There's No Pattern To a Woman's Attraction


Apr 17, 2019
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There absolutely is no pattern whatsoever to a woman’s attraction. Or rather, just like men, they are attracted to large numbers of the opposite sex, with a rather low standard of beauty. But, unlike men, they suppress that attraction (women are sick). They don’t do that in other cultures which is why their behavior differs, I think. There is no pattern, AT ALL, to when a woman switches off her suppression of attraction. But, when she does, she rationalizes it after the fact. Often, she switches it off because she has starved herself for affection for so long that she "binges"…..goes out, gets drunk, and picks up some random guy. Not only that, but women are total cowards. Even if they are drooling over some guy, they won’t even hint at it unless the guy elicits it somehow.

There are three exceptions to this. The first is if a guy is extremely provocative, with model good looks. Often, his presence will elicit a binge in a woman. Often it won’t and he will be treated like a dog, even though he is literally, on the top of the food chain. The second is the rich guy. Women will allow themselves (or, mostly pretend to allow) themselves to become attracted to a rich guy, to get their hands on his money. The third is someone who is famous. Even a moderate amount of fame will have large numbers of women drooling over a guy.

A lot of the problems is that the average woman(5) thinks it's a 7 who deserves a 9 guy. These women rarely get the 9. However, what they do is randomly screw men who are anywhere from a 1 to a 6. Most of the time they are stuck up, wanting that 9. But much like their eating, which involves several days of strict control followed by a binge once or twice a week, they’d sleep with anybody.

All women are like this, beautiful, ugly, single, married, young, old. Their status is mostly fixed. Most of the time they will only consider that high end range of their status. But alot of the time they will grab a random person from somewhere in a range around their status. Let’s say she is a 6. Most of the time she won’t even glance at any guy who isn’t a 10. But once or twice a month, she’d grab a 4. Once she has sex with that 4, HE BECOMES ONE OF THE GUYS SHE’D HAVE SEX WITH AT ANY TIME.

If you’re a 5 (ie most guys), you either need to limit yourself initially to women who you are a 10 for OR you need to improve your timing and be able to tell when women are in slut mode.

Also, and this is important, because women make these decisions at random, they often have difficulty judging their looks, status, whatever, compared to yours. What matters is social proofing. No matter how ugly you look, if you date a lot of women, good looking women will find you attractive. This also works in reverse. That's why it's almost impossible to get dates on Tinder. Women there think you're a loser for being online and unable to get any dates at all. It doesn't matter if you have all these signs of being much higher status than her. All she looks at is the social proof that you are also an online loser, like her.

Anyway, my point is this. It is impossible to increase the number of women who are interested in you by increasing your “attractiveness”. You can lose weight, buff up your body, get better clothes, better style, whatever, and you may change slightly the quality of women who are interested in you, but not the number. You can also change your behavior, but that only changes who specifically reacts to you. You can be nice, or you can be playfully arrogant, or you can be a total ****heel. You can sharpen your technique or get better at the “game”. But, it’s all pointless. It may change who, but not how many. Nothing will allow you to pick and choose who, specifically, will respond.
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Apr 26, 2006
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Northeast Florida, USA
Never try to turn an art gallery into a math problem
Math is what it is, but it’s very simple math. Women pick the highest status male available to them at the time. He could be a 9.25 tonight but do something beta and drop to an 8.4. Meanwhile there was an 8.9 in the orbiter pile. She will flake on the 8.4 and now the 8.9 is in. But then the 8.9 dumps her. Now she’s back to the 8.4. Because he’s now the highest SMV value in the orbit. Then she Meets a 9.7 at the club, and the 8.4 is flaked on once again. Rinse and repeat...


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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The thread title alone is enough it's simple true and straight to the point


Master Don Juan
Jun 20, 2013
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Women are attracted to a broad pool of men. Ranging from ugly to incredibly handsome. Having model looks is a bonus, so is having money. You could know a hot chick who usually dates average looking guys who she thinks are hot but really aren't. Then another time date a model. Most women and dudes are average to ugly looking sorry but that's the facts. In today's society a female 7 is really a 9 same for men. People are generally unpleasing to look at


Master Don Juan
Aug 6, 2009
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Math is what it is, but it’s very simple math. Women pick the highest status male available to them at the time. He could be a 9.25 tonight but do something beta and drop to an 8.4. Meanwhile there was an 8.9 in the orbiter pile. She will flake on the 8.4 and now the 8.9 is in. But then the 8.9 dumps her. Now she’s back to the 8.4. Because he’s now the highest SMV value in the orbit. Then she Meets a 9.7 at the club, and the 8.4 is flaked on once again. Rinse and repeat...
Lol, that is probably true for girls who are commitmentphobes, or for true female plate spinners who do not like to be attached.

For the average girl, I don't think they swing back and forth quite so quickly. Pair bonding has some stabilizing effect on them. When the pair bonds start to weaken though - and this can take anywhere from months to years to decades - then the enticement to move up can be hard for them to resist.

If decades pass though, their own value may have eroded, but some will prefer the freedom and theoretical excitement of being single again, if the relationship has grown too stale.

Poonani Maker

Master Don Juan
Apr 29, 2007
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Women will think "just because" you're with such and such "company" then you Must be (popular) something special or chosen for a reason. I'm telling you that if I was a ditch digger or janitor or less than 60K a year male, then I believe most women I run into would not give a flip about me and would look down on me even, but I garner smiles daily due to They Know (my yearly income, stability, oh look there he is). The women who are oblivious to my real income/status (they just don't know or care or let's just say they got wrong connections wired in their brains or no understanding) are totally not interested. I treat all women, even the ones who lavish me (because they know) as less than or as "as you should be" you know how black n' white movies used to portray the male/female subservient secretary dynamic. She settles back into her role of lavishing and praising and honoring you, it's service, and she's in her element, I take it all in and interact, I try to compliment her too. When females notice your haircut and can't stop commenting about it even 3 weeks after their first comment on it, you know something's up. She's in a low wage job, she wants to make stuff happen, she wants to move things to a better life. She can dangle her t!tties and I will dangle my carrots. But I think that there is a world view behind such pursuit also. She must not have encumbrances of certain religions. She wants what the world has to offer. The more spiritual woman may take pause, and be skeptical of me. I don't like the yeast that rises for me to attract, because it's a worldly attraction and you have to wonder if she'll ever change to that spiritual being that only loves your spirit, that only loves you despite what she can gain from your worldly coattail.


Don Juan
Apr 17, 2019
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Bro, some guys can't fck even one woman after approaching thousands, some guys fck at least 10 hotties out of 100 approaches. Your game and behaviour are most important factors, they could make a difference between getting zero results or getting results most men can't even dream about. There are patterns to female attraction and there are patterns in getting results with women, IDK why you are making this point just out of the fact what your looks aren't so important to women (in some other thread there is discussion about women being ****ed by ugly lesbians) - it is pretty much obvious what they don't choose someone solely based on looks. Yes, women sexually attracted to almost all guys, to some extent, but they will, eventually, fck only those who either considered as higher value (alpha) or those who are of same value and ready to commit (provider). Sex isn't so important to humans, men chase sex because it makes our social value higher, not because we love sex so much (a lot of guys stay virgins for years even though they could easily get a hooker), same for women - they will sleep with a guy when it is something what makes their social value higher, not lower. Nymphos are exception though.
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Master Don Juan
Oct 12, 2009
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There absolutely is no pattern whatsoever to a woman’s attraction. Or rather, just like men, they are attracted to large numbers of the opposite sex, with a rather low standard of beauty. But, unlike men, they suppress that attraction (women are sick). They don’t do that in other cultures which is why their behavior differs, I think. There is no pattern, AT ALL, to when a woman switches off her suppression of attraction. But, when she does, she rationalizes it after the fact. Often, she switches it off because she has starved herself for affection for so long that she "binges"…..goes out, gets drunk, and picks up some random guy. Not only that, but women are total cowards. Even if they are drooling over some guy, they won’t even hint at it unless the guy elicits it somehow.

There are three exceptions to this. The first is if a guy is extremely provocative, with model good looks. Often, his presence will elicit a binge in a woman. Often it won’t and he will be treated like a dog, even though he is literally, on the top of the food chain. The second is the rich guy. Women will allow themselves (or, mostly pretend to allow) themselves to become attracted to a rich guy, to get their hands on his money. The third is someone who is famous. Even a moderate amount of fame will have large numbers of women drooling over a guy.

A lot of the problems is that the average woman(5) thinks it's a 7 who deserves a 9 guy. These women rarely get the 9. However, what they do is randomly screw men who are anywhere from a 1 to a 6. Most of the time they are stuck up, wanting that 9. But much like their eating, which involves several days of strict control followed by a binge once or twice a week, they’d sleep with anybody.

All women are like this, beautiful, ugly, single, married, young, old. Their status is mostly fixed. Most of the time they will only consider that high end range of their status. But alot of the time they will grab a random person from somewhere in a range around their status. Let’s say she is a 6. Most of the time she won’t even glance at any guy who isn’t a 10. But once or twice a month, she’d grab a 4. Once she has sex with that 4, HE BECOMES ONE OF THE GUYS SHE’D HAVE SEX WITH AT ANY TIME.

If you’re a 5 (ie most guys), you either need to limit yourself initially to women who you are a 10 for OR you need to improve your timing and be able to tell when women are in slut mode.

Also, and this is important, because women make these decisions at random, they often have difficulty judging their looks, status, whatever, compared to yours. What matters is social proofing. No matter how ugly you look, if you date a lot of women, good looking women will find you attractive. This also works in reverse. That's why it's almost impossible to get dates on Tinder. Women there think you're a loser for being online and unable to get any dates at all. It doesn't matter if you have all these signs of being much higher status than her. All she looks at is the social proof that you are also an online loser, like her.

Anyway, my point is this. It is impossible to increase the number of women who are interested in you by increasing your “attractiveness”. You can lose weight, buff up your body, get better clothes, better style, whatever, and you may change slightly the quality of women who are interested in you, but not the number. You can also change your behavior, but that only changes who specifically reacts to you. You can be nice, or you can be playfully arrogant, or you can be a total ****heel. You can sharpen your technique or get better at the “game”. But, it’s all pointless. It may change who, but not how many. Nothing will allow you to pick and choose who, specifically, will respond.
Nice threads you are making. Sounds like a porn clip because what you just wrote is just very hard to believe. It's a fun read though so I'm liking your posts on the entertainment value alone. But we all know that's fantasy hogwash.


Apr 26, 2006
Reaction score
Northeast Florida, USA
Lol, that is probably true for girls who are commitmentphobes, or for true female plate spinners who do not like to be attached.

For the average girl, I don't think they swing back and forth quite so quickly.
Ok maybe not AS quickly, but i think most women do this game of numbers some just slower than others. So instead of jumping from the 9.25/8.4 to the 8.9 to the 8.4 again, and on to the 9.7 in a month, they may do it over several years in the form of at least one divorce and the other as LTRs. Kind of like stock charts. The day trader (riding the carousel and jumping c0ck to c0ck quickly ) versus the long term trader (marriage and LTR jumping)They both just use different charts with different time frames but otherwise work the same numbers in the same way.


Master Don Juan
Mar 9, 2012
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Imagine for me if you will: every member of the opposite sex wants to fvck you. You know it, they know it, the people across the street eating dinner outside know it. Everywhere you walk you get the eyes from women. You get approached all the time by women looking to fvck you.

Congratulations, you are now thinking like an attractive woman. 7s, certainly 8s and 9s, go through this routine every. single. day. If you had the breadth of options a woman does, wouldn't you act accordingly? Women are free to be choosers and select any man they want because they are so acutely aware that another high value man is around the corner willing to drop everything for the chance to date them.

Why would anyone with options box themselves in. You wanna know how you combat this? And this is where I disagree with OP. You become the one with options too. You will never beat an attractive woman at this game but you must always be willing to walk away and find/attract NEW women. Make yourself more "attractive." Absolutely do that because it will affect so many things in your life: attractive people are more successful in life, not just with the opposite sex.

Spin plates fellas, short 3-6 months relationships with many women. Take care of your own affairs, put women 3rd or 4th. They are not used to this and it will set you apart.


Don Juan
May 27, 2019
Reaction score
A lot of the problems is that the average woman(5) thinks it's a 7 who deserves a 9 guy. These women rarely get the 9. However, what they do is randomly screw men who are anywhere from a 1 to a 6. Most of the time they are stuck up, wanting that 9. But much like their eating, which involves several days of strict control followed by a binge once or twice a week, they’d sleep with anybody.
Totally agree with the one in bold, which is pretty much depicting the crooked self-evaluation most women out there have for themselves and totally disagree with the rest of the quote. Do you honestly believe that an average looking girl will lower her standards, just like that, and get laid with an ugly, low-value guy (2-4), even just every now and then? Just for the sake of "scratching her itches"? Which part of the world is this happening? What kind of grizzly game should these 2-guys have in order to score a chick that much higher?

If I follow your logic, then I'd conclude that an average guy (6-7) should have no issues screwing a hot 10 at least once a month.
I don't think it works that way. Virtually, no woman will settle for any guy whom she sees as a value lower or much lower than her own. Secondly, women know that there are plenty of men out there that are after the p*ssy, including hot and high-value dudes and they know that those dudes won't have much of a problem to bang some chick with seemingly lower value (i.e. not-so-attractive one). That being said, a woman should be in no rush to compromise so much, knowing that worst-case scenario, she could land someone with at least an equal SMV. Of course, I know there are some extremes and anomalies but I usually avoid considering them as they could not and should not represent the general picture that well.