Unable to read this girl! - Need help

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
Ok guys, I'm stumped. So a while ago I had major oneitis for this girl, she had it for me too but nothing ever happened because, because well its a damn long story which you children will have to hear another night. I got rid of the horrible decease after a while and moved on. I think I still might have some subconscious feelings for her, but thats another story.

Anyways, the way she is acting towards me is really strange. Things were awkward between us after we kissed and nothing more happened. (Long story, so theres a reason i didnt do anything about it.)

Things are more normal now though, still not back to what it used to be but w/e. Anyways, so sometimes when I see her or when shes with her friends she looks like shes really shy and sorta is trying not to talk to me. But when I do talk to her shes open, normal etc. Something really weird is that when I say something funny or just witty she'll laugh and giggle and make a real gigantic smile. Sometimes she seems to really want to initiate with me, like if I say something to my bud, she turns around and is like: "Oh really? Me too!" With a big smile on her face.

Now so far I havent bothered to do anything about it, just keeping in mind that if she doesnt give me more to work with Im not going to do anything about it. Ive already spent too much time on this girl, but I just have too find out what this means, you guys have any ideas? Need any more information?

- In Motion

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
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Basically... Everywhere
Ok, basically it was because she said she didnt have the time for a me, with this being an important year in school adn having extreme amounts of **** to do. She still admitted that she had a major crush on me though.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Ask her out. see what happens. She gave you plenty to work with. Stop looking for a green light from her. She gave you tons of them. You are a man you are suppose to LEAD! Ask her for coffee. btw...women make time for men that are important to them. they may be busy...but they will find the time for you, just like you will find the time women you want to be with. So don't buy that excuse.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
Warrior74 said:
Ask her out. see what happens. She gave you plenty to work with. Stop looking for a green light from her. She gave you tons of them. You are a man you are suppose to LEAD! Ask her for coffee. btw...women make time for men that are important to them. they may be busy...but they will find the time for you, just like you will find the time women you want to be with. So don't buy that excuse.
Usually in a situation like this i would go ask her out for coffee or w/e, but I already went down that road and I know she doesn't have time for a relationship this year. She is basically the only person who I can imagine having a relationship with, I get lots of action at parties so thats not the issue. Theres just something about this girl that I cant figure out....


Master Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
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an island
In Motion said:
Ok, basically it was because she said she didnt have the time for a me, with this being an important year in school adn having extreme amounts of **** to do. She still admitted that she had a major crush on me though.
So she had a "major" crush on you but didn't want to go out with you... is she normal or have any issues?


Senior Don Juan
Mar 23, 2008
Reaction score
To be honest, the whole thing seems kinda pointless.

She doesn't have "time" (which btw, sounds like an excuse), and you don't sound like you're really willing to invest much more time in her (the details are sketchy at best, but it sounds like you went down that road).

And now you don't want to ask her out because she doesn't have time? How could expect this to possibly go anywhere or us to offer any advice if you're basically saying that trying to spend time with her isn't an option?

I am with Warrior74 on this one. Either look at it like she's mild resistance and push through it by getting some time with her, or just put her on the back burner.

The absolute last option at your disposal is getting her more attracted to you in more subtle ways, so she would be willing to give you time- but that would include more contact with her in less than obvious ways (just happening to be someplace where she is, for example), which will turn out to be more work than all of the above.

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
slaog said:
So she had a "major" crush on you but didn't want to go out with you... is she normal or have any issues?
Well, noone is completely normal 0_o will clarify below.

MotownMack said:
To be honest, the whole thing seems kinda pointless.

She doesn't have "time" (which btw, sounds like an excuse), and you don't sound like you're really willing to invest much more time in her (the details are sketchy at best, but it sounds like you went down that road).

And now you don't want to ask her out because she doesn't have time? How could expect this to possibly go anywhere or us to offer any advice if you're basically saying that trying to spend time with her isn't an option?

I am with Warrior74 on this one. Either look at it like she's mild resistance and push through it by getting some time with her, or just put her on the back burner.

The absolute last option at your disposal is getting her more attracted to you in more subtle ways, so she would be willing to give you time- but that would include more contact with her in less than obvious ways (just happening to be someplace where she is, for example), which will turn out to be more work than all of the above.
Ok, first of all. I know that what I wrote was very lacking in details and logic. (Details thing is mostly because I dont like sharing personal stuff online.)

But I will clarify: The doesn't have time issue; first I thought it was just some bull****. But this chick has a fvckin loaded schedule! I didn't believe it! She has school work and work out every single day, and has no spare time. I still think it was a pretty bad excuse, I don't really have these issues, I don't really do anything in school (still get good grades :D). The point is; the girl really and truly doesnt have any free time!

Anyways, the reason I posted this was because I wanted your opinion on whether she might be interested or not, because then it would be worth trying to get her. Appreciate the honesty, I actually have to agree that it seems pointless, but no fvcking way if I am giving up.


Apr 19, 2005
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In Motion said:
Ok guys, I'm stumped. So a while ago I had major oneitis for this girl, she had it for me too but nothing ever happened because, because well its a damn long story which you children will have to hear another night. I got rid of the horrible decease after a while and moved on. I think I still might have some subconscious feelings for her, but thats another story.

Anyways, the way she is acting towards me is really strange. Things were awkward between us after we kissed and nothing more happened. (Long story, so theres a reason i didnt do anything about it.)

Things are more normal now though, still not back to what it used to be but w/e. Anyways, so sometimes when I see her or when shes with her friends she looks like shes really shy and sorta is trying not to talk to me. But when I do talk to her shes open, normal etc. Something really weird is that when I say something funny or just witty she'll laugh and giggle and make a real gigantic smile. Sometimes she seems to really want to initiate with me, like if I say something to my bud, she turns around and is like: "Oh really? Me too!" With a big smile on her face.

Now so far I havent bothered to do anything about it, just keeping in mind that if she doesnt give me more to work with Im not going to do anything about it. Ive already spent too much time on this girl, but I just have too find out what this means, you guys have any ideas? Need any more information?

- In Motion
Ask her out. If she readily accepts and doesnt flake, she is interested. If she LJBFs your ass, or flakes she is playing flirt games.


May 10, 2003
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Northern Ontario
Without the rest of the story, the advice that your going to get here is flawed because we are missing a key aspect.

More importantly though, you need to move on with your life.


Master Don Juan
Nov 28, 2007
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Studying the fact that all lies contain fragments
MacAvoy said:
Without the rest of the story, the advice that your going to get here is flawed because we are missing a key aspect.

More importantly though, you need to move on with your life.
I got all the info i needed its simple she was not interested enough to make time for him.....

In Motion

Senior Don Juan
Jan 5, 2008
Reaction score
Basically... Everywhere
JackPrescott said:
Ask her out. If she readily accepts and doesnt flake, she is interested. If she LJBFs your ass, or flakes she is playing flirt games.
You could have bothered to read my post above yours :cheer:


Don Juan
Nov 8, 2007
Reaction score
In Motion said:
You could have bothered to read my post above yours :cheer:
Fine. Tell us what you want to hear and thats what well tell you...
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