Very interesting data samples from OKC - The reality of online dating


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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There is a blog out there by OKcupid admins. They keep track of statistics on their online dating site and do analyses. I found a really interesting one.

They did a study where they asked men and women online to rate the attractiveness of each other. What they found out was hilarious. The results of men rating women showed what looks like a normalized curve. It looks believable. A nice spread between unattractive, average looking and very attractive women. This situation is what you would normally expect in everyday life. Just look around.

The women? They rated 80% of men as BELOW AVERAGE in terms of attractiveness. In what world are 80% of men basically ugly? :crackup:

Delusional to no end folks. :crackup:

Nobody is good enough for the princesses online. I said it before and I will say it again, online dating is a waste of time when you know that you're a decent looking guy offline, but suddenly an ogre online. :crackup:

When I said that if you're a 7 offline, you're bumped down to a 5 online, I was apparently right. I think if anything I wasn't dramatic enough.

Here is a link to the survey:


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
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Girls on dating sites get attention from dudes just seeking a warm hole.

These girls confuse this for sincere interest, they let this get to their heads.

This is why every other girls profile has things like:
"are there any real men out there?"
"not just a one night stand!"
"one last time"
"here i am again"


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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SgtSplacker said:
Girls on dating sites get attention from dudes just seeking a warm hole.

These girls confuse this for sincere interest, they let this get to their heads.

This is why every other girls profile has things like:
"are there any real men out there?"
"not just a one night stand!"
"one last time"
"here i am again"

I love the profiles that are all caps saying "DON'T MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE A CAR IN YOUR PICTURE OR YOU ARE SHIRTLESS"

Those are typically the girls who respond the most to that sort of stuff.
hypocritical AND delusional to no end. :crackup:


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
Maybe men just aren't very good at making an online profile that is attractive. I have seen a lot of ridiculous pictures on those sites. The shirtless, alone in bedroom, flexing muscles while staring menacingly into the mirror self-pic is a classic. The guy thinks he's sexy and does not realize that he looks like a scary rapist.

Now compare that to women and their typical fat girl angle shot that can make any heifer look sexy. They are the opposite of men in that they are good at looking better online than they really are.

All of this comes from men being turned on visually a lot easier than women. Over the millions of years, women got good at looking good, because that is what men like. It's not any different on the Internet now than it was in a cave a million years ago. Guys want to see t!ts and ass. Women want a long laundry list of traits that amount to you having good genes and being suitable for raising offspring. All of that is much harder to convey in an online profile, as compared to simply putting up cleavage pics.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
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Bible_Belt said:
Maybe men just aren't very good at making an online profile that is attractive. I have seen a lot of ridiculous pictures on those sites. The shirtless, alone in bedroom, flexing muscles while staring menacingly into the mirror self-pic is a classic. The guy thinks he's sexy and does not realize that he looks like a scary rapist.

Now compare that to women and their typical fat girl angle shot that can make any heifer look sexy. They are the opposite of men in that they are good at looking better online than they really are.

All of this comes from men being turned on visually a lot easier than women. Over the millions of years, women got good at looking good, because that is what men like. It's not any different on the Internet now than it was in a cave a million years ago. Guys want to see t!ts and ass. Women want a long laundry list of traits that amount to you having good genes and being suitable for raising offspring. All of that is much harder to convey in an online profile, as compared to simply putting up cleavage pics.
I used to think exactly like you! I laughed at them and said they were stupid.

But you know what the reality is about it all? Women RESPOND to that bullsh1t online. They like it. Think about the theory of evolution. Traits that lead to success get passed on. Behaviour online that leads to success will get repeated by men. That's why you see shirtless pictures. It is all about what women respond to.

You think they care if we laugh at them?


Jan 31, 2005
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From New Orleans, Louisiana to Atlanta, Georgia!!!
TillTheEndOfTime said:
I love the profiles that are all caps saying "DON'T MESSAGE ME IF YOU HAVE A CAR IN YOUR PICTURE OR YOU ARE SHIRTLESS"

Those are typically the girls who respond the most to that sort of stuff.
hypocritical AND delusional to no end. :crackup:
What women say and respond to are lightyears apart.

Take a shirtless pic in front of a Bentley. See how many responses you get.
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Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2012
Reaction score
The women? They rated 80% of men as BELOW AVERAGE in terms of attractiveness. In what world are 80% of men basically ugly?
that is very natural , it is not required from a man to be attractive ,it is the woman that required to be facially attractive .
it is some thing biological
men look for youth and fertile female usually beautiful women are a good sign for that
while women look for strong /resource provider/ protector male /higher status male
so dont feel upset , this blog is like asking some one which can fly car or airplane , for sure it is not required from the car to fly


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
midwestern cow field 40
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Behaviour online that leads to success will get repeated by men. That's why you see shirtless pictures. It is all about what women respond to.
Your sample isn't random, though. What you are seeing are the guys who didn't have success, that's why the ad is still up.

Shirtless is fine is you're at the beach, doing something with other people where it is normal to not have a shirt on. You have to accidentally be shirtless. Otherwise, it's creepy.


Master Don Juan
Aug 18, 2011
Reaction score
Great article Tilltheendoftime, I really appreciate you posting that dude, excellent read there.

I think the main driving force here is that dudes just want to get laid. And this causes you to try to get anything decent looking enough to not gross you out. Sure we are not all like this, but lots of us are scavenging jackals of the dating world... at least sometimes. C'mon guys i'm sure we all have at least once chatted up a girl that you thought was not good enough for an LTR, but fine for the night. Not a total dog, but nothing you would be really proud of. I know I have.

What this does to some women is that they are getting so much attention that they let this get to their heads. So their standards of men raise artificially, because they are not taking into account that half those guys would just bang them and never call them again. They see some attention and figure "so many guys want me", remember the first rule of PUA is to hide the sex agenda until you practically have her in your bed. Some of us are obviously doing a pretty good job out there!

My POF profile has just regular pics of me. I don't use any "pickup lines" or gimmicks. I'm going after the more sensible girls out there. The way I see it a girls standards can be compared to her price tag.

In the real world where my personality comes into play, I can pull females that would block my profile online just for saying "hi" lol...

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Your sample isn't random, though. What you are seeing are the guys who didn't have success, that's why the ad is still up.

Shirtless is fine is you're at the beach, doing something with other people where it is normal to not have a shirt on. You have to accidentally be shirtless. Otherwise, it's creepy.

It depends. If a dude on POF who's shredded and aesthetic looking puts up a shirtless mirror pic they'll STILL get tons of replies. Even unsolicited ones. Dudes don't believe me but that site is nothing more than 2012's Adult Friend Finder the 'light' version. If they see several pics and think or the guy is real they exchange numbers and the n00dz start flying. I know a few people who are cut to shreds using that site and it's a gold mine for them. N00dz, meets, lays etc.

And the bi chicks on there are TOTAL freaks. You think chicks send n00dz to guys? You've never seen anything like the things they'll send to other chicks, noodz, positions, VIDEOS off their phones, fingers inserted, dildos, vibes and it's 100% the chick in the profile. Nail polish not perfect, no perfect 'professional' lighting, rooms look like a pig stuy. Chicks n00d making out with other chicks, getting eaten, on top of each other n00d, fingers in a-holes, whip cream on t1ts, in shower, in bathroom. And trust many look pretty damn good. There's not all nasty uglies on there. There's loads of wh0res. It depends who they SEE and how the communication goes THAT's when the n00dz start trading 'fun'.

Trust that site is an amature porn site for the town cvm dvmpsters all over the site.


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
Ninja is right. I get 90% of my lays because of POF and Okcupid. Girls ranging from 18-47. And yes im the one with a shirtless pic as my main picture, and only 2 pictures to total. I have a kick ass profile and only got it commented on 3 times this year so far.

99% of the girls just look at the pictures, as do 99% of the guys.

I call POF - Plenty of F*cks.


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
You guys every try "Meet Me"? it's like facebook meets pof. My mind is blown from all the afc's with no game begging girls for dates and numbers. It's really really bad a bunch of aw's being worshipped by wk's

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
Crissco said:
Ninja is right. I get 90% of my lays because of POF and Okcupid. Girls ranging from 18-47. And yes im the one with a shirtless pic as my main picture, and only 2 pictures to total. I have a kick ass profile and only got it commented on 3 times this year so far.

99% of the girls just look at the pictures, as do 99% of the guys.

I call POF - Plenty of F*cks.
On POF the only thing you have to do is hide your profile if you continue to get success off the shirtless main pic or pics. One chick who you might blow off can hit 'report user' and your profile is gone.

Keep it hidden from searches and if a convo isn't going right or she seems pissed. Don't reply. Just block. The message thread will disappear and she won't be able to find and report you.

Stealth is best. As well as sometimes hiding your shirtless on images too. You can click and send them in your first email.

this way one they can't find your profile since it's hidden from searches, your shirtless are hidden from images but can still be sent with email for them to see. and if you do NOT reply if a convo goes wrong and she's pissed you can just block and the whole thread is gone so she can't find you to report you.

I used to have mine like that after a few times getting kicked off the site. I was able to keep my profile on for months after until I decided to delete it myself.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
SgtSplacker said:
Great article Tilltheendoftime, I really appreciate you posting that dude, excellent read there.

I think the main driving force here is that dudes just want to get laid. And this causes you to try to get anything decent looking enough to not gross you out. Sure we are not all like this, but lots of us are scavenging jackals of the dating world... at least sometimes. C'mon guys i'm sure we all have at least once chatted up a girl that you thought was not good enough for an LTR, but fine for the night. Not a total dog, but nothing you would be really proud of. I know I have.

What this does to some women is that they are getting so much attention that they let this get to their heads. So their standards of men raise artificially, because they are not taking into account that half those guys would just bang them and never call them again. They see some attention and figure "so many guys want me", remember the first rule of PUA is to hide the sex agenda until you practically have her in your bed. Some of us are obviously doing a pretty good job out there!

My POF profile has just regular pics of me. I don't use any "pickup lines" or gimmicks. I'm going after the more sensible girls out there. The way I see it a girls standards can be compared to her price tag.

In the real world where my personality comes into play, I can pull females that would block my profile online just for saying "hi" lol...
NP bud! I just thought I would get this article out there so that people realize what they are dealing with online. I am hoping that it will help people with low esteem realize that girls online are ridiculous in their standards of men and totally unrealistic. If you're not getting responses back, you're probably a decent looking guy or even a bit above average. The problem is the women, not you. They are expecting a guy WAY out of their league looks-wise to hit them up.

And you got it there with your last comment. Message a decent looking girl online and 95% of the time she will ignore you. Meanwhile you can chat a girl like that up offline and she will be interested if she's single.


Master Don Juan
Dec 4, 2004
Reaction score
Crissco said:
Ninja is right. I get 90% of my lays because of POF and Okcupid. Girls ranging from 18-47. And yes im the one with a shirtless pic as my main picture, and only 2 pictures to total. I have a kick ass profile and only got it commented on 3 times this year so far.

99% of the girls just look at the pictures, as do 99% of the guys.

I call POF - Plenty of F*cks.
Exactly. I have seen websites dedicated to common "mistakes" people make in their profile. They go ON and ON about content. Meanwhile, I am cracking up because guys like you and me who don't live in La-La Land know the score. We know that online is ALL about pictures and LOOKS. Nothing more, nothing less. A girl couldn't care less how "boring" your profile is if you're a male model. On the flip side, your article could be written by a modern day Shakespeare and it wouldn't matter a dime if you're average looking. Unless you want to get attention from 4's & 5's at best.

Profile content online only matters much when you're 45+. If you're in your 30's or 20's, forget about content. :crackup: Focus on getting GOOD pictures of yourself. Cause like you said, that's what 99% of girls are going to focus on.

Besides, on sites like POF, most girls are barely literate. You think they're going to read through a whole profile? :crackup:

Naughty Ninja

Apr 9, 2010
Reaction score
TillTheEndOfTime said:
Exactly. I have seen websites dedicated to common "mistakes" people make in their profile. They go ON and ON about content. Meanwhile, I am cracking up because guys like you and me who don't live in La-La Land know the score. We know that online is ALL about pictures and LOOKS. Nothing more, nothing less. A girl couldn't care less how "boring" your profile is if you're a male model. On the flip side, your article could be written by a modern day Shakespeare and it wouldn't matter a dime if you're average looking. Unless you want to get attention from 4's & 5's at best.

Profile content online only matters much when you're 45+. If you're in your 30's or 20's, forget about content. :crackup: Focus on getting GOOD pictures of yourself. Cause like you said, that's what 99% of girls are going to focus on.

Besides, on sites like POF, most girls are barely literate. You think they're going to read through a whole profile? :crackup:

LMAO! 100% truth! If anyone has problems getting replies off there even with copy and pasted good lines..try posting a pic of a ripped dude shirtless that looks like you in your shirt pics or with just your face. I can GUARANTEE you the same chicks will reply because suddenly you're so 'interesting' and your first message is what they 'really' liked.

Chicks online are nothing more than cvm dumpsters looking for the best c0ck they can land to boost their low self esteem. (I don't care how good the conversation with them is or how 'nice' they seem.) They have nothing to offer anyone (besides issues and possible STD's) nor do they care to put in work at an actual relationship which is why they are looking online in the first place. As a WOMAN no less! Think about it.

If you want. Troll the site. Pump and dump. It's no different than what chicks online are using sites like POF for. True story.


Oct 20, 2006
Reaction score
POF girls are way less wholesome than strippers. I'm not lying.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
Solomon said:
You guys every try "Meet Me"? it's like facebook meets pof. My mind is blown from all the afc's with no game begging girls for dates and numbers. It's really really bad a bunch of aw's being worshipped by wk's
haha , ive been there , used to be called myyearbook , ive actually gotten more lays off there than pof , but yes , there are so many losers on there posting status's about how sad they are being single n crap lol


Master Don Juan
Oct 17, 2005
Reaction score
bigneil said:
POF girls are way less wholesome than strippers. I'm not lying.

haha !


Master Don Juan
May 27, 2007
Reaction score
Bible_Belt said:
Maybe men just aren't very good at making an online profile that is attractive. I have seen a lot of ridiculous pictures on those sites. The shirtless, alone in bedroom, flexing muscles while staring menacingly into the mirror self-pic is a classic. The guy thinks he's sexy and does not realize that he looks like a scary rapist.
I'm sorry but this isn't true...

My response rate.... Girls opening me... And # of lays sky rocketed when i started putting up shirtless pics!

I mean im banned form POF cuz they kept taking them down and i kept putting them back up! That's how important i felt it was.

I do have a body worth showing off though...

But for guys who are curious... My lay success has been like this:

1. Craigslist (if you can't get ***** off of here - there's something wrong with you).
2. POF
3. OKC
4. MyYearBook/MeetMe (i agree that it's the most pathetic bunch of AFCs EVER too. But this is how women get treated all day online! This girl i work with is on this site and she showed me how it's even worse in the inbox!)
5. Skout (just started using it, and already got two lays off it. Highly suggest you learn it now. I think it's going to rise up above the rest once it catches on.)