Vaccines got full FDA approval


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
Still unable to get this vaccine. Prayed about it again and I blurted out two words "no vaccine" that I did not consciously chose to say this. It just came out. It looks like I will cancel the gym membership since I cant even get passports. But these are temporary measures. If the virus goes away or mutates into something less harmful they will be removing these passports.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Still unable to get this vaccine. Prayed about it again and I blurted out two words "no vaccine" that I did not consciously chose to say this. It just came out. It looks like I will cancel the gym membership since I cant even get passports. But these are temporary measures. If the virus goes away or mutates into something less harmful they will be removing these passports.
No, you chose not to get the vaccine. Didn’t I say pages back you won’t get it?


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I just got back from a major bike ride near the lake on a crowded trail. Wore an n95 mask the whole time. I was thinking, if I had taken the jab earlier, then I wouldn't have had to wear a mask, like everyone else there who did not, and be the only odd one out wearing a full N95 mask, with dark glasses and a bike helmet.

The summer season is almost coming to an end so it doesn't matter anyway. The season is gone. Any vaccine decisions are up to the autumn now. Again there is ZERO incentive to get the vaccine. My dad is still nervous about me going to the gym, even if I got vaccinated, in terms of going into the swimming pool or hot tub, during the middle of the next fourth-wave great Canadian Covid Pandemic with the Delta. People who have taken the vaccine that I know have taken it out of fear and are worried about the virus. They are not thinking of starting to party all of a sudden and be with lots of people because they took the vaccine.

This sort of kills it for me if I can't go swimming, use the hot tub, or visit an IMAX cinema at the release date of a new movie and pretend the pandemic is over while the case counts around me are like over 20,000 new cases a week because I got vaccinated. That mindset doesn't gel.


Aug 29, 2021
Reaction score
Coviid backwards "divoc" in Hebrew is "possession of an evil spirit". For those who are unaware the Jeews run this world. There is a lot of code that translates back to Hebrew & Gematria. Or the word Coronaa broken down in numerology is 666. Why don't you call Pfizeer and ask them about their fake approval? Here is their number-1800-666-7248. Satan is no longer hiding in the shadows, he is out in the open for all to see.
If jews run the world, why is israel the most vaccinated country in the world?

The virus was created by the Chinese not the Jews, the Jews in israel are suffering like the rest of us.


Master Don Juan
Sep 27, 2020
Reaction score
South West UK
I don't like the term anti-vaxxer. I really don't care what anybody else has pumped into them, if that's
what they want to do then by all means, knock yourself out. If you and I are friends and you are vaxxed
and I'm not then sincerely, good luck to you. We'll only have a problem if you start trying to lecture me
into doing what you chose to do. I won't tell you I don't believe you should have done that nor will I
condemn your choice. What you put in your body is your business, it's really up to you. I have waved
goodbye to a couple with whom I was really close friends ( I was best man at their wedding) over
this exact point, they felt it was their place to hector me constantly for not doing the same thing they
did because I was living in their house. It wasn't and it isn't. They were however quite happy to take a
total of £8000 in rent from me over my stay there though. So they can go and kick rocks now after
a 10 year friendship. I don't need friends who don't respect my choices. I've never even had a covid test.


Master Don Juan
May 31, 2019
Reaction score
There have already been surveys of highly educated people (eg. PhDs etc.) saying that they are avoiding it
That's interesting to me since the area where i live - considered the richest, most educated part of the country - is also the area with the most vaccinated people, whereas the poorer areas show the exact opposite and it's not even close.
I think that anti-vaxxers tend to eagerly show a (any) doctor who shares their worldview to give their arguments more credibility. Higher education seem to correlate with more vaccinations and these are not the people who "conform easily", rather the opposite. They're educated, rich and successful and not because they're followers. They think for themselves and always choose options with probability on their side. Success is not a coincidence.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
If jews run the world, why is israel the most vaccinated country in the world?

The virus was created by the Chinese not the Jews, the Jews in israel are suffering like the rest of us.
To be the devil's advocate, I think what he's talking about is a particular class of atheistic and godless Jews, who have formed a secret society and have subtly taken over financial and other cultural institutions in America and other first world countries for their own nefarious purposes. They will disown or not care about their own country since they are an elitist class and aren't even religious Jews. He's not talking about the everyday type of Jew that we all know, love and defend. Dishonest right-wing agents may try and paint all Jews with the same brush. This is so wrong because every society could have an elitist class of people that gets a disproportionate amount of benefits at the expense of the many. Nowhere is immune from that pyramid.

Either way, he just spouts out conspiracy theories. I have seen many posters on this thread and site, who were initially hesitant to getting vaccinated, eventually get vaccinated when the government start getting mandates for employment, gym, and other functions of life despite what he has been saying.
The irony is, if people really took him seriously, they would more likely be freaking-out and resisting the vaccine precisely because of the vaccine mandates.

I'm in that group too. I probably would eventually get vaccinated if there was a strong enough mandate. However, just restricting me from places I barely visited once in a blue moon before the pandemic is not going to convince me to run to get a shot. Only those who are strongly convicted against the vaccine will hold out to the end despite the mandates or being threatened with going to jail if they don't get jabbed.
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Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
If jews run the world, why is israel the most vaccinated country in the world?

The virus was created by the Chinese not the Jews, the Jews in israel are suffering like the rest of us.
If I chose to believe in covid, I'd say that it was created by both. The jewish medical industry has been working in Wuhan since the 1900s.

Since I believe covid is a myth, my position stands that it's a media plow by the masters of industry who control the news, the government, the social media, and the medical industry. It's all power. Nothing to do with health. If they cared about health, they would be focusing on heart disease, cancer causing ingredients being put into store products (which btw, most of these individuals have stock in the companies in, including terrible stuff like McDonalds and Pepsi), and taking care of the pollution that plagues all cities, especially in China and India. Influenza has its origins btw in heavy pollution, something that still affects major cities today. There is more to this entire thing than this merely being based off some virus that hasn't even been proven to exist yet.


Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
Reaction score
I don't like the term anti-vaxxer. I really don't care what anybody else has pumped into them, if that's
what they want to do then by all means, knock yourself out. If you and I are friends and you are vaxxed
and I'm not then sincerely, good luck to you. We'll only have a problem if you start trying to lecture me
into doing what you chose to do. I won't tell you I don't believe you should have done that nor will I
condemn your choice. What you put in your body is your business, it's really up to you. I have waved
goodbye to a couple with whom I was really close friends ( I was best man at their wedding) over
this exact point, they felt it was their place to hector me constantly for not doing the same thing they
did because I was living in their house. It wasn't and it isn't. They were however quite happy to take a
total of £8000 in rent from me over my stay there though. So they can go and kick rocks now after
a 10 year friendship. I don't need friends who don't respect my choices. I've never even had a covid test.
I've been trying to convince myself to take this vaccine since May, lecturing myself, arguing with myself, making up threads, making even pro-vax arguments. At least your ex-friends are external. If I can't convince myself to get vaccinated, then I don't know who can. I'm probably worst than your ex-friends are on myself.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
Since I believe covid is a myth, my position stands that it's a media plow by the masters of industry who control the news, the government, the social media, and the medical industry. It's all power.
Here on planet earth, thousands are dying every day of COVID-19. In wealthier countries, it is those that refuse to get vaccinated.


Master Don Juan
Jan 25, 2021
Reaction score
Here on planet earth, thousands are dying every day of COVID-19. In wealthier countries, it is those that refuse to get vaccinated.
This is false. Thousands are dying for far other reasons than some general wash of a covid ailment. People were dying before 2020. The only reasons are down is because there were less people going out, so less accidents and less idiots doing idiotic things. The truth of the matter is that people die more to heart disease and cancer causing agents from the shampoo and such you use than from any lung-based disease. Btw, smoking and vaping still cause more lung problems than any kind of virus. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the "scientists prove cigarettes are good for you" campaigns. They were led by experts, too.


Master Don Juan
Oct 18, 2015
Reaction score
This is false.
No sir it’s not.

Thousands are dying for far other reasons than some general wash of a covid ailment. People were dying before 2020. The only reasons are down is because there were less people going out, so less accidents and less idiots doing idiotic things. The truth of the matter is that people die more to heart disease and cancer causing agents from the shampoo and such you use than from any lung-based disease. Btw, smoking and vaping still cause more lung problems than any kind of virus. I'm sure you haven't forgotten the "scientists prove cigarettes are good for you" campaigns. They were led by experts, too.
Look at this deflection. He can’t handle the reality.