Trying to wheel an 18 year old


Don Juan
Jun 8, 2004
Reaction score
Alright Juans, I am 21 and usually i date older womem, like 25ish, but last week i met this 18 year old hottie and I know that u know what i mean. Young tight bod sexy easily a 9. So we have hung out a couple of times and she is real cuddly and likes to get real close and we have made out etc.

Soooooooo, I am wondering what to do next, I know that young girls are a lot diff than older ones. You can be totally honest with older ones and they will fall in love with you, but younger ones, albeit naive will get creeped out by the same talk..

This girls is real quiet and acts like a 16-18 year old so it is kinda tuff to relate to her. But she is sooooooooooo hot. What can i do to "impress" her. Do i treat her like any other girl, or is there a tech for girls like this. I know she is interested, but it is dying every day, so any help will save this. I would like techs for both just doggin her and maybe dating her. THats how hot she is. Thanks brothers.

Gangster Of Love

Master Don Juan
Dec 27, 2002
Reaction score
Los Angeles
First of all, you should feel like she is the prize. You are lucky that such a young hottie has any kind of interest in you. You should be very careful what you tell her, you don't want to ruin your chances by saying the wrong things here. You should try to impress her by doing nice things like:

Buy her flowers and gifts.

Take her to dinner.

Try to learn as many techniques and pick up lines that will do the trick with such a young hottie.

Get a nicer car and show her how much money you make.

Don't be immature or playful. You are an "Older guy" to her, so act serious and romantic.

Tell her you are far better than any other guy she's ever been attracted to.

Compliment her every day you see her and tell her how you are very lucky that you met her and you would just die if she ever stops talking to you.

Tell her how she is different than any of the other girls you've ever met.

Don't date other women, and make sure she knows that you have put all your eggs on one basket. You don't want her thinking that your a player and somebody who has several girls after you. She must know that she is the only game in town.

Don't talk about doggin' her. She is special. You should try to date her and have her see you as a provider. You should have to chase her and be as persistant as it takes. She might run away from you, but remember brother, she's just playing hard to get.

Have a canned, prepared speech, you know "The Speech", when you ask her if she would like to take things to the next level, because this will complete and totally fulfill you as a man.

Whatever you do, dont' blow it with this one, since 18 year old hotties are special and must be treated differently. You must adapt and be nice to her. If it is dying fast, you must step it up and be even nicer, or you'll loose her for ever.


Master Don Juan
May 23, 2002
Reaction score
If I were a chick, I'd be turned on by guys who post questions in Discussion.


Master Don Juan
Aug 5, 2003
Reaction score
Somewhere between the cities of Lost and Found
What can i do to "impress" her. Do i treat her like any other girl, or is there a tech for girls like this.

Sigh....*shakes head*

Stop thinking and start DOING

Lost In Translation

Master Don Juan
Aug 30, 2004
Reaction score
LMAO ! Gangster Of Love you sarcastic bastard !

hahaha !!!

in other words stop acting like an AFC b*tch

neg hit her hot a$$ bod let her know you a pimp and you with b*tches like her all the time, she ain't special, she ain't a FAIRY FU**ING PRINCESS !!!

" what can i do to impress her ? "

dude you got it all wrong, what can she do to impress YOU

act like a MAN and she will respond

ok here is a mindset for you ..... imagine....

you just got out of jail, you did 5 years.....

this b*tch is the first hoe you with since the AFC b*tch you used to f**k in the shower block

you know she wants YOU


release the real man within you, the animal..... use the force luke !


Lost In Translation
