Trespass and sosuave issues


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Trespass (The Movie) starring Nicholas Cage and Nicole Kidman

edited by Quiksilver:


Hi before you pass up this thread. I would just like to say that what I want to write about has a lot to do with lots of topics we mention on this thread. So, please be a good sport and read on as I'd like to get your insight on some things that played out in the movie. Granted that movies are often an exaggeration of real life, still I think certain things from the movie still applies so here goes.

Obviously for you to comment it would make sense if you've already seen the movie first. I think this movie touches on a lot of things that either bring guys to this site or that we generally talk about. Like despite how Nicholas Cage was working his butt off for his family. The wife cheated on with a bad boy because she was either bored or felt ignored... and also becomes part of a scheme to rob her husband and leave him. There was a time Nicholas Cage mentioned something about "getting cuckolded" Does this mean he wasn't even that kid's father? So...
1) What did you think about the movie?

2) If a woman can easily flip on a guy after he's made all that sacrifice for his family and was still considering leaving him when he was being put through hell. why do we even bother? Back to this in #4 below

3)Considering how the movie played out at the end. If you were Nicholas Cage's character would you still take that woman back? or would you have let her get shot by one of the robbers once you found out her dirty involvement?

4) I think a lot of times on this site I think that we as men are not being honest or ignore certain things. By that I mean a lot of times I read about men just pointing the fingers at women while also not taking some responsibilities about the breakdown of their relationships. A lot of guys here believe in
(a) just chasing your goals and if you work hard and get material things done for the family that it should be enough for their women to stay home, be faithful and truly satisfied. I don't see a lot of emphasis on balance between getting stuff handled and spending quality time with the family. So, while men would pride themselves in accomplishing things. It also becomes a weakness working against them in their relationship and in the end when it all falls apart. The finger is pointed at the women.

(b) I think "a" above stems from the attitude that women can't be understood or you shouldn't even need to understand a woman. To a certain degree I disagree. I think that to a certain degree men can understand women. Is a woman's need of a man spending quality time with her such a bad thing?

(c) the attitude in "b" above is why I also believe a lot of men scoff at books on relationships (self-help book? Is what I hear them referred to as. Are they all? self-help? I'm asking here because I really want to know) because they think all women should be loved or treated the same. The thing is women are different. After reading the book "The Five Love Languages" it helped clarify things for me in this regard. This book applies to both sexes. Pretty much the book is saying that most people want to be loved in the following ways; quality time, physical touch, acts of services, gifts, and words of affirmation. Some people have one love language or a mixture. This language(s) is how they express and receive love (both sexes). When they are loved differently they don't feel the love. So, what do you think about this?

5. If not for moral reasons but practical ones. I believe this movie is another reason people should not interfere with people in especially marital relationships. Reason being we do not always know both sides of the story. There aren't always good guys and bad guys. Most men fall for women's victim stories and use it as an excuse to meddle. If they could see the Nicholas Cage was working his butt off for his family would they still buy into those sob stories. At the same time a man like Nicholas Cage may be doing his best but not realizing he's failing because of point "4c" above.

In summary this was just to get your insight on issues that came up in the stated movie as it applies to some of the topics on this site. Thanks for giving your feed back.
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Senior Don Juan
Oct 28, 2011
Reaction score
You have very good comprehension skills my friend. If a women feels that you love work more then them they feel like you are committing adultery. Its kind of similar when to people have an emotional affair. Emotional affairs do not involve sex but it is a form of adultery. Google emotional affairs and you will realize that many married people commit emotional affairs


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
Come on guys I want some insight and perspective here. Must every thread here be about a sob how do I bla bla with a girl? There's enough of that on here already.


Master Don Juan
Nov 11, 2007
Reaction score
I watched the movie and in the end it was revealed the wife didn't cheat. What a weird twisted movie..


Master Don Juan
Jul 4, 2008
Reaction score
San Diego, California
What do you mean by the wife didn't cheat? Please explain? Well, she might as well has cheated because what she did was despicable. To endanger her family's life like that.