Thoughts: Reaching Your Full DJ Potential


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Just wanted to share my thoughts and get input from others in the community.

I have aquired many DJ tools and have excellent game. However I find the most silliest of things stop me from realizing my full DJ potential and banging chicks left right and centre!!

EXCUSES - Yes in Pick Up opportunities I make a lot of excuses to not follow through....
these are the main dilemmas I face.

a)get rapport and IOI's from HBShy. HBShy is (apart from being fvcking shy!)...very inexperienced.
RESULT: I don't want to scare/shock this girl + she will not put out ---> NEXT

b) I don't have my own pad --> Kind of hard to invite HB's over to my house and seduce them while watching DVD's
RESULT: I often don't bother trying ...and postpone DJing to a later date

c) get rapport from HBSexy...but get too much rapport!....I lose initial sparks.... and create a LJBFs mode
RESULT: Feel too awkward to make a move.....affraid of creating awkwardness



Senior Don Juan
Oct 9, 2001
Reaction score
Dallas, Tx
Looks like you have the hamster on turbo upstairs when you deciding to approach.

You need to stop thinking about WHY not to approach her and use that brain power(quick wit) about making a good approach and how your going to follow through.

I am going to college, and live with the folks. I feel your pain. But that didnt stop me from getting my sheets dirty with some honey this past weekend.

I've never gave myself reason not to approach. I've even approached a girl I knew for a fact didn't know english. If that isnt reason enuff I don't know what is. Sometimes I tell myself, I either approach or I'm a b1tch.

I think you need to go out and get rejected a couple of times. That may help you, then the only thing you will be thinking of is where your going to f*ck, when your about to make an approach.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
thanks for the advice!
you are absolutely right on ..
i need to get out more... and get rejected ....and that way not get so anxious about the whole thing !


Don Juan
Jan 25, 2004
Reaction score
a)get rapport and IOI's from HBShy. HBShy is (apart from being fvcking shy!)...very inexperienced.
RESULT: I don't want to scare/shock this girl + she will not put out ---> NEXT
You have to tone down the sexual stuff for some people, but don't back off on the C&F or kino. As far as nexting them...depends what you want. If you want a ONS, probably best to next them [not to say they won't put out, just an effort issue]. As for a relationship, I wouldn't worry about it. Many are quite willing, the freaky side on shy chicks is...astounding sometimes.

b) I don't have my own pad --> Kind of hard to invite HB's over to my house and seduce them while watching DVD's
RESULT: I often don't bother trying ...and postpone DJing to a later date
Well, you are living somewhere right? Why can't you have them come inside? Why are you even thinking about bringing them back to your place? A much, much better approach is to go to HER place. She feels much more secure there. Oh...and if anyone goes to anyone else's house...there isn't that much more seducing to be done. I've never seduced during a fact, the only two people I've ever seen try this were both completely AFC and I even warned them the tactic wasn't going to work [the one was even buying the chick dinner at an expensive restraunt], but they did it anyway.

This summer I didn't have enough money [or more appropriately, didn't want to spend it...] so I didn't get a room at my college while I was taking classes. Instead, I relied on my DJing skills to get me a room when I needed it. Use her place if you can, don't worry about your pad. I had a room mate last semester of college while I had my dorm room, but it never stopped me from getting it in my room. We left a sock on the handle or sleeping bag outside the door if we were getting it [my room mate never got any though...only started asking advice in the last couple weeks of school].

c) get rapport from HBSexy...but get too much rapport!....I lose initial sparks.... and create a LJBFs mode
RESULT: Feel too awkward to make a move.....affraid of creating awkwardness
Too much rapport? I'm not quite sure how one can have too much rapport....maybe if you make it too much of a platonic sounding relationship to in, you don't sound like a sexually mature man.

To get back the sparks, push the envelope in the dirty jokes department and add a bit more kino into the fray. Never avoid making a move just because you feel awkward; we regret most those things we don't do.

As Turbolover said, it looks most like you need to go out and get some rejections under your belt and stop worrying so much, you have plenty of time for practice :)



Master Don Juan
Aug 4, 2002
Reaction score
I agree, going to HER place makes her feel more comfortable with any sexual advances.

I've noticed when bringing girls to my place they feel uncomfortable and it takes the effort to actually get them into any sort of fun.

But when I go to their place, they jump on me faster than anywhere else.

I don't know why - maybe women feel they're more comfortable having sex at their place? Or maybe my apartment smells? Who knows.


Don Juan
Aug 16, 2004
Reaction score
Queens Ny
My response to al of that is EXCUSES EXCUSES EXCUSES. If you think about it the worst thing she could say to you is no. Damn don't stresss yourself out. It's a ratio factor and you have to keep in mind that you won't score every chick you step to. I used to be that way until oneday I saw my friend MACK A GIRL I would've probably found a reason not to talk to. He's definetly not better looking than me but at that time his game and confidence was better than mine so thats why he came up on top. Basically stop finding excuses because you going to end up missing that golden oppurtunity because "you thought she might be having a bad day" so you'll rather leave her alone. Trust me you'll feel better even if you tried.


Don Juan
Aug 26, 2002
Reaction score
Your afriad.

So then think about this, why are you making excuses? Because your afraid. The funny thing is, your afraid of being succesful! Now invite your fears, and get with that girl. Everything you are looking for is inside you! Start using your head instead of your emotions, and be a Man and invite what you fear, which is having sex with hot women.


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Thanks for all your input guyz! I really appreciate it..

So i went out last nite....and had a great time!

And made a move on a girl and got rejected BIG TIME! hahaha...!
I might write a thread about it ..