to the druggies out there...


Sep 3, 2004
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welcome to my world
I have had a flu and a bad cough for the past few days, so I bought some cough syrup. It is some "tussin" medicine, which means it's purely DXM or dextromethorphan.

The instructions say take 2tsp every 6 hours for adults. I did not intend to misuse this, but for some reason, yesterday, I must have taken a second dose after 3 or 4 hours because my cough was bad. Anyway, I felt weird, sort of high.

So, tonight, I had a cough again, but I decided to experiment a little. At this point, I have about 1.3mg/kg in my system, which according to what I've read online, is close to the "first plateau" for DXM use.

It feels freaking awesome. Now, I'm by myself, and I don't intend on using this all the time, but it does feel awesome. this point, I can walk, talk, and (as it seems) still spell correctly. It feels sort of like being tipsy from alcohol and high on weed at the same time, though I never tried that. Yet, despite that, you can still spell, and have a sense of control. It's weird, and a little numb like codeine.

The only thing that I read online that is a bit disconcerting is the fact that DXM causes brain damage...?

The question I couldn't find the answer to, and I'm wondering if anyone knows is...what do they mean by "brain damage"? I mean, when I was little they told me not to drink or smoke weed because those two things cause brain damage, so is this the same type of effect?

The thing is, it seems there is no "hangover" from this DXM stuff, and only a tiny dose makes you feel high for hours.

I quit drinking alcohol last month, so this might be my new thing.

So, my point with this thread is, has anyone tried DXM? any opinions, thoughts, warnings, comments, suggestions?


btw, I am not advocating drug use, and I do not wish that anyone else try this. I just hope that anyone who has done this before tell me their experiences and what they felt was good/bad, etc. and if you know anything more about what exactly they mean about "brain damage," please explain.



Don Juan
Oct 26, 2005
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watch the southpark episode where they have there own school tv news show. There is much credible information about getting high off cough syrup in that episode.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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bwhaha I was just sitting here, sipping my bear and thinking the same JC!!!

bahaahah we're all turning into junkies.

And yeah, cough syrup is the sh*tnitz. I remember I got drunk on it once when I was in HS.
May 28, 2003
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Nodferatu's Lair
For one, JC is obviously crushing on my nuts because he's still wanting drugs from me and no you will not get any unless you have enough money and the right connections in my area to transport and I'll leave it at that.


I repeat with great concern, YOU ARE NOT ON PURE DXM. That tussin sh*t has DXM in its not pure.

Look, I took some pure DXM and it was one of the dumbest things I could have done. I'm telling you, disassociatives are not the way to go man. I took about 450mg in capsule form. My 3 other friends took the same amount and we did not leave the cabin until the next night. This sh*t in its purest form is too intense to handle. I felt as if I was trapped in the cabin and there was nothing else outside of it, I simply did not move. I would go into these intense dream states or better yet nightmares! I felt like I was as alive as the bed I was confined to. That sh*t changed me some! It was the most intense and worst trip I've ever had, and only I really don't wanna talk about anymore.. You say you don't advocate the use of drugs? Well you're basically f*cking around with fire with that DXM and although the bottle you're sucking on only contains about 15mg, if you keep on playing with it you might get burnt.


Master Don Juan
Aug 27, 2001
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This is nuts. when I was in HS, I was a straight A+ student.

And then I moved to Sydney to start college down here. I've been here for almost 2 years now, and I've done ;
- x
- ice
- pot
- shrooms
- speed
- acid

in addition to getting drunk at least 3-4 times a week. I feel like I'm heading a one way street to Hell and there's no eject button.

Not good at all


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
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What Kinds of Cough Medicine are Safe?

Basically, anything containing ONLY dextromethorphan hydrobromide (DXM HBr). Popular US brands include Robitussin Maximum Strength Cough (and generic equivalents), Drixoral Cough Liquid Caps (the red kind), and generic equivalents.

What Happens if you Drink the Wrong Cough Syrup?

If it has gauifenesin (Robitussin DM and generic "DM" syrups have this drug), you'll probably puke your guts up. If it has acetaminophen (paracetamol), you stand a good chance of a painful, prolonged death. Anything else, you're likely to ruin the trip and may end up in the hospital.

Is DXM Dangerous?

Yes, especially if you take too much. Some of the more important dangers you might want to know about are:

Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, and allergic reactions (often from the cough syrup itself)
Hot flashes, dizziness, and bad trips
Psychotic breaks (generally from high dose use)
Psychological addiction and depression (generally from regular use)
Irreversible brain damage (from chronic use at high doses)
The last -- brain damage -- is fairly rare, occurring in less than 1% of the regular users . They all used DXM very frequently. If you do DXM twice a month or less, you'll probably be OK. But remember there's always the risk of something going wrong.

Recap: Get the right brand, cause you probably didnt get the right one last time - and kids DO die every year from chugging the wrong stuff.

I'd rather not discuss my stance on drug use as this is a Don Juan board not 'the shroomery'.

For all your drug enquiries -


Aug 14, 2005
Reaction score
You shoulda listened in school kiddo

Drugs really are bad!

No joke. Try em and you'll find out eventually.

I have done basically every drug you can name, and then some. They screw ith your mind and body only to leave you wanting more.

DO NOT! take drugs, they are illegal for a reason.


Senior Don Juan
Feb 23, 2005
Reaction score
Re: You shoulda listened in school kiddo

Originally posted by MuayThai
[DO NOT! take drugs, they are illegal for a reason.
Yes.....because the government cannot find a viable way to tax them.If they could make money then they'd be as available as any other drug(smokes,booze,pain killers etc.)

That's just my opinion though.

Had DXM a few times...didn't really like it,felt like a 'dirty' kind of DMT on the other hand..... :D


Master Don Juan
Jul 19, 2004
Reaction score
I heard that Robitussen makes a 15mg DXM gel tab (no other additives) that comes in a bottle of 30 for about $5USD.

Not that I've tried it or anything. ;)


Brian damage (phycosis) is only likely when doing frequent high doasge trips (3rd plateau +)

Like somone said before Stay with Pure DXM

AND STAY AWAY FROM CCC (Cordican Cold and Cough, or the competing generic type)


Master Don Juan
Feb 26, 2002
Reaction score
When i was a senior in high school my friend and i drank half a bottle of cough syrup. We then went to school and i had the greatest day of my life. I macked some girl that wanted my nuts, talked to some other hot girl i wanted, and laid around on the floor in one of my classes cause we had a sub. It was the best day of high school EVAR!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
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Re: Re: You shoulda listened in school kiddo

Originally posted by Ted,JustAdmitIt

Had DXM a few times...didn't really like it,felt like a 'dirty' kind of DMT on the other hand..... :D
Trying DMT tomorow night, its pretty rare and costing a fair bit but should be worth it.


Sep 3, 2004
Reaction score
welcome to my world
DMT...hmm, never heard of that, and not sure where you'd get it anyway?

Eric, thanks, i'm gonna buy those gel capsules.

yeah, that's good to hear you guys have experimented with cough syrup / DXM. so i guess it seems the consensus is that brain damage is a rare occurence when you hit higher plateaus.

in that case, this has definitely become my drug of choice :up:

i won't ever take any more than first or low second plateau, and i'll only do it every once in a while, because it does feel awesome.

i think if used properly, this is the best drug out there. it's cheap, there are no "hangover" type effects, it's legal and easily available, and the list goes on.
Originally posted by oakraiderz2
When i was a senior in high school my friend and i drank half a bottle of cough syrup. We then went to school and i had the greatest day of my life. I macked some girl that wanted my nuts, talked to some other hot girl i wanted, and laid around on the floor in one of my classes cause we had a sub. It was the best day of high school EVAR!!
haha cool!

later :woo:


Don Juan
Jun 12, 2005
Reaction score
DMT rockssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!


Senior Don Juan
Jul 12, 2005
Reaction score
DMT is the mother of all halucinogens, knocks you out for 15 minutes while you explore another dimension. Its in a different league to chugging cough syrup and i wouldnt recomend it to anyone who hasn't tripped on high doses of acid. Only a few hours before i get to :).

H2o: do some research on the specific gel caps before you buy them, the wrong one and you become another statistic.


New Member
Nov 8, 2005
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I just registered here after a couple years of lurking because of this single post. First and foremost, thanks everyone for all the help that this site has dispenced over the last few year- it really has had a profound impact on my life in all areas. I hope I can contribute something of value here.

DXM is an amazing drug. It is the most powerful dissociative hallucinogen I have ever had the pleasure of trying... and try I did- at least 300 trips(!), most 2nd-4th plateau. The keyword in that sentence is "did": I no longer dabble in the dextroverse. Let me explain, hopefully to the benefit of everyone here.

When I first started, it was as innocently as h2o. I downed a bit of cough syrup when I had strep throat. I figured, "If a little gets rid of a light cough, a lot will get rid of this terrible cough I have." I ended up downing about 1/4 of an 8oz bottle of Robotussin Max. Soon I was feeling light headed and so relaxed I could fall asleep at a concert- but who would want to sleep on something this nice? It was like how when you dream, you don't really feel your body, you just know it exists... kind of like codeine or a little vicodin/valium ****tail though really not too similar at all.

The next day, I resolved to research into the active ingredient of Robotussin: DXM, or Dextromethorphan, HBr (Hydro-bromide.) I found a wealth of information on it through various sites- namely - and was soon hooked on researching everything I could about it. I was 17 at the time and wasn't much into drugs beyond drinking, so when I found out you could get a better high/buzz from something so cheap and easily available, I knew I was on to something.

Soon, I was asking a few of my close friends about it. No one I knew at the time knew anything about it but after my apt description, I found a few who were eager to try. One warm April night a few months (and countless hours of research) later, my friends' weed/alcohol hookup was out of town and they were itching for something to get them high. We came to the consensus to go down to the drug store and pick up a 4oz bottle of Robotussin for each of us. I went with what I knew, the plain cherry flavor and my friends picked up some honey flavored syrup. We went back to my friend's place and we started downing the vile liquid. I finished first and felt pretty sick to my stomach but it was nothing to worry about- both my friends finished afterwards and immediately claimed the honey syrup was the most foul tasting garbage they have ever imbibed.

1 hour later, we are all starting to feel the effects- color started to distort, sound seemed amplified, yet muted at the same time and my body felt like it was resting on a cloud. We all started talking about the high as it progressed. Soon after, I closed my eyes and noticed some amazing CEVs (closed eye visuals) - pretty much anything you could think of was presented to you in such clarity and it seemed right behind your eyelids. I experimented around with this effect for who knows how long; finally, after untold minutes/hours (time has a way of distorting itself when tripping) I opened my eyes to utter amazement and disbelief...

The basement room I had been in had somehow expanded in size about 10 fold, and everything took on a blueish hue. I tried asking my friends if they saw the same thing but they were off in their own worlds. I soon felt the urge to take a leak and tried getting up to walk to the bathroom. An impossible task, it seemed; I was falling against the walls, seemingly travelling at light speed across the enormous room, yet shambling like a drunken zombie. It took me about 5 minutes to traverse what under any other (sober) circumstances would be about 10 feet. After emerging from the bathroom, I wandered back to my friends. I felt like a million bucks and that nothing could get in my way. My friends both wore a huge smile- they started mumble-talking about this being the best high ever and how good they felt.

Fast forward about 4 hours later. The trip was winding down and I was feeling tired and a bit numb. Already we were discussing our next trip (to see Spiderman at the theatres.) If only I had known then what this DXM would lead to. Let me graze over about 3 years of what now seems like a dream or some ancient history:

We purchased 300 grams pure powder from a now defunct website, along with a scale and 1000 pill casings to stuff it all in. We proceeded to fill each pill with about 300mg of DXM, or about the amount found in our 4oz bottles of Robotussin. I had the best few summers of my life, and I can only remember them in a tripped out haze. I remember meeting lots of women and being able to talk to them in the utmost confidence like a seasoned pro. I remember more hookups in 1 summer than I had in the past 3 years. Awesome memories with my friends, crazy business ideas and ways to make money, more parties than I could shake a stick at, just the most insane, fun summer I had ever had. Then came college. I stopped all drug use and focused on my education, which always came first and foremost. Soon, as happens to any college student, money becomes a factor. I started selling my DXM to friends and people I trusted at $10 a pop. Every customer recieved some paperwork on the drug so they knew what they were getting into and what to do if any problems arose. Soon I had strangers coming up to me hearing that I had some awesome drug and buying loads from me and I figured out that this nickle and dime business could get me busted fast. I ended up moving my base of operations out and changed around my business model- I was buying 100 grams a week and had a customer list the size of a notebook. It had become almost an epidemic. Everywhere I went, every party I went to, there was someone who had some DXM or was already tripping out. Soon the college became aware of it and there were a lot of dorm raids going on. I decided to cut it loose and quit while I was ahead (about $12,000) - I had no one ever rat me out, no problems with any cops, nothing. It was the easiest money I had ever made but I knew sooner or later it would all go wrong.

I noticed while in college that my memory for words wasn't quite what it used to be and that I was a bit slower when talking than I had previously been. I somehow convinced myself that it wasn't the DXM that had caused this- must have been the alcohol or the weed. I thought, no one has reported any brain damage, and they wouldn't put a harmful product into a product sold to millions of people every day. Naive, I know. I told myself to forget about it, I'm probably imagining it anyhow.

After college was out, I found myself back home and back with my friends, who were still caught up with DXM. I eased back into my schedule, this time tripping about 3-4 times a week sometimes. I was living a dream, always had money floating around, lots of women, no worries in the world, lots of free drugs, and the company of my two best friends throughout all of it. Another wild summer had passed and again I quit the DXM. I noticed something else disconcerting. When I had first started out, 300mg would get me high out of my mind. Now I was taking (along with my friends) anywhere between 700-1200mg a trip for something of equal magnitude.
