Uni Chik


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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At uni today i went to the gym when i came down at cafeteria I saw my mate of a month with a chick and his mate. I came down and talked and controled the convo and talked with the chick a lot.

Now thing is my mate likes her and I am interested too. He is afc like we get up he picks up her bag n ****. Note this guys dad has over 50milion bucks rofl. Rich he is a good mate n all but I reckn I shud get the chick.

How do I do this.. Keeping friendship and getting chick.. However maybe he might not be interested I am not sure.. How can I find out if he is or not.


Don Juan
Feb 4, 2007
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You sound like a backstabbing friend, why even bother questioning your intentions. Get the chick, friends are a dime a dozen...


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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Im not backstabbing. Just I don't know how to find out if he likes her. We both pretty much met her on the same day.. Uni just started..

I don't know is it unfair for me to go for her? Even if he likes her? Anyone with some ideas..
Mar 18, 2006
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Legendboy, I am drinking so take my counsel as a grain of salt - meaning, insignificant in its totality and meaning - but, unless there is a stated claim on the merchandise than it is open to all in the game!!! Have no regrets for being a man!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
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I got to University of Wollongong. This is my first year and damn uni is so ****ing good. Compared to high school the girls act different, way different. I have been talking to chickies in uni and going to hook in.

Thing is with this chick in question she is a muslim, likewise I am so I don't know how to take it with her. If I am too sexual she will get scared away. Tricky situation when you throw my mate into the equation.

UNSW any good? Academically I have heard it is.


Don Juan
Feb 5, 2007
Reaction score
well, here's my 2cents

Wars have literally been fought over women.

I have had a guy ****-block me, (the guy I considered a friend at the time)
We are no longer friends.

This is why the Cardinal Rule of Man exists:

Men’s Rules.

These rules are both unspoken and spoken, and they might be discussed in different ways. However they are still much the same. There are generally two mainstream rules, however this may be expanded between men as situations arise. If any rules are added, they will be added in the form of a “Pact”, usually verbally. If these core rules, or code of conduct is broken, the friendship between the man and friend is in serous jeopardy. It is within the man’s rights to no longer befriend the friend of whom broke the rule(s). Men generally found their close relationships on three fundamental principals: Trust, Respect, and Honor

1. The Man’s Cardinal Rule:
Also known as the Number One rule, the rule states the two following:
a. If Man “A” shows AND/OR discuses interest in Women “A” with his friends, all of Man “A”’s friends treat Women “A” as a man (Women “A” is no longer a dating or sexual potential for the friends of Man “A”, as Man “A” is attempting it himself).
b. If Man “A” is in a relationship with Women “A”, Man “A”’s friends treat Women “A” as a man. (Man “A”’s friends do not “hit” on and do not seek dating nor sexual relations with Women “A”).
2. Wingmans (involving usually two men)
Wingmans are those men whom are looking out for one another. Never is there just one man whom is a wingman for the other. Always are they both wingman to one another. Their duties towards one another include but are not limited to womanly reconnaissance, personal safety, dating advice, protecting from troublesome situations, and general counsel.
Other names for wing-man: “Brother”, Best-friend, copilot, “Good Mate”, ext
a. A wingman is honest and truthful toward his fellow wingman. This can only be broken for a “white lie” (ie, a birthday surprise. “Is there something going on this weekend, people are seeming busy preparing for something?” Wingman: “No, not that I know of.”
b. If a wingman finds intelligence on a woman of interest of his fellow wingman, he discloses the information that might prove to be of the utmost importance on whether the women is of dating quality. Generally used to help determent whether they are a good match, or their personalities don’t match.
c. If the wingman finds his fellow wingman in a potential life and death situation, he gets help immediately. Two examples are as follows: A wingman finds his fellow wingman injured from a fall and unconscious. He calls 911 for help and stays with him. If a wingman finds that his fellow wingman is in a fight, the wingman jumps in to help on the side of his wingman.
d. If a wingman is in need of dating/womanly advice, the fellow wingman is always there to listen and offer advice.
e. A wingman doesn’t “rat” out on a fellow wingman. The only reasoning that a wingman could have would be to protect him from physical harm.

It's just a choice, some may say it's AFC, but to those people, I'd say there are 3.5 billion women in this world, MORE WOMEN THEN MEN. Why screw up a friendship for a women? Is it worth it?
"Bro's before Hoes" is what most ppl say, and I value my friends.

Go fvck some other hot chick.



Senior Don Juan
Jun 10, 2006
Reaction score
I asked him if he liked her, he said no. So wtf.

I am kind of thinking ye he is my mate but until he explicitly says don't go for her fvck it.