Want sex more than once a week


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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DJinTraining06 said:
As for the weight she is totally hardcore on a diet right now so i am still happy about how thats progressing she is doing very very well. This is the only thing that just needs some correcting, i talked to her about it once again as i mentioend, and i think i got thru to her we will see.
Remember that time that thread you made complaining about her weight? You didn't want to do anything but vent on US. But eventually I and other members here convinced you to put your foot down because you had nothing to lose. You did, you got this chick to go on a diet. You made some ballsy actions... not words.

It worked, and you can still feel the effects.

Remember that?

The one thing you should have learned from that is that actions work, not discussions. You're going back to what isn't working, talking about feeeelings and trying to negotiate with her.

Call me a chump watever, u dont know me.
Yes I do. And despite your bullsh*t I'm trying to help just like everyone else here. The reason you take such offense is because its the truth. The truth fvcking hurts but don't shy away from it, do something about it.

I am begininning to think she really does consider sex once a week was normal and that now that ive made it clear to her that i don't, i consider 2 times a week normal, 3 sometimes, and maybe an occasional 1 a week if were both really busy or one of us is sick.
You're trying to talk to her again. She does not FEEL the need to fvck you that often. If she did, she would be. Face it, she just doesn't find you attractive enough to fvck more often.


Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I was going to offer you some advice, but after reading over your past threads and looking at your responses to the straight talk people are giving you here, it is my conclusion that you are a pus$y. A butter-as$ed, whiny little puss-bag with balls the size of peanuts who only wants to hear the people who will continue to support you in your delusions.

If this was your first time posting about this issue and you were sort of new to the forum, We'd love to help. But it isnt. Your girl has some serious issues with sex that YOU CANNOT RESOLVE. You refuse to dump your fiance because you are a stubborn puss-bag who thinks he can change her after 4 years of getting meager rations of sex. Dont come back here b!tching again. This is a men's forum and no one is going to sugar coat advice and patronize you.

Listen to you making excuses for her. Maybe it is better you stay with her, because you are such a pus$y that you couldnt get a real woman to fvck you anyways. If you come back here and tell us you dumped her and grew some fvcking hair on your chest, then I will personally congratulate you and help you with any topic I can. Until then, have fun jerking off.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
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Colossus said:
Maybe it is better you stay with her, because you are such a pus$y that you couldnt get a real woman to fvck you anyways.
That's a good point. If he won't evolve, then he's got no chance with a new woman.


Master Don Juan
Dec 8, 2009
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In the damn boonies...of Michigan
**** getting married....George Clooney'ing it for life !!!!

Also OP next time you really want sex, don't ask just start kissing her up and down. ..Especially on the neck get her ***** wet, lick it, kiss it, munch it. Then bang her brains out. If she still rejects after all that, wait until she falls asleep jerk off all up on her face, then tea bag her, maybe leave a mushroom print on her forehead for good measure also.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
CarlitosWay said:
**** getting married....George Clooney'ing it for life !!!!

Also OP next time you really want sex, don't ask just start kissing her up and down. ..Especially on the neck get her ***** wet, lick it, kiss it, munch it. Then bang her brains out. If she still rejects after all that, wait until she falls asleep jerk off all up on her face, then tea bag her, maybe leave a mushroom print on her forehead for good measure also.
She was all into it tonite and i was a minute man, i had to stop right in the middle of it and ask her to go on top cuz i last longer that way. She came but im sure it was not very good for her. Maybe i just suck and thats the prob. I cant beleive i was a minute man tonite when i really needed to be good. Now it justifiues her not doin it with me that often. I blew it


Don Juan
Dec 18, 2009
Reaction score
The OP didn't comment on anything I said or answer any of my questions, which I am speaking the harsh truth. That tells me he's just trolling and finding certain parts of people's posts to comment on -irrationally- so he can get as many replies as possible without having the thread die.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Xx1 said:
finding certain parts of people's posts to comment on -irrationally- so he can get as many replies as possible without having the thread die.
He's just avoiding answering the question to himself as well. It's hard to live in your own reality when other people are trying to destroy it.

He's in his own little fantasty world and despite everyone telling him he is wrong, he continues. His mind won't be able to handle the brutal truth and he will defend against it. It's very rational when you think about it.

Unfortunatelly, he won't be able to escape reality. It will catch up with him when his girl does something horrible. So far she's behaving well because she's about to get married. She won't blow that chance, but after who knows what other stupid sh*t she will pull. Probably worse than before he proposed.

But DJINTRAINING06, like a good puppy dog will follow her until his bitter end. She will abuse the crap out of him, and he won't be able to escape when he is married. His life will turn into a living hell, he will come to sosuave.net to complain like a woman, and like a woman do nothing about the situation. He will be even more AFC than now, and we will try to help in vain yet again. But nothing of significance will happen.

Hey DJINTRAINING06, it's all downhill from here. Things aren't going to get any better so you might as well take advantage of things now, because you will be so fvcked later, it will be hilarious. I've got a thing for trainwrecks like I mentioned. Keep us posted. We can't help you now anyways. It's too late for you, but we can observe and use you as an example for new members.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
He's just avoiding answering the question to himself as well. It's hard to live in your own reality when other people are trying to destroy it.

He's in his own little fantasty world and despite everyone telling him he is wrong, he continues. His mind won't be able to handle the brutal truth and he will defend against it. It's very rational when you think about it.

Unfortunatelly, he won't be able to escape reality. It will catch up with him when his girl does something horrible. So far she's behaving well because she's about to get married. She won't blow that chance, but after who knows what other stupid sh*t she will pull. Probably worse than before he proposed.

But DJINTRAINING06, like a good puppy dog will follow her until his bitter end. She will abuse the crap out of him, and he won't be able to escape when he is married. His life will turn into a living hell, he will come to sosuave.net to complain like a woman, and like a woman do nothing about the situation. He will be even more AFC than now, and we will try to help in vain yet again. But nothing of significance will happen.

Hey DJINTRAINING06, it's all downhill from here. Things aren't going to get any better so you might as well take advantage of things now, because you will be so fvcked later, it will be hilarious. I've got a thing for trainwrecks like I mentioned. Keep us posted. We can't help you now anyways. It's too late for you, but we can observe and use you as an example for new members.

Wow ur so dramatic. Everythign is good with the relationship i just want a lil more sex, jesus christ. ill b fine beleive me.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
Wow ur so dramatic.
I'll take that as a compliment.

Everythign is good with the relationship i just want a lil more sex, jesus christ. ill b fine beleive me.
You'll be back in a week with the same problem and a few new walls of text for us to read. I'll use this quote next time.

If things are fine, then there's nothing to discuss. Yes?


Master Don Juan
Jan 18, 2006
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
She was all into it tonite and i was a minute man, i had to stop right in the middle of it and ask her to go on top cuz i last longer that way. She came but im sure it was not very good for her. Maybe i just suck and thats the prob. I cant beleive i was a minute man tonite when i really needed to be good. Now it justifiues her not doin it with me that often. I blew it
This goes to say you are either ignorant or a troll. Save other men by mating this girl.


Master Don Juan
Aug 8, 2006
Reaction score
A marriage partner should be absolutely outstanding in virtually every aspect of her life, including sex. If you can't say that about her, then you can be positively, and absolutely certain that marrying her will be a mistake.
Jan 12, 2010
Reaction score
you may have missed my very important analysis of your situation (which is in line with what others have told you anyway), because for some reason my post did not go through when I posted it, so here it is again, for your pvssy-whipped learning pleasure:

DjInTraining, it is safe to say that you have never developed the skills or mindset of a real man.

A real man would never ever want to marry a woman who continues to gain weight (checked your thread history), rejects sex advances consistently from her FUTURE HUSBAND (a real man would say "no sex? ok f8ck off, i'm gonna go find me some sex", or a woman who gets involved in sketchy nightlife behavior with strangers (again, checked your thread history)

A real man would dump that b8tch, and find a new one who fully satisfies his needs.

YOU are a prime example of SETTLING, and you do not think you could ever do better.

Also, what you are experiencing with her right now, while you are engaged, this is the best it's ever going to get, it's all downhill from here, especially if you marry her, and ESPECIALLY if you knock her up and have kids.

You will be a depressed 35 year old divorced loser who is paying vaginamony and child support and barely has money for himself to live a good happy life.

Your #1 mistake was committing to the first piece of a$$ that you happened to luck out on, and now you are on full blown CHUMP mode, with no end in site.

In fact, you have proven for years to not listen to any advice (you post, people give you advice, you ignore, and you move on to the next step of suicide.........from having a girlfriend who is useless, to having her move in with you, to getting engaged...........in a year you will be posting a thread about how she got knocked up the one time you and her did have sex in 2010)

Because you do not listen advice, it is clear that you only want to learn the HARD WAY, but I promise you that once you learn from your mistakes, your life will be over at that point with no way to turn back


Master Don Juan
Dec 10, 2008
Reaction score
i wish we could give negative rep. This way people know which people that actually need hlep that will listen and the fvckin retards that are just a waste of time.

this guy is busy fixing leaks in the ceiling when the whole roof is about to collapse on him.

You don't heed any of our advice here because you've never been down that path. A few of us have been and we're telling you you're heading in the same direction that we once did. Although i may not have dated a lardass but i've been in situation where girls did lose interest and it definitely sounds like she's losing interest in you. just like the guy who's posting about not getting sex in the mature forum....he going through the same sh1t as you. you don't get married when you're having all these problems, that's just common sense but you'll probably ignore this post just like many of the others.


Master Don Juan
Feb 6, 2007
Reaction score
AAAgent said:
i wish we could give negative rep. This way people know which people that actually need hlep that will listen and the fvckin retards that are just a waste of time.
The I disagree option should be negative rep.

PS - rep me for that help, hahahaha.


Master Don Juan
Aug 11, 2006
Reaction score
Ok to all my naysayers on here, can i ask u this question. Could it b the lack of sex was cuz i suck at it, and dont last very long. I have had a bit of a problem with it, and am soemtimes a minute man. Even when im not a mintue man, i still have to keep stopping just as shes getting into it, or i have to ask her to change positions cuz soemtime that helps me last longer. That is a very large part of the equation that i didnt tell u guys. So really can i blameher for not being so willing to do it all that often. Now at the same time she does always get off almost 95% of the time, but its not pretty, like i said i have to keep stopping and ask her to go on top and all that crap. So i could see why it could b a chore for her. Technically im the a-hole for even being mad at her for not wanting to to do it that often. I guess i was thinking cuz she gets off then im doin my job. But maybe i am really really terrible and thats why she dont want it too often. She does do it the one time a week. We did it the last 2 nights (rare 2 ngihts in a row its cuz i talked ot her about it a few days ago). Both nights i totally sucked. I didnt have this problem when i was younger i dont know if the lack of sex got to my head or if its a physical prob, but i think its def a contributor.


Master Don Juan
Jan 3, 2009
Reaction score
DJinTraining06 said:
Ok to all my naysayers on here, can i ask u this question. Could it b the lack of sex was cuz i suck at it, and dont last very long. I have had a bit of a problem with it, and am soemtimes a minute man. Even when im not a mintue man, i still have to keep stopping just as shes getting into it, or i have to ask her to change positions cuz soemtime that helps me last longer. That is a very large part of the equation that i didnt tell u guys. So really can i blameher for not being so willing to do it all that often. Now at the same time she does always get off almost 95% of the time, but its not pretty, like i said i have to keep stopping and ask her to go on top and all that crap. So i could see why it could b a chore for her. Technically im the a-hole for even being mad at her for not wanting to to do it that often. I guess i was thinking cuz she gets off then im doin my job. But maybe i am really really terrible and thats why she dont want it too often. She does do it the one time a week. We did it the last 2 nights (rare 2 ngihts in a row its cuz i talked ot her about it a few days ago). Both nights i totally sucked. I didnt have this problem when i was younger i dont know if the lack of sex got to my head or if its a physical prob, but i think its def a contributor.
Yeah, you suck at sex, but you suck at being a DJ too. Time to man the fvck up and dump her


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
CaptainJ said:
Time to man the fvck up and dump her
It's too late for that. You're better off just lying to the guy.

Great job DJIntraining06! I'm sure things will go swell after the wedding. I'm sure that she will respect you more after you give her everything you can, yet see nothing in return. Selflessness like that is rewarded with sex.

Luthor Rex

Master Don Juan
Jul 16, 2006
Reaction score
the great beyond
DJinTraining06 said:
she does always get off almost 95% of the time, but its not pretty

I love some of the sh!t people post here...


Master Don Juan
Jun 18, 2004
Reaction score
the op sounds like a guy i know. he is engaged to this chick who cut him off, but he is too big of a pvssy to tell her to f off and leave.

the op is insane if he thinks things will magically get better after marriage. i hope he's ready to ruin his life. it's only a matter of time before she's having an affair if she isn't right now.