Think I Should Have Tried C+F


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
I finally went to the doctor yesterday (I was running a few days ago, and now have tendonitis from my knee down to my ankle, yes it's painfull) and was (pleasantly) surprised to see a young attractive redhead come in to check me over.

I immediately thought of Nicole Kidman when I saw her; tall, slim, kinky hair pulled back in a ponytail. She even spoke with a slight Aussie accent! Anyway, here she was on her knees in front of me (I was sitting) feeling around my knee and ankle asking where it hurt, even though I had my finger on the sore spot, she could'nt seem to find it. I got the feeling she was a little uncomfortable though.

I was a bit tempted to say something smart-assed like "relax, I'm sure this isn't the first time you've been down there." , with a coy smile of course. Way too far right?? Slap across the face too far? Discretion won out as usual, and I remained my polite 'nice' self. :nono:

She had the greatest smile, and I've never had a woman maintain eye contact as long as her; she wouldn't look away while talking. It actually made me a little nervous.

Should I have tried some C+F? She was really easy going and probably would have just laughed, but you never know.

Francisco d'Anconia

Master Don Juan
Jul 10, 2003
Reaction score
Galt's Gulch
CanuckinSK said:
...Should I have tried some C+F? She was really easy going and probably would have just laughed, but you never know.
If you're genuinely ****y and funny then yes, if you aren't you run the risk of coming off as an @sshole if you don't know what you're doing.


Don Juan
Jun 19, 2004
Reaction score
Wallingford, CT

I agree with Francisco.

I will add that C&F is not for everybody. It requires a guy that is naturally a playful ball-buster type, and it requires a good-natured high self esteem girl to appreciate it. If the guy is naturally shy/quiet, it could come off like an insult and get you slapped (or worse). In addition, if the girl is low self esteem (or having a really bad day), she could get pretty upset.

While she sounds like a cool girl who could take it, if you aren't comfortable with c&f, you did the right thing by not going there.



Master Don Juan
Aug 20, 2005
Reaction score
using that kind of line would make you look like a creep in that scenario, no matter how good at C&F you typically are.

i'll tell you why. because she is at her place of work, she can't react as she would like. you know this, she knows this.

as a result, when you pull a sexist comment like that she would feel that you are leveraging the situation to be sexist towards her knowing that she can't react how she might like to. in essence you are making a powerplay - which is not the point of C*F.

sexist comments that objectify a woman should NOT NOT NOT be used in the work place!

anyway, the simpliest and best strategy for you to have used was to simply start a casual conversation with her and ask a lot of questions focused on her.

"so how long have you been a nurse?"
"do you like being a nurse?"
"what made you want to become a nurse?"

if she is in the least bit interested in you she will yammer on endlessly about these things. and in doing so you will develop a bond with her within 10 minutes that allows you to ask her out without anyone feeling awkward.

in professional settings the best way to let a woman know you are interested in her is to ask her questions about her! trust me, women know what you are doing.

how many guys do you think she sees every day? TONS. how many of them ask her why she became a nurse? NONE. correction, a few of the 80 year old guys probably do (its taken 80 years, but they've figured out how to get women interested in conversing with them!) :p

see, once she spills her guts to you, that becomes your perfect lead in. now it just looks like you were having a casual conversation, but now that you found out more about her you suddenly want to get to know her even more - hence the idea of a date.

when you dont ask a woman anything about her, and show no interest in her as a person, and simply ask her out, from her perspective its 100% sexual. after all, why would you ask her out without knowing anything about her? the only reason is you think shes hot.

which may be a good reason for you, but that is not what is going to peak her intersest in you - unless she also just wants to jump your bones without knowing anything about you.


Don Juan
Aug 20, 2007
Reaction score
Whew! Ok, I guess I did the right thing. Show interest in her personally? Hmmm, verrry interesting... This will sound crazy, but it never occured to me that I should try this on a highly educated and intelligent woman (she's a DOCTOR btw, not a nurse-my bad, as I didn't mention this is the original post). I mean, I didn't want her to think I was hitting on her. I think I'd have 0 chance with a doctor.

Anyway, if a woman asks me questions, I reciprocate, but I'll never initiate for (you guessed it) fear of rejection. I'll have to try it next time.