This is getting too common

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
So I haven't been on this site in a couple years now, I was starting to feel more confident and able to gain many dates. Yet until recently I've fallen back a few steps and I'm on the verge of losing ground!

My situation is, I sometimes either have good "game" or I don't, primarily texting since that's what girls love to do now a days as it helps them build comfort cautiously.

Thing is, I'm over the whole texting game and trying to be witty, keep her attenton. It's just all too much work, so I've become lazier about it which has led to many interests fading and never hearing from the girls again.

What can I do about this treacherous form of communication? It can be quite frustrating in taking things to a physical level.

Oh and it's even worse on a dating site. It's become harder to get girls off the computer to their phones and in person for real conversations

Die Hard

Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2009
Reaction score
Just set boundaries and stick to them.

You don't play the texting game, period. Texting is meant to set up dates and just ocassionally to let her know that you're still alive, nothing more than that. Conversations with you happen in real life, not through text. If she wants contact, she has to meet up with you. In the end, you might have to overtly communicate this to her, explicityly tell her that that's the way it works with you. But most of the time, I find that I don't need to communicate it overtly. I just don't initiate text conversations and if she does initiate them, I just stay short and formal in my replies.

Of course, you don't have to be rigid about it. You can have a short text exchange, have small talk, joke a little etc. but only for like 2 or 3 texts. If she tries to keep the convo going, you just break it off. It's the same as when some super talkative person keeps talking to you while you have somewhere else to be. I hate those moments, lol. You don't want to be inpolite and just say "okay, I don't care what you're saying, I am gonna leave now, bye." But somehow you always find some way to break the conversation off with these people, right? You just keep saying "hmm, hmm", act a bit uninterested or look around you, focusing your attention to other things, don't ask them any questions so the conversation bleeds dry etc. There's no specific advice to do just have to WANT it, then you will find a way, and the person will get the message.

So you don't really have to tell her you don't do text convo's. You just don't do them! She will know that you don't do them BECAUSE you don't do them, lol. Once she figures this out, she will pursue real life contact with you, she has no other option. You have to lead them into this wth your actions, you know? You lead, they follow.

And if they don't pursue real life contact, then you NEXT them. It's your way or the highway. Some will definitely start chasing you if you stay distant throughout your texting, others will not. You just have to weed out the good ones and discard the bad ones. Just set rules for yourself, man. You have to be willing to let her off the hook if she isn't willing to play the game by your rules. You want tot meet girls in real life, not play endless games of tag through texting. Any girl that tries to engage you in tiresome text games, is wasting your motherfvcking time and you could spend that time better by pursuing girls that ARE willing to play by your rules.


Don Juan
Nov 1, 2008
Reaction score
Trust me, if the girl is really interested, she will go out of her way to get together with you. At this point in my life, I am so busy and so focused on myself and my goals that I am a lot less focused on acquiring a woman. At the same token, I have much less time for their BS, attention seeking, or flaky behavior.

With that said, I work in the service industry as a bartender, so I am in constant contact with women. From time to time, these women will flirt with me, get their friends to hook us up on the spot, or outright ask for my number, as I could really care less to approach right now, however, I am not going to turn down a hot girls advances. The most recent times that come to mind all turned out to be flakes. Maybe I am too direct, maybe it would be better for me to exchange multiple texts to build some rapport, but honestly, I just don't care. I change how I approach these text convo's with each different girl, I guess for experimental purposes. The minute I sense flakiness, I just stop replying. But, as I stated earlier, I just don't really care right now.

I say all that to say this. My best advice is to try to initiate an "instant date" when you are approaching these women. Grab some coffee and chat for about 10 minutes, then you have some face to face rapport built. I feel like if you cold approach a girl, get her number, and text her to set up a date, she is way more susceptible to flake on you because she does not really know you. Even with the instant date and rapport building, she still may not be interested and she still may flake, its all part of the dating game.

Another piece of advice, switch some things up in your text game. If something doesn't work, try something different. If you are usually really subtle and indirect, try texting the next girl and be super direct. Einstein said that the definition of insanity is to continue the same behaviors and expect different results. There is no correct answer, it just goes back to the fact that, if she is really interested, she will not flake. As Die Hard said, if they do not pursue real life contact after you have offered the opportunity to do so, NEXT HER. Simple as that.

One last thing I must add regarding flaky women. Don't beat yourself up over it. The majority of the time, its not you, its them. Women constantly change their minds. A year or so ago I was texting back and forth with this girl, made plans 3 weeks in a row, each time with her giving me an excuse to not meet (I know, I should not have gave her another chance after the first time she BS'd on me). Well, I got a new girlfriend a month later, and throughout the following year she would text me here and there, I mostly ignored them or gave her vague responses, well eventually she ends up confessing her undying love for me (women...sheesh).

When me and my current ex and current baby's mama (lol) broke up, I took the former flaky girl out. I wasn't really feeling it, but I ended the night with a makeout session anyways, to have her text me 20 mins later saying "OMG I can't believe I finally got to kiss you" and "Best date ever".

It's almost like that movie 50 first dates with adam sandler. He could not attract the very same girl everyday. Some days he would get a date with her, some days she would blow him off.

Damn this reply got long, but I just wanted to say all that so that you would realize that it's not always your fault or your "lack of game" or should I have been ****y and funny? Did I not demonstrate higher value enough?

It's so easy to blame ourselves or beat ourselves up. Sometimes the interest is simply not there, or the girl is gay, or she, as in most cases, is just looking for some attention, or she is trying to make her current boyfriend jealous. The list could go on and on why a women will either reject you or flake during the initial date setup. Who cares why, just move on to the next one if she makes it impossible to meet up with her.

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
These are great replies and they both help remind me of things I've let slip out of my mentally when it comes to girls. I used to constantly tell myself "no matter what you know, or what you do, it always comes down to a numbers game"

I guess what changed is the fact that I've been using online dating sites more often now as I'm usually too busy to talk to girls in the real world. Well with online dating, it's all text and even a number exchange simply means you're just in another realm of texting. This is when things started to get foggy, as I would try setting up dates yet there'd be no rapport/comfort built up to even pique a girl's interest for an in person chat (albeit it has worked a good 1/5 times)

Anyone have any pointers on that? When a girl from online needs some sort of rapport/comfort before agreeing to meet? I think I'm falling victim to this and trying to engage in texts to get to next level but I simply feel like a high school teenager who's only giving a girl the attention she loves.


Don Juan
Mar 16, 2008
Reaction score
I have a girl doing the exact same thing right now. Trying to have total control, saying she wants to text for a few weeks, then I'm permitted to call her on the phone for awhile, then I may visit her highness first weekend of August if I like.

I'm about to send her on her way. There should be no problem whatsoever meeting someone after a few texts, especially if its somewhere busy.


Master Don Juan
Jan 11, 2011
Reaction score
Pass the poon forward bro. If you boot her, make sure to tell her why. Don't be mean about it or vindictive, just the facts. And be ready for some defensive blame shifting back to you. Don't argue, say you disagree and good luck...and mean it.

If more men did this, over time these types of behaviours would be less and less. One bird at a time.


Master Don Juan
Nov 14, 2007
Reaction score
Die Hard said:
Texting is meant to set up dates and just ocassionally to let her know that you're still alive, nothing more than that.
Txting is also to get them to send you slvtty pics lol

imarockstar said:
Trust me, if the girl is really interested, she will go out of her way to get together with you.
sooooooooo true! This is pretty much the reason I don't even take numbers down anymore, I just give them my business card. DHV and at the same time, like you said, if the girl wants to fvck me, she'll get a hold of me. If she don't want to, why waste my time and play all these mind games/txt games when I'm not gonna get any? I have way too much going on in my life to worry about chicks who are not interested in me.

That being said, I do txt quite a lot. One part of it is ego stroking, one part of it is I am actively trying to set up dates/meetings with the chicks, and one part of it is just being stuck in LA traffic bored as hell...

tryst type

Master Don Juan
Oct 13, 2007
Reaction score
UPDATE: Since starting this thread I've changed the way I use texts. I no longer try to engage in rapport building conversations through them (since I was under the false pretense that I have to in order to get them in person) what I've been doing is giving out my number and telling them to shoot me a text. If and when they do I engage in a total of no more than 10 texts of playful banter then instantly shift into setting up a time and place to get together.

I'm quite amazed of how well this works and how they'll follow suit. Now the ones that don't reach out first I don't even care about because they're most likely used to be chased and having their egos massaged which would probably be the ones who'll want texts all day with no in person meet or at least not for a while.

This new approach I'm trying is less work and stress free.