This girl....


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
Ok so here is the messed up story. I know that this topic has been done to death but i really sincerely just want help on it. Sorry if its a long read.

So i was dating this girl for 6 months and she was in love with me. I mean she really loved me and i had strong feelings for her too. Then i moved away and felt like i wanted to free myself of her to **** around. So one night she is pissed at me and i was angry and i broke up with her. She had also been suffering a lot of turmoil from me because all though i loved her part of me wanted to be single again to just **** around because im only 18.

Well last month i came home after messing around with a couple of girls and while i was kissing these girls i would imagine her. I figured out that i was a moron and tried to get her back and she gave me some **** about how she loved me but i had hurt her.

We decided to be just friends (yeah right), i pretended to be a friend but i would constantly be ****y funny, wouldn't be her tampon, and hit on her slightly whenever i could.

She invited me to this halloween party that was supposed to be tonight, but a couple of weeks ago she calls me and uninvites me saying some bull**** like there are too many people and i don't want any drama. So i pretend like it doesn't bother me when it ****ing tears me apart.

After that **** i talk to her and learn that she is dating some guy over the internet she met and they have never even met. BIG WTF on my part. I can't imagine her and this guy are that serious or that it will last he lives in the middle of the states and we are in california....

Now i am at home and we are getting along chatting. I didn't want to see her this trip, but i couldn't help but ask if she wanted to go to the beach on sunday. She said she would think about it but she would like to go.

I am pretty messed up i want her back or i just want to forget her. The trouble is when im with other girls i always feel like im cheating and its driving me nuts. It doesn't stop me from banging them but i just feel so dirty...

Thanks for reading all of that if you did. I either want some advice on how to get her back or how to get over her and this feeling i get.

I know i have big oneitis because she is the only person in the world who can control my actions. I feel like i would do anything for her and we would be so happy together (but at the same time i realize that kind of mentality is going to make me go crazy and lose her so i hide it).

Its a pretty ****ed up situation im in any advice?


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
Haha thanks guys. Truth is i wouldn't have responded to this either. I only really see once choice for me though now and i know its gonna end badly but im gonna do it anyway. I have decided that i am going to try and attract her while the online guy wears thin and hopes that she will fall back to me.

I have never done this before but i think its a much better strategy then cutting contact and waiting for her to come back.

Of couse i will go out and **** other women while i wait for this all to fall into place, but **** this is gonna end badly for me i forsee it.

I just dont see any other choice i would be happier with


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Look at the times you posted. Most of the posters you would want replying have "you know, like JOBS"
Just a good lesson for you, never throw something good in the trash;but never try to dig it back out of the trash[it usually has some funny smells and stains on it] either.


Master Don Juan
Mar 25, 2008
Reaction score
LOL. You know what to do man. Move on. But you know what you will do. Lately I've been hanging out with my former oneitis. We are working on an album together. It was tough at first...but we would sit and talk and she told me a lot of **** about her past that made me see her in a new (and unflattering) light. I treat her like a friend and like one of the boys in my crew. It's nutting her up that I'm not acting all AFC around her anymore. But the truth is I couldn't really see myself with her anymore so its not that I'm acting like I don't care. She's a great friend. It's just she's not the one for me.


Senior Don Juan
Sep 8, 2008
Reaction score
San Fran
I know what to do, i have already read enough on this site to know to move on. Am i going to do it? No i dont think i am lol, not for a while because i still have the deluded thought that i can get her back.

As to the poster about the jobs. I wasn't complaining cause nobody responded really, i just kind of used the forum to vent thinking that i needed advice. However, soon afterwards i realized that i knew what was going to be said and that it wouldn't matter.

I guess i was just looking for an alternate answer that doesn't exist.