u can never REALLY tax the truly rich.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
they don't NEED income, they can just live on what they have. furthermore, they can get loopholes built into tax laws, or have their money in offshore corporations, beyond US taxes, or flat out leave the US, period. all you can do is make the guy who draws 200k or so per year want to hide his income, and he WILL find ways to do that, rest assured.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
Exactly. These "millionaires and billionaires" have their money off-shore anyway. All that trying to "make them pay their fair share" will do is hit the small businesspeople and take half their income before they even get started. Do you think that makes them want to hire a bunch of people?


Nov 2, 2011
Reaction score
Hold on cowboys!

So you think 200,000 dollars per year is rich? That's 6,000,000 rubles per year lol, large sum, but here you aren't even making it if you make that much. 2,500,000 rubles per year is a borderline acceptable income for middle class in Russia. Provided you don't sit on your ass and do business. Business like driving a truck, buying potatoes up north, bringing it south and selling it, driving jeep summer season, that kind of blue collar work. 6,000,000 buys you a nice apartment in center of a nice city, but that's just bare walls, you'd still have to do framing, and make it all nice, plus buy a toilet and some furniture. I can't believe you cowboys think 200k is money.

You are not rich by a long shot if you make 200k per year.

You are rich when you own an apartment building at least, or skyscraper, or have enough money to lobby congress. So let's draw a line here, 1,000,000 dollars per year is not rich, it is middle class.

Killing middle class is what the elite in charge wants. :up:

Where do you get idea about killing middle class? And who the f'ck you guys are, who are you goundra and Darth? We talk often here about illuminati and I never seen your asses around. Are you trolls send here by CIA, NSA to implant ideas? IS THIS A PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION PRIOR TO PASSAGE OF A NEW TAXATION LAW?

Come on tell us, and be honest, we can check by searching the net for similar threads popping out everywhere all at once. Don't lie to us.

All you yes men in charge and control freaks are COMMUNIST at heart! It's irony at it's most ironic, fighting cold war, hating on Cuba and China, Vietnam, Korea, and still communist! You cowboys are like closet homos hating on other homos.


Master Don Juan
Oct 20, 2005
Reaction score
backseatjuan said:

Where do you get idea about killing middle class? And who the f'ck you guys are, who are you goundra and Darth? We talk often here about illuminati and I never seen your asses around. Are you trolls send here by CIA, NSA to implant ideas? IS THIS A PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION PRIOR TO PASSAGE OF A NEW TAXATION LAW?

Come on tell us, and be honest, we can check by searching the net for similar threads popping out everywhere all at once. Don't lie to us.

All you yes men in charge and control freaks are COMMUNIST at heart! It's irony at it's most ironic, fighting cold war, hating on Cuba and China, Vietnam, Korea, and still communist! You cowboys are like closet homos hating on other homos.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
backseatjuan said:

Where do you get idea about killing middle class? And who the f'ck you guys are, who are you goundra and Darth? We talk often here about illuminati and I never seen your asses around. Are you trolls send here by CIA, NSA to implant ideas? IS THIS A PSYCHOLOGICAL OPERATION PRIOR TO PASSAGE OF A NEW TAXATION LAW?
You know, here in Canada our taxes are little higher but a huge chunk of that money goes towards health care. We take care of our people here no matter what mental health issues they have and we make sure they can afford the drugs they buy.

Be like Canada.


Master Don Juan
Jul 27, 2005
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midwestern cow field 40
I think you're rich if you're doing what you want to be doing, instead of what you have to be doing. Quality of life is the only real wealth.


Senior Don Juan
Nov 29, 2010
Reaction score
Alle_Gory said:
You know, here in Canada our taxes are little higher but a huge chunk of that money goes towards health care. We take care of our people here no matter what mental health issues they have and we make sure they can afford the drugs they buy.

Be like Canada.
I would rather have a sustainable economy.

You cannot finance the healthcare sector of the economy by "skimming a little more off the top" of our taxes. There is a reason why prescription drugs are so expensive and it has nothing to do with conspiracy. What it is to do with are the extreme costs inherent in drug design (do you have any idea how to make a synthesize gram-negative antibiotic class?), market forces that govern any other financial transaction, and probably the biggest expense, liability.

It's not possible to sell a product cheaply when it is expensive to manufacture, you have large investment costs to recoup, and you may or may not be liable at any time for millions of dollars in tort damages because in most cases a patient choose not to follow the prescribing directions for the medication or heed the relevant warnings.

Any form of socialism deprives the people living under it of a portion of their liberty commensurate with the extent of the socialism and will always deprive them of more of their money than necessary.

Besides, socialized medicine is a huge antithesis to this DJ philosophy of self determination, making your own way, and taking personal responsibility. It is not my problem that somebody can't afford their health care or anything else.

It is theirs.

What they need to do is stop complaining about their plight and get out there and do something about it. Anyone, even the mentally retarded, can find some level of paid work out there if they are persistent enough. But in our age of entitlement, no one wants to do that when they can ride on the coattails of other people's hard work.

If they still can't pay for it, that's still too bad. What would they have done 100 years ago before we had these super expensive drugs like methotrexate and vancomyacin? They died. But they probably smoked some opium first.

But seriously, at the end of the day, people got sick and died. Part of a market economy means accepting that some people will never be able to pay for some things because they are too expensive. Medications are a commodity like anything else and healthcare is a service like anything else. They are both scarce resources, both cost money, and it defies me why it's so hard for people to see that.


Master Don Juan
Feb 28, 2011
Reaction score
First of all...social services, schools, roads, healthcare can be paid for through sales and state taxes.

100% of income taxes goes directly to the banks....it is a direct money grab.

the largest global theft ever...and done in plain sight.

It is high time citizens demand a balance sheet with cost and expenses....oh and what exactly is the trillion dollar 'black budget' spent on. :crackup:


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
so wtf livein RUSSIA, fercrissakes? take that money and go live NICE somewhere, on your investments, and let some other fool have that job, biz, etc that you are wasting your time and money on.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
people can pay for their OWN kids to be schooled, or not HAVE those kids. Use tolls can pay for roads, or lotteries can pay for them and everyone else. Why charge everyone, for stuff only SOME ever use, hmm?


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Everyone who has looked at privatizing public services (health, education, roads, etc.) has come to the conclusion that it would be hopelessly inefficient.

The ONLY way you can have reasonable coverage for such things is by making the government run them. Sure, people pay higher taxes, but in 99.9% of cases the taxes they pay are less than it would cost for them to pay for those services themselves.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Danger said:
So why then do private schools cost so much less to run than public schools?
Most of them cost more. They also pay their staff nothing (which is why private school teacher turnover is so high).

Danger said:
In regards to health-care, one of the largest costs is a result of limiting the number of doctors allowed to graduate, and the entire insurance/malpractice industry allowing companies to insert themselves between the doctor and the patient.
So you agree, then - get rid of the insurance companies? I see you haven't learned squat about malpractice, though - malpractice only accounts for 1% of total health care costs.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
Most of the private schools I know of cost less than public ones.
What is the size of the school? What is the cost per student? How many instructors/teachers per student?

Throwing numbers around with nothing to compare is useless and only adds to the confusion.

goundra said:
people can pay for their OWN kids to be schooled, or not HAVE those kids. Use tolls can pay for roads, or lotteries can pay for them and everyone else. Why charge everyone, for stuff only SOME ever use, hmm?
Ok then. Don't charge everyone. You pay for what you use and I'll pay for what I use. I guarantee I will use less than you because I'm responsible and take care of myself. When you get into an accident or you need surgery, you can go fvck yourself because you're paying all that out of your own pocket with no assistance from everyone. New lifesaving medical procedures? Fvck you, I'm not paying for that. You can fund your own research and pay your own doctors to save yourself.

And I realize you won't be paying for my kids to go to school. Let's just close all the public schools and have the streets be roamed by gangs. When they rob your house, fvck you, I'm not paying to have a police department.


Oct 20, 2012
Reaction score
i don't need your ****ing police. they just get in the way of taking care of myself BETTER than they take care of anyone. most burglars, robbers, rapists, etc, committ HUNDREDS of crimes, set some explosive baits, and shoot some, and behold MUCH less crime. cops woon't let people carry guns and defend themselves, as should be done; gotta let the punk run away, instead of killing him at the scene, etc. I can pay for my own med insurance, so **** you.


Master Don Juan
May 18, 2003
Reaction score
Danger said:
They already roam in gangs despite the existence of schools. Have you ever been to Detroit? Or hell, almost any other inner city. Full of the unaccountable who are entitled to a free ride.
Detroit is a special case because the local economy has almost completely collapsed.

I guess you didn't notice that violent crime and gang violence have been dropping steadily for the past 20 years - and are at their lowest level since 1963 when Kennedy was president?


This is all taking place even as all the 'social ills' of single motherhood and open homosexuality have become more and more prominent. How could that be, unless these were somehow 'moral panic' issues designed to mislead us?


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
Funny that you only ask for my numbers and not the others. I wonder why that is?
I have recommended they get medication for their unresolved issues.

Why not go do your own homework? I'm sick of linking and citing evidence constantly on here only to have close minded liberals ignore it and post pro-robbery marxist propganda a week later.
Why don't you post your own homework? I'm not the one interested in the financial situations of private schools. Since you clearly know better, just post a couple of numbers and presto! Your point is proven.

If you want people to agree with you, why don't you be a trustworthy and honest source of information?

They already roam in gangs despite the existence of schools. Have you ever been to Detroit? Or hell, almost any other inner city. Full of the unaccountable who are entitled to a free ride.
So what do you suggest?

goundra said:
i don't need your ****ing police. they just get in the way of taking care of myself BETTER than they take care of anyone. most burglars, robbers, rapists, etc, committ HUNDREDS of crimes, set some explosive baits, and shoot some, and behold MUCH less crime. cops woon't let people carry guns and defend themselves, as should be done; gotta let the punk run away, instead of killing him at the scene, etc. I can pay for my own med insurance, so **** you.
No. You can't pay for your own insurance because rates increase every year and so do their profits. You might be able to scrape by this year, but a few years from now you will be working to be insured to live, so you can work.

Assuming you are lucky and the insurance company even covers you instead of denying you coverage for a "pre-existing condition" so they don't have to pay out. It happens all the time. Even here in Canada.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
If you are not interested, then why do you want me to research it for you?
I was under the impression that you have already done the research. You're the one claiming that public schools are a cheaper option. Was this statement based on fact and real numbers or opinion?

I have posted plenty of good information on why your marxist policies are bad, beginning with the fact that you are robbing people. But it never seems to change your mind. So again, what's the point?
My "marxist policies" (whatever the **** that means) have already been implemented and the wealthiest and the most connected make use of them. I'm just calling it like it is.

If you were a reasonable person, then perhaps I would.
Yeah, what a jerk I am requesting you follow up your opinions with hard numbers. I'm sorry I hurt your feelings.


Master Don Juan
May 25, 2008
Reaction score
Danger said:
And so do the poor, but you dodge my point. That being you ignore whatever data is presented to you and continue to spout idiotic policies that rob people of their wealth. No amount of information will change your corrupted value system.
I never ignore relevant and accurate data. My value system is based on reality not textbook ideology. Things are fvcked, and they won't ever be unfvcked. The only way to "fix" things is to do a half ass patch up job.

Again, not opinions. And you and I both know that whatever I do show to prove the point, will just get ignored and three months later you will be "blaming the rich" for whatever ails you and society. People who are incapable of holding others to account often have this disease.
Probably, but I won't be against private schools if the data shows they are a better alternative.

Fatal Jay

Master Don Juan
Oct 26, 2012
Reaction score
You guys are living in a fantasy, it's been this way since the begenning of time. The rich always found loopholes throughout the generations.

You want to know why? The reason why is they dont consider you equal to them, they think the middle and lower class is scum, they wish that you will die, so you wouldnt have potential in taking their money etc.