waiting for her reply


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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I went on one date with this 29 years old chick. We had fun etc,and we made out intensely and we almost f-vcked but...we had no place available that night...but we were all over each other.

The next day she texted me just to talk. Then she texted me again at night. I asked her out for some day that week but she has this crazy schedule because of work and she said she is not free until Sunday (six days from today). Ok...no date set yet.

She's texted me a few more times so yesterday when she texted me and told me she thought she was gonna have free tomorrow and Sunday, I asked her out for tomorrow. She replied that it sounded good but that she wanted to confirm she did not have to work tomorrow because her boss is on vacations and their schedule is a bit confusing now. (she's a waitress) I said ok, let me know.

Well, that happened yesterday at 14:00 pm, today is Saturday 12:53 am and she hasnt texted yet...
am I being played?
until what time she thinks I am gonna sit around waiting for her reply...?
she could have texted something like: "hey, I havent spoken with my boss yet...sorry" or something.

I am considering waiting for her reply a couple more of hours and if she doesnt text, I will just do other plans but...



Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
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I don't know what your texting chit chat is, but I usually try to keep mine fun. When I'm waiting for an answer, I will text with some fun chit chat in the meantime.

When you're starting with a new prospect, it's all about how she feels in the moment. If she's having fun with you while she's waiting to hear back from her boss, she'll let you know immediately when she finds out. If you seem to have dropped off the radar, she'll make other plans. If she doesn't let you know while you're chit chatting and the deadline passes, then drop her.

Women read into 5hit constantly. If you don't have both of your feet securely in her door, she'll be constantly analyzing your interest. When you DO have your feet securely in her door, she should be constantly worrying about your interest.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
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You know what? if I text her in the meanwhile some guys from this site will say that I text her too much, and that I should not text to "chitchat", and that texting ruins everything blah blah...

My chitchat is also fun. I do not text serious/boring stuff, there are always a few jokes, so they laugh.

This chick has texted almost everyday since we had our first date. I just initiated one text and the purpose was to ask her out...



Master Don Juan
Dec 11, 2013
Reaction score
pyros said:
until what time she thinks I am gonna sit around waiting for her reply...?
Notice the wording of the above sentence you wrote. Even in your writing you give the girl all the power not to mention any old Tom, D1ck or Harry willing to post a reply to your question and make a fool of you.

As she is free to do whatever she likes whenever she likes it would be more appropriate if you re-wrote your above sentence as: 'Until what time am I gonna sit around waiting for her reply?'

Only you can answer that one.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
so she did not text me in the end, and I went out with my friends ... but...

Should I text her after she left me hanging?


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
pyros said:
so she did not text me in the end, and I went out with my friends ... but...

Should I text her after she left me hanging?
Nope. Delete her number.

With sites like Tinder chances are girls have other guys. I've had similar happen.


Don Juan
Dec 25, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
I went on one date with this 29 years old chick. We had fun etc,and we made out intensely and we almost f-vcked but...we had no place available that night...but we were all over each other.

The next day she texted me just to talk. Then she texted me again at night. I asked her out for some day that week but she has this crazy schedule because of work and she said she is not free until Sunday (six days from today). Ok...no date set yet.

She's texted me a few more times so yesterday when she texted me and told me she thought she was gonna have free tomorrow and Sunday, I asked her out for tomorrow. She replied that it sounded good but that she wanted to confirm she did not have to work tomorrow because her boss is on vacations and their schedule is a bit confusing now. (she's a waitress) I said ok, let me know.

Well, that happened yesterday at 14:00 pm, today is Saturday 12:53 am and she hasnt texted yet...
am I being played?
until what time she thinks I am gonna sit around waiting for her reply...?
she could have texted something like: "hey, I havent spoken with my boss yet...sorry" or something.

I am considering waiting for her reply a couple more of hours and if she doesnt text, I will just do other plans but...

You could have said,

"No problem, lets do Sunday".

If she gave you a similar excuse for Sunday as well, that she needs to check then just reply with, "Maybe some other time then" and leave it.

She should know when she is off from work. If she cant make solid plans then expect flaky behavior.


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
pyros said:
You know what? if I text her in the meanwhile some guys from this site will say that I text her too much, and that I should not text to "chitchat", and that texting ruins everything blah blah...
It's not how much you text, it's the content. If you're being fun and flirty through your texts, you won't fvck things up by texting more. If anything, you'll be either maintaining or raising her IL. If you leave her alone for two long, there's nothing to maintain that IL and she won't have a reason to pursue a date with you.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 5, 2014
Reaction score
She wants to maintain "hand" (most women do) and most likely isn't going to text you until you attempt to contact her first. Women play this game all the time. In her mind contacting you now is considered "chasing" and she doesn't do that, she's queen bee.

One of my sisters was bragging to me about how she doesn't call men or chase them, they come to her...

Either way you aren't in the driver's seat at the moment.

You can attempt to contact her and set something up one more time or let it go and move on.

I give women opportunities to reciprocate my efforts in hooking up with them. If I ask you out and you tell me you can't make it, don't counter offer and make zero effort to contact me, I won't ask again.

Even if I can squeeze something out of a situation like this it simply isn't worth the hassle, for me personally. Usually it means they have either low interest or they want more "control" than I'm willing to give.

If you don't want to get treated like a lapdog don't behave like one. Have standards of your own. You've done more than enough chasing, time for her to return at least a minimal amount of respect for your time.


Master Don Juan
Sep 2, 2013
Reaction score
Women have all the power due to smartphones.

It's not good or bad; it's just the way it is.


Master Don Juan
Aug 28, 2013
Reaction score
skinnyguy said:
Women have all the power due to smartphones.

It's not good or bad; it's just the way it is.
Which is why, as someone already said above, you need a set yourself apart from the five other guys she has on the line. Be busy. Don't always answer right away (or at all), etc. But if you are texting, have something to say. Not this stupid "what's up?" or "hey" crap. The other five thirsty idiots are texting her when she's not answering, getting annoyed when she doesn't reply, stalking her on social media, liking all her dumb selfies on Facebook, and on and on. :up:


Senior Don Juan
Apr 8, 2014
Reaction score
A rule that I always remember is...

if she's not putting in any effort, why should you? Just abandon the girl.
Remember, if she was TRULY interested she would go CRAZY out of her way just to be with you.

Flaking once, okay. Flaking twice or three timese? NO SIR! she gotta go


Master Don Juan
Nov 23, 2014
Reaction score
USA, Louisiana
You never should have set yourself up for waiting around for her to get back with you. If a women starts saying she has to check or any number of reasons why she can't give you a yes or no answer to a date.... then you should suspect she is just looking for an out. So give it to her tell her something like "Sounds like your busy... let's do it some other time." Withdraw the offer its much better for your mental state than sitting around wondering if she is going to call.


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score

so as I said she did not text me in the end, so the next day I texted her in the afternoon. She told me how crazy her boss is, that they had a huge argument, she ended up crying in the kitchen...etc.

She told me that she may go to X salsa club that night. I said ok, see you theret then, cause I was gonna be there anyway with a friend of mine.

Then she texted me at 22:00 to ask me if I was there already, but I wasnt. When I got there she came to say hi, she gave me a nice hug, I introduced her to my friend, she introduced me to one of her friends etc.

I danced with her a couple of songs but since she was there with a goofy guy friend of hers (super goofy guy...) I did not pay too much attention to her, so after an hour she started to come to me. She came to me three times and she was kino escalating on me lol, so I took her for a walk around the block, we made out intensely, talked etc, and she suggested to go to the beach the next day, I agreed. I left with my friends SHE KISSED ME on the lips, and she kept there with her goofy friend.

The funy/weird things is that... she had a huge argument with her boss on Friday (or she says so) but she also told me that she went to dance salsa that same night (nice), and she also went to the pool with this goofy friend of hers the next day (so she had free time huh?).

Well, the next day we went to the beach, made out, had fun etc,, and I droppep her home. She said she had nothing to do in the evening so I told her maybe we could have dinner etc, she agreed and told me to text her later on.

At 19:00 I texted her but she replied at 21:00 and said she had fallen asleep. Then she said that "her best friend just broke up with her bf and had to comfort her, and to call it a night" (which sounds like total bullsh-it LMAO), so I went to have dinner with a friend instead.

Then at 23:30 she texted me to ask me what I was doing. She then called me and told me that she was watching a horror movie and she got really scared blah blah. We talked for 10 mins or so and I went back to my friends, wished her good night etc.
I dont know if this was a booty call or she was just scared and wanted someone to talk to, but I had already plans with my friends so I was not gonna changed them at that moment just to make her happy.


Don Juan
Jul 10, 2015
Reaction score
When a girl texts you at 11:30 saying she's watching a horror movie and really scared...you say something like 'Want me to come over to protect you?'

Sounds flighty though...probably had the goofy guy over and things didn't go as she planned or they did and he left and wanted another guy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
Pyros you posted something about this exact chick last week and im pretty sure you had exactly the same replies as you have had this week

But anyway as i am in a good mood i shall humour you

Firstly what is the rush to see her again!?! , 6 days in-between dates is fine its normal people do have lives to get on with and allows the embers of attraction to breath

When has hounding women for meet up’s ever worked for anyone!?! ......never worked for me and its certainly not about to start working for you

This is why a good plate rotation is essential when dating .....you need always need at least one girl to keep you busy whilst the others are busy


Master Don Juan
Dec 31, 2011
Reaction score
yeah yeah, I went to have dinner with an ex plate of mine who happens to be my friend nowadays; there is sexual tension though, but I am not that into her as she is into me xD

Anyway, I will probably try to get another chick just to have another entertainment besides this one.

Last week I had another plate but she went back to her ex bf and she did not even give me any explanations but I saw it on fb. Nice...

I am tired of spining/trying to plates, the amount of work you have to put is just too much: mental effort, energy, flakes, money, time, rejections...


Master Don Juan
Jan 10, 2014
Reaction score
pyros said:
I am tired of spining/trying to plates, the amount of work you have to put is just too much: mental effort, energy, flakes, money, time, rejections...
you feel like this because your focusing your enitre life on trying to acttract /date / have sex with women

ive been caught in this trap before and it isnt healthy .....pull back and go do something in life that your going to enjoy

learn a new skill ? , language ? , hobbie or anything just something to take your mind off pulling women for abit

i agree it can be energy sapping and when you feel like that being emmersed in game is not healthy