Think I picked up an STD - Still stay with GF?


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
So I have been seeing this girl since November of last year... We don't use rubbers.. and I've been banging her pretty consistently since then. Since we weren't using rubbers she brought up that we should just be intimate with each other and I agreed.

This past weekend she came over and we F'd all weekend... Even on her period...

Well this week I've noticed itchy/painful urination, discharge... basically all the things symptoms associated with chlamydia or gonorrhea. I did have sexual contact with a different woman a few weeks ago.. but hadn't had any symptoms and I had been messing with her consistently for a month before. What I am saying is that if I caught anything it probably was from this current girl from this weekend since the symptoms started soon after.

So anyway this weekend we decided to make ourselves official.. she is my gf now... She told me she was last with someone about 5 months ago... I am thinking that she might have had something but probably wasn't aware of it since girls don't show symptoms like guys do.

I am going to try and confirm my prognosis today... if it turns out I do have this.. should I still stay with her? Again she didn't really do anything wrong aside from not getting tested from her last sex partner..


Mar 10, 2010
Reaction score
The Wacky Races
The fact that she had a 'last sex partner' disqualifies her already. You should get tested for EVERY STD now... and in the case that you do have a big one, I suppose you should stay with her. I would stop having sex till you are tested again though.


Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Reyaj,
Sounds like the Clap (Gonorrhea)...write to Collossus...He is the full Monty on this stuff...Before ever embarking on unprotected Svex,you should both trot along to your nearest STD clinic...not an unpleasant experience at all...I go at least most Countries this is free,in my Town you even get a Cup of Tea and a Biscuit while you are filling out the can get a written appraisal of the tests you have been given...can be quite useful on the Dating Scene!


Master Don Juan
Nov 15, 2004
Reaction score
Get your prognosis, get your pills to knock out the infection, and then get her to do the same. If it's gonnorrhea, it's easy to get rid of and isn't really a big deal. If you approach her like it's no big deal, she should (hopefully) be more receptive to it. If she starts an argument with you about it and accuses you of screwing around instead of taking the responsibility for having it, then drop her ass.


Master Don Juan
Jun 11, 2008
Reaction score
South Dakota
Well, since you were scr2WING around, you COULD have given it to HER.... Kind of hard to throw stones in a glass house..... MAYBE ask the Doctor what the incubation time is once you know what it is.... IF it's only a week incubation, well then, she gave it to you and you need to drop her ass because she got it somewhere else (or you would have gotten it in November the FIRST time you did the deed}


Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Are you serious?
You are 37 , what the fvck. Having sex without a condom is stupid.


Master Don Juan
May 19, 2002
Reaction score
Northern CALI USA
Having sex without a condom is f$*#( awseome! In all seriousness i know its risky.. but if you are seeing someone and you are exclusive then it's great.

I know I am not saint.. but I technically was not in a relationship with any of these 2 girls who I've been messing with. The girl I recently got into a relationship I was banging since November, and the one I messed with 2 weeks ago we've been hooking up since January. I always used a condom with her.. but we did have direct genital contact without it so its not impossible that I did get it from her...

But here's the deal.. I don't really know what I have?? I went to one of these urgent care facilities and they said I needed go to a special lab to get tested for STDS.. but based on the symptoms he said I either had Clamydia or Ghonneria... He prescribed me antibiotics which I have been taking and its getting better. However these antibiotics also kill urinary tract infections as well.

The point is if I go and get tested nothing will show up now because I already have had the medicine blast it out.. In the past I had a similar experience where they did the same ****.. but I actually got tested and it came back negative when it really was a urinary tract infection... but who the hell knows??

Regarding the 2 girls... My gf says she was tested in August of last year and has only been with me since (I suspect there not being someone in between is a lie though)

The girl since January told me she hadn't had sex in 2 years (she was raped) and took a test in December of last year which was all clear (yearly gyno)

So I am having my gf go get tested next week and basically framed it as we should both go do it cause its the right thing to do when you are in a relationship. She didn't object or anything.

The incubation period for Clamdyia or Gonnorea could be up to 3 weeks.. What doesn't make sense though is that I've been raw dogging this girl for months now and never had an issue. We had sex like crazy all last weekend.. I didn't shower right away so is it possible I had some bacteria get inside??



Master Don Juan
May 10, 2013
Reaction score
Reyaj said:
Having sex without a condom is f$*#( awseome! In all seriousness i know its risky.. but if you are seeing someone and you are exclusive then it's great.

I know I am not saint.. but I technically was not in a relationship with any of these 2 girls who I've been messing with. The girl I recently got into a relationship I was banging since November, and the one I messed with 2 weeks ago we've been hooking up since January. I always used a condom with her.. but we did have direct genital contact without it so its not impossible that I did get it from her...

But here's the deal.. I don't really know what I have?? I went to one of these urgent care facilities and they said I needed go to a special lab to get tested for STDS.. but based on the symptoms he said I either had Clamydia or Ghonneria... He prescribed me antibiotics which I have been taking and its getting better. However these antibiotics also kill urinary tract infections as well.

The point is if I go and get tested nothing will show up now because I already have had the medicine blast it out.. In the past I had a similar experience where they did the same ****.. but I actually got tested and it came back negative when it really was a urinary tract infection... but who the hell knows??

Regarding the 2 girls... My gf says she was tested in August of last year and has only been with me since (I suspect there not being someone in between is a lie though)

The girl since January told me she hadn't had sex in 2 years (she was raped) and took a test in December of last year which was all clear (yearly gyno)

So I am having my gf go get tested next week and basically framed it as we should both go do it cause its the right thing to do when you are in a relationship. She didn't object or anything.

The incubation period for Clamdyia or Gonnorea could be up to 3 weeks.. What doesn't make sense though is that I've been raw dogging this girl for months now and never had an issue. We had sex like crazy all last weekend.. I didn't shower right away so is it possible I had some bacteria get inside??



Master Don Juan
Jan 27, 2008
Reaction score
Dear Rejaj,
Yes I have had Gonorhea,in the past...Fifty years ago LOL,with a Woman Police Officer,work that out!...And yeah I think you were OK to go bareback with Baby No I....I would have too...But Baby No 2...Pretty irresponsible....However I have also had Urinary Tract Infections,which gave the Symptoms of an STD...You could well have had the same problem,If One or More of these Girls proves Positive,there is your answer...In this Country they are very free and easy until they turn up a problem,then it is a Police matter if you do not divulge the names of all people you could have infected!