This should get you guys going! Debate.


Master Don Juan
Feb 18, 2010
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Standing At The Crossroads
Say for example you were a chick. You know you can get it anytime you want. Would you just not go for it and get railed whenever you wished?

Guys can't do that. They have to work at achieving the goal of getting poon. Some are better than others at it. That's a given.

Then we sit here and call them sluts. Maybe they are, but if you had the option to get it whenever you wanted, wouldn't you drill any cooch you could find? What would you call yourself then? Man slut? Unworthy of an LTR or even marriage?



Don Juan
Sep 8, 2013
Reaction score
No man wants a slut. So it's essentially a bad idea for a girl to be railed by hundreds of men. That and the state of her vag when she's finished.


Master Don Juan
Jul 7, 2012
Reaction score
5string said:
Say for example you were a chick. You know you can get it anytime you want. Would you just not go for it and get railed whenever you wished?

Guys can't do that. They have to work at achieving the goal of getting poon. Some are better than others at it. That's a given.

Then we sit here and call them sluts. Maybe they are, but if you had the option to get it whenever you wanted, wouldn't you drill any cooch you could find? What would you call yourself then? Man slut? Unworthy of an LTR or even marriage?

As a guy, you can get poon whenever you want. It's just not the kind of poon that you probably want. Same goes for women.

Most people have a built in "league meter", for lack of a better word, that helps them determine how they measure up relative to members of the opposite sex on the attractiveness/desirability scale. We are only drawn to people who measure up to us. Keep in mind that this is a relative scale. If you were an average-looking guy living in a city where 99% of the men were attractive and 99% of the girls were ugly, chances are you'd be quite happy to bang ugs. Conversely, if you, the average-looking guy, lived in a city where 99% of the women were hot and 99% of the guys looked like Neanderthals, nothing short of a supermodel would suffice.

Women go out and they meet lots of guys who come up to them and try to seduce them. Because these guys are available in abundance at just about any bar or club, they become a gray mass and women are not drawn to them (even though in a different setting, i.e. a social circle, many of these guys would in fact be attractive to women who reject them in clubs or bars). Instead, women are waiting to meet someone "special"...a guy who is somehow different from and better than all the typical dudes that they meet. And this doesn't happen very often.

All of this is a long way of saying that both men an women can easily get laid...but they do not because they discriminate against those they deem not worthy.


5string said:
Guys can't do that. They have to work at achieving the goal of getting poon. Some are better than others at it. That's a given.

Then we sit here and call them sluts. Maybe they are, but if you had the option to get it whenever you wanted, wouldn't you drill any cooch you could find? What would you call yourself then? Man slut? Unworthy of an LTR or even marriage?
When I first started out, it was about banging the s|uts now - commit to a good woman later. The more experience I get, the more the opposite is true.

I approached a woman in her mid 20's recently, but it turned out she was 34 on the first date (should have noticed the subtle crow's feet, sh!t) She's riding the last of her attractiveness, while trying to secure something long term. Well, she still clubs and gets drunk every week. She thinks she can still compete with these 22 year olds, even if it's her own delusion. Similar situation with a 31 year old chick I dated this past year. These women have the self esteem of a 16 year old teenie-bopper. I couldn't get anywhere with these two, they still think they're hot stuff.

Society and even here, we are taught to provide VALUE to women. It can be perceived or actual. The two women above, BOTH put emphasis on travel and accomplishments. They were trying to elicit the value I could provide to them. I'm the Dollar Extra Value Menu, I provide you satisfaction when you are drunk. These women are incredibly tough to game if you aren't showing up in a SL500 or taking them to lobster dinner. I'll let other men handle these women, I can't win this game.

Women in their early 20's aren't going to pull that sh!t. They do not put an emphasis on VALUE. You can be the arm sleeve tattoo-ed bartender with a great smile and get women. Make a good impression and be social. Be the Disc Jockey or guitarist in a local band. You can bullsh!t your way into some young hot panties. You don't have to achieve goals to get poon. That said, you aren't very happy with yourself either (that's what I'm realizing.)

Women are easier to mold to the shape we want when they are younger, before they are exposed to bad behavior. If you're looking to mold a woman after your own creation and standards, be 22 and funded. Pull a chick out of high school and show her the life. She doesn't know any better, her brain hasn't fully developed and the "First Love syndrome" makes it unlikely for her to leave. You work on yourself to get rich and develop hobbies and she is there for the ride. You don't end up with a s|ut. Problem solved.

I don't understand the fascination with s|uts, if you don't like them, stay away. They are fairly easy to spot.


Senior Don Juan
Oct 21, 2013
Reaction score
There's a reason these women aren't married.

The sense of entitlement is just unbelievable.


Don Juan
Feb 18, 2012
Reaction score
What you don't seem to understand are the basic laws of finance. The trick is market forces; namely, artificial manipulation of commodities.

There is a massive supply of c@ck. An abundance. C@ck is cheap. Any guy, anywhere, will have sex with a marginally-good looking girl if she wants him to. She can have sex whenever she wants, and it wouldn't cost her so much as a drink. It's cheap to her.

P@ssy is equally abundant; there are as many p@ssies out there as c@cks. However, what is happening is that women choose to manipulate the market. Women intentionally, and in a massive conspiracy, withhold the amount of p@ssy that goes out on the market, in order to drive the price up. You go to jail for this if you do it with any other commodity, BTW.

They do it because they know that we will pay anything. We will wine them, dine them, take them to Vegas, take them shopping, endure the Friend Zone for years on end, marry them, work ourselves to death supporting them, endure unbelievable amounts of emotional abuse, write them poems and lovesongs, pick them up when their car breaks down at 3 AM, dedicate novels and even Oscars to them -- WE WILL DO ANYTHING to get p@ssy. We not only physically need p@ssy the way a tweaker needs meth; we need other men to know that we have access to fine p@ssy, because we've attached our personal value to it.

Women know this, and they will charge whatever the market will bear, knowing some sucker will always pay it. It's how they get through life.

Those suckers, those AFC's -- those Friend-Zoned, doughy, whiny Nice Guys who worship at the altar that women build and spend their lives as emotional doormats; the guys who whine in private to you because their GF treats them like a piece of dogsh@t stick to a Prada, but they don't dare leave her because she's so awesome -- are blowing it for us. They're the ones who perpetuate this.

Knock it off.

If women let men f@ck them for nothing, they themselves would become worthless, or what they see as worthless. Women prefer that men be seen as worthless, disposable, and cheap. A woman's perceived value is ALL SHE HAS.

We control the job market. We run governments and corporations. We fight wars. We build cities. WE OWN THE WORLD.

Some of us, anyway. Those who choose to. Nice guy hipster f@cksticks with slender hands and ironic beards, you're on your own.

Why do you think women refer to useless guys as d@uchebags? A d@uchebag is something a woman squirts into her p@ssy once and then throws away. That's what the term means. That's where it came from. Think about it. We men use the word to refer to a man who has feminine qualities, but women don't. A d@uchebag, in woman's terms, is a man who's easily replaceable because there's nothing special about him. That is the worst insult they can come up with.

Let that sink in.

Women won't sleep with just anybody. Not because sex isn't fun for them -- it is. But because they can't afford to. It lessens the value of the commodity that they control. And that control, that perceived value, is all they have.

The answer to this is to become the kind of man that women want, and turn the tables. Eligible, desirable men in their 40's and beyond are so rare that most women have a better chance of seeing Bigfoot. Get yourself in shape, get your life together, and go let supply and demand work in your favor.


Master Don Juan
Nov 3, 2010
Reaction score
Bokanovsky said:
As a guy, you can get poon whenever you want. It's just not the kind of poon that you probably want. Same goes for women.

Most people have a built in "league meter", for lack of a better word, that helps them determine how they measure up relative to members of the opposite sex on the attractiveness/desirability scale. We are only drawn to people who measure up to us. Keep in mind that this is a relative scale. If you were an average-looking guy living in a city where 99% of the men were attractive and 99% of the girls were ugly, chances are you'd be quite happy to bang ugs. Conversely, if you, the average-looking guy, lived in a city where 99% of the women were hot and 99% of the guys looked like Neanderthals, nothing short of a supermodel would suffice.

Women go out and they meet lots of guys who come up to them and try to seduce them. Because these guys are available in abundance at just about any bar or club, they become a gray mass and women are not drawn to them (even though in a different setting, i.e. a social circle, many of these guys would in fact be attractive to women who reject them in clubs or bars). Instead, women are waiting to meet someone "special"...a guy who is somehow different from and better than all the typical dudes that they meet. And this doesn't happen very often.

All of this is a long way of saying that both men an women can easily get laid...but they do not because they discriminate against those they deem not worthy.

Best post of the thread. Case closed.

PlayHer Man

Dec 22, 2012
Reaction score
East Coast USA
If you can get it anytime you want.. your standards for "it" will go up.

I think food is a good analogy. You can eat anytime you want unless you're poor as f*ck. So you try to make your meals as tasty and satisfying as possible.

Someone who will eat anything you put in front of them is usually a fat gluttonous pig. Same with a slut. Its not that she enjoys sex.. its that she will f*ck almost anyone. :woo:
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