have a SIMP mentality, which is what I define as a man that worships pvssy. When you worship something, it can do no wrong, matter of fact the negative sides to it you aren't even that much aware of. That's a SIMP, to a SIMP, a woman can do no wrong.
A simp is a kiss azz to women. No one is kissing women's azz if they look at things objectively. Who said women can do no wrong? Women and men can do wrong.

Tenacity said:
While you are so busy "trying" to fvck them, I AM FVCKING them. I have no problems posting proof either. And guess what? I'm STILL MGTOW, even while fvcking them.
So pvzzy makes you angry? Why are you defensive? You should be happy you are fcking women and going your own way like everyone else on the planet. If I am or I'm not fvking women I'm still not complaining about them.

Tenacity said:
I realize the true value of women in today's market, their true value is Entertainment. Entertainment as in Sex and a good Companion, that's it. If you are looking for loyalty, love, support, nurturing, care, longevity, a soulmate, or any of that shyt, you are operating in a 1945 model and we are in 2015. The women aren't LIKE that anymore.
Because you're dealing with single moms and hood rats if I'm not mistaken. I prefer to not bother with low life chicks and then complain about them. I'll let the MGTOW who want nothing to do with women and society complain about them and date them or not yet complain about them regardless. If you choose crap women that's what you get.

Life wasn't perfect back then and 99% of MGTOW wasn't even born back in 1945.

Tenacity said:
In terms of being a man with common sense and being aware of the Risks, well, MGTOW/MRA are discussing those risks sir. They are discussing those risks, debating those risks and offering solutions to those risks. But you just said that it's all bullshyt and they are just bitter-angry guys?
And their solution is to give up and keep talking about it as if that's going to change anything. All talk, no action but giving up.

Tenacity said:
In terms of "Nature," Feminism is the one that's against Nature, not MGTOW. It's a woman's NATURE to submit to a man and allow him to LEAD HER, in her submission she becomes HIS support, comfort, etc. Women have moved out of that position and are instead trying to be in the MAN position, and have men be in the Woman position. MGTOW are MEN who are still fighting to be in the MAN position.
MGTOW are angry they couldn't get the girl they wanted or the woman they got to do what they wanted when they themselves admit they were asleep and needed after X amount of years to "wake up". Just because women don't want to be lead by MGTOW men doesn't mean they don't want to be lead by the man they choose.


Apr 19, 2015
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( . )( . ) said:
:eek: These MGTOW's really mess with your head and get you all emotional eh? Like I told your other 50 accounts, why don't you just sign up at an actual confirmed MGTOW forum and tell them why you think they're wrong. Take the crusade or war or whatever to the actual source. What's the worst that could happen , you get banned? You get banned from here everyday anyway so what's the difference?
Why? Because this is a seduction forum. Not a MGTOW recruiting ground. Why don't the MGTOW here go and live on MGTOW forums to discuss their plans of going their own way?

MGTOW are only interested in their head nodding yes man echo chamber. They've already made their red pill daily dosage minds up even though they continue to need to reinforce their made up minds. Same reason I wouldn't waste my time on trying to change rabid feminists minds.


Apr 19, 2015
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Danger said:
Again yukon, I am a MGTOW and I have a great girl.

So your entire premise and narrative is wrong.

Show us where MGTOW is doing all of these things you claim.
So you know it all, and have a great girl who is going to take everything you've got if you marry her because you're a possible victim of your own choice of woman.

Anyone can go anywhere on the net where MGTOW post etc and see the same nonsense.

Funny enough King MGTOW himself negged me like a liberal against free speech because he only wants agreement with his bizzarro monologues.

War needs to be... 04-19-2015 03:04 PM Poon King Brand new troll account

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Yukondon said:
Because it's painful logging on and seeing yet another account you've created trying to push this weirdass obsession of yours. Be honest, in all these years crusading have you every actually converted someone, anyone? As in you both continually take up the "MGTOW is evil" mantle together?

Yukondon said:
They've already made their red pill daily dosage minds up even though they continue to need to reinforce their made up minds
I been in the trenches man, I've seen some sh!t man. 8 long years of war..........But we got to fight the war on men who stay single and play video games :crazy:



Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:
Because it's painful logging on and seeing yet another account you've created trying to push this weirdass obsession of yours. Be honest, in all these years crusading have you every actually converted someone, anyone? As in you both continually take up the "MGTOW is evil" mantle together?

I been in the trenches man, I've seen some sh!t man. 8 long years of war..........War on men who stay single and play video games :crazy: But it's a worthy cause.

You MGTOW white knighting again?

Playing video games doesn't seem to be relieving your anger. Perhaps you should invent a MGTOW video game. It could be a hit and make you a self-made millionaire or more. You could play online and rant to one another while building minecraft MGTOW islands, custody of the kids, feminist slave camps, etc. You might actually crack a smile for once in your life.

My "crusade" is against nonsense. Not like yours which consists of feminists, liberals, jews, blacks, women, the West etc.

( . )( . )

Dec 31, 2002
Reaction score
Cobra Kai dojo
Yukondon said:
My "crusade" is against nonsense. Not like yours which consists of feminists, liberals.

Yukondon said:
Funny enough King MGTOW himself negged me like a liberal against free speech
Yukondon said:
like liberals who hate free speech in an attempt to shut you down.
:confused: You getting that nonsensical thing before the "I HATE YOU MANOSPHERE :cry: " flip out happening again?


Apr 19, 2015
Reaction score
( . )( . ) said:

:confused: You getting that nonsensical thing before the "I HATE YOU MANOSPHERE " flip out happening again?

Dude you are too melodramatic. Pop a red chill pill and play your video games. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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Yukondon said:
Dude you are too melodramatic. Pop a red chill pill and play your video games. :crackup:
Since this thread has degraded to the point of being lower quality than it started (if that's possible) I'm closing this thread so all of you can go play video games. :cheer:
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