US Open (golf) champion begs his g/f to stay!

High Voltage

Don Juan
Dec 22, 2002
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Ontario, Canada
Thank god she took him back! We all know how hard it is for young, successful pro golfers to get pu55y. Just ask Tiger Woods.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
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this is just par for the course isn't it :)

He's young so he still believes in love...wait a few years his money and fame will grow and then strangely his willingness to put up with a nagging cow will decrease. Her jealousy will increase, he will bang something hot on tour and then realize life is too short to limit your puzzy


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
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MatureDJ said:
I really don't think she is smoking hot at all, let alone hot. I would say "cute". And this is coming from a guy who generally likes that kind of look.

She kinda reminds me of the singer Robyn.

As for Rory trying to get her back. I have no issue with that. He broke up with her at first, realized he made a mistake, and was smart enough to realize he had better do what he needed to get her back. No shame in that.


Don Juan
Sep 18, 2007
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She keeps him "grounded?" Sounds like she keeps him constrained. He should be out on his own enjoying every second of his fame. 22!! Jesus, man. Well, can't say I didn't make the same mistakes, but you would think his handlers would give him some sort of guidance.


Don Juan
Jun 29, 2007
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Rory's status is so high alpha that the normal rules don't apply to him. He can pretty much act like a girl and still retain his alpha dome status to women. At that level, you don't need to worry about acting too needy, or too eager.


Master Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Hullothere said:
Rory's status is so high alpha that the normal rules don't apply to him. He can pretty much act like a girl and still retain his alpha dome status to women. At that level, you don't need to worry about acting too needy, or too eager.
He's definitely at a high station in life and can pick and choose whoever he wants if he wants. But Rory's mindset is clearly not crystallized as Alpha yet, based on the pathetic quotes in this article.

I don't know the guy for squat, but from the biographies I've read about modern athletes, I'm willing to bet the guy has been living in "the tube" since early childhood. Most great golfers are trained from the moment they can walk. Their parents push. Their coaches push. People whisper in their ear when they're teens and tell them how much money they can make. They do the junior circuits, gain notoriety, focus on their game, etc. As a result, while we can say that there are thousands of women with crushes on a minor celebrity like Rory, he probably has never experienced for himself how to effectively exploit his own celebrity, let alone matured emotionally as a man.

Not all athletes have this problem - some adapt the right mindset early on (often unknowingly) when it becomes clear they can mess around with their groupies. (See: NBA.) I'm willing to bet that Rory McIlroy isn't there yet - that he still is somewhat plugged into the Matrix and hasn't realized that, especially at 22, he doesn't need one woman to be his "better half," let alone grovel at her feet to come back to him.

And though you may be right that as a golfer he can sustain some damage to his reputation by acting weak and beta, if his mindset never changes it still comes at the expense of his own happiness and possibly his bank account. You could have said the same thing about Tiger Woods years ago - but the guy chose to get married when he clearly should not have, and today his income and his reputation (sex addict? give me a break) have suffered as a result.

The world is littered with men of high station who act eager and needy with women.