Trap Of The Nightclub!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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This is a true story and is pretty much what happens to alot of people here while in clubs depite the difference in venue. If you're just not comfortable in that element then it's likely you wont' suceed. Stop making excuses why you can't do it and try something else that will work for you.
This is definitely what can happen and of course most DJ's and successful club goer's have nights like this. This has happened to me plenty of times, the key is to shake it off as a bad night and not look deeper into it...

Usually I'll leave early at times like this, because the nights only get worst



Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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^ ^ You're bringing back good memories...

Ahhh vodka redbulls, mannn those were the days....

Last good time I had at the club (notwithstanding times with the lady) I was pimping some HB9.5 white girl but i couldn't close worth crap. I had her attention for an hour, i didn't touch her or do anything... i was madd, but proud at the same time... was a fun night tho, i like when my game is challenged



Senior Don Juan
Nov 23, 2006
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Prices in Brazil sucks!!!!

Well, here in my country i pay something like $50 dollars to get into a night club and a beer cost me something like $10 guys are lucky!!


Master Don Juan
Jun 19, 2006
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But then there comes a point when you grow out of it..sort of.. because there are always clubs that are known for catering to executives, or wall street people, or older crowds... but still.. I never wanna be that old guy at the club. That's why day game is crucial these days.
Hey don't talk down Wall St., I work there :trouble:


Le Parisien

Master Don Juan
May 30, 2004
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back to Paris, missing the USA
PlasticSurgeon said:
^^ Yo... I have a feeling the dirty little secret to our confidence or even our egos is this... we know what we pull at clubs. We know when we magically get surrounded by women on the dance floor. Or even just standing at the bar. We know what girls say to us.... or how they look at us... or how their asses just grind up..

And this is all behind closed doors at the late late hours of the night..

So then daytime comes, the mask of society is put back on..and your walking down the street. A woman passes you by, maybe doesn't even look at you. But you just know in the back of your head that she wants you. Because you know what happened last night... the lights were out, the drinks were on...and ALL EYES AND ASSES WERE ON YOU..

It's a weird feeling that most guys who are successful at clubs have. THese guys don't "love" the club scene... but they have an incredible respect for it. Because they love what happens to them every friday/sat night. And they can go back each time for validation. It's so addicting.

But then there comes a point when you grow out of it..sort of.. because there are always clubs that are known for catering to executives, or wall street people, or older crowds... but still.. I never wanna be that old guy at the club. That's why day game is crucial these days. And the beach has its own club dynamic as well.
PlasticSurgeon, let's shake hands on this one, that's so true!

I don't consider myself a hardcore party animal, I don't even drink that much.

However I never miss one single opportunity to go out to dance clubs. For me, bars are for friendly gatherings, "lounges" are boring, dance clubs are the real deal.

Just like you said, no social "mask", no bullsh*t, no "protocols". If you feel like the life of the party at clubs, if you feel desired/envied/respected/etc, the ego boost is just too addicting.

Of course, loving to dance is a big motivation "enhancer" as well.


New Member
Apr 3, 2006
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One of the best things ever said. NIghtclubs are not for the faint hearted. Go there only if you are brad pitt or something. if you look like jaws then forget it.

James Dupri

Don Juan
Sep 22, 2009
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Le Parisien said:
PlasticSurgeon, let's shake hands on this one, that's so true!

I don't consider myself a hardcore party animal, I don't even drink that much.

However I never miss one single opportunity to go out to dance clubs. For me, bars are for friendly gatherings, "lounges" are boring, dance clubs are the real deal.

Just like you said, no social "mask", no bullsh*t, no "protocols". If you feel like the life of the party at clubs, if you feel desired/envied/respected/etc, the ego boost is just too addicting.

Of course, loving to dance is a big motivation "enhancer" as well.
why did plasticsurgeon post get deleted?


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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I think sometimes going places to see women where neither one of you planned to talk or your main goal was not to get out and party with the opposite sex but it comes about doing something neutral were sex and party is not the goal I think is a way to really meet women successfully.

thats why school was so great. everyone had to go. because it was something mandatory it made it a lot laid back to talk to girls and meet them in school. activites always seem like the best. the same people go out to the club/bars and just about all of them remain single.


Senior Don Juan
Jun 28, 2008
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I tried clubs a few times but found most women just on a night with
the girls and actually had boyfriends waiting for em at home with their kids
my supermarket game is tight though


Master Don Juan
Sep 22, 2006
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Yup, I used to hit up the clubs in downtown Boston with a few of my friends some some chicks I knew, and some of the girls would leave their boyfriends at home. Even hooked up with one before finding out that she had a b/f.

It's a weird feeling that most guys who are successful at clubs have. THese guys don't "love" the club scene... but they have an incredible respect for it. Because they love what happens to them every friday/sat night. And they can go back each time for validation. It's so addicting.

This might be the most accurate description as to why I miss the scene, wow. Fridays and Saturdays were the reason I would drudge through the work week. The clubs I could walk in with utter confidence knowing that some girl would validate me on little more than some small talk and how I was dressed. It was/is an addiction I have yet to kick..even listening to that type of music brings me back now.


Master Don Juan
Sep 7, 2009
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synergy1- I think a lot has to do with the possibilities that this be be your night to get some. I know what you mean though.