There no such thing as Bad Luck?


Don Juan
Dec 2, 2002
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Ok, this is ripped this off a book i just read but I just want to share it with you. I think it's great and will help bring us out of a depressing situation which seem to be a common problem for AFCs :p

There was once a farmer who had a son and a horse. One day the farmer's horse ran away, an all his neighbours came to console him, saying: "What bad luck you have!" But the old man refused to get upset and said "who knows it's good luck or bad luck?"

The next day the horse returned home with 20 wild horses. Now the neighbours celebrated and said "What good luck you have! Now you have 20 more horses!" But the farmer refused to celebrate and said "who knows whether it's good or bad?"

The next day the farmer's son was riding amongst the wild horses, and fell and broke his leg. The neighbours came to console him saying "What bad luck!" The old man just said "who knows if it's good or bad?

Another week when by and the army when to town , enlisting all able men to fight in the distant lands. The farmer's son, being injured, was left behind. Now the peole are saying "What good luck you have!"

You can spend your whole life figuring everything out. "This is good...this is bad..." It is futile. We label something as a "disaster" when we only see 1% of the picture. If you believe it is a disaster, it will remain a disaster for you. If you tell yourself "She rejected me! I am a loser! There's no way I can get a girl!", you will remain that way! You will be a loser who a week, a month or a lifetime if you want. Only when you see that it might not be necessarily bad and want to move on, would you be free from being a loser. Tell yourself: " There is no accident in life, I am where i want to be". Move on and learn from your experience. Do not get upset over anything! A year down the road you'll be walking on the streets with a girl in your arm, and you'll see the girl who rejected you. You won't be upset, but only thinking "Thank god I ****ed up on that ugly girl or I'd **** up on this babe in my arm instead!"