Use Your Power


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Birmingham, Alabama
I felt as though I didn't explain myself well enough with my self-mastery post, so I decided to attempt writing something that was inspiring and shed more light on my point, so I hope I achieved my goal. I've been thinking a great deal lately about everything that I've learned and experienced over the past few years of my life. I've had many successes and made an equal amount of mistakes; I've loved and lost. During the course of it all, I've continuely asked myself two questions, of which the answers I believe are the most important thing any of us can ever hope to know: What is a man and what is his purpose? I believe fulfillment is what we all desire and I also believe the only way it is possible is to live the way we were meant to live; to be a man and to serve a man's purpose.

I feel now as though I've finally found the answers to the questions. A man is flawed. He makes mistakes. He feels and recognizes the same emotions that we feel every day, emotions that many believe a real man does not have: fear, sadness, anger, even love which some consider to be a major weakness. What's the difference between those that don't feel like men and those that know they are? When a man feels fear he faces it, when he feels sadness he rises above it, when he feels anger he quells it, when he feels love he embraces it. He uses his experience as a tool by converting all his negative emotions into courage, happiness, and peace. He can do this because of his love for people and life.

What is a man's purpose? I think it is to be the creator of his own universe. He creates light in the midst of darkness. In his world good always triumphs over evil. In my opinion sin comes down to one thing: relinquishing your personal power. When you honestly think about it every sin you've ever heard of stems from not being in control of yourself. Forget women, me, all the legendary posters, the DJ bible, and ask yourself one question based on your own values: In your own opinion, what makes a man and his life worth remembering? No one can be perfect it's just not possible, but I promise you if you live by the answer to this question; no matter how much fear, sadness, and anger you encounter, your life will be everything you want it to be because that is all any real man has ever done.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 9, 2006
Reaction score
Good Post. You should read some Barth and/or von Balthasar.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 23, 2002
Reaction score
Birmingham, Alabama
I love his work, it's helped me a great deal. He's very good at getting his message across.