Too many girls - a success story!


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
I came on here for advice with women. You all answered and offered great advice. Now I have a new problem. There are too many!! I had NOTHING, NO ONE for like three years, now they ALL want me. Not sure how to pick from so many. I'm not even trying to be ****y, all of a sudden everyone wants me and it's weird, I'm not used to this.

I haven't even approached anyone lately, I've only been working on gaining weight and my "inner game" and I've become in high demand. I'm still short, still going bald, still broke, but yet I'm generating SO much interest.

Any comments on my situation are welcomed. I guess it really is true that you have to fake it til you make it. I've been ASSUMING I'm the man, and that women WANT me because previously I assumed they did not and I figured I might as well assume the positive. And it has manifested into reality. They DO want me now.

I can't even pinpoint where it changed for me, but it has changed drastically. All you guys out there who are still having problems, stick to your guns, the results WILL be there for you. It took me damn near three years or so. Look at my first ever post, I was so laaaame. And now I can pick and choose. I feel great! The tips and info on this site are priceless. Not just in terms of getting women but in life in general.


Master Don Juan
Nov 18, 2006
Reaction score
Gold Coast. Aust.
asid76 said:
I came on here for advice with women. You all answered and offered great advice. Now I have a new problem. There are too many!! I had NOTHING, NO ONE for like three years, now they ALL want me. Not sure how to pick from so many. I'm not even trying to be ****y, all of a sudden everyone wants me and it's weird, I'm not used to this.

I haven't even approached anyone lately, I've only been working on gaining weight and my "inner game" and I've become in high demand. I'm still short, still going bald, still broke, but yet I'm generating SO much interest.

Any comments on my situation are welcomed. I guess it really is true that you have to fake it til you make it. I've been ASSUMING I'm the man, and that women WANT me because previously I assumed they did not and I figured I might as well assume the positive. And it has manifested into reality. They DO want me now.

I can't even pinpoint where it changed for me, but it has changed drastically. All you guys out there who are still having problems, stick to your guns, the results WILL be there for you. It took me damn near three years or so. Look at my first ever post, I was so laaaame. And now I can pick and choose. I feel great! The tips and info on this site are priceless. Not just in terms of getting women but in life in general.
Good job !


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Great Job

asid76 said:
I came on here for advice with women. You all answered and offered great advice. Now I have a new problem. There are too many!! I had NOTHING, NO ONE for like three years, now they ALL want me. Not sure how to pick from so many. I'm not even trying to be ****y, all of a sudden everyone wants me and it's weird, I'm not used to this.

I haven't even approached anyone lately, I've only been working on gaining weight and my "inner game" and I've become in high demand. I'm still short, still going bald, still broke, but yet I'm generating SO much interest.

Any comments on my situation are welcomed. I guess it really is true that you have to fake it til you make it. I've been ASSUMING I'm the man, and that women WANT me because previously I assumed they did not and I figured I might as well assume the positive. And it has manifested into reality. They DO want me now.

I can't even pinpoint where it changed for me, but it has changed drastically. All you guys out there who are still having problems, stick to your guns, the results WILL be there for you. It took me damn near three years or so. Look at my first ever post, I was so laaaame. And now I can pick and choose. I feel great! The tips and info on this site are priceless. Not just in terms of getting women but in life in general.
First of I'm curious to know what has changed, you say your still broke, bald and short, so whats different now?

are you going to different places to meet women? are you approaching more?

On another note, its sad that a post like this isn't 5 pages deep right now. This guy has utilized the advice giving on this site and now is having success, yet there is only one reply. Where the KJ's who keep saying that looks matter yet this guy is applying DJ principles and having success?

Funny how experience/being in the field/applying the principles>>>>>>>>>>>>>>trumps theory every-time!!



Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
Solomon: First of I'm curious to know what has changed, you say your still broke, bald and short, so whats different now?

Asid: Well there's the ten dollar question...

I think the biggest contributing factor has been my "state". Being that I was bald, short, and poor really fukced with my head before. My internal self-talk was horrible. I was always under the assumption that most girls could find someone "better than me" I assumed they'd want someone better looking, richer, and taller. And you know what? ALOT of them do. But not ALL of them. I started changing how I perceived certain situations; rather than assume she wants someone taller or with nicer hair, I started assuming that maybe she digs short bald dudes. (with a mocking smile cause I didn't really believe it myself) The thinking was that if I'm going to make an ASSUMPTION, I was going to make positive assumptions. For awhile I was quite sarcastic in the way I approached it, cause my state was low and I felt unworthy in many ways. So saying "hey maybe she likes bald dudes" kind of made me laugh or at least smile. Girls seeing me with this smile don't realize WHY I'm smiling, they just see the smile - which is good. I also started playing scenes in my mind; scenes where I successfully "picked up" or "had sex" with whichever woman I was speaking to. As I play these scenes over and over while I speak with women, I find that it puts me into a sexual mind state, which women can pick up on. Instead of the mind state being "I'm a loser" I changed it to "she wants to fukk me". I think just having the right frame of mind is key. If you have negative self talk in your head get rid of it. Why assume a woman WON'T be interested? Assume she WILL be, and then try to prove yourself wrong.

Another thing I have done is work on my body, clothes, and body language BIG TIME. It's surprising how a few tweaks here and there can make such a difference. I started eating more and more in the last year and have gained like fifteen pounds, which took me from short, bald, broke AND skinny, to just short, bald, and broke lol. Now I feel thicker and less fidgety and frail. And more than one girl has said "hey nice arms" which makes me feel good. And I'm not even working out lately, just eating. I don't think girls want really thin guys; they look weak and emaciated, how are they going to protect a woman or cuddle her "like a man" etc. Thats JUST my opinion though I haven't really heard a woman say this about skinny men.

Being that I was short and thin, I decided to learn how to dress to compliment my body type. Instead of pants with low crotches which made my legs look shorter I switched to "high rise" pants to lengthen my legs. Instead of baggy jeans (that I would use to hide my skinniness) I switched to jeans that ACTUALLY fit me, like an ADULT. I bought more trendier outfits and added a little flair to how I dress with a few ten dollar necklaces and a cool "pimp hat" (hides the receding hairline lol). Also, shoes are very important. Keep em shined and clean and fresh looking. Women ALL check for this.

The biggest "return on investment" I've ever gotten is the return on time put in reading about body language. This is key for me. I used to kind of project my thoughts through my actions; head down, hands in pockets etc which is not very "high status" behaviour. Now that I was assuming women "wanted me" I figured I had better ACT as though I got lots of women, by giving them GREAT (not good but GRRRREAT) eye contact, and standing tall and keeping my head up. I had to stop being fidgety and shifty eyed. Shoulders back, head ABOVE the horizon, stomach in, hands OUT of pockets, and an easy smile was (is still) how I decided to carry myself and it works.

Almost EVERYTHING I've learned is from this site either directly or indirectly.
I'm at work now, but just thought I'd write a bit about my process, for anyone who's interested...


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
Great read, I think this thread may be one of the most important of the year we need a few more success stories, instead of theory talk about the future, when we can focus on changing up the game now!!!

Asid keep up the good work, and don't forget to update your progress in the game!!!


Master Don Juan
Mar 22, 2003
Reaction score
mistake by the lake

great job brother. remember its not a destination...its a LIFESTYLE.

I can pinpoint EXACTLY what has changed for you....YOU!!

Money doesnt make you WHO you are. The problem is people are so socially conditioned to status, wealth etc, that we believe it does.

Im such a strong believer in having a positive mindset. What you put in your mind is what you get out. Dont flood it with negativity. Thinking your not good enough, worrying about your looks all the time. complaining... if thats the only thoughts you have in your mind, thats the only thing you will FEEL.

When you feel good about yourself, whether you know it or not, OTHER people can see this.

Then it becomes a domino effect. When you start realizing that you ARE IMPORTANT... you start to take better care of yourself. If you are the most important thing to you, why wouldnt you?

Notice how when your PRIMARY focus stopped being women, and started being YOU, you started to generate interest....

why do you think that is?

I dont care what anyone on this forum tells you... INNER GAME is much more important than outer game. Take advantage of it.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
asid76 said:
I haven't even approached anyone lately, I've only been working on gaining weight and my "inner game" and I've become in high demand. I'm still short, still going bald, still broke, but yet I'm generating SO much interest.
How many of these girls are HB8+?


Master Don Juan
Feb 12, 2010
Reaction score
England, baby!
Trader said:
How many of these girls are HB8+?
ermm why exactly does it matter? (why does he have to qualify himself to a random kj on the internet?)

as long as he is enjoying his life and having fun


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
HeMan said:
Trader how many times have you had sex??
Zero of course


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Warrior74 said:
How many would satisfy you? 1, 2, 58? LOLOLOLOLOL seriously dude. HA HA HA.
More than zero


Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
kingsam said:
ermm why exactly does it matter? (why does he have to qualify himself to a random kj on the internet?)

as long as he is enjoying his life and having fun

It's funny how looks are so over-valued in these forums, just because a chick is a hb8plus(hate the term hb, sounds so high schoolish) doesn't mean her personality matches her looks.



Master Don Juan
Jan 12, 2008
Reaction score
Trader has never got laid so his HB8 is probably "identifiably female with a pulse". Give it a few more years then even the "pulse" condition will be dropped.

Good work, asid76. The good advices on this forum, if followed closely, are gold.


Master Don Juan
Jun 30, 2008
Reaction score
Jitterbug said:
Trader has never got laid so his HB8 is probably "identifiably female with a pulse". Give it a few more years then even the "pulse" condition will be dropped.

Good work, asid76. The good advices on this forum, if followed closely, are gold.
About beautiful girls, why so *sensitive*?


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
Trader said:
About beautiful girls, why so *sensitive*?

honestly, because at your core, you're a hater. Instead of congratulating the man, you want to rate and knock his success, i can feel it from you, negativity. Everyone knows that success leads to success. Sometimes you have to climb a ladder, start with some 5s and work your way up to 8s. But even if that is this guys case, 1. he doesn't have to anwser to you, and 2. if he ever checked your post history he wouldn't want to,3. What the **** do you care what quality of poon another man is getting, 4. where are your field reports. 5. don't be a hater, congratulate the man on being happy.


Senior Don Juan
Aug 21, 2010
Reaction score
asid76 said:
I came on here for advice with women. You all answered and offered great advice. Now I have a new problem. There are too many!! I had NOTHING, NO ONE for like three years, now they ALL want me. Not sure how to pick from so many. I'm not even trying to be ****y, all of a sudden everyone wants me and it's weird, I'm not used to this.

I haven't even approached anyone lately, I've only been working on gaining weight and my "inner game" and I've become in high demand. I'm still short, still going bald, still broke, but yet I'm generating SO much interest.

Any comments on my situation are welcomed. I guess it really is true that you have to fake it til you make it. I've been ASSUMING I'm the man, and that women WANT me because previously I assumed they did not and I figured I might as well assume the positive. And it has manifested into reality. They DO want me now.

I can't even pinpoint where it changed for me, but it has changed drastically. All you guys out there who are still having problems, stick to your guns, the results WILL be there for you. It took me damn near three years or so. Look at my first ever post, I was so laaaame. And now I can pick and choose. I feel great! The tips and info on this site are priceless. Not just in terms of getting women but in life in general.
That's wonderful. Congrats bro!


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
Wow thanks for all the feedback guys. I appreciate it. For the record I'm flattered that Warrior74 and DaveNJuan like my post. I enjoy reading your posts as well. Trader, for what its worth I'd say that most of the girls are at least a 7 some worse most better. But beauty is common isn't it? I'd go down a few 'beauty points' in exchange for 'brain points' lol.

Ronny X. Way to go! Glad I inspired you to write your own success story.

PS I just got a book called 'Think and Grow Rich' which is all about visualising what you want and going after it with the right mindset.
Kind of like what we're all doing here. Great book. It reinforces my idea that what you THINK you'll get or deserve IS exactly what you'll get.
If you think girls don't like you, they won't. If you assume they do want you, your odds are greatly increased.



Master Don Juan
Sep 28, 2008
Reaction score
Inside her mind
asid76 said:
Wow thanks for all the feedback guys. I appreciate it. For the record I'm flattered that Warrior74 and DaveNJuan like my post. I enjoy reading your posts as well. Trader, for what its worth I'd say that most of the girls are at least a 7 some worse most better. But beauty is common isn't it? I'd go down a few 'beauty points' in exchange for 'brain points' lol.

Ronny X. Way to go! Glad I inspired you to write your own success story.

PS I just got a book called 'Think and Grow Rich' which is all about visualize what you want and going after it with the right mindset.
Kind of like what we're all doing here. Great book. It reinforces my idea that what you THINK you'll get or deserve IS exactly what you'll get.
If you think girls don't like you, they won't. If you assume they do want you, your odds are greatly increased.

Nice, this is a great attitude to have, to visualize things

Asid I'd be curious to see you post some fr's on your run in with women, or some of your dates, I think your mindset is exactly what this site needs more then "KBJing" from guys who rarely post FR's (or personal experiences) yet post tons of threads unrelated to having results like yours. (i,e. theory/rhetoric posts)
Warrior74 said:
honestly, because at your core, you're a hater. Instead of congratulating the man, you want to rate and knock his success, i can feel it from you, negativity. Everyone knows that success leads to success. Sometimes you have to climb a ladder, start with some 5s and work your way up to 8s. But even if that is this guys case, 1. he doesn't have to anwser to you, and 2. if he ever checked your post history he wouldn't want to,3. What the **** do you care what quality of poon another man is getting, 4. where are your field reports. 5. don't be a hater, congratulate the man on being happy.
Warrior is on point as usual, why is that when another man is winning in the game, there is someone to try to tear him down? I know Warrior in the past has posted FR's and always posts updates. You don't get that from some of the other posters here, so a post like this is refreshing, sure enough KBJ's come in trying to ruin it with their hate.