These are guidelines. Use your instincts!


Don Juan
Aug 27, 2003
Reaction score
It seems as though many come searching for tips on how to become a Don Juan and pick up their game with women. This is great, however, I believe people commonly make the mistake of taking all tips as if they must be followed to the tee.

An important thing to remember is that the tips you read on this site and elsewhere are guidelines. Sometimes its better to break the "rules" instead of follow them. What I'm saying is that you need to use your instincts!

If you have an instinct that you shouldn't wait so long to call a girl or you think you should wait longer then do it! Another example deals with KINO. It has been said on this site that you should limit your KINO to certain areas based on a particular situation. This is great advice! BUT. Every situation is different and so is every girl. If your instincts tell you to do something that is not reccomended by many on this site don't second guess yourself.

For a beginning DJ, it is probably best for you to follow the advice on this board more closely. However, as you gain experience and your DJ instincts expand, don't be afraid to use them.