Understand some have NO loyalty.


Senior Don Juan
Dec 8, 2014
Reaction score
New York
Dealing with women is like a gambler at the casino. If you become good enough , you will win some but also in the back of your head always remember you can lose it all.
Understand that women are in for the ride , therefore work on YOUR goals ; learn to live a happy life without a woman.
Spend time with your guy friends , play a game of basketball or soccer , hell even knit if it brings you happiness.

Understand the first men were not idiots , they seen women at their worst that's why they took it upon themselves to use society to shame women. If you want to know what a REAL woman is , look at the chicks in porn flicks. They have no shame and will do ANYTHING for attention and money. Look at their face when they are sucking **** & the male gives her approval ( a look of bliss and comfort ; finally she can act and behave in her natural state )

By no means am I against women , those that have fully bought into the socialization concept make great companions but are HARD as hell to find.
There is a reason why women respond positive to DOMINANT and AGGRESSIVE men. They know deep down that's how they want to be treated ; like hot trash and slots.
Ex: I met this chick from my school , I expressed these same beliefs to her and she loved it. She told me girls will do ANYTHING once they have the comfort of knowing the guy will keep it down low and not expose her publicly afterwards.
I thought she was bull****ting until last 2-3 months ago my ex hit me up that she wants to hang out.

I slept with her the whole day just sex and food until around 1 am and she told me she has to go meet her boyfriend. I simply said okay. Then she proceeds by asking if I won't expose her , I told her why would I do something like that when I have sex tapes of her on my phone and nudes of her but didn't bother to expose her. She smiled and said thanks for the great sex.

Just as I'm typing this on my phone , this girl is on her way to my house again ; she told her boyfriend she is going to visit her grandad.

Anyways , the point here is 95% of them are slvts , and with the right mentality and patience you can't see it for yourself. Stop feeding into the Disney bull**** of treating them like princess' , they don't DONT need your saving - you are not ****ing Clark Kent. Focus on YOUR goals & screen hard if you are trying to settle down - don't downplay any early red flags.
If you find yourself waiting or trying to beg your ex for a second chance ...picture your self begging a stripper or that porn star with *** filled on her face. & if that doesn't stop you then you might as well join the women.


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
This is a post to read and take in, great post! Women are in for the ride, at first it's great, I bet, then it gets bumpy and they ditch the snowboard, while you are left moving down a hill catching snow in your mouth and eventually hitting a tree. Best to ride them, ditch them.



Sep 11, 2013
Reaction score
And im guessing most guys are genuine good people, but some are influenced by certain evils of society, so it's not their fault. Sorry bro, men cheat and women cheaat. Most humans are just in general bad people.