WAKE THE **** UP: Ether's New Year


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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I've been putting things off for too long and I need a raw kick up the ass. I've fallen too far into my comfort zone. But first, who am I?

-I'm a 16 year old junior.
-I'm 5'11", 176. I've gained some weight from lifting, I don't have abs, but I'm not carrying a spare tire. I play lacrosse and I'm playing football next year.
-I have a girlfriend of two months who's pretty awesome. This will make my goals a bit different than a lot of the guys who are into mass seduction. I'm pretty particular about girls.
-That being said, I'm a virgin and have never done anything sexually. I'm ****ing petrified of getting a girl pregnant because my mother had me at 16 and I never met my father. Another part of this is I've never really had the audacity to just say "Wanna ****?"
-I'm an honors student. My weakness is math, but my strengths are everything else.
-I'm vice president of my school's Model UN club. I have no problem speaking publicly in front a small room of people and I can approach strangers pretty well. I've won two awards in the past year.
-When there's a big party, I'm there. I'm not known as the life of the party, but I'm known as a pretty chill guy. I babysit the kids who get too drunk and for that, I'm pretty well-respected.
-A few years ago, you could've called me the most motivated artist in my school. Since then, honors classes dulled my passion.
-I deal with pretty harsh OCD and bi-polar disorder. It complicates things, but I strive through it.

New Years Resolutions/Goals:
-Workout at least three times a week. At least two (morning lifting) when lacrosse season starts. Emphasize cardio and eating healthier to get my ass in shape.
-Win awards at Georgetown and St. Bonaventure Model UN conferences.
-Draw something at least once a month, maybe more, depending on schoolwork.
-Maintain a 90+ average.
-Get laid..eventually.
-Party more.
-Go to more concerts.
-Get out more, in general.

I'm not exactly sure how this will all turn out, I'll probably have more questions for you guys than you will have for me. Most of my focus will be on improving my body, my art, my public speaking, and my lacrosse skills.
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Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Loving on this bro, great stuff.
Is this gonna be your journal?

Being sexual is something that comes after a while of conciously acting that way. Easy ways to start out are sexual innuendoes, missinterpretations and roleplay. The going first principle counts here - Your GF probably wont get sexual before you get sexual. That's one of the main reasons for having a GF, you might aswell be good friends. Escalation man. She wants it.

As long as you're pushing yourself, then you're good to go.
I'm looking forward to be following you.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Week One: New Years Week

Weight: 175

I finished a sketch of a panda and an angel, turns out I haven't quite lost my touch. It got frustrating at a few points, but it looks like I already have a solid base to work off of as I progress into more complicated things.

I took Norwegian's advice and it's working out pretty well. I don't think I'll be sleeping with her this month or even anytime soon, but to have the sexuality there is refreshing.

I started to make healthier decisions with what I eat and tomorrow I'll have access to the school gym. Once I get back into the school cycle and all the holiday food is gone, I'll be eating healthier. I'm looking to start Rippetoe's Starting Strength routine. I'll use free weights as much as I can, but I don't have the luxury of a spotter or good form just yet. I figure it'll come with time.

Tuesday and Wednesday I should be going to optional lacrosse practices in the morning before school, but I don't see it as a priority. Not to sell myself short, but I'll be sitting the bench as a junior goalie. I'm more concerned with keeping everything else in check before lacrosse. Next year will be my year.

Monday Notes:

-Did upper body, wished I would've squatted and deadlifted:
Dumbell Flies
Bicep Curls
Shoulder Press

-Started to draw portraits during class, these next few weeks might actually be great for progressing. I'd rather be awake and drawing during boring classes (Alg. 2 and Trig/AP US History) than sleeping.

Tuesday Notes:

Got torched in morning lacrosse after my first day back in a long time. Made a solid five or so saves, though, so I haven't completely lost it.

Got assigned another six page essay and identifications, which is a biweekly thing. Doing average in math. **** school.
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New Member
Oct 22, 2010
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Great to hear your keeping up with your commitment.

About the working out don't try to push yourself to the extreme with free weights yet. It is so much easier if you start of doing it right with good form and then increasing the weight, then trying to get away from bad habits with bad form.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Got in squats, bench, leg press, some push-ups. I weigh 174 now, which is alright. I have some fat to burn and I feel like I look a little better already.

Realized a pretty big problem, I'm ****ing petrified of losing my virginity in general. I read a lot, watch a decent amount of porn, but I feel like I'm gonna dive in and be like "WHAT THE ****?!" and panic. I'm not nervous about anything but this. Girlfriend isn't a virgin, but told me that the sex with her ex was horrible (which I feel is a little bit of BS to make me feel better about the idea of ****ing her) and made her hate every centimeter of her body. I'm in a relationship where I can be honest with her about anything and she'll stay by me, and if I could lose it to anybody, I'd like it to be her. I'm just afraid of embarrassing myself.

Motivation? Advice? This is one of the last hurdles I need to make it over to feel like my high school experience was complete.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
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I'm not too big on the DJ stuff since I'm trying to pick it up too. But lifting/bodybuilding is something is kinda my specialty haha.

What bodyfat percentage do you think you're at right now? You gotta decide whether you want to bulk first and then cut, or cut first and then bulk. Trust me, I've tried, and although it works, it's a huge waste of your time and gains to work on getting stronger while getting trim.

I'm about your same height and weight and I'm bulking right now during the winter. I'm up to about 10.5%, which isn't bad since I still have a sixpack, although it's just not as defined. My goal is to get to about 185-190 lbs by track season, and then cut down to about 170 again, but at a lower bodyfat. You should try a similar routine if you're in my boat, 2-3 months is enough time for a ton of progress.

Good luck man. I'll be keeping up with your progress.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Kevansta said:
I'm not too big on the DJ stuff since I'm trying to pick it up too. But lifting/bodybuilding is something is kinda my specialty haha.

What bodyfat percentage do you think you're at right now? You gotta decide whether you want to bulk first and then cut, or cut first and then bulk. Trust me, I've tried, and although it works, it's a huge waste of your time and gains to work on getting stronger while getting trim.

I'm about your same height and weight and I'm bulking right now during the winter. I'm up to about 10.5%, which isn't bad since I still have a sixpack, although it's just not as defined. My goal is to get to about 185-190 lbs by track season, and then cut down to about 170 again, but at a lower bodyfat. You should try a similar routine if you're in my boat, 2-3 months is enough time for a ton of progress.

Good luck man. I'll be keeping up with your progress.
I've followed the DJ stuff for about three years. I never got around to cold approaches, which is like the bread-and-butter of the PUA scene.

I'm skinny-fat, basically. I have some definition but regardless, I still consider myself to be fat. I've read (and I know you're not supposed to believe everything you read on the internet) that it's better to lift heavy for beginners, regardless of whether you need to cut or bulk, because being stronger is obvious the goal of bulking and being stronger will help when you want to lose weight. "Lifting heavy" to me, means benching like 130 in three sets of five reps. I can probably squat my own body weight, but my form is god-awful. I can muster about 3 pull-ups. I'm pretty weak for my weight since I've been out of football for two seasons and I play goalie in lacrosse, so I'm really not doing **** at all. I have eight months to get in football shape and three months to get into lacrosse shape.

I haven't run because I'm a whiny ***** and won't run in the snow..yet. I'd like to start running a mile (continuously) a day with some sprints to start out.

On one hand, I find it really easy to want to change my body to look and feel better and be a better athlete. On the other hand, if everything fell through and I didn't work out, I'm smart, funny, dress well, artistic, I already got the girl..and so forth. This is my first week of committed working out and I worked out three times. I'm still shaky about the whole thing since I'm weak and my form sucks and that's depressing, but I want to stick with it.


Don Juan
Feb 16, 2010
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Ether said:
I've followed the DJ stuff for about three years. I never got around to cold approaches, which is like the bread-and-butter of the PUA scene.

I'm skinny-fat, basically. I have some definition but regardless, I still consider myself to be fat. I've read (and I know you're not supposed to believe everything you read on the internet) that it's better to lift heavy for beginners, regardless of whether you need to cut or bulk, because being stronger is obvious the goal of bulking and being stronger will help when you want to lose weight. "Lifting heavy" to me, means benching like 130 in three sets of five reps. I can probably squat my own body weight, but my form is god-awful. I can muster about 3 pull-ups. I'm pretty weak for my weight since I've been out of football for two seasons and I play goalie in lacrosse, so I'm really not doing **** at all. I have eight months to get in football shape and three months to get into lacrosse shape.

I haven't run because I'm a whiny ***** and won't run in the snow..yet. I'd like to start running a mile (continuously) a day with some sprints to start out.

On one hand, I find it really easy to want to change my body to look and feel better and be a better athlete. On the other hand, if everything fell through and I didn't work out, I'm smart, funny, dress well, artistic, I already got the girl..and so forth. This is my first week of committed working out and I worked out three times. I'm still shaky about the whole thing since I'm weak and my form sucks and that's depressing, but I want to stick with it.
This is what you need to do. Put posters of hot babes on your walls. But instead of jacking to them, you call it motivation. Each and every morning you will wake up to a hot babe that you will never be able to get. And then you tell yourself, I can be fwcking this girl in college. But to get there, I need to work my ass off in the gym today, and become ripped.

Pook talked about it perfectly, there's a truly a brand new world out there once you're huge. It's true. Trust me, as a freshman, I was just a 5'4 105 piece of shyt. Now that I'm bigger, the change in the way people act aroun me in just four years is crazy. I no longer need to take anyone's shyt. Girls give me more attention. And most of all, my confidence went through the roof. Looking back on this, those are all trademarks of an alpha. And it makes perfect sense. In nature, your biggest, strongest wolf is the alpha. Nature doesn't change, so you must change yourself.

As far as lifting goes, you are perfectly right that you need to build a base of strength first. I have two personal favorite routines that work perfectly for beginners: Rippetoe's Starting Strength and StrongLifts 5x5. Google them. You'll gain size and strength with either one.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Haven't worked out at all this week, hopefully getting a lift in tomorrow. Exam review is consuming two/three days a week because I'm ****ing awful at Algebra 2/Trig. I started a new acne medication and have been pretty clear. Lacrosse has been shaky, I'm trying to save my energy for school.

School is consuming my day, basically. Exams are in two weeks and I'm flipping the **** out over one exam.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Did this today and it whipped my ass, but I'm going to do it as much as I can to get myself in shape.:

Romanian Deadlift
Bentover Row
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Good Morning

On round one, perform 6 reps of each exercise, moving from one exercise to the next, never letting go of the bar, never resting. Remember, you'll finish all six reps of each exercise before moving to the next one.

Rest 90 seconds after the first circuit, then perform 5 reps of each in the next circuit; rest 90 seconds, 4 reps of each; rest 90 seconds, 3 reps of each; rest 90 seconds, 2 reps of each; rest 90 seconds, and then do 1 rep of each.
Gotta high school dance/rave today, I'm desperately trying to learn how to Dougie. It's a ****ing failure, I'm so uncoordinated, but I have six hours.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Remember increasing the weight as you decrease your reps. It's supposed to be almost to failure at 5/4/3/2/1.

Just grind man. It's easy.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Remember increasing the weight as you decrease your reps. It's supposed to be almost to failure at 5/4/3/2/1.

Just grind man. It's easy.
I got the workout from here:

It's a cardio alternative because I have two feet of snow and can't run without freezing my **** off.

I can dance, I just need to dance better. Anyways, after spending about an hour learning it, I tore it up in front of the whole school. I feel like I looked like a major idiot or a complete badass, but I'm cool with either reaction because only two other people had the balls or the knowledge to do the Dougie by themselves in the middle of a giant circle of people.
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Don Juan
Nov 2, 2010
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My lungs screamed, my muscles burned, and I was, quite literally, seeing black spots dance before my eyes like some lame Windows screensaver from 1998.

I glanced at the clock.

No. ****ing. Way. Ninety seconds had passed by already?

It was time for another set.

I grabbed the bar for set number four, dug deep mentally, and pushed through another round. About a minute later my "off-day" cardio was done. It had only taken around nine minutes total, yet I was wiped out. I actually looked forward to some foam rolling because it meant I got to lie down on the floor.

I glanced over at the cardio area. I saw three beer-bellied men pounding away on the treadmills. I could practically hear their knees and ankles barking with the abuse.

Two women were behind them on the ellipticals. They were talking and laughing and had probably burned more body fat getting out of their minivans than they had while lollygagging on the hamster machines.

Finally I looked over at the stairmill. That's a torture device of a cardio machine, no doubt, and the guy on it was sweating through his shirt. He'd been up there a while, so he was clearly "good" at the stairmill... all 150 emaciated pounds of him. No thanks.

Now, let's compare that to my recent "cardio" workouts, if you could technically even call them that. Depending on the load, in about ten minutes I could...

• Move 12,000 pounds. (An O-bar with 55 pounds: 100 pounds; 5 movements for 6 reps each, repeated for 4 cycles = 12,000 pounds)
• Increase my training volume
• Boost strength endurance
• Increase caloric expenditure and melt body fat
• Take advantage of the EPOC effect (Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption)
• Increase work capacity and overall conditioning
from http://www.t-nation.com/free_online...cardio_four_complexes_for_a_shredded_physique


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Just a quick update, I weighed 174 this morning.

-I started eating better, but it's an uphill battle with the diet change alone because my medication makes me gain weight.
-I'm starting to bench and deadlift every day, adding five pounds a day. I can easily do both of those at home with the weight that I have, so I do. I'm going to mix in some dumbbell work, too.
-I'm looking to start running 5 out of 7 days a week to build my stamina. The snow up here is a ***** so I'm unsure about my commitment to this. My goal is to be able to run 2 miles well by March because that's what we run during lacrosse. It should be easily accomplished.


Master Don Juan
Apr 8, 2010
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Hold on.. EVERYDAY!? You're gonna overtrain within a week or two dude. You are NOT gaining this way. You need rest.

Bench up to 2 times a week and dead and squat up to 3x a week.
Combine this with running and I'd reduce them all by 1.

What sort of medication is it? Why does it make you gain weight (Does it slow down the production of testosterone/growth hormone)?


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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NorwegianDJ said:
Hold on.. EVERYDAY!? You're gonna overtrain within a week or two dude. You are NOT gaining this way. You need rest.

Bench up to 2 times a week and dead and squat up to 3x a week.
Combine this with running and I'd reduce them all by 1.

What sort of medication is it? Why does it make you gain weight (Does it slow down the production of testosterone/growth hormone)?
Lamictal and Abilify.

I had a mental breakdown when I was talking to my girlfriend and realized that I had developed the harshest one-itis of all time. I've become a soft little ***** and forgot that I still need to keep my tools sharp because it's pretty likely that this relationship isn't forever. I'm basically going back into Jerk mode as a defense mechanism for now, but it's the right decision for me. I put her on a pedestal and she's giving me too much bull****.

I need to focus on making myself better for me.


Don Juan
Sep 14, 2007
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Stuff with the girlfriend got resolved and the sexual tension got turned up. We're not quite ready for sex, but I've been trying to get the perfect conditions to go down on her. Unfortunately, it's ****ing impossible to get my house or her house to ourselves.

You guys have any advice for places to mess around? I'm pretty desperate.