Thinking about stopping drinking


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
-Gets to drunk to the point where i cant remember - I have problems controlling the amount I drink.

-Acts like an idiot

-Gets into fights

-To much confidence where again, i act like an idiot and dont care about the outcome

-Going to get licence back soon after a DWI - def should not be drinking.

Only positive is it helps with pick up when im at clubs or bars, when im sober i need to warm up with a couple of approaches.

Just feel like venting.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Kind of reminds me of myself at 25.

What good has come of drinking? What bad has come of drinking? Make a list. What's more important?

If you can get it under control, which is possible with some people, then get it under control...pronto. Otherwise, quit dude. Look at the future....where do you want to be? What's going to bring you there?

Where do you see yourself next year? Five years from now? Ten...

What do you need to do to get there?


Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
plate's_empty said:
Kind of reminds me of myself at 25.

What good has come of drinking? What bad has come of drinking? Make a list. What's more important?

If you can get it under control, which is possible with some people, then get it under control...pronto. Otherwise, quit dude. Look at the future....where do you want to be? What's going to bring you there?

Where do you see yourself next year? Five years from now? Ten...

What do you need to do to get there?
Im not drinking every day. I dont NEED alch, i know im not an alcoholic. Which is good, I can go days or weeks without it, but when i drink, i usually drink hard, then the sh1t happens.

It has its good and bad, helped me in the beg with pick up, the bad, over abused it like i said on my first post good things didnt come out of it..More bad then good. Im using it as a crutch when i go out to clubs.

I have the drive, and determination to succeed, i have multiple websites, tons of ideas, learning programming. I know what i have and where i see my self. I picture that end result in my head already. I see the Ferrari, I see the house, I see what i want. Now its just getting there.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
The man, who knows he can accomplish so much......but doesn't, finds his days in the cups, where it ends.



Master Don Juan
Nov 12, 2009
Reaction score
New York
plate's_empty said:
The man, who knows he can accomplish so much......but doesn't, finds his days in the cups, where it ends.

What do you mean by finding his days in the cups?

I have so much determination because I dont have it easy at home, a very over bearing father, I guess its the father vs son competition mentality.

What i think u mean is, im over working my self, and im drinking to escape?


Master Don Juan
Jun 25, 2011
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North America
Good for you Crissco!
At such a young age being so responsible.

Take a break and decide later if you wish to continue drinking wine or maybe beer.
I've quit before when my drinking started to become the norm.
10+ years later (when single again), I drink wine only and no longer have a problem.

If you do it though, make sure it's a binary decision (drink / don't drink).
"cutting down" was impossible for me (drank every other night to intoxication).
How I did it without annoyance was by body building and switching to a "clean" diet. I gained a ton of desirable weight and never felt better in my life (that was at about age 35).

It was awkward sometimes, people would look at me funny (if you don't drink, you must be a pi55tank). That's where the clean living thing helped. Nobody would judge you with that rational.

In short, if you're consuming the spirits and having blackouts ... you're heading down a very dark path. You need to get a handle on this ASAP or you will challenge your full potential.

If you find that this is too difficult for you to commit to, then please switch your poison to wine or beer. It won't be as nasty as out of control spirits.

Good luck.



Master Don Juan
Jan 22, 2005
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I was never a problem drinker, but I had a drunken night 4 or 5 months ago that made me pretty much renounce drunkeness altogether. I know everyone has been so hungover that they've sworn off drinking, but for me this was the last straw. I didnt even intend to get drunk, I just kept sipping in a hot tub for 3+ hours and man oh man....did I pay for it.

After that I sort of had this moment of clarity where I thought back on all the drunken nights and horrid hangovers I had in college and since then, and was like----WHY??? What benefit has this brought my life?? I spend lots of money, I say crass things, I put my **** where it shouldn't go and I feel like total sh!t for the next 18 hours. Enough already, I'm a grown-as$ man.

So since then I haven't been drunk. I do enjoy fine beer and have had up to 3 beers on occasion, but this is usually when a friend is in town---far from the norm. And I'm totally happy with that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
even with all that, you are just in better shape period.

i laugh at guys who say "well it helps me with women". having a 6 pack helps you with women more than being piss drunk helps you with women. alcohol is nothing but empty calories / carbs


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
I gave up drinking a while ago an am totally fine with it. I would only drink once a week at most, but I found after a few drinks I would get tired and really not feel all that great. Then the next day I felt like crap the entire day. So what was the point of drinking? None.

speed dawg

Master Don Juan
Jun 9, 2006
Reaction score
The Dirty South
I think moderation is the key here.

I enjoy smoking weed much more than drinking personally. But unfortunately, at this time, drinking is the legal one, so that's what I choose. Nothing wrong with drinking, just stop at 3. If you are an addictive or extremist personality, then yeah you probably need to completely stay away from such things.

This isn't rocket science.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Crissco said:
What i think u mean is, im over working my self, and im drinking to escape?
Not necessarily from working too hard, but from failing. Once in a while is okay, but it's very easy to use lose yourself in a bottle after a bad day. Just don't let that be the answer, then the cycle begins. And, it's all downhill from there.


Don Juan
May 20, 2013
Reaction score
Crazy how everyone on here just says don't drink, work out instead, or this or that. How about if you like drinking and hate working out? Not everyone is going to be the same. It's good that you don't drink everyday. I understand where you are coming from. You like to drink booze when you go out. THIS IS NORMAL or there would not be 100's bars in every city. And there wouldn't be happy hours, or beerfests! All those things are FUN. They don't require drinking, but it's a heck of a lot more fun.

When I am single I run into this problem you are having a lot more. Blackouts, etc. My biggest key is to just leave early at around 12 am. All the chicks leave that this time anyway. The last 2 hours is when you really get F'ed up and where I tend to get the most wasted (And get in fights and act like an idiot). But if you like drinking for the fun of it I don't see any problem with it. Life is short...LIVE IT UP!


Senior Don Juan
Mar 3, 2013
Reaction score
i was never into drinking, never saw a reason get into it.
approaching females sober, and during the day, is a large esteem and communication skills builder.

drinking would probably impede that.


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
EastvsWest said:
Crazy how everyone on here just says don't drink, work out instead, or this or that. How about if you like drinking and hate working out? Not everyone is going to be the same. It's good that you don't drink everyday. I understand where you are coming from. You like to drink booze when you go out. THIS IS NORMAL or there would not be 100's bars in every city. And there wouldn't be happy hours, or beerfests! All those things are FUN. They don't require drinking, but it's a heck of a lot more fun.

When I am single I run into this problem you are having a lot more. Blackouts, etc. My biggest key is to just leave early at around 12 am. All the chicks leave that this time anyway. The last 2 hours is when you really get F'ed up and where I tend to get the most wasted (And get in fights and act like an idiot). But if you like drinking for the fun of it I don't see any problem with it. Life is short...LIVE IT UP!
I'm in AA. i don't drink. don't even really desire to drink. I'm not an alcoholic I"m a drug addict, so for a few years when I left the AA program I drank once in a blue moon. But I"ve been clean for 8 years and some months and for about 6 of that I've been in AA and in those 6 years, haven't touched a drink.

I have found I can have just as much if not more fun sober than I can drinking.

A good analogy is the guy who thinks he HAS to eat ****ty food every time he goes out with friends because what'st he point of going out if you aren't going to enjoy yourself. You have equated enjoying yourself with drinking and you don't have to do that. it's all mental.

and my wife drinks. lol, at times like a fish. loves her wine. we have a house chalk full of it. Wine, wine coolers, some gin, a little vodka. she's not particularly picky. doesn't bother me in the least bit. I don't WANT to drink. I have no desire to take a drink. Drinking isn't going to do anything for me that I can't do for myself.


Master Don Juan
Jun 2, 2006
Reaction score
backbreaker said:
I'm in AA. i don't drink. don't even really desire to drink. I'm not an alcoholic I"m a drug addict, so for a few years when I left the AA program I drank once in a blue moon. But I"ve been clean for 8 years and some months and for about 6 of that I've been in AA and in those 6 years, haven't touched a drink.

I have found I can have just as much if not more fun sober than I can drinking.

A good analogy is the guy who thinks he HAS to eat ****ty food every time he goes out with friends because what'st he point of going out if you aren't going to enjoy yourself. You have equated enjoying yourself with drinking and you don't have to do that. it's all mental.

and my wife drinks. lol, at times like a fish. loves her wine. we have a house chalk full of it. Wine, wine coolers, some gin, a little vodka. she's not particularly picky. doesn't bother me in the least bit. I don't WANT to drink. I have no desire to take a drink. Drinking isn't going to do anything for me that I can't do for myself.
BB I could have sworn I remember a post or two from a couple years back where you wrote that you were enjoying a few alcoholic drinks while at home. Can't remember if it was when you were entertaining friends, betting online, or playing video games. But I swear I remember you writing about it.


Don Juan
Oct 17, 2012
Reaction score
I'm really considering this as well. Between forgetting things I said and feeling awkward when i find out what was communicated it just doesn't seem worth the trouble. That and feeling like a train wreck the next morning.........


Don Juan
Mar 27, 2013
Reaction score
Alcohol can be a potent ally or a devastating enemy, sooner you ll get to control it other than being controlled by it the better is


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
cordoncordon said:
BB I could have sworn I remember a post or two from a couple years back where you wrote that you were enjoying a few alcoholic drinks while at home. Can't remember if it was when you were entertaining friends, betting online, or playing video games. But I swear I remember you writing about it.

you are correct. as stated i went through a spat where I had a falling out with AA and becuase alcohol never was my drug of choice I drank every once in a while.

the only reason I don't drink today is beucase I go to AA meetings for my drug addiction and I sponsor people and stuff and i cant' sponsor someone drinking. When I go to AA / NA meetings I stop taking any mind altering substances

i even smoked a little weed back then lol.


Senior Don Juan
Apr 4, 2013
Reaction score
Mauser96 said:
The devastating enemy part, I know VERY, very well.
How is alcohol a "powerful ally" ?
parties. bars. clubs

liquid courage


Master Don Juan
Apr 24, 2002
Reaction score
monrovia, CA
i just got home from going to a Chinese buffet with a bunch of friends of mine in AA. about 15 of us. about 5-6 chicks all single. we had a blast.

last night i went to a party / get together an AA friend of mine had where we played Texas No Limit Hold em until about midnight. food, no drinks obviously, music, we had a freaking blast. sober as a mofo lol. a few cuties there. i was down to the last dude and went all in on 3 of a kind and the river card gave the other dude a straight flush and i lost like 200 bucks lol i'm still pissed over that ****. that was some lucky ass bull **** but whatever.

i mean i was telling my wife today because last night i did not get home until like 12:30 and didn't' get to sleep until like 2, i still woke up today at like 7am and i have been out of it all day long. just useless. in the gym, everything. I pretty much have to be in bed at no later than 10pm now for me to be of service the next day, because im getting up at 6am-7am. between my wife nagging me about whatever or my son just jumping on the bed trying to get me to play with him or my dog having to be taken out, i'm up. once the sun hits i'm up regardless of how much sleep i got. i'm not 20 anymore i can't sleep until 1pm .

so the type of "fun" that i have no is not the type of fun i had then. i don't do bars, unless i'm watching a sporting event and then i head back home. and honestly, im' having a lot more fun out of life now than i ever have.

i guess what i am trying to say is that, i guess i'm growing up. i mean what the **** going to bars talking to bar flys that's **** i did when i was 21-23. grown ass men got **** to do the next day.

there is hardly ever a situation where i have to be out of the house at 10pm anymore and because of that, i really don't need to drink.

what i am trying to say is, why are you putting yourself in the position to where you think you have to drink in the first place, you are a grown ass man. i'm sure if i visited bars and clubs every night i'd get the urge to drink to gain courage as well but i don't need courage to get my ass beat in cards lol or go the movies