traffic pick up!


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
So I had to go to pick up some groceries.

Girl at check out was a babe but a beeyatch.
"Aren't you just a ray of sunshine tonight!?"
well that total brought her back down to earth... turns out she was just stressed out from all the people coming in... so I got her thinking about getting home and taking a nice warm bath... hehe
TAKE HOME LESSON: Holidays=stressed-out-checkout girls=make them feel good.....

On the way home, stopped at a red light. Car with two girls pulls up. After some raised eyebrows the windows come down and I pull off some crap that gets them giggling. lol. as I'm driving off she's screaming hey, where you going?!... well, a man's gotta eat. I was hoping they would've put up a chase (obviously I wasn't THAT funny)
TAKE HOME LESSON: if you're ever stalled in rush hour traffic, or even a LONG red light... try a pick up... you never know. I have a feeling this has potential in rush hour.

Basically it's the old rule (chat up girls everywhere and HAVE FUN DOING IT) being reinforced.

I expect everyone to keep this in mind while CHRISTMAS SHOPPING these next few weeks.

try something like this:

her: It's really stressful with all these people.

you: I bet. You know what you need?

her: what's that?

you: well what are you going to do tonight to unwind?

she'll either 1) describe what she's gonna do tonight to relax and you can work off that. (she's cool) or 2) she'll give you the lame 'I dunno' response.

If you get the boring I dunno why not ask her out for a relaxing cup of coffee/hot chocolate and some stimulating conversation when she gets off work?
or, if you wanna really **** with her mind do the bath routine!

you: What you need is a bath!

her: a bath?

you: Oh yeah, just imagine when you get home tonight stripping off all your clothes, sliding into a steamy bath the letting heat work its way through every part of your body...

hopefully she hasn't heard that before though, it's a classic.

Most importantly. HAVE FUN WITH IT. :D


Don Juan
Feb 9, 2004
Reaction score
where im from women would slap you with that last one haha, but good frame of mind the holidays are definately stressful