True Forced Lonliness: Something that Concerns Me


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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There's this concept going around on called "true forced lonliness" The phrase seems to mean that one is forced by the people around them to be alone. The people supporting this idea seem to be extremely anti-feminist and very bitter towards life in general. They claim that changing for women is a horrible thing to do, but speak nothing about changing for yourself. One of the guys is about 500 lbs. My concern is that people on this site are falling into this idea because there have been multiple links to the youtube videos and I am wondering why. This philosophy is pretty much the opposite of sosuave, and it's really dangerous to our more susceptible members who are looking for an easy way to blame someone else for the way their life is going. I just hope none of you believe in this crap. If anyone wants to shed more light feel free...


Master Don Juan
Dec 16, 2007
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a house
I see what you're saying,cause I know you're referring to me. Look,I deal with some of the issues as described. But you gotta say,they have there points.

Well,in some ways,isn't changing for them horrible? Isn't one of the things mentioned on here not to change just to appease her? I know what you mean by the weight thing,but change everything just so she'll like you rather than being true to yourself?

I think people are listening in to it cause guys,whether succesful with women or not,are bitter and angry at what feminism has done? Isn't that something discussed on here? Negative effects of that on men? Some people constanly feel lonely,it is a problem. How is it the opposite of what's on here? I don't totally buy into it,but they have there points.


Master Don Juan
Apr 4, 2005
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I actually wasn't referring to you. I only browse this site on occasion these days, and it really sickens me to keep coming across those videos LINKED FROM THIS SITE. If that's really where this place has gone, that's fine, because I got what I needed and got out.

It's true. You shouldn't change for women. You should change for yourself. For your own happiness. Do you think that 500 pound guy is happy with himself? Probably not. These guys condone being true to yourself. But what is being true to yourself? Does that mean if you are 500 pounds you should just stay that way. Naah that's sick. You should get off of youtube and lose the goddamn weight. To me, sosuave is (or was) about self improvement.


Don Juan
Dec 5, 2004
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Mctwist, I'm fairly sure the Youtube links are being put up by two trolls, and perhaps the more impressionable members of the forum are hitching onto their 'ground breaking theory'. Underlying said theory is the idea that women have a "duty" to sleep with, and give intimacy to, incredibly bitter and unattractive men. I wonder if this brilliant argument has been peer-reviewed by the philosophical community yet?

Desert Fox

Master Don Juan
Feb 16, 2008
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True forced loneliness LMAO

First word I thought of was "bullsh1t".


Master Don Juan
Jul 22, 2003
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The whole true to yourself debate is a bit complicated.

Sure, its good to be yourself and not change just to get approval.

But 'being yourself' shouldn't be an excuse to just be a lazy *****.
How attractive do we find women that are true to their natural self, ie don't shave anything, no make up, unkempt hairstyle, doesn't maintain her weight if her 'self' wants her to eat too much, etc.

Not very attractive huh? Well same for men. Being true to yourself does NOT mean automatically just doing the easy first choice, but doing what must be done to be who you truly want to be.

Now if you truly want to be a lazy fat virgin loser - who am I to judge. But DON'T use that as an excuse for being too lazy to get what you want.

I think deep down virtually everyone wants the athletic body, good job, success with women, good friends, etc. Being true to yourself means doing what you have to to get those true desires. That is how we must think of it.


Master Don Juan
Apr 1, 2008
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Don't take advice from chodes that blame everyone else themselves for their problems. When a person starts blaming others, that's when the listening stops.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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Our site's message is better than what those guys have to say because gradually we here have evolved from a place that was just about how to get success with women but how to get total success in life and whether you were always doing bad or always doing good in life to either stay doing good or get out of doing bad change and growth are continually needed to either elevate yourself or stay at the great level you are now.

These guys do have a point you should not change who you are solely for women but what they miss with that idea is that they can change for themselves and make the world bend to their will.

That is what we learn here.

To take ownership of ourselves and our life's direction and get rid of the idea our change is dependent on and solely for women.

Physically or mentally challenging yourself and making the committed decision to do so in order to remove yourself from a state of stagnation is but one example of what the teachings of this site can motivate a man to do that would be striving for a goal outside of just getting success with women as the physical or mental challenge undertaken could be to get a better body to improve one's health and feel better when you look in a mirror or just read and learn more so you stop stumbling through life wondering what the hell is going on.


Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
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the irony of life is that evolution requires mastery of polar opposite principles.

on the one hand, life is about change, constantly evolving, learning, etc. - that IS the fun of life. remaining stagnant is NOT enjoyable - ask anyone whose been in the same job for 10 years (its hell).

on the other hand, if you become overly critical of yourself and deem yourself a piece of sh*t because you aren't what you would like to be, then you'll probably never gather the motivation to make the changes you need to make to get to where you want to go.

so in essence, you have to be excited about change while at the same time being proud of who you are today. this is what we call life balance.

as for blaming others for ones loneliness .... thats like blaming mcdonalds for you getting fat. yes, technically, mcdonalds made you fat, but you made the choice to eat there. its not like someone tied you up and made you eat it.

in life, you can only begin to solve a problem when you take responsibility for that fact that only YOU can change your own life. steroids, women, cash, etc. - all these 'quick fixes' that so many people chase after will do nothing for you in the end.

men must figure out what they want in life and then work consistently towards those goals. life is like climbing mount everest, its a long hard process, so you better learn to enjoy it and learn the ropes, or you will die a miserable bastard on the side of a mountain.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2007
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joekerr31 said:
so in essence, you have to be excited about change while at the same time being proud of who you are today. this is what we call life balance.
Freaking paradoxes all over the place!

This is sort of where I'm at. Accepting who I am with my life situation, while still formulating a new life situation.


Master Don Juan
May 16, 2003
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I'm glad I've identified these guys. Now I know who I can warn the authorities about when the next serial killer goes on a rampage.

War Against Betaism

Master Don Juan
Aug 19, 2007
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This is a bit concerning; the guy mentions David DeAngelo a bit in one of his videos. Is this going to be a new cult following as a result of the seduction community? It seems that there are already a few followers, I wonder how these masses will grow.


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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I happen to think they have some good points, especially when it comes to the fact that the average woman has way more sexual power than the average man and you guys know this. The average guy goes long periods without action while the average woman always has her pick of guys and doesn't go through what men do. And if their good looking, forget about it. Don't even try to compare.

Now, there indeed are men who are lonely and have been forced into it by these women. Maybe they can help it, maybe they can't, but women do stereotype and reject men over the most trivial things and it's very easy to do that when you don't have to do anything and the men come to you. I know guys who don't have much success with women because they are shy. Not all the time, but initially they are and the girl writes them off. They are not ugly or anything by any means, it's just the way it is. Since women have their pick of all the guys, their not going to gives these types of guys a chance.

I don't know if that's a by product of our present day, instantaneous society, because from what I understand people of yester year were more likely to give people a chance and were tolerant.


Master Don Juan
Sep 3, 2006
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Bunch of hypocrites. I bet that 500 lbs guy never tried to date a 500 lbs woman.

Clash113 said:
Now, there indeed are men who are lonely and have been forced into it by these women. Maybe they can help it, maybe they can't, but women do stereotype and reject men over the most trivial things and it's very easy to do that when you don't have to do anything and the men come to you. I know guys who don't have much success with women because they are shy. Not all the time, but initially they are and the girl writes them off. They are not ugly or anything by any means, it's just the way it is. Since women have their pick of all the guys, their not going to gives these types of guys a chance.
Hate to break it to you, but the population is divided 50% men 50% women. Most of the guys who are complaining about 'women being too picky' are guilty of being too picky themselves. They always go for the hottest/sluttiest looking girls in the club, and they wonder why they get rejected. The solution for those guys is to stop being to picky about looks.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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I bet I've suffered more than that 500lb crybaby in my life.

I've been the ultimate AFC used and abused and ontop of all of that I've had so many friends and family die on me from various ailments or just plain car accidents its not funny but still I refuse to wallow in self pity like this 500lb guy Dwayne who I saw using the F word after every sentence on youtube spouting out his limiting beliefs every sentence where he was not swearing at some morons he shouldn't even pay any mind to, to begin with.

He needs to get over his limiting beliefs and take one thing at a time.

Focus all his hurt, pain and anger as an intense motivating force to help him take off the weight and then once that is accomplished maybe some of the PUA community material he has learned will actually work for once and no I'm not saying looks are everything but in general you have to be at least average in appearance to get the most success out of the stuff we use.

Too fat or too skinny chicks will mostly reject but average with game and you are usually in.

Muscles even better.


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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spesmilitis said:
Bunch of hypocrites. I bet that 500 lbs guy never tried to date a 500 lbs woman.

Hate to break it to you, but the population is divided 50% men 50% women. Most of the guys who are complaining about 'women being too picky' are guilty of being too picky themselves. They always go for the hottest/sluttiest looking girls in the club, and they wonder why they get rejected. The solution for those guys is to stop being to picky about looks.
Of course that happens sometimes and who knows, maybe that is the case with some of these guys (and that would be B.S.), I can't speak for them. However, one cannot deny the fact that women today ARE far more pickier then they ever were and can afford to be. Women today are able to get jobs and support themselves, they don't need men and historically that's why they got with men (as well as leaving children behind). It's no coincidence that women as a result have higher expecations and as a result their will be more and more lonely guys and guys that go long periods without any girlfriends or sex (though I don't think anyone will argue that point).

I'm not saying women should be forced to date guys they don't want or think areunnattractive, but at the same time I'm not going to deny that I haven't seen women reject guys on really weak grounds just because they could. Why just the other day a female friend of mine (Not interested in her) was telling me about some guy that approached her at work (she works at mcdonalds). There was nothing wrong with the guy per say, but she told me she couldn't go out with him because she couldn't be seen with a guy who works at a GAS STATION. Keep in mind she works at McDonalds. If he happened to say own the gas station or was a traveling business man, would she have turned him down? No, and that is B.S. You point this out to them and they will deny it of course, but the fact is they love this power.


Don Juan
May 20, 2008
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KontrollerX said:
I bet I've suffered more than that 500lb crybaby in my life.

I've been the ultimate AFC used and abused and ontop of all of that I've had so many friends and family die on me from various ailments or just plain car accidents its not funny but still I refuse to wallow in self pity like this 500lb guy Dwayne who I saw using the F word after every sentence on youtube spouting out his limiting beliefs every sentence where he was not swearing at some morons he shouldn't even pay any mind to, to begin with.

He needs to get over his limiting beliefs and take one thing at a time.

Focus all his hurt, pain and anger as an intense motivating force to help him take off the weight and then once that is accomplished maybe some of the PUA community material he has learned will actually work for once and no I'm not saying looks are everything but in general you have to be at least average in appearance to get the most success out of the stuff we use.

Too fat or too skinny chicks will mostly reject but average with game and you are usually in.

Muscles even better.
Personally, the fat guy and the old guy make the movement comical. The fat guy cannot be choosy because his size and the old man...he keeps rambling about looks and while he is no casanova, the fact he's ignorant is what does him in. The other guy I actually don't know why he has trouble with women. He's not ugly and speaks well despite the fact he's negative.

Kaim Argonar

Don Juan
Dec 10, 2007
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I just liked one of the SteveHoca videos where he says that a lot of average to decent looking guys will be rejected in a blaze without girls giving them the change to ever get to know them, whereas guys will be more compassionate in that area, and if these girls actually decided to give these guys a bit of time they'd grow to like them and discover they aren't bad at all, but because girls have so many options they leave many of these less assertive guys in the cold.

For the rest he repeats the same points over and over again in all the videos and that gets old.

But yeah in the end he looks good, he'd probably do loads better with a self-assured, pleasant attitude. In his videos he looks pretty meek.


Master Don Juan
Oct 11, 2005
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The ringleader behind the group Bill actually posted here once and it didn't take long at all for him to get banned.

All he really needed to do was read fingz post at the bottom and apply it to change his life but he was too far gone to listen to anything other than his own voice.

Its a real shame and those guys block you and delete your comments immediately on their youtube channels no matter how polite and respectful you are to them if you are not agreeing with the TFL message.